예제 #1
    def __find_start_trade_id(self, pair, start_unix):
        """Find starting trade ID given start UNIX.

            pair (str): Currency pair.
            start_unix (int): Start UNIX to map to a start trade ID (inclusive).

            Earliest trade ID after time `start_unix`.
        # check if no pair trades exist before start_unix
        r = self.__get_slice(pair, 1 + self.__MAX_LIMIT)
        oldest_t = timeutil.iso_to_unix(r[-1]['time'])
        if oldest_t > start_unix:
            print('GDAX\t| No trades exist for {} before {}'.format(
                pair, start_unix))
            return 1

        # binary search start trade ID
        start, end = 1, self.__find_last_trade_id(pair)
        while start <= end:
            mid = (start + end) // 2
            r = self.__get_slice(pair, mid + 1)
            newest_t = timeutil.iso_to_unix(r[0]['time'])
            oldest_t = timeutil.iso_to_unix(r[-1]['time'])
            if start_unix < oldest_t:
                end = mid
            elif start_unix > newest_t:
                start = mid
                # find trade start ID in the returned list
                for row in r:
                    current_t = timeutil.iso_to_unix(row['time'])
                    if start_unix > current_t:
                        return row['trade_id'] + 1
예제 #2
    def __find_start_trade_id(self, pair, start_unix):
        """Find starting trade ID given start UNIX.

            pair (str): Currency pair.
            start_unix (int): Start UNIX to map to a start trade ID (inclusive).

            Earliest trade ID after time `start_unix`.
        # check if no pair trades exist before start_unix
        r = self.__get_slice(pair, 0)
        oldest_t = timeutil.iso_to_unix(r[0]['timestamp'])
        if oldest_t > start_unix:
            print('Bitmex\t| No trades exist for {} before {}'.format(
                pair, start_unix))
            return 0

        # incrementally search start trade ID
        current_id = 0
        increment = 10000000

        while True:
            current_id += increment
            # old -> new
            r = self.__get_slice(pair, current_id)


            if len(r) == 0:
                current_id -= increment
                increment = increment // 2

            oldest_t = timeutil.iso_to_unix(r[0]['timestamp'])
            newest_t = timeutil.iso_to_unix(r[-1]['timestamp'])

            if start_unix > oldest_t and start_unix < newest_t:
                # answer is in this page
                for row in r:
                    if timeutil.iso_to_unix(row['timestamp']) >= start_unix:
                        return current_id
                    current_id += 1
            elif start_unix > newest_t:
            elif start_unix < oldest_t:
                current_id -= increment
                increment = increment // 2
            elif start_unix > oldest_t and len(r) < self.__MAX_LIMIT:
                # last page
                for row in r:
                    if timeutil.iso_to_unix(row['timestamp']) >= start_unix:
                        return current_id
                    current_id += 1
                return current_id  # starting at this id will return empty list
예제 #3
    def __get_slice(self, pair, start):
        """Makes a call to the API that fetches trade data.

        Example call:

            pair (str): Currency pair.
            start (int): UNIX of oldest trade data (inclusive).

            Trade data from time `start`, up to time `end`, in the order of
            increasing UNIX.
        params = {'currencyPair': pair,
                  'start': start,
                  'end': start + self.__MAX_RANGE}
        # new -> old
        r = self.__get('/public?command=returnTradeHistory', params)

        if len(r) >= self.__MAX_LIMIT:
            oldest_date = r[-1]['date']
            oldest_date = timeutil.iso_to_unix(oldest_date)
            r.extend(self.__get_slice(pair, start, oldest_date))
        return r
예제 #4
    def __find_last_trade_time(self, pair):
        """Find the latest time of trade for a given pair.

            pair (str): Currency pair.

            UNIX of last trade for `pair`.
        params = {'currencyPair': pair}
        # new -> old
        r = self.__get('/public?command=returnTradeHistory', params)
        return timeutil.iso_to_unix(r[0]['date'])
예제 #5
    def download_data(self, pair, start, end):
        """Download trade data and store as .csv file.

            pair (str): Currency pair.
            start (int): Start UNIX of trade data to download.
            end (int): End UNIX of trade data to download.
        dataio = DataIO(savedir=self._savedir, fieldnames=self.FIELDNAMES)
        if dataio.csv_check(pair):
            last_row = dataio.csv_get_last(pair)
            newest_id = int(last_row['trade_id']) + 1
            newest_t = int(last_row['time'])
            newest_id = self.__find_start_trade_id(pair, start)
            newest_t = 0

        last_trade_id = self.__find_last_trade_id(pair)

        while newest_t < end:
            # new -> old
            r = self.__get_slice(pair, newest_id + self.__MAX_LIMIT)

            # break condition
            to_break = False

            # old -> new, add unix timestamp
            new_r = []
            for row in reversed(r):
                if row['trade_id'] > newest_id:
                    row['date'] = row['time']
                    row['time'] = timeutil.iso_to_unix(row['time'])
                if row['trade_id'] == last_trade_id:
                    to_break = True

            # save to file
            dataio.csv_append(pair, new_r)

            # break condition
            if to_break:

            # prepare next iteration
            newest_id = new_r[-1]['trade_id']
            newest_t = new_r[-1]['time']
            print('GDAX\t| {} : {}'.format(timeutil.unix_to_iso(newest_t),

        print('GDAX\t| Download complete : {}'.format(pair))
예제 #6
    def download_data(self, pair, start, end):
        """Download trade data and store as .csv file.

            pair (str): Currency pair.
            start (int): Start UNIX of trade data to download.
            end (int): End UNIX of trade data to download.
        dataio = DataIO(savedir=self._savedir, fieldnames=self.FIELDNAMES)
        if dataio.csv_check(pair):
            last_row = dataio.csv_get_last(pair)
            newest_id = int(last_row['trade_id']) + 1
            newest_t = int(last_row['time'])
            newest_id = self.__find_start_trade_id(pair, start)
            newest_t = 0

        while newest_t < end:
            # new -> old
            r = self.__get_slice(pair, newest_id)

            # old -> new, add unix timestamp
            new_r = []
            for i, row in enumerate(r):
                row['time'] = timeutil.iso_to_unix(row['timestamp'])
                row['date'] = row['timestamp']
                row['trade_id'] = newest_id + i
                row['side'] = row['side'].lower()
                row.pop('timestamp', None)
                row.pop('symbol', None)

            # save to file
            dataio.csv_append(pair, new_r)

            # break condition
            if len(r) < self.__MAX_LIMIT:

            # prepare next iteration
            newest_id = new_r[-1]['trade_id'] + 1
            newest_t = new_r[-1]['time']
            print('Bitmex\t| {} : {}'.format(
                timeutil.unix_to_iso(newest_t), pair))

        print('Bitmex\t| Download complete : {}'.format(pair))
예제 #7
    def download_data(self, pair, start, end):
        """Download trade data and store as .csv file.

            pair (str): Currency pair.
            start (int): Start UNIX of trade data to download.
            end (int): End UNIX of trade data to download.
        dataio = DataIO(savedir=self._savedir, fieldnames=self.FIELDNAMES)
        last_row = None
        if dataio.csv_check(pair):
            last_row = dataio.csv_get_last(pair)
            newest_t = int(last_row['time'])
            newest_t = self.__find_start_trade_time(pair, start) - 1

        # break condition
        last_trade_time = self.__find_last_trade_time(pair)

        while newest_t < end:
            # new -> old
            r = self.__get_slice(pair, newest_t)

            # old -> new; remove duplicate data by trade ID
            new_r = []
            for row in reversed(r):
                if last_row is not None:
                    if int(last_row['tradeID']) >= row['tradeID']:
                        continue  # remove duplicates
                last_row = row
                row['time'] = timeutil.iso_to_unix(row['date'])

            if newest_t > last_trade_time:

            # save to file
            dataio.csv_append(pair, new_r)

            # prepare next iteration
            newest_t += self.__MAX_RANGE
            print('Poloniex| {} : {}'.format(
                timeutil.unix_to_iso(newest_t), pair))

        print('Poloniex| Download complete : {}'.format(pair))
예제 #8
    def __find_start_trade_time(self, pair, start_unix):
        """Find a valid start UNIX, given arbitrary start UNIX.

            pair (str): Currency pair.
            start (int): Start UNIX of trade data check if valid.

            A valid start UNIX, either `start_unix` or UNIX of first trade
            ever made for `pair`.
        # check if no pair trades exist before start_unix
        r = self.__get_slice(pair, start_unix)
        while len(r) == 0:
            start_unix += 1000000
            r = self.__get_slice(pair, start_unix)
        oldest_t = timeutil.iso_to_unix(r[-1]['date'])
        return oldest_t
예제 #9
import timeutil

if __name__ == '__main__':
    unix = 1500000000

    # unix to ...
    iso = timeutil.unix_to_iso(unix)
    utc_date = timeutil.unix_to_utc_date(unix)
    local_date = timeutil.unix_to_local_date(unix)
    print('unix conversion:', iso)
    print('unix conversion:', utc_date)
    print('unix conversion:', local_date)

    # iso to ...
    unix_1 = timeutil.iso_to_unix(iso)
    utc_date_1 = timeutil.iso_to_utc_date(iso)
    local_date_1 = timeutil.iso_to_local_date(iso)
    print('iso conversion:', unix_1)
    print('iso conversion:', utc_date_1)
    print('iso conversion:', local_date_1)

    # utc_date to ...
    unix_2 = timeutil.utc_date_to_unix(utc_date)
    iso_2 = timeutil.utc_date_to_iso(utc_date)
    local_date_2 = timeutil.utc_date_to_local_date(utc_date)
    print('utc_date conversion:', unix_2)
    print('utc_date conversion:', iso_2)
    print('utc_date conversion:', local_date_2)

    # local_date to ...
    unix_3 = timeutil.local_date_to_unix(local_date)