예제 #1
파일: plot.py 프로젝트: hojonathanho/rtk
def plot_rt_point(key, y, plot_ind=1, x=None):
    global _n_plots

    if _suppress_plots:

    fig = plt.gcf()

    if _n_plots == 0:

    if key not in _rt_plot_state:
        _n_plots = max(plot_ind, _n_plots)

        _rt_plot_state[key] = RTPlotState(
                [], [], [], [], 
                _get_ax(plot_ind).plot([], [], marker='.', label=key)[0],

    plot_state = _rt_plot_state[key]
    x = x if x is not None else time.time() - _plot_start
    plot_state.n_so_far[0] += 1

    if timing._register_exec(__name__, 'plot', 1):
예제 #2
파일: par.py 프로젝트: tachim/rtk
def pmap(fn, args_kwargs, verbose=True, super_verbose=False, n_procs=None):
    """ Multiprocessing abstraction that includes a progress meter.
            def foo(x): return x * 2
            pmap(foo, [([1], {}), ([2], {})]) => [2, 4]

    global _pool_state
        args_kwargs = process_args_kwargs(args_kwargs)
        n_procs = n_procs or mp.cpu_count() - 1
        if verbose:
            print 'Using', n_procs, 'processes.'
        p = mp.Pool(n_procs)
        ret = [None] * len(args_kwargs)

        processed_args = [(fn, (i, a_k)) for i, a_k in enumerate(args_kwargs)]

        start_time = time.time()

        for job_ind, (arg_ind, result) in \
                enumerate(p.imap_unordered(wrapper_fcn, processed_args, chunksize=1)):

            n_completed = job_ind + 1
            avg_time = (time.time() - start_time) / n_completed
            num_remaining = len(args_kwargs) - n_completed
            eta = avg_time * num_remaining

            if verbose and timing._register_exec(__file__, 'pmap', 20):
                print '\n>>>>>>>>>>> PROGRESS:', job_ind+1, '/', len(args_kwargs), 'done. ETA:', eta
            ret[arg_ind] = result

            if super_verbose:
                print 'Args remaining:', [arg for i, arg in enumerate(args_kwargs) if ret[i] == None]
        del p
        if verbose:
            print '\n>>>>>>>>>>> DONE.', job_ind+1, '/', len(args_kwargs)
        return ret
    except Exception, e:
        # If there was an exception thrown above, then re-run it single-threaded until we hit
        # the exception so we can raise it with the right stack trace.
        print 'Hit exception in parallel run:', str(e)
        print 'Re-running single-threaded.'
        ret = []
        for i, (args, kwargs) in enumerate(args_kwargs):
            if verbose:
                print '>>>>>>>>>>> SINGLE-THREAD PROGRESS:', i+1, '/', len(args_kwargs), 'done'
            ret.append(fn(*args, **kwargs))

        # Throw the original if we didn't hit any exception in the single-threaded execution
        return ret