def checkWin(): global turn, turnCounter if (b1["text"] == b2["text"] == b3["text"] and b1["state"] == b2["state"] == b3["state"] == 'disabled') or \ (b4["text"] == b5["text"] == b6["text"] and b4["state"] == b5["state"] == b6["state"] == 'disabled') or \ (b7["text"] == b8["text"] == b9["text"] and b7["state"] == b8["state"] == b9["state"] == 'disabled') or \ (b1["text"] == b4["text"] == b7["text"] and b1["state"] == b4["state"] == b7["state"] == 'disabled') or \ (b2["text"] == b5["text"] == b8["text"] and b2["state"] == b5["state"] == b8["state"] == 'disabled') or \ (b3["text"] == b6["text"] == b9["text"] and b3["state"] == b6["state"] == b9["state"] == 'disabled') or \ (b1["text"] == b5["text"] == b9["text"] and b1["state"] == b5["state"] == b9["state"] == 'disabled') or \ (b3["text"] == b5["text"] == b7["text"] and b3["state"] == b5["state"] == b7["state"] == 'disabled'): # checks victory conditions, I could have made this shorter with a for loop by keeping the buttons in a list if turn: choice = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Winner!", "O Won!\nRematch?") if choice == 'no': tk.quit() else: resetGrid() else: choice = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Winner!", "X Won!\nRematch?") if choice == 'no': tk.quit() else: resetGrid() else: if turnCounter == 9: choice = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Draw!", "You drew!\nRematch?") if choice == 'no': tk.quit() else: resetGrid()
def key(self, event): print "pressed", repr(event.char) if event.char == 's': print 'solving' answer = self.mesa.breadth() #box.showinfo("Information", "Download completed") decisao = box.askquestion( "Eight Puzzle", "Solução: %s. \n Deseja ver caminhos testados?" % answer ) print decisao if decisao == 'yes': box.showinfo( "Eight Puzzle", "%s" % self.mesa.vector_breadth_used ) if event.char == 'd': print 'solving' self.mesa.pre_deep() answer = self.mesa.deep() #box.showinfo("Information", "Download completed") decisao = box.askquestion( "Eight Puzzle", "Solução: %s. \n Deseja ver caminhos testados?" % answer ) if decisao == 'yes': box.showinfo( "Eight Puzzle", "%s" % self.mesa.vector_tried )
def p_callback(self, event): self.parent.after_cancel( self.after_id ) tkMessageBox.askquestion( title = "Paused!", message="Continue?", type=tkMessageBox.OK) self.after_id = self.parent.after( self.delay, self.move_my_shape )
def valider(self, event=None): francais = self.txtFrancais.get().strip().lower() etranger = self.txtEtranger.get().strip().lower() if francais=="": tkMessageBox.showwarning(_(u"Libellé incorrect"), _(u"Veuillez remplir tous les champs de cette boîte de dialogue.")) self.txtFrancais.focus() return if etranger=="": tkMessageBox.showwarning(_(u"Libellé incorrect"), _(u"Veuillez remplir tous les champs de cette boîte de dialogue.")) self.txtEtranger.focus() return (f, e, d) = self.master.master.verifierDoublons(self.langue, self.dico, francais, etranger) if d == True: tkMessageBox.showwarning(_(u"Doublons détectés"), _(u"Ce couple a déjà été entré. Vous ne pouvez pas faire de doublons.")) self.txtEtranger.delete(0, len(self.txtEtranger.get())) self.txtFrancais.delete(0, len(self.txtFrancais.get())) self.txtFrancais.focus() return if f == True: if tkMessageBox.askquestion(_(u"Doublons détectés"), _(u"Le mot %s \"%s\" est déjà dans le dictionnaire. Êtes-vous certain de l'associer à un second mot %s ?") %(application_language, francais, self.langue))=="no": self.txtFrancais.delete(0, len(self.txtFrancais.get())) self.txtFrancais.focus() return if e == True: if tkMessageBox.askquestion(_(u"Doublons détectés"), _(u"Le mot %s \"%s\" est déjà dans le dictionnaire. Êtes-vous certain de l'associer à un second mot %s ?") %(self.langue, etranger, application_language))=="no": self.txtEtranger.delete(0, len(self.txtEtranger.get())) self.txtEtranger.focus() return self.master.master.addCouple(self.langue, self.dico, francais, etranger) Editer(self.master, self.langue, self.dico) self.destroy()
def runn(): global x result = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Rename", "Are You Sure?", icon='warning') if result == 'yes': os.system('cp ./* '+x+'/') os.system('cd '+x+'/ && python ./') print("renaming done") os.chdir(x+'/') b["state"]="disabled" #os.mkdir('unclassifyable') msgx=tkMessageBox.askquestion('SUb folderization',str(len(imagesx))+" images successfully processed Do you wish to do a sub folderization",icon = 'warning') if msgx == 'yes': with open('retrained_labels.txt','a') as yy: yy.write('unclassifyable') with open('retrained_labels.txt') as xx: for line in xx: line = line.strip() os.system('rm -r '+ line) os.mkdir(str(line)) #os.mkdir('unclassifyable') for name in glob.glob('./'+line+'*'): os.system('mv '+name[2:]+' ./'+line+'/') os.system('find . -empty -type d -delete') os.system('/bin/bash') os.system('rm *') tkMessageBox.showinfo("Done", "Sub folderization successfull")
def setTishi(prompt): u'''弹出提示对话框,设置提示的内容 | setTishi |请输入验证码: ''' top = Tkinter.Tk() top.withdraw() tkMessageBox.askquestion('提示: ', prompt)
def mostrar_informacion(self, mensaje, titulo=""): """ Muestra una ventana con el mensaje pasado por parametro. :param mensaje: Mensaje que se mostrara en la ventana. :param titulo: Titulo de la ventana. :return: No tiene valor de retorno. """ tkMessageBox.askquestion(titulo, mensaje, type=tkMessageBox.OK, icon="info")
def obtenerSpinbox(): #print(valor.get()) tkMessageBox.showinfo("Mensaje","Tu seleccionaste " + valor.get()) tkMessageBox.showwarning("Advertencia","Esto es un mensaje de Advertencia") tkMessageBox.askquestion("Pregunta 1", "Cualquier cosa") tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Pregunta 2", "Cualquier cosa") tkMessageBox.askyesno("Pregunta 3", "Cualquier cosa") #Responde en boleano a diferencia del question tkMessageBox.askretrycancel("Pregunta 1", "Cualquier cosa")
def initialize(self): self.grid() tkMessageBox.askquestion("Use Local AWS Keys", "Use Local AWS Keys", icon='warning') if 'yes': self.LocalKeysInitiateDBConnection() local_keys = 2 else: self.entryAWSKeyVariable = Tkinter.StringVar() self.entryAWSKey = Tkinter.Entry(self, textvariable=self.entryAWSKeyVariable) self.entryAWSKey.grid(column=0,row=0,sticky='EW') self.entryAWSKeyVariable.set(u"AWS Key") self.entryAWSSecretVariable = Tkinter.StringVar() self.entryAWSSecret = Tkinter.Entry(self, textvariable=self.entryAWSSecretVariable) self.entryAWSSecret.grid(column=0,row=1,sticky='EW') self.entryAWSSecretVariable.set(u"AWS Secret Key") local_keys = 0 self.InputKeysInitiateDBConnection() self.entryVariable = Tkinter.StringVar() self.entry = Tkinter.Entry(self,textvariable=self.entryVariable) self.entry.grid(column=0,row=2-local_keys,sticky='EW') self.entry.bind("<Return>", self.OnPressEnter) self.entryVariable.set(u"User .gnupg directory") self.key_idLabelVariable = Tkinter.StringVar() self.key_id = Tkinter.Label(self,textvariable=self.key_idLabelVariable, anchor="w",wraplength=500) self.key_id.grid(column=0,row=3-local_keys,sticky='EW') self.key_idLabelVariable.set(u"Key ID") self.messageVariable = Tkinter.StringVar() self.message = Tkinter.Entry(self,textvariable=self.messageVariable) self.message.grid(column=0,row=4-local_keys,sticky='EW') self.message.bind("<Return>", self.OnPressEnter) self.messageVariable.set(u"Message") button = Tkinter.Button(self,text=u"Activate", command=self.OnButtonClick) button.grid(column=1,row=0) send = Tkinter.Button(self, text=u"Send", command=self.SendMessage) send.grid(column=1,row=1) recieve = Tkinter.Button(self, text=u"Recieve", command=self.OnRecieveClick) recieve.grid(column=1,row=2) self.labelVariable = Tkinter.StringVar() label = Tkinter.Message(self,textvariable=self.labelVariable, anchor="w") label.grid(column=0,row=10-local_keys,rowspan=10,sticky='EW') self.labelVariable.set(u"Output") self.grid_columnconfigure(0,weight=1) self.resizable(True,True) self.update() self.geometry(self.geometry()) self.entry.focus_set() self.entry.selection_range(0, Tkinter.END)
def __load_theme(): global __theme try: # Load theme from file with file(__theme_file_path, 'r') as f: __theme = json.load(f) except ValueError, e: # If there is a JSON error then inform the user if __theme_file_exists(): tkMessageBox.askquestion("Theme File Exception", "Your theme definition file is invalid. Error Message:\n\"" + e.message + "\"", type="ok", icon="error") exit(-1)
def startRename(self): path_file = self.selectOriginFileEntry.get() path_extract = os.path.dirname(path_file) path_extract_name = self.inputTargetDrawableNameEntry.get() if len(path_file) > 0 and len(path_extract) > 0 and len( path_extract_name) > 0: start(path_file, path_extract, path_extract_name) else: tkMessageBox.askquestion('提示', '请输入正确的数据')
def messagebox(impulse, count): if impulse > 0: answer = tkMessageBox.askquestion('Accident Report', 'Do you want to report this accident?') if answer == 'yes': AccidentReport(count, 'YES') else: answer_repeatly = tkMessageBox.askquestion('Hit And Run??', 'Do not you want to report this accident? \n If you choose yes, you may be suspected as Hit And Run!!') if answer_repeatly == 'yes' : AccidentReport(count, 'NO') else: messagebox(impulse,count)
def obtenerSpinbox(): #print(valor.get()) tkMessageBox.showinfo("Mensaje", "Tu seleccionaste " + valor.get()) tkMessageBox.showwarning("Advertencia", "Esto es un mensaje de Advertencia") tkMessageBox.askquestion("Pregunta 1", "Cualquier cosa") tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Pregunta 2", "Cualquier cosa") tkMessageBox.askyesno( "Pregunta 3", "Cualquier cosa") #Responde en boleano a diferencia del question tkMessageBox.askretrycancel("Pregunta 1", "Cualquier cosa")
def remove_date(self, presentSelection, absentSelection, showConf): if presentSelection: presentRemove = self.present_date_index[atoi(presentSelection[0])] if not showConf or tkMessageBox.askquestion("Deleting Confirmation", "Are you sure you want to permanently remove the date " + str(presentRemove) +" from " + str(self.curStudent) + " ?") == 'yes': remove_student_present_date(self.curStudent, presentRemove) if absentSelection: absentRemove = self.absent_date_index[atoi(absentSelection[0])] if not showConf or tkMessageBox.askquestion("Deleting Confirmation", "Are you sure you want to permanently remove the date " + absentRemove +" from " + self.curStudent + " ?") == 'yes': remove_student_absent_date(self.curStudent, absentRemove) presentDates = get_student_present_dates_from_file(self.curStudent) absentDates = get_student_absent_dates_from_file(self.curStudent) self.setEditList(presentDates, True) self.setEditList(absentDates, False)
def check_for_crash(self,head): # Check for crash into a wall if head[0] > self.s - 1 or head[1] > self.s - 1 or head[0] < 0 or head[1] < 0: if tkMessageBox.askquestion("Game over: Score = " + str(len(self.snake))) == "yes": self.single_player_game() self.quit() # Check crash into itself for x in self.snake: if x[0] == head[0] and x[1] == head[1]: if tkMessageBox.askquestion("Game over1: Score = " + str(len(self.snake))) == "yes": self.single_player_game() break self.quit()
def _generateMatrices(self): threshold = int(self.threshold.get()) margeColor = int(self.margeColor.get(), 16) mask, colorList = GazeParser.ScanMatch.generateMaskFromArray( self.dataArray, threshold, margeColor) if len(colorList) > 12: tkMessageBox.showinfo( 'Info', 'Mask matrix and color list are generated.\nEdit Submatrix manually because color list is too long (>12)' ) saveSubmatrix = 'no' else: saveSubmatrix = tkMessageBox.askquestion( 'Info', 'Mask matrix and color list are generated.\nInput data for Submatrix?' ) if saveSubmatrix == 'yes': submatrix = self._inputSubMatrix(colorList) if submatrix == None: res = tkMessageBox.askquestion( 'Error', 'Invalid value is found.\nSave only mask matrix and color list?' ) if res == 'no': return else: saveSubmatrix = 'no' maskfile = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(title='Save Mask matrix...', initialfile='mask.txt', initialdir=homeDir) if maskfile != '': numpy.savetxt(maskfile, mask, fmt='%d') colorfile = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(title='Save color list...', initialfile='colorlist.txt', initialdir=homeDir) if colorfile != '': numpy.savetxt(colorfile, colorList, fmt='%06x', delimiter=',') if saveSubmatrix == 'yes': subfile = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename( title='Save Submatrix...', initialfile='submatrix.txt', initialdir=homeDir) if subfile != '': numpy.savetxt(subfile, submatrix, fmt='%f', delimiter=',') tkMessageBox.showinfo('Info', 'Done!')
def get_word(self): word = self.r.nameInput.get() or 'sb' #print word self.clean(word) while True: flag = tkMessageBox.askquestion(word) time.sleep(10)
def Write_to_sreial(EdNetID,EdNodeID,com): #init serial ser=serial.Serial(com) ser.baudrate=38400 Openflag=False Openflag=ser.isOpen() sendData="FF"+EdNetID.get()+EdNodeID.get() if Openflag==True: MessageBoxResult=askquestion("Wrte to ROMs","Are you want to Write the ID") if MessageBoxResult=='yes': #data2int=int(sendData) Hexdata=binascii.b2a_hex(sendData) print Hexdata Hexdata=Hexdata.decode("hex") #print type(Hexdata) #Hexdata=hex(data2int) #Hexdata=hex(sendData) #ser.writelines('\xFF') ser.write(Hexdata) ser.close() print sendData #print data2int print Hexdata showinfo("","done") else: pass else: showerror("","fail to open com")
def keep_podcasts(self): y = tkMessageBox.askquestion( 'Keeping podcasts', 'Selected podcasts will not be auto-deleted,\nare you sure about this?', icon='warning') if y == 'yes': self.browser.keep_podcasts(self.__curindices())
def confirmGetReimagingWayPoints(): result = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Get reimaging waypoints?", "Please confirm that you with to get reimaging waypoints") if result == 'yes': print "Reimaging waypoints" #put method calls here else: print "Did not reimage waypoints"
def loop(self): import tkMessageBox, traceback while self.exit < 0: try: except SystemExit: #print 'Exit' self.exit = 1 break except KeyboardInterrupt: if tkMessageBox.askquestion('Interrupt', 'Really Quit?') == 'yes': #'exit') return else: pass continue except: t, v, tb = sys.exc_info() text = "" for line in traceback.format_exception(t, v, tb): text += line + '\n' try: tkMessageBox.showerror('Error', text) except: pass tkinspect_quit(1)
def query_checkbuttons(self): selected = set() for var in self.program_list: value = var.get() if value != "": selected.add(value) installed, uninstalled = get_installed_programs() install_package_list = selected - installed remove_package_list = installed - selected print "uninstalled:", uninstalled print "installed:", installed print "selected:", selected print "remove:", install_package_list print "install:", remove_package_list if len(install_package_list) == 0 and len(remove_package_list) == 0: return result = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Degisiklikleri Kaydet", "Bu islem icin internet baglantisi gerekmektedir. Islem yapilsin mi?", icon='warning') if result == 'yes': pass else: return self.withdraw() configure(install_package_list, remove_package_list) self.deiconify()
def confirmBeginMission(): result = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Begin Mission?", "Please confirm that you wish to begin the mission") if result == 'yes': print "Beginning mission" #put method calls here else: print "Did not begin mission"
def confirmFileTransfer(self, username, fileName): message = "User " + username + ' wants to share file ' + fileName + ' with you' confirm = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Confirm", message, icon='info') if confirm == 'yes': return True else: return False
def do_compile(self, project_entry, base_rom_entry, rom_entry): base_rom = base_rom_entry.get() rom = rom_entry.get() project = project_entry.get() if base_rom and rom and project: self.save_default_tab() base_rom_rom = Rom() base_rom_rom.from_file(base_rom) if base_rom_rom.type == "Earthbound" and len(base_rom_rom) == 0x300000: confirm = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Expand Your Base ROM?", "You are attempting to compile using a base ROM which is " "unexpanded. It is likely that this will not succeed, as CoilSnake " "needs the extra space in an expanded ROM to store additional data." "\n\n" "Would you like to expand this base ROM before proceeding? This " "will permanently overwrite your base ROM.", icon='warning') if confirm == "yes": base_rom_rom.expand(0x400000) base_rom_rom.to_file(base_rom) del base_rom_rom # Update the GUI self.console.clear() self.disable_all_components() self.progress_bar.clear()"Starting compilation...") thread = Thread(target=self._do_compile_help, args=(project, base_rom, rom)) thread.start()
def set_java_exe(self): system_java_exe = find_system_java_exe() if system_java_exe: confirm = tkMessageBox.askquestion( "Configure Java", "CoilSnake has detected Java at the following location:\n\n" + system_java_exe + "\n\n" + "To use this installation of Java, select \"Yes\".\n\n" + "To override and instead use a different version of Java, select \"No\".", icon="question" ) if confirm == "yes": self.preferences["java"] = None return tkMessageBox.showinfo( "Select the Java Executable", "Select a Java executable for CoilSnake to use.\n\n" "On Windows, it might be called \"javaw.exe\" or \"java.exe\"." ) java_exe = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( parent=self.root, title="Select the Java Executable", initialfile=(self.preferences["java"] or system_java_exe)) if java_exe: self.preferences["java"] = java_exe
def onPaste(self): self.w=popupWindow(self,title = "On world, facing north (i.e x increases ahead of you,\n"+ "and z increases to your right.\n" + "Enter origin point (x y z) seperated by spaces: eg. 12 12 12:") self.wait_window( data = self.w.value.split(' ') try: xo = int(data[0]) yo = int(data[1]) zo = int(data[2]) if tkMessageBox.askquestion('Coords', "Is this (x,y,z) correct: " + str(xo) +',' +str(yo) + ',' + str(zo)) == 'yes': print 'Pasting' count = 0 for j,i in enumerate(self.levels): for key,value in i.iteritems(): xr = int(xo + key[0]) yr = int(yo + j) zr = int(zo + key[1]) # self.client.client_send(xr,yr,zr,0) if int(value) != 0: self.client.client_send(xr,yr,zr,int(value)) count = count + 1 if count % NUMPERSEC == 0: time.sleep(1) else: pass except ValueError: pass
def underVote(): value = tkMessageBox.askquestion(title = "What?", message = "You haven't voted properly. Do you want to move to the next section?") if value == "yes": return True else: return False
def delFile(): # dictionary to store the hashes and file names from the test files testHash = dict() # open the file chooser dialogue fileName = askopenfilename() # reset the hasher to ensure matches for identical files hasher = hashlib.md5() # get the file, hash it and store both in dictionary with open(fileName, 'rb') as afile: buf = hasher.update(buf) testHash[fileName]=hasher.hexdigest() afile.close() if (checkFile(testHash)): #remove both the the file name/path and the resulting hash from the text file result = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Delete", "Are You Sure You Want\nTo Remove This File?", icon='warning') if result == 'yes': with open("workfile") as f: with open("temp", "w") as f1: for line in f: for name, sig in testHash.items(): if not sig in line: f1.write(line) tkMessageBox.showinfo("File Delete", "File Deleted") try: os.remove("workfile") os.renames("temp", "workfile") except OSError, e: ## if failed, report it back to the user ## print ("Error: %s - %s." % (e.filename,e.strerror))
def encrypt(self): a = tkMessageBox.askquestion("tishi", "Do you want to encrypt?") if a == 'yes': self.encry = Tk() self.encry.title("Encryption") Label(self.encry, text="Input the key or generate a pair of key:").grid( row=0, column=0) Label(self.encry, text="Private key:").grid(row=1, column=0) self.key1 = Entry(self.encry) self.key1.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W) Label(self.encry, text="Private key:").grid(row=1, column=2) self.key2 = Entry(self.encry) self.key2.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky=W) Button(self.encry, text="OK",, column=4) Button(self.encry, text="Generate a pair of key", command=self.gene).grid(row=1, column=5) Label(self.encry, text="The encrypted file position :").grid(row=2, column=0) self.filename1 = Entry(self.encry) self.filename1.grid(row=2, column=1) Button(self.encry, text="Start", command=self.file_encry).grid(row=2, column=2)
def restart(): result = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Restart MazeBuilder", "Are you sure you restart.?" "\nAll unsaved changes will be lost", icon='warning') if not result == "yes": return subprocess.Popen(["python", ""]) exit(0)
def confirmStopImaging(): result = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Stop Imaging?", "Please confirm that you with to end imaging") if result == 'yes': print "Stopping imaging" #put method calls here else: print "Did not stop imaging"
def confirmSendImagesToJudges(): result = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Send images to judges?", "Please confirm that you wish to send captured images for judging") if result == 'yes': print "Sending Images" #put method calls here else: print "Did not send images to judges"
def glue(self, nch=64, fs=100): sortkeys = sorted( if len(sortkeys): files = [[sortkey]["filename"] for sortkey in sortkeys] fulldata = get_raw_data(files[0]) lastvalue = fulldata[-64:] for ind, _file in enumerate(files[1:]): data = get_raw_data(_file) bufferdata = np.tile(lastvalue, int(fs * self.buffer[ind])) fulldata = np.concatenate((fulldata, bufferdata, data)) if len(sortkeys) == 1: if fulldata.shape[0] / nch < 360000: print("Adding some constant data at the end") bufferdata = np.tile(lastvalue, 360000 - int(fulldata.shape[0] / nch)) fulldata = np.concatenate((fulldata, bufferdata)) ### CHECK LENGTHS print(self.totallen, " == ", fulldata.shape[0] / nch, "?") # saving file asksave = messagebox.askquestion( "Saving glued data", "Do you want to save glued data into file?", icon='warning') if asksave == 'yes': savefile = filedialog.asksaveasfilename( title="Save datafile as...", defaultextension="", initialdir=dirn(files[0]), initialfile="GLUED" + base(files[0])) write_data(savefile, fulldata)
def eliminar(): ide = e1.get() if ide == "": tkMessageBox.showinfo("Alerta del sistema", "no encontrado") print("not found") cursor.execute( "SELECT cedula, Nombre, Apellido, telefono, dirección from USUARIO WHERE cedula = '" + ide + "'" ) for raw in cursor: salida_eliminar = Label(ventana3, text=raw, font=("Ravie", 10), fg="blue", bg="white").pack( side="bottom" ) marco = """\n Datos de la Búsqueda""" mostrar = Label(ventana3, text=marco, bg="white", fg="blue", font=("Ravie", 14)).pack(side="bottom") print("ready for erase") busca = cursor.execute( "SELECT cedula, Nombre, Apellido, telefono, dirección from USUARIO WHERE cedula = '" + ide + "'" ) comprueba = busca.fetchone() if comprueba == None: print("not found") tkMessageBox.showerror("Alerta del sistema", "No registrado") else: resp = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Eliminar del Sistema", "¿Seguro quiere eliminar?", icon="warning") if resp == "no": print("not erase") else: e1.delete(0, END) cursor.execute("DELETE from USUARIO WHERE cedula = '" + ide + "'") showinfo("Alerta del sistema", "Eliminado con éxito") cnn_db.commit() print("erased") ventana3.destroy()
def onScaleButtonClick(self): #Check If Valid Image Directory Selected if(self.fileSelected): #Confirm File Overwrite choice = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Save","Overwrite Existing Image With Scaled Version?",icon="warning") if choice == "yes": #Rescale File image = self.scaleFile() #Check Image Was Scaled Successfully if image != None: #Overwrite Selected File With Existing File self.saveFile(image) else: self.showError("Error During Image Scale!") return None else: #Cancel Scale Operation self.showInfo("Scale Operation Cancelled!") return None else: self.showError("No File Selected!") #Clear File Directory self.fileSelected = False #Reset File Infov self.openVar.set("No File Selected") self.clearFileInfo()
def resetBalance(self): target = self.nameEntry.get() names = [] IDs = [] debts = [] with open(self.master.userFile) as f: for name,ID,owed in csv.reader(f): names += [name] IDs += [ID] debts += [owed] if target in names: index = names.index(target) result = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Reset balance", "Are You Sure?", icon='warning') if result == 'yes': debts[index] = 0 with open(self.master.userFile, 'w') as f: w = csv.writer(f) usersList = zip(names, IDs, debts) for line in usersList: w.writerow(line) print "Reset" else: print "Cancelled" else: print "Target user not found."
def delete_podcasts(self): y = tkMessageBox.askquestion( 'Deleting files', 'Selected podcasts will be deleted,\nare you sure about this?', icon='warning') if y == 'yes': self.browser.delete_podcasts(self.__curindices())
def startCallBack(self): if not self.fileEntry.get(): tkMessageBox.showerror(u'\u932f\u8aa4', u'\u8acb\u9078\u64c7\u76ee\u9304') return if self.selectYears.get() == "Designated" and not self.yearEntry.get(): tkMessageBox.showerror( u'\u932f\u8aa4', u'\u8acb\u4f9d\u7167\u683c\u5f0f\u8f38\u5165\u6307\u5b9a\u5e74\u4efd\uff0c\u5982 2014,2015,Present' ) return if self.selectYears.get() == "Designated" and self.yearEntry.get(): try: nums = self.yearEntry.get().split(",") except: tkMessageBox.showerror( u'\u8acb\u4f9d\u7167\u683c\u5f0f\u8f38\u5165\u6307\u5b9a\u5e74\u4efd\uff0c\u5982 2014,2015,Present' ) return else: nums = [] result = tkMessageBox.askquestion( u'\u78ba\u5b9a', u'\u78ba\u5b9a\u958b\u59cb\u55ce\uff1f', icon='warning') if result == 'no': return else: self.root.after(0, lambda: self.__run_it__(nums))
def hisdel(): if os.path.isfile(histfile): #ファイルの存在確認 ret = msb.askquestion("履歴削除", "履歴を削除しちゃうよ!") #問い合わせダイアログ表示 if ret == 'yes': os.remove(histfile) #ファイル削除 else: msb.showinfo("履歴なし", "今んとこ履歴は無いよ!") #メッセージボックス表示
def onClear(self): if self.altAction == 1: self.w=popupWindow(self,title = "Enter the arguments start_level end_levels to clear\n" + "seperated by a space.") self.wait_window( self.altAction = 0 data = self.w.value.split() try: if len(data) == 2: st,sto = sorted((data[0],data[1])) st = int(st) sto = int(sto) for i in range(st,sto+1): if i < len(self.levels): self.levels[i] = dict() self.signs[i] = dict() self.redraw_level() else: print 'Not enough arguments' except ValueError: print 'Error in values' else: if tkMessageBox.askquestion('Clear', "Clear Level: " + str(self.curr_level)) == 'yes': self.levels[self.curr_level] = dict() self.signs[self.curr_level] = dict() self.redraw_level() else: pass
def exit(self): """ Quitte l'application """ result = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Quitter l'application?", "Etes vous sur de vouloir quitter l'application?", icon='warning') if result == 'yes': exit(0)
def abrir(): global original, imSerializable imSerializable = askopenfilename(filetypes=[("PNG", "*.png"), \ ("JPEG", "*.jpeg"), \ ("GIF", "*.gif"), \ ("JPEG", "*.jpg")]) label.destroy() imSerializable = largo, ancho = imSerializable.size if largo > 800 or ancho > 800: respuesta = tkMessageBox.askquestion( "¡ IMPORTANTE !", "Su fotografia acaba de superar el limite permitido y no cabe en la pantalla \n\n 1) Puede reducir el tamaño de ella para poder editarla (perdera calidad y pixeles) \n\n2) Trabajar con la imagen real, pero no podra ver los retoques hasta haberla guardado\n\n SI -> REDUCIR\n\n NO-> MANTENER TAMAÑO REAL " ) if respuesta == "yes": recortada = imSerializable.resize((640, 480)) original = recortada imSerializable = recortada refresca(recortada) tkMessageBox.showinfo("Mensaje", "Imagen Reducida Correctamente") else: muyGrande ="grande.jpeg") muyGrande = muyGrande.resize((640, 353)) original = imSerializable refresca(muyGrande) else: original = imSerializable refresca(imSerializable)
def personel_menu(): result = tkMessageBox.askquestion( "3dPrinter", "Bir Önceki Personel Menüsüne Dönmek İstiyor musunuz ?", icon='warning') if result == 'yes': controller.show_frame(LoginPage)
def set_java_exe(self): system_java_exe = find_system_java_exe() if system_java_exe: confirm = tkMessageBox.askquestion( "Configure Java", "CoilSnake has detected Java at the following location:\n\n" + system_java_exe + "\n\n" + "To use this installation of Java, select \"Yes\".\n\n" + "To override and instead use a different version of Java, select \"No\".", icon="question") if confirm == "yes": self.preferences["java"] = None return tkMessageBox.showinfo( "Select the Java Executable", "Select a Java executable for CoilSnake to use.\n\n" "On Windows, it might be called \"javaw.exe\" or \"java.exe\".") java_exe = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( parent=self.root, title="Select the Java Executable", initialfile=(self.preferences["java"] or system_java_exe)) if java_exe: self.preferences["java"] = java_exe
def clear(self, event=None): ans = tkMessageBox.askquestion(_("Delete autolevel information"), _("Do you want to delete all autolevel in formation?"), parent=self.winfo_toplevel()) if ans!=tkMessageBox.YES: return self.draw()
def begin(self, cmd_func, move_func): self.cmd_func = cmd_func self.move_func = move_func self.coaster.begin() while not self.coaster.is_NL2_accessable(): self.master.update_idletasks() self.master.update() result = tkMessageBox.askquestion( "Waiting for NoLimits Coaster", "Coaster Sim not found, Start NoLimits and press Yes to retry, No to quit", icon='warning') if result == 'no': sys.exit(0) while True: self.master.update_idletasks() self.master.update() if self.coaster.connect_to_coaster(): # print "connected" self.coaster.set_manual_mode() break else: print "Failed to connect to coaster" print "Use shortcut to run NoLimits2 in Telemetry mode" if self.coaster.is_NL2_accessable(): self.gui.set_coaster_connection_label( ("Coaster Software Connected", "green3")) else: self.gui.set_coaster_connection_label( ("Coaster Software Not Found" "(start NL2 or maximize window if already started)", "red"))
def Write_to_sreial(EdNetID, EdNodeID, com): #init serial ser = serial.Serial(com) ser.baudrate = 38400 Openflag = False Openflag = ser.isOpen() sendData = "FF" + EdNetID.get() + EdNodeID.get() if Openflag == True: MessageBoxResult = askquestion("Wrte to ROMs", "Are you want to Write the ID") if MessageBoxResult == 'yes': #data2int=int(sendData) Hexdata = binascii.b2a_hex(sendData) print Hexdata Hexdata = Hexdata.decode("hex") #print type(Hexdata) #Hexdata=hex(data2int) #Hexdata=hex(sendData) #ser.writelines('\xFF') ser.write(Hexdata) ser.close() print sendData #print data2int print Hexdata showinfo("", "done") else: pass else: showerror("", "fail to open com")
def build_model(self): # build the kmeans model if not self.is_pre_processed: tkMessageBox.showerror(title=self.head_title, message="pre processing is not validated yet") return if self.cluster is not None: # if we already ran the clustering, verify if we really want to run it again result = tkMessageBox.askquestion( message="clustering has already been made.\nare you sure you want to run it again?", icon='warning', title=self.head_title) if result != 'yes': return self.cluster = None try: # create the kmeans model self.n_clusters = self.n_clusters_text.get() self.n_init = self.n_init_text.get() model = BuildCluster(self.n_clusters, self.n_init, self.processor.df) if model.verifications() is False: tkMessageBox.showerror(title=self.head_title, message=model.error_message) return model.build_cluster() self.cluster = model # draw the graphs in the gui self.draw_graphs() tkMessageBox.showinfo(title=self.head_title, message='Clustering Finished successfully!') except Exception as err: template = "An exception of type {0} occurred. Arguments:{1}" message = template.format(type(err).__name__, err) print_exc(err, file=stdout) tkMessageBox.showerror(title=self.head_title, message=message)
def reset_app(self): answer = tkMessageBox.askquestion( "Resetting " + self.App, "Are you sure you want to proceed? \nAny unsaved work will be lost" ) if answer == "yes": self.ChimeraInterface.CloseModels() self.ChimeraInterface = None self.fulltext = "" self.prevtext = "" self.latvectime = time.time() self.lattice.set(0) self.LatVecButton.config(state=Tk.DISABLED) self.updateText(self.App + " starting...\n") self.getWorkingDir() if self.App == "Tetr": self.ChimeraInterface = tetr_lev00_Chimera_plugin.Tetr( self.rootdir, self.wkdir, self.myshell) else: self.ChimeraInterface = tetr_lev00_Chimera_plugin.Lev00( self.rootdir, self.wkdir, self.myshell) self.lev00radio[1].config(state=Tk.DISABLED) self.levvoption.set(0) time.sleep(self.pausetime) self.updateText(self.ChimeraInterface.getOutput()) self.ChimeraInterface.refreshGeom() self.SetViewOption() self.axis_toggle() self.ToggleLatticeVectors() self.wdirlabel.config(text="wkdir= '" + self.wkdir + "'") self.UpdateLabels() self.timer()
def pre_process(self): # pre process the data to fit into the algorithm if self.processor is not None: # if we already ran this, ask the user if he wants to run it again result = tkMessageBox.askquestion( message="pre-processing has already been made.\nare you sure you want to run it again?'", icon='warning', title=self.head_title) if result != 'yes': return self.processor = None self.is_pre_processed = False try: # verify the file can be pre-processed self.file_path = self.file_path_text.get() processor = PreProcess(self.file_path) if processor.verifications() is False: tkMessageBox.showerror(title=self.head_title, message=processor.error_message) return # process the data processor.pre_process() tkMessageBox.showinfo(title=self.head_title, message='Preprocessing completed successfully') self.processor = processor self.is_pre_processed = True except Exception as err: template = "An exception of type {0} occurred. Arguments:{1}" message = template.format(type(err).__name__, err) print_exc(err, file=stdout) tkMessageBox.showerror(title=self.head_title, message=message)
def text_encry(self): a = tkMessageBox.askquestion("tishi", "Do you want to encrypt?") if a == 'yes': self.tencry = Tk() self.tencry.title("Encryption") Label(self.tencry, text="Input the key or generate a pair of key:").grid( row=0, column=0) Label(self.tencry, text="Private key:").grid(row=1, column=0) self.keya = Entry(self.tencry) self.keya.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W) Label(self.tencry, text="N :").grid(row=1, column=2) self.keyb = Entry(self.tencry) self.keyb.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky=W) Button(self.tencry, text="OK", command=self.cal3).grid(row=1, column=4) Button(self.tencry, text="Generate a pair of key", command=self.gene1).grid(row=1, column=5) Label( self.tencry, text= "The encrypted text will be shown in the initial text window." ).grid(row=2, column=0) Button(self.tencry, text="Start", command=self.text_en).grid(row=2, column=2)
def should_kill_other_tribler_instances(): """ Asks user whether to force restart Tribler if there is more than one instance running. This will help user to kill any zombie instances which might have been left behind from previous force kill command or some other unexpected exceptions and relaunch Tribler again. It ignores if Tribler is opened with some arguments, for eg. with a torrent. """ # If there are cmd line args, let existing instance handle it if len(sys.argv) > 1: return # Get PIDs of existing tribler instance pids = get_existing_tribler_pids() # If the PID list is not empty, then there is another Tribler instance running # Ask user whether to force restart if pids: import Tkinter import tkMessageBox window = Tkinter.Tk() window.withdraw() result = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Warning", FORCE_RESTART_MESSAGE, icon='warning') if result == 'yes': for pid in pids: os.kill(pid, 9) window.update() window.quit() # Restart Tribler properly restart_tribler_properly() else: window.update() window.quit() sys.exit(0)
def GetOpenFileName(self, Type): if self.IsConfigDataLoaded(): if Type == 'dlt': Question = 'Configuration will be changed using Delta file, continue ?' elif Type == 'bin': Question = 'All configuration will be reloaded from BIN file, continue ?' elif Type == 'dsc': Question = 'All configuration will be reloaded from DSC file, continue ?' else: raise Exception('Unsupported file type !') Reply = tkMessageBox.askquestion('', Question, icon='warning') if Reply == 'no': return None if Type == 'dsc': FileType = 'DSC or PKL' FileExt = 'pkl *Def.dsc' else: FileType = Type.upper() FileExt = Type Path = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=self.LastDir, title="Load file", filetypes=(("%s files" % FileType, "*.%s" % FileExt), ("all files", "*.*"))) if Path: self.LastDir = os.path.dirname(Path) return Path else: return None
def confirmBeginImaging(): result = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Begin Imaging?", "Please confirm that you with to begin imaging") if result == 'yes': print "Beginning imaging..." #put method calls here else: print "Did not start imaging"
def display_question(question, answer_type): if answer_type == 'long': popup = tk.Toplevel() popup.minsize(400, 100) popup.maxsize(400, 100) question_label = tk.Label(popup, text=question, height=0, width=100), y=10, width=300, height=20) path_txt = tk.StringVar() path_entry = tk.Entry(popup, textvariable=path_txt), y=30, width=300, height=20) search_path_button = tk.Button( popup, text="...", command=lambda: open_dialog_box('dir', 'set_one', path_txt)), y=30, width=60, height=20) ok_button = tk.Button(popup, text="OK", command=lambda: popup.destroy()), y=50, width=60, height=40) popup.focus_force() launchGUI.main.wait_window(popup) result = path_txt.get() else: result = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Installation", question, icon='warning') return result
def gui_addsat(self): 'Gui button to add the satellite tracks' from tkMessageBox import askquestion answer = askquestion('Verify import satellite tracks','Do you want to get the satellite tracks from the internet?') if answer == 'yes': from map_interactive import load_sat_from_net, get_sat_tracks, plot_sat_tracks self.line.tb.set_message('Loading satellite kml File from internet') kml = load_sat_from_net() if kml: self.line.tb.set_message('parsing file...') sat = get_sat_tracks(self.line.ex.datestr,kml) self.line.tb.set_message('Plotting satellite tracks') self.sat_obj = plot_sat_tracks(self.line.m,sat) elif answer == 'no': from map_interactive import load_sat_from_file, get_sat_tracks, plot_sat_tracks filename = self.gui_file_select(ext='.kml',ftype=[('All files','*.*'), ('Google Earth','*.kml')]) if not filename: print 'Cancelled, no file selected' return self.line.tb.set_message('Opening kml File:'+filename) kml = load_sat_from_file(filename) self.line.tb.set_message('parsing file...') sat = get_sat_tracks(self.line.ex.datestr,kml) self.line.tb.set_message('Plotting satellite tracks') self.sat_obj = plot_sat_tracks(self.line.m,sat) self.line.get_bg()