def __init__(self): """Constructor for the PyLNP library.""" self.bundle = '' if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): os.chdir(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)) if sys.platform == 'win32': self.bundle = 'win' elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): self.bundle = 'linux' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': self.bundle = 'osx' # OS X bundles start in different directory os.chdir('../../..') else: os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) errorlog.start() self.lnp_dir = self.identify_folder_name(BASEDIR, 'LNP') if not os.path.isdir(self.lnp_dir): print('WARNING: LNP folder is missing!', file=sys.stderr) self.keybinds_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Keybinds') self.graphics_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Graphics') self.utils_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Utilities') self.colors_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Colors') self.embarks_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Embarks') self.folders = [] self.df_dir = '' self.settings = None self.init_dir = '' self.save_dir = '' self.autorun = [] self.running = {} config_file = 'PyLNP.json' if os.access(os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'PyLNP.json'), os.F_OK): config_file = os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'PyLNP.json') self.config = JSONConfiguration(config_file) self.userconfig = JSONConfiguration('PyLNP.user') self.load_autorun() self.find_df_folder() self.new_version = None self.ui = TkGui(self) self.check_update() self.ui.start()
class PyLNP(object): """ PyLNP library class. Acts as an abstraction layer between the UI and the Dwarf Fortress instance. """ def __init__(self): """Constructor for the PyLNP library.""" self.bundle = '' if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): os.chdir(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)) if sys.platform == 'win32': self.bundle = 'win' elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): self.bundle = 'linux' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': self.bundle = 'osx' # OS X bundles start in different directory os.chdir('../../..') else: os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) errorlog.start() self.lnp_dir = self.identify_folder_name(BASEDIR, 'LNP') if not os.path.isdir(self.lnp_dir): print('WARNING: LNP folder is missing!', file=sys.stderr) self.keybinds_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Keybinds') self.graphics_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Graphics') self.utils_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Utilities') self.colors_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Colors') self.embarks_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Embarks') self.folders = [] self.df_dir = '' self.settings = None self.init_dir = '' self.save_dir = '' self.autorun = [] self.running = {} config_file = 'PyLNP.json' if os.access(os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'PyLNP.json'), os.F_OK): config_file = os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'PyLNP.json') self.config = JSONConfiguration(config_file) self.userconfig = JSONConfiguration('PyLNP.user') self.load_autorun() self.find_df_folder() self.new_version = None self.ui = TkGui(self) self.check_update() self.ui.start() @staticmethod def identify_folder_name(base, name): """ Allows folder names to be lowercase on case-sensitive systems. Returns "base/name" where name is lowercase if the lower case version exists and the standard case version does not. Params: base The path containing the desired folder. name The standard case name of the desired folder. """ normal = os.path.join(base, name) lower = os.path.join(base, name.lower()) if os.path.isdir(lower) and not os.path.isdir(normal): return lower return normal def load_params(self): """Loads settings from the selected Dwarf Fortress instance.""" try: self.settings.read_settings() except IOError: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) msg = ("Failed to read settings, " "{0} not really a DF dir?").format(self.df_dir) raise IOError(msg) def save_params(self): """Saves settings to the selected Dwarf Fortress instance.""" self.settings.write_settings() def save_config(self): """Saves LNP configuration.""" self.userconfig.save_data() def restore_defaults(self): """Copy default settings into the selected Dwarf Fortress instance.""" shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'Defaults', 'init.txt'), os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'init.txt')) shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'Defaults', 'd_init.txt'), os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'd_init.txt')) self.load_params() def run_df(self, force=False): """Launches Dwarf Fortress.""" result = None if sys.platform == 'win32': result = self.run_program( os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'Dwarf Fortress.exe'), force, True) else: # Linux/OSX: Run DFHack if available if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'dfhack')): result = self.run_program(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'dfhack'), force, True, True) if result == False: raise Exception('Failed to launch a new terminal.') else: result = self.run_program(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'df')) for prog in self.autorun: if os.access(os.path.join(self.utils_dir, prog), os.F_OK): self.run_program(os.path.join(self.utils_dir, prog)) if self.userconfig.get_bool('autoClose'): sys.exit() return result def run_program(self, path, force=False, is_df=False, spawn_terminal=False): """ Launches an external program. Params: path The path of the program to launch. spawn_terminal Whether or not to spawn a new terminal for this app. Used only for DFHack. """ try: path = os.path.abspath(path) workdir = os.path.dirname(path) run_args = path nonchild = False if spawn_terminal: if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): script = 'xdg-terminal' if self.bundle == "linux": script = os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, script) if force or self.check_program_not_running(path, True): retcode = [os.path.abspath(script), path], cwd=os.path.dirname(path)) return retcode == 0 self.ui.on_program_running(path, is_df) return None elif sys.platform == 'darwin': nonchild = True run_args = ['open', '-a', '', path] elif path.endswith( '.jar'): # Explicitly launch JAR files with Java run_args = ['java', '-jar', os.path.basename(path)] elif path.endswith('.app'): # OS X application bundle nonchild = True run_args = ['open', path] workdir = path if force or self.check_program_not_running(path, nonchild): self.running[path] = subprocess.Popen(run_args, cwd=workdir) return True self.ui.on_program_running(path, is_df) return None except OSError: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) return False def check_program_not_running(self, path, nonchild=False): """ Returns True if a program is not currently running. Params: path The path of the program. nonchild If set to True, attempts to check for the process among all running processes, not just known child processes. Used for DFHack on Linux and OS X; currently unsupported for Windows. """ if nonchild: ps = subprocess.Popen('ps axww', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) s = ps.wait() return path not in s else: if path not in self.running: return True else: self.running[path].poll() return self.running[path].returncode is not None def open_folder_idx(self, i): """Opens the folder specified by index i, as listed in PyLNP.json.""" open_folder( os.path.join( BASEDIR, self.config['folders'][i][1].replace('<df>', self.df_dir))) def open_savegames(self): """Opens the save game folder.""" open_folder(self.save_dir) def open_utils(self): """Opens the utilities folder.""" open_folder(self.utils_dir) def open_graphics(self): """Opens the graphics pack folder.""" open_folder(self.graphics_dir) @staticmethod def open_main_folder(): """Opens the folder containing the program.""" open_folder('.') def open_lnp_folder(self): """Opens the folder containing data for the LNP.""" open_folder(self.lnp_dir) def open_df_folder(self): """Opens the Dwarf Fortress folder.""" open_folder(self.df_dir) def open_init_folder(self): """Opens the init folder in the selected Dwarf Fortress instance.""" open_folder(self.init_dir) def open_link_idx(self, i): """Opens the link specified by index i, as listed in PyLNP.json.""" self.open_url(self.config['links'][i][1]) @staticmethod def open_url(url): """Launches a web browser to the Dwarf Fortress webpage.""" import webbrowser def find_df_folder(self): """Locates all suitable Dwarf Fortress installations (folders starting with "Dwarf Fortress" or "df")""" self.folders = folders = tuple([ o for o in glob.glob(os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'Dwarf Fortress*')) + glob.glob(os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'df*')) if os.path.isdir(o) ]) self.df_dir = '' if len(folders) == 1: self.set_df_folder(folders[0]) def set_df_folder(self, path): """ Selects the Dwarf Fortress instance to operate on. :param path: The path of the Dwarf Fortress instance to use. """ self.df_dir = os.path.abspath(path) self.init_dir = os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'init') self.save_dir = os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'save') self.settings = DFConfiguration(self.df_dir) self.install_extras() self.load_params() self.read_hacks() @staticmethod def get_text_files(directory): """ Returns a list of .txt files in <directory>. Excludes all filenames beginning with "readme" (case-insensitive). Params: directory The directory to search. """ temp = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '*.txt')) result = [] for f in temp: if not os.path.basename(f).lower().startswith('readme'): result.append(f) return result def read_keybinds(self): """Returns a list of keybinding files.""" return tuple([ os.path.basename(o) for o in self.get_text_files(self.keybinds_dir) ]) def read_graphics(self): """Returns a list of graphics directories.""" packs = [ os.path.basename(o) for o in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.graphics_dir, '*')) if os.path.isdir(o) ] result = [] for p in packs: font = self.settings.read_value( os.path.join(self.graphics_dir, p, 'data', 'init', 'init.txt'), 'FONT') graphics = self.settings.read_value( os.path.join(self.graphics_dir, p, 'data', 'init', 'init.txt'), 'GRAPHICS_FONT') result.append((p, font, graphics)) return tuple(result) def current_pack(self): """ Returns the currently installed graphics pack. If the pack cannot be identified, returns "FONT/GRAPHICS_FONT". """ packs = self.read_graphics() for p in packs: if (self.settings.FONT == p[1] and self.settings.GRAPHICS_FONT == p[2]): return p[0] return str(self.settings.FONT) + '/' + str(self.settings.GRAPHICS_FONT) @staticmethod def read_utility_lists(path): """ Reads a list of filenames from a utility list (e.g. include.txt). :param path: The file to read. """ result = [] try: util_file = open(path) for line in util_file: for match in re.findall(r'\[(.+)\]', line): result.append(match) except IOError: pass return result def read_utilities(self): """Returns a list of utility programs.""" exclusions = self.read_utility_lists( os.path.join(self.utils_dir, 'exclude.txt')) # Allow for an include list of filenames that will be treated as valid # utilities. Useful for e.g. Linux, where executables rarely have # extensions. inclusions = self.read_utility_lists( os.path.join(self.utils_dir, 'include.txt')) progs = [] patterns = ['*.jar'] # Java applications if sys.platform in ['windows', 'win32']: patterns.append('*.exe') # Windows executables patterns.append('*.bat') # Batch files else: patterns.append('*.sh') # Shell scripts for Linux and OS X for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.utils_dir): if sys.platform == 'darwin': for dirname in dirnames: if fnmatch.fnmatch(dirname, '*.app'): # OS X application bundles are really directories progs.append( os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, dirname), os.path.join(self.utils_dir))) for filename in filenames: if ((any(fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, p) for p in patterns) or filename in inclusions) and filename not in exclusions): progs.append( os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, filename), os.path.join(self.utils_dir))) return progs def read_embarks(self): """Returns a list of embark profiles.""" return tuple([ os.path.basename(o) for o in self.get_text_files(self.embarks_dir) ]) def toggle_autoclose(self): """Toggle automatic closing of the UI when launching DF.""" self.userconfig['autoClose'] = not self.userconfig.get_bool( 'autoClose') self.userconfig.save_data() def toggle_autorun(self, item): """ Toggles autorun for the specified item. Params: item The item to toggle autorun for. """ if item in self.autorun: self.autorun.remove(item) else: self.autorun.append(item) self.save_autorun() def load_autorun(self): """Loads autorun settings.""" self.autorun = [] try: for line in open(os.path.join(self.utils_dir, 'autorun.txt')): self.autorun.append(line) except IOError: pass def save_autorun(self): """Saves autorun settings.""" autofile = open(os.path.join(self.utils_dir, 'autorun.txt'), 'w') autofile.write("\n".join(self.autorun)) autofile.close() def cycle_option(self, field): """ Cycles an option field between its possible values. :param field: The field to cycle. """ self.settings.cycle_item(field) self.save_params() def set_option(self, field, value): """ Sets a field to a specific value. Params: field The field to set. value The new value for the field. """ self.settings.set_value(field, value) self.save_params() def load_keybinds(self, filename): """ Overwrites Dwarf Fortress keybindings from a file. Params: filename The keybindings file to use. """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' target = os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'interface.txt') shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.keybinds_dir, filename), target) def keybind_exists(self, filename): """ Returns whether or not a keybindings file already exists. Params: filename The filename to check. """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' return os.access(os.path.join(self.keybinds_dir, filename), os.F_OK) def save_keybinds(self, filename): """ Save current keybindings to a file. Params: filename The name of the new keybindings file. """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' filename = os.path.join(self.keybinds_dir, filename) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'interface.txt'), filename) self.read_keybinds() def delete_keybinds(self, filename): """ Deletes a keybindings file. Params: filename The filename to delete. """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' os.remove(os.path.join(self.keybinds_dir, filename)) def install_graphics(self, pack): """ Installs the graphics pack located in LNP/Graphics/<pack>. Params: pack The name of the pack to install. Returns: True if successful, False if an exception occured None if required files are missing (raw/graphics, data/init) """ gfx_dir = os.path.join(self.graphics_dir, pack) if (os.path.isdir(gfx_dir) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'raw', 'graphics')) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'data', 'init'))): try: # Delete old graphics if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'raw', 'graphics')): dir_util.remove_tree( os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'raw', 'graphics')) # Copy new raws dir_util.copy_tree(os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'raw'), os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'raw')) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'art')): dir_util.remove_tree( os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'art')) dir_util.copy_tree(os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'data', 'art'), os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'art')) self.patch_inits(gfx_dir) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'data', 'init', 'colors.txt'), os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'init', 'colors.txt')) try: # TwbT support os.remove( os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'init', 'overrides.txt')) except: pass try: # TwbT support shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'data', 'init', 'overrides.txt'), os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'init', 'overrides.txt')) except: pass except Exception: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) return False else: return True else: return None self.load_params() def patch_inits(self, gfx_dir): """ Installs init files from a graphics pack by selectively changing specific fields. All settings outside of the mentioned fields are preserved. TODO: Consider if there's a better option than listing all fields explicitly... """ d_init_fields = [ 'WOUND_COLOR_NONE', 'WOUND_COLOR_MINOR', 'WOUND_COLOR_INHIBITED', 'WOUND_COLOR_FUNCTION_LOSS', 'WOUND_COLOR_BROKEN', 'WOUND_COLOR_MISSING', 'SKY', 'CHASM', 'PILLAR_TILE', # Tracks 'TRACK_N', 'TRACK_S', 'TRACK_E', 'TRACK_W', 'TRACK_NS', 'TRACK_NE', 'TRACK_NW', 'TRACK_SE', 'TRACK_SW', 'TRACK_EW', 'TRACK_NSE', 'TRACK_NSW', 'TRACK_NEW', 'TRACK_SEW', 'TRACK_NSEW', 'TRACK_RAMP_N', 'TRACK_RAMP_S', 'TRACK_RAMP_E', 'TRACK_RAMP_W', 'TRACK_RAMP_NS', 'TRACK_RAMP_NE', 'TRACK_RAMP_NW', 'TRACK_RAMP_SE', 'TRACK_RAMP_SW', 'TRACK_RAMP_EW', 'TRACK_RAMP_NSE', 'TRACK_RAMP_NSW', 'TRACK_RAMP_NEW', 'TRACK_RAMP_SEW', 'TRACK_RAMP_NSEW', # Trees 'TREE_ROOT_SLOPING', 'TREE_TRUNK_SLOPING', 'TREE_ROOT_SLOPING_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_SLOPING_DEAD', 'TREE_ROOTS', 'TREE_ROOTS_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCHES', 'TREE_BRANCHES_DEAD', 'TREE_SMOOTH_BRANCHES', 'TREE_SMOOTH_BRANCHES_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_PILLAR', 'TREE_TRUNK_PILLAR_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_PILLAR', 'TREE_CAP_PILLAR_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_N', 'TREE_TRUNK_S', 'TREE_TRUNK_N_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_S_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_EW', 'TREE_TRUNK_EW_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_N', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_S', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_N_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_S_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_E', 'TREE_TRUNK_W', 'TREE_TRUNK_E_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_W_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_NS', 'TREE_TRUNK_NS_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_E', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_W', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_E_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_W_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_NW', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_NW', 'TREE_TRUNK_NW_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_NW_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_NE', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_NE', 'TREE_TRUNK_NE_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_NE_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_SW', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_SW', 'TREE_TRUNK_SW_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_SW_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_SE', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_SE', 'TREE_TRUNK_SE_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_SE_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_NSE', 'TREE_TRUNK_NSE_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_NSW', 'TREE_TRUNK_NSW_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_NEW', 'TREE_TRUNK_NEW_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_SEW', 'TREE_TRUNK_SEW_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_NSEW', 'TREE_TRUNK_NSEW_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_N', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_N_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_S', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_S_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_E', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_E_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_W', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_W_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_NS', 'TREE_BRANCH_NS_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_EW', 'TREE_BRANCH_EW_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_NW', 'TREE_BRANCH_NW_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_NE', 'TREE_BRANCH_NE_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_SW', 'TREE_BRANCH_SW_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_SE', 'TREE_BRANCH_SE_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_NSE', 'TREE_BRANCH_NSE_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_NSW', 'TREE_BRANCH_NSW_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_NEW', 'TREE_BRANCH_NEW_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_SEW', 'TREE_BRANCH_SEW_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_NSEW', 'TREE_BRANCH_NSEW_DEAD', 'TREE_TWIGS', 'TREE_TWIGS_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_RAMP', 'TREE_CAP_RAMP_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR1', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR2', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR1_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR2_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR3', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR4', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR3_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR4_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_INTERIOR', 'TREE_TRUNK_INTERIOR_DEAD' ] init_fields = [ 'FONT', 'FULLFONT', 'GRAPHICS', 'GRAPHICS_FONT', 'GRAPHICS_FULLFONT', 'TRUETYPE' ] self.settings.read_file( os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'data', 'init', 'init.txt'), init_fields, False) self.settings.read_file( os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'data', 'init', 'd_init.txt'), d_init_fields, False) self.save_params() def update_savegames(self): """Update save games with current raws.""" saves = [ o for o in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.save_dir, '*')) if os.path.isdir(o) and not o.endswith('current') ] count = 0 if saves: for save in saves: count = count + 1 # Delete old graphics if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(save, 'raw', 'graphics')): dir_util.remove_tree(os.path.join(save, 'raw', 'graphics')) # Copy new raws dir_util.copy_tree(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'raw'), os.path.join(save, 'raw')) return count def simplify_graphics(self): """Removes unnecessary files from all graphics packs.""" for pack in self.read_graphics(): self.simplify_pack(pack) def simplify_pack(self, pack): """ Removes unnecessary files from LNP/Graphics/<pack>. Params: pack The pack to simplify. Returns: The number of files removed if successful False if an exception occurred None if folder is empty """ pack = os.path.join(self.graphics_dir, pack) files_before = sum(len(f) for (_, _, f) in os.walk(pack)) if files_before == 0: return None tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: dir_util.copy_tree(pack, tmp) if os.path.isdir(pack): dir_util.remove_tree(pack) os.makedirs(pack) os.makedirs(os.path.join(pack, 'data', 'art')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(pack, 'raw', 'graphics')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(pack, 'raw', 'objects')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(pack, 'data', 'init')) dir_util.copy_tree(os.path.join(tmp, 'data', 'art'), os.path.join(pack, 'data', 'art')) dir_util.copy_tree(os.path.join(tmp, 'raw', 'graphics'), os.path.join(pack, 'raw', 'graphics')) dir_util.copy_tree(os.path.join(tmp, 'raw', 'objects'), os.path.join(pack, 'raw', 'objects')) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(tmp, 'data', 'init', 'colors.txt'), os.path.join(pack, 'data', 'init', 'colors.txt')) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(tmp, 'data', 'init', 'init.txt'), os.path.join(pack, 'data', 'init', 'init.txt')) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(tmp, 'data', 'init', 'd_init.txt'), os.path.join(pack, 'data', 'init', 'd_init.txt')) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(tmp, 'data', 'init', 'overrides.txt'), os.path.join(pack, 'data', 'init', 'overrides.txt')) except IOError: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) retval = False else: files_after = sum(len(f) for (_, _, f) in os.walk(pack)) retval = files_after - files_before if os.path.isdir(tmp): dir_util.remove_tree(tmp) return retval def install_extras(self): """ Installs extra utilities to the Dwarf Fortress folder, if this has not yet been done. """ extras_dir = os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'Extras') if not os.path.isdir(extras_dir): return install_file = os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'PyLNP{0}.txt'.format(VERSION)) if not os.access(install_file, os.F_OK): dir_util.copy_tree(extras_dir, self.df_dir) textfile = open(install_file, 'w') textfile.write('PyLNP V{0} extras installed!\nTime: {1}'.format( VERSION,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) textfile.close() def updates_configured(self): """Returns True if update checking have been configured.""" return self.config.get_string('updates/checkURL') != '' def check_update(self): """Checks for updates using the URL specified in PyLNP.json.""" if not self.updates_configured(): return if self.userconfig.get_number('updateDays') == -1: return if self.userconfig.get_number('nextUpdate') < time.time(): t = Thread(target=self.perform_update_check) t.daemon = True t.start() def perform_update_check(self): """Performs the actual update check. Runs in a thread.""" try: req = Request(self.config.get_string('updates/checkURL'), headers={'User-Agent': 'PyLNP'}) version_text = urlopen(req, timeout=3).read() # Note: versionRegex must capture the version number in a group new_version = self.config.get_string('updates/versionRegex'), version_text).group(1) if new_version != self.config.get_string('updates/packVersion'): self.new_version = new_version self.ui.on_update_available() except URLError as ex: print("Error checking for updates: " + str(ex.reason), file=sys.stderr) except: pass def next_update(self, days): """Sets the next update check to occur in <days> days.""" self.userconfig['nextUpdate'] = (time.time() + days * 24 * 60 * 60) self.userconfig['updateDays'] = days self.save_config() def start_update(self): """Launches a webbrowser to the specified update URL.""" self.open_url(self.config.get_string('updates/downloadURL')) def read_colors(self): """Returns a list of color schemes.""" return tuple([ os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(p))[0] for p in self.get_text_files(self.colors_dir) ]) def get_colors(self, colorscheme=None): """ Returns RGB tuples for all 16 colors in <colorscheme>.txt, or data/init/colors.txt if no scheme is provided.""" result = [] f = os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'init', 'colors.txt') if colorscheme is not None: f = os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'colors', colorscheme + '.txt') for c in [ 'BLACK', 'BLUE', 'GREEN', 'CYAN', 'RED', 'MAGENTA', 'BROWN', 'LGRAY', 'DGRAY', 'LBLUE', 'LGREEN', 'LCYAN', 'LRED', 'LMAGENTA', 'YELLOW', 'WHITE' ]: result.append((int(self.settings.read_value(f, c + '_R')), int(self.settings.read_value(f, c + '_G')), int(self.settings.read_value(f, c + '_B')))) return result def load_colors(self, filename): """ Replaces the current DF color scheme. Params: filename The name of the new colorscheme to install (filename without extension). """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'colors', filename), os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'colors.txt')) def save_colors(self, filename): """ Save current keybindings to a file. Params: filename The name of the new keybindings file. """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' filename = os.path.join(self.colors_dir, filename) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'colors.txt'), filename) self.read_colors() def color_exists(self, filename): """ Returns whether or not a color scheme already exists. Params: filename The filename to check. """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' return os.access(os.path.join(self.colors_dir, filename), os.F_OK) def delete_colors(self, filename): """ Deletes a color scheme file. Params: filename The filename to delete. """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' os.remove(os.path.join(self.colors_dir, filename)) def read_hacks(self): """Reads which hacks are enabled.""" try: f = open(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'PyLNP_dfhack_onload.init')) hacklines = f.readlines() for h in self.get_hacks().values(): h['enabled'] = h['command'] + '\n' in hacklines f.close() except IOError: for h in self.get_hacks().values(): h['enabled'] = False def get_hacks(self): """Returns dict of available hacks.""" return self.config.get_dict('dfhack') def get_hack(self, title): """ Returns the hack titled <title>, or None if this does not exist. Params: title The title of the hack. """ try: return self.get_hacks()[title] except KeyError: return None def toggle_hack(self, name): """ Toggles the hack <name>. Params: name The name of the hack to toggle. """ self.get_hack(name)['enabled'] = not self.get_hack(name)['enabled'] self.rebuild_hacks() def rebuild_hacks(self): """Rebuilds PyLNP_dfhack_onload.init with the enabled hacks.""" f = open(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'PyLNP_dfhack_onload.init'), 'w') f.write('# Generated by PyLNP\n\n') for k, h in self.get_hacks().items(): if h['enabled']: f.write('# ' + str(k) + '\n') f.write('# ' + str(h['tooltip']) + '\n') f.write(h['command'] + '\n\n') f.flush() f.close() def install_embarks(self, files): """ Installs a list of embark profiles. Params: files List of files to install. """ out = open(os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'embark_profiles.txt'), 'w') for f in files: embark = open(os.path.join(self.embarks_dir, f)) out.write( + "\n\n") out.flush() out.close()
class PyLNP(object): """ PyLNP library class. Acts as an abstraction layer between the UI and the Dwarf Fortress instance. """ def __init__(self): """Constructor for the PyLNP library.""" self.bundle = '' if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): os.chdir(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)) if sys.platform == 'win32': self.bundle = 'win' elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): self.bundle = 'linux' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': self.bundle = 'osx' # OS X bundles start in different directory os.chdir('../../..') else: os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) errorlog.start() self.lnp_dir = self.identify_folder_name(BASEDIR, 'LNP') if not os.path.isdir(self.lnp_dir): print('WARNING: LNP folder is missing!', file=sys.stderr) self.keybinds_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Keybinds') self.graphics_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Graphics') self.utils_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Utilities') self.colors_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Colors') self.embarks_dir = self.identify_folder_name(self.lnp_dir, 'Embarks') self.folders = [] self.df_dir = '' self.settings = None self.init_dir = '' self.save_dir = '' self.autorun = [] self.running = {} config_file = 'PyLNP.json' if os.access(os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'PyLNP.json'), os.F_OK): config_file = os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'PyLNP.json') self.config = JSONConfiguration(config_file) self.userconfig = JSONConfiguration('PyLNP.user') self.load_autorun() self.find_df_folder() self.new_version = None self.ui = TkGui(self) self.check_update() self.ui.start() @staticmethod def identify_folder_name(base, name): """ Allows folder names to be lowercase on case-sensitive systems. Returns "base/name" where name is lowercase if the lower case version exists and the standard case version does not. Params: base The path containing the desired folder. name The standard case name of the desired folder. """ normal = os.path.join(base, name) lower = os.path.join(base, name.lower()) if os.path.isdir(lower) and not os.path.isdir(normal): return lower return normal def load_params(self): """Loads settings from the selected Dwarf Fortress instance.""" try: self.settings.read_settings() except IOError: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) msg = ("Failed to read settings, " "{0} not really a DF dir?").format(self.df_dir) raise IOError(msg) def save_params(self): """Saves settings to the selected Dwarf Fortress instance.""" self.settings.write_settings() def save_config(self): """Saves LNP configuration.""" self.userconfig.save_data() def restore_defaults(self): """Copy default settings into the selected Dwarf Fortress instance.""" shutil.copy( os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'Defaults', 'init.txt'), os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'init.txt') ) shutil.copy( os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'Defaults', 'd_init.txt'), os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'd_init.txt') ) self.load_params() def run_df(self, force=False): """Launches Dwarf Fortress.""" result = None if sys.platform == 'win32': result = self.run_program( os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'Dwarf Fortress.exe'), force, True) else: # Linux/OSX: Run DFHack if available if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'dfhack')): result = self.run_program( os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'dfhack'), force, True, True) if result == False: raise Exception('Failed to launch a new terminal.') else: result = self.run_program(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'df')) for prog in self.autorun: if os.access(os.path.join(self.utils_dir, prog), os.F_OK): self.run_program(os.path.join(self.utils_dir, prog)) if self.userconfig.get_bool('autoClose'): sys.exit() return result def run_program(self, path, force=False, is_df=False, spawn_terminal=False): """ Launches an external program. Params: path The path of the program to launch. spawn_terminal Whether or not to spawn a new terminal for this app. Used only for DFHack. """ try: path = os.path.abspath(path) workdir = os.path.dirname(path) run_args = path nonchild = False if spawn_terminal: if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): script = 'xdg-terminal' if self.bundle == "linux": script = os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, script) if force or self.check_program_not_running(path, True): retcode = [os.path.abspath(script), path], cwd=os.path.dirname(path)) return retcode == 0 self.ui.on_program_running(path, is_df) return None elif sys.platform == 'darwin': nonchild = True run_args = ['open', '-a', '', path] elif path.endswith('.jar'): # Explicitly launch JAR files with Java run_args = ['java', '-jar', os.path.basename(path)] elif path.endswith('.app'): # OS X application bundle nonchild = True run_args = ['open', path] workdir = path if force or self.check_program_not_running(path, nonchild): self.running[path] = subprocess.Popen(run_args, cwd=workdir) return True self.ui.on_program_running(path, is_df) return None except OSError: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) return False def check_program_not_running(self, path, nonchild=False): """ Returns True if a program is not currently running. Params: path The path of the program. nonchild If set to True, attempts to check for the process among all running processes, not just known child processes. Used for DFHack on Linux and OS X; currently unsupported for Windows. """ if nonchild: ps = subprocess.Popen('ps axww', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) s = ps.wait() return path not in s else: if path not in self.running: return True else: self.running[path].poll() return self.running[path].returncode is not None def open_folder_idx(self, i): """Opens the folder specified by index i, as listed in PyLNP.json.""" open_folder(os.path.join( BASEDIR, self.config['folders'][i][1].replace( '<df>', self.df_dir))) def open_savegames(self): """Opens the save game folder.""" open_folder(self.save_dir) def open_utils(self): """Opens the utilities folder.""" open_folder(self.utils_dir) def open_graphics(self): """Opens the graphics pack folder.""" open_folder(self.graphics_dir) @staticmethod def open_main_folder(): """Opens the folder containing the program.""" open_folder('.') def open_lnp_folder(self): """Opens the folder containing data for the LNP.""" open_folder(self.lnp_dir) def open_df_folder(self): """Opens the Dwarf Fortress folder.""" open_folder(self.df_dir) def open_init_folder(self): """Opens the init folder in the selected Dwarf Fortress instance.""" open_folder(self.init_dir) def open_link_idx(self, i): """Opens the link specified by index i, as listed in PyLNP.json.""" self.open_url(self.config['links'][i][1]) @staticmethod def open_url(url): """Launches a web browser to the Dwarf Fortress webpage.""" import webbrowser def find_df_folder(self): """Locates all suitable Dwarf Fortress installations (folders starting with "Dwarf Fortress" or "df")""" self.folders = folders = tuple([ o for o in glob.glob(os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'Dwarf Fortress*')) + glob.glob(os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'df*')) if os.path.isdir(o) ]) self.df_dir = '' if len(folders) == 1: self.set_df_folder(folders[0]) def set_df_folder(self, path): """ Selects the Dwarf Fortress instance to operate on. :param path: The path of the Dwarf Fortress instance to use. """ self.df_dir = os.path.abspath(path) self.init_dir = os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'init') self.save_dir = os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'save') self.settings = DFConfiguration(self.df_dir) self.install_extras() self.load_params() self.read_hacks() @staticmethod def get_text_files(directory): """ Returns a list of .txt files in <directory>. Excludes all filenames beginning with "readme" (case-insensitive). Params: directory The directory to search. """ temp = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '*.txt')) result = [] for f in temp: if not os.path.basename(f).lower().startswith('readme'): result.append(f) return result def read_keybinds(self): """Returns a list of keybinding files.""" return tuple([ os.path.basename(o) for o in self.get_text_files(self.keybinds_dir) ]) def read_graphics(self): """Returns a list of graphics directories.""" packs = [ os.path.basename(o) for o in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.graphics_dir, '*')) if os.path.isdir(o)] result = [] for p in packs: font = self.settings.read_value(os.path.join( self.graphics_dir, p, 'data', 'init', 'init.txt'), 'FONT') graphics = self.settings.read_value( os.path.join(self.graphics_dir, p, 'data', 'init', 'init.txt'), 'GRAPHICS_FONT') result.append((p, font, graphics)) return tuple(result) def current_pack(self): """ Returns the currently installed graphics pack. If the pack cannot be identified, returns "FONT/GRAPHICS_FONT". """ packs = self.read_graphics() for p in packs: if (self.settings.FONT == p[1] and self.settings.GRAPHICS_FONT == p[2]): return p[0] return str(self.settings.FONT)+'/'+str(self.settings.GRAPHICS_FONT) @staticmethod def read_utility_lists(path): """ Reads a list of filenames from a utility list (e.g. include.txt). :param path: The file to read. """ result = [] try: util_file = open(path) for line in util_file: for match in re.findall(r'\[(.+)\]', line): result.append(match) except IOError: pass return result def read_utilities(self): """Returns a list of utility programs.""" exclusions = self.read_utility_lists(os.path.join( self.utils_dir, 'exclude.txt')) # Allow for an include list of filenames that will be treated as valid # utilities. Useful for e.g. Linux, where executables rarely have # extensions. inclusions = self.read_utility_lists(os.path.join( self.utils_dir, 'include.txt')) progs = [] patterns = ['*.jar'] # Java applications if sys.platform in ['windows', 'win32']: patterns.append('*.exe') # Windows executables patterns.append('*.bat') # Batch files else: patterns.append('*.sh') # Shell scripts for Linux and OS X for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.utils_dir): if sys.platform == 'darwin': for dirname in dirnames: if fnmatch.fnmatch(dirname, '*.app'): # OS X application bundles are really directories progs.append(os.path.relpath( os.path.join(root, dirname), os.path.join(self.utils_dir))) for filename in filenames: if (( any(fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, p) for p in patterns) or filename in inclusions) and filename not in exclusions): progs.append(os.path.relpath( os.path.join(root, filename), os.path.join(self.utils_dir))) return progs def read_embarks(self): """Returns a list of embark profiles.""" return tuple([ os.path.basename(o) for o in self.get_text_files(self.embarks_dir)]) def toggle_autoclose(self): """Toggle automatic closing of the UI when launching DF.""" self.userconfig['autoClose'] = not self.userconfig.get_bool('autoClose') self.userconfig.save_data() def toggle_autorun(self, item): """ Toggles autorun for the specified item. Params: item The item to toggle autorun for. """ if item in self.autorun: self.autorun.remove(item) else: self.autorun.append(item) self.save_autorun() def load_autorun(self): """Loads autorun settings.""" self.autorun = [] try: for line in open(os.path.join(self.utils_dir, 'autorun.txt')): self.autorun.append(line) except IOError: pass def save_autorun(self): """Saves autorun settings.""" autofile = open(os.path.join(self.utils_dir, 'autorun.txt'), 'w') autofile.write("\n".join(self.autorun)) autofile.close() def cycle_option(self, field): """ Cycles an option field between its possible values. :param field: The field to cycle. """ self.settings.cycle_item(field) self.save_params() def set_option(self, field, value): """ Sets a field to a specific value. Params: field The field to set. value The new value for the field. """ self.settings.set_value(field, value) self.save_params() def load_keybinds(self, filename): """ Overwrites Dwarf Fortress keybindings from a file. Params: filename The keybindings file to use. """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' target = os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'interface.txt') shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.keybinds_dir, filename), target) def keybind_exists(self, filename): """ Returns whether or not a keybindings file already exists. Params: filename The filename to check. """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' return os.access(os.path.join(self.keybinds_dir, filename), os.F_OK) def save_keybinds(self, filename): """ Save current keybindings to a file. Params: filename The name of the new keybindings file. """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' filename = os.path.join(self.keybinds_dir, filename) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'interface.txt'), filename) self.read_keybinds() def delete_keybinds(self, filename): """ Deletes a keybindings file. Params: filename The filename to delete. """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' os.remove(os.path.join(self.keybinds_dir, filename)) def install_graphics(self, pack): """ Installs the graphics pack located in LNP/Graphics/<pack>. Params: pack The name of the pack to install. Returns: True if successful, False if an exception occured None if required files are missing (raw/graphics, data/init) """ gfx_dir = os.path.join(self.graphics_dir, pack) if (os.path.isdir(gfx_dir) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'raw', 'graphics')) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'data', 'init'))): try: # Delete old graphics if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'raw', 'graphics')): dir_util.remove_tree( os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'raw', 'graphics')) # Copy new raws dir_util.copy_tree( os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'raw'), os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'raw')) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'art')): dir_util.remove_tree( os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'art')) dir_util.copy_tree( os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'data', 'art'), os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'art')) self.patch_inits(gfx_dir) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'data', 'init', 'colors.txt'), os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'init', 'colors.txt')) try: # TwbT support os.remove(os.path.join( self.df_dir, 'data', 'init', 'overrides.txt')) except: pass try: # TwbT support shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'data', 'init', 'overrides.txt'), os.path.join( self.df_dir, 'data', 'init', 'overrides.txt')) except: pass except Exception: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) return False else: return True else: return None self.load_params() def patch_inits(self, gfx_dir): """ Installs init files from a graphics pack by selectively changing specific fields. All settings outside of the mentioned fields are preserved. TODO: Consider if there's a better option than listing all fields explicitly... """ d_init_fields = [ 'WOUND_COLOR_NONE', 'WOUND_COLOR_MINOR', 'WOUND_COLOR_INHIBITED', 'WOUND_COLOR_FUNCTION_LOSS', 'WOUND_COLOR_BROKEN', 'WOUND_COLOR_MISSING', 'SKY', 'CHASM', 'PILLAR_TILE', # Tracks 'TRACK_N', 'TRACK_S', 'TRACK_E', 'TRACK_W', 'TRACK_NS', 'TRACK_NE', 'TRACK_NW', 'TRACK_SE', 'TRACK_SW', 'TRACK_EW', 'TRACK_NSE', 'TRACK_NSW', 'TRACK_NEW', 'TRACK_SEW', 'TRACK_NSEW', 'TRACK_RAMP_N', 'TRACK_RAMP_S', 'TRACK_RAMP_E', 'TRACK_RAMP_W', 'TRACK_RAMP_NS', 'TRACK_RAMP_NE', 'TRACK_RAMP_NW', 'TRACK_RAMP_SE', 'TRACK_RAMP_SW', 'TRACK_RAMP_EW', 'TRACK_RAMP_NSE', 'TRACK_RAMP_NSW', 'TRACK_RAMP_NEW', 'TRACK_RAMP_SEW', 'TRACK_RAMP_NSEW', # Trees 'TREE_ROOT_SLOPING', 'TREE_TRUNK_SLOPING', 'TREE_ROOT_SLOPING_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_SLOPING_DEAD', 'TREE_ROOTS', 'TREE_ROOTS_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCHES', 'TREE_BRANCHES_DEAD', 'TREE_SMOOTH_BRANCHES', 'TREE_SMOOTH_BRANCHES_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_PILLAR', 'TREE_TRUNK_PILLAR_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_PILLAR', 'TREE_CAP_PILLAR_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_N', 'TREE_TRUNK_S', 'TREE_TRUNK_N_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_S_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_EW', 'TREE_TRUNK_EW_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_N', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_S', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_N_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_S_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_E', 'TREE_TRUNK_W', 'TREE_TRUNK_E_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_W_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_NS', 'TREE_TRUNK_NS_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_E', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_W', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_E_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_W_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_NW', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_NW', 'TREE_TRUNK_NW_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_NW_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_NE', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_NE', 'TREE_TRUNK_NE_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_NE_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_SW', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_SW', 'TREE_TRUNK_SW_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_SW_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_SE', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_SE', 'TREE_TRUNK_SE_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_WALL_SE_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_NSE', 'TREE_TRUNK_NSE_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_NSW', 'TREE_TRUNK_NSW_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_NEW', 'TREE_TRUNK_NEW_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_SEW', 'TREE_TRUNK_SEW_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_NSEW', 'TREE_TRUNK_NSEW_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_N', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_N_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_S', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_S_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_E', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_E_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_W', 'TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_W_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_NS', 'TREE_BRANCH_NS_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_EW', 'TREE_BRANCH_EW_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_NW', 'TREE_BRANCH_NW_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_NE', 'TREE_BRANCH_NE_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_SW', 'TREE_BRANCH_SW_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_SE', 'TREE_BRANCH_SE_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_NSE', 'TREE_BRANCH_NSE_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_NSW', 'TREE_BRANCH_NSW_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_NEW', 'TREE_BRANCH_NEW_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_SEW', 'TREE_BRANCH_SEW_DEAD', 'TREE_BRANCH_NSEW', 'TREE_BRANCH_NSEW_DEAD', 'TREE_TWIGS', 'TREE_TWIGS_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_RAMP', 'TREE_CAP_RAMP_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR1', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR2', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR1_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR2_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR3', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR4', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR3_DEAD', 'TREE_CAP_FLOOR4_DEAD', 'TREE_TRUNK_INTERIOR', 'TREE_TRUNK_INTERIOR_DEAD'] init_fields = [ 'FONT', 'FULLFONT', 'GRAPHICS', 'GRAPHICS_FONT', 'GRAPHICS_FULLFONT', 'TRUETYPE'] self.settings.read_file( os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'data', 'init', 'init.txt'), init_fields, False) self.settings.read_file( os.path.join(gfx_dir, 'data', 'init', 'd_init.txt'), d_init_fields, False) self.save_params() def update_savegames(self): """Update save games with current raws.""" saves = [ o for o in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.save_dir, '*')) if os.path.isdir(o) and not o.endswith('current')] count = 0 if saves: for save in saves: count = count + 1 # Delete old graphics if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(save, 'raw', 'graphics')): dir_util.remove_tree(os.path.join(save, 'raw', 'graphics')) # Copy new raws dir_util.copy_tree( os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'raw'), os.path.join(save, 'raw')) return count def simplify_graphics(self): """Removes unnecessary files from all graphics packs.""" for pack in self.read_graphics(): self.simplify_pack(pack) def simplify_pack(self, pack): """ Removes unnecessary files from LNP/Graphics/<pack>. Params: pack The pack to simplify. Returns: The number of files removed if successful False if an exception occurred None if folder is empty """ pack = os.path.join(self.graphics_dir, pack) files_before = sum(len(f) for (_, _, f) in os.walk(pack)) if files_before == 0: return None tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: dir_util.copy_tree(pack, tmp) if os.path.isdir(pack): dir_util.remove_tree(pack) os.makedirs(pack) os.makedirs(os.path.join(pack, 'data', 'art')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(pack, 'raw', 'graphics')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(pack, 'raw', 'objects')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(pack, 'data', 'init')) dir_util.copy_tree( os.path.join(tmp, 'data', 'art'), os.path.join(pack, 'data', 'art')) dir_util.copy_tree( os.path.join(tmp, 'raw', 'graphics'), os.path.join(pack, 'raw', 'graphics')) dir_util.copy_tree( os.path.join(tmp, 'raw', 'objects'), os.path.join(pack, 'raw', 'objects')) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(tmp, 'data', 'init', 'colors.txt'), os.path.join(pack, 'data', 'init', 'colors.txt')) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(tmp, 'data', 'init', 'init.txt'), os.path.join(pack, 'data', 'init', 'init.txt')) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(tmp, 'data', 'init', 'd_init.txt'), os.path.join(pack, 'data', 'init', 'd_init.txt')) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(tmp, 'data', 'init', 'overrides.txt'), os.path.join(pack, 'data', 'init', 'overrides.txt')) except IOError: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) retval = False else: files_after = sum(len(f) for (_, _, f) in os.walk(pack)) retval = files_after - files_before if os.path.isdir(tmp): dir_util.remove_tree(tmp) return retval def install_extras(self): """ Installs extra utilities to the Dwarf Fortress folder, if this has not yet been done. """ extras_dir = os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'Extras') if not os.path.isdir(extras_dir): return install_file = os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'PyLNP{0}.txt'.format(VERSION)) if not os.access(install_file, os.F_OK): dir_util.copy_tree(extras_dir, self.df_dir) textfile = open(install_file, 'w') textfile.write( 'PyLNP V{0} extras installed!\nTime: {1}'.format( VERSION,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) textfile.close() def updates_configured(self): """Returns True if update checking have been configured.""" return self.config.get_string('updates/checkURL') != '' def check_update(self): """Checks for updates using the URL specified in PyLNP.json.""" if not self.updates_configured(): return if self.userconfig.get_number('updateDays') == -1: return if self.userconfig.get_number('nextUpdate') < time.time(): t = Thread(target=self.perform_update_check) t.daemon = True t.start() def perform_update_check(self): """Performs the actual update check. Runs in a thread.""" try: req = Request( self.config.get_string('updates/checkURL'), headers={'User-Agent':'PyLNP'}) version_text = urlopen(req, timeout=3).read() # Note: versionRegex must capture the version number in a group new_version = self.config.get_string('updates/versionRegex'), version_text).group(1) if new_version != self.config.get_string('updates/packVersion'): self.new_version = new_version self.ui.on_update_available() except URLError as ex: print( "Error checking for updates: " + str(ex.reason), file=sys.stderr) except: pass def next_update(self, days): """Sets the next update check to occur in <days> days.""" self.userconfig['nextUpdate'] = (time.time() + days * 24 * 60 * 60) self.userconfig['updateDays'] = days self.save_config() def start_update(self): """Launches a webbrowser to the specified update URL.""" self.open_url(self.config.get_string('updates/downloadURL')) def read_colors(self): """Returns a list of color schemes.""" return tuple([ os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(p))[0] for p in self.get_text_files(self.colors_dir)]) def get_colors(self, colorscheme=None): """ Returns RGB tuples for all 16 colors in <colorscheme>.txt, or data/init/colors.txt if no scheme is provided.""" result = [] f = os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'data', 'init', 'colors.txt') if colorscheme is not None: f = os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'colors', colorscheme+'.txt') for c in [ 'BLACK', 'BLUE', 'GREEN', 'CYAN', 'RED', 'MAGENTA', 'BROWN', 'LGRAY', 'DGRAY', 'LBLUE', 'LGREEN', 'LCYAN', 'LRED', 'LMAGENTA', 'YELLOW', 'WHITE']: result.append(( int(self.settings.read_value(f, c+'_R')), int(self.settings.read_value(f, c+'_G')), int(self.settings.read_value(f, c+'_B')))) return result def load_colors(self, filename): """ Replaces the current DF color scheme. Params: filename The name of the new colorscheme to install (filename without extension). """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(self.lnp_dir, 'colors', filename), os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'colors.txt')) def save_colors(self, filename): """ Save current keybindings to a file. Params: filename The name of the new keybindings file. """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' filename = os.path.join(self.colors_dir, filename) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'colors.txt'), filename) self.read_colors() def color_exists(self, filename): """ Returns whether or not a color scheme already exists. Params: filename The filename to check. """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' return os.access(os.path.join(self.colors_dir, filename), os.F_OK) def delete_colors(self, filename): """ Deletes a color scheme file. Params: filename The filename to delete. """ if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename = filename + '.txt' os.remove(os.path.join(self.colors_dir, filename)) def read_hacks(self): """Reads which hacks are enabled.""" try: f = open(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'PyLNP_dfhack_onload.init')) hacklines = f.readlines() for h in self.get_hacks().values(): h['enabled'] = h['command']+'\n' in hacklines f.close() except IOError: for h in self.get_hacks().values(): h['enabled'] = False def get_hacks(self): """Returns dict of available hacks.""" return self.config.get_dict('dfhack') def get_hack(self, title): """ Returns the hack titled <title>, or None if this does not exist. Params: title The title of the hack. """ try: return self.get_hacks()[title] except KeyError: return None def toggle_hack(self, name): """ Toggles the hack <name>. Params: name The name of the hack to toggle. """ self.get_hack(name)['enabled'] = not self.get_hack(name)['enabled'] self.rebuild_hacks() def rebuild_hacks(self): """Rebuilds PyLNP_dfhack_onload.init with the enabled hacks.""" f = open(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'PyLNP_dfhack_onload.init'), 'w') f.write('# Generated by PyLNP\n\n') for k, h in self.get_hacks().items(): if h['enabled']: f.write('# '+str(k)+'\n') f.write('# '+str(h['tooltip'])+'\n') f.write(h['command']+'\n\n') f.flush() f.close() def install_embarks(self, files): """ Installs a list of embark profiles. Params: files List of files to install. """ out = open(os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'embark_profiles.txt'), 'w') for f in files: embark = open(os.path.join(self.embarks_dir, f)) out.write("\n\n") out.flush() out.close()
class PyLNP(object): """ PyLNP library class. Acts as an abstraction layer between the UI and the Dwarf Fortress instance. """ def __init__(self): """Constructor for the PyLNP library.""" # pylint:disable=global-statement global lnp lnp = self self.args = self.parse_commandline() self.BASEDIR = '.' if sys.platform == 'win32': self.os = 'win' elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): self.os = 'linux' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': self.os = 'osx' self.bundle = '' if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): self.bundle = self.os os.chdir(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)) if self.bundle == 'osx': # OS X bundles start in different directory os.chdir('../../..') else: os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) from . import update self.folders = [] self.df_info = None self.settings = None self.running = {} self.autorun = [] self.updater = None self.config = None self.userconfig = None self.ui = None self.initialize_program() self.initialize_df() self.new_version = None self.initialize_ui() update.check_update() self.ui.start() def initialize_program(self): """Initializes the main program (errorlog, path registration, etc.).""" from . import paths, utilities, errorlog self.BASEDIR = '.' self.detect_basedir() paths.clear() paths.register('root', self.BASEDIR) errorlog.start() paths.register('lnp', self.BASEDIR, 'LNP') if not os.path.isdir(paths.get('lnp')): print('WARNING: LNP folder is missing!', file=sys.stderr) paths.register('keybinds', paths.get('lnp'), 'Keybinds') paths.register('graphics', paths.get('lnp'), 'Graphics') paths.register('utilities', paths.get('lnp'), 'Utilities') paths.register('colors', paths.get('lnp'), 'Colors') paths.register('embarks', paths.get('lnp'), 'Embarks') paths.register('tilesets', paths.get('lnp'), 'Tilesets') paths.register('baselines', paths.get('lnp'), 'Baselines') paths.register('mods', paths.get('lnp'), 'Mods') config_file = 'PyLNP.json' if os.access(paths.get('lnp', 'PyLNP.json'), os.F_OK): config_file = paths.get('lnp', 'PyLNP.json') default_config = { "folders": [ ["Savegame folder", "<df>/data/save"], ["Utilities folder", "LNP/Utilities"], ["Graphics folder", "LNP/Graphics"], ["-", "-"], ["Main folder", ""], ["LNP folder", "LNP"], ["Dwarf Fortress folder", "<df>"], ["Init folder", "<df>/data/init"] ], "links": [ ["DF Homepage", ""], ["DF Wiki", ""], ["DF Forums", ""] ], "hideUtilityPath": False, "hideUtilityExt": False, "updates": { "updateMethod": "" } } self.config = JSONConfiguration(config_file, default_config) self.userconfig = JSONConfiguration('PyLNP.user') self.autorun = [] utilities.load_autorun() def initialize_df(self): """Initializes the DF folder and related variables.""" from . import df self.df_info = None self.folders = [] self.settings = None df.find_df_folder() def initialize_ui(self): """Instantiates the UI object.""" from tkgui.tkgui import TkGui self.ui = TkGui() def reload_program(self): """Reloads the program to allow the user to change DF folders.""" self.args.df_folder = None self.initialize_program() self.initialize_df() self.initialize_ui() self.ui.start() def parse_commandline(self): """Parses and acts on command line options.""" args = self.get_commandline_args() if args.debug == 1: log.set_level(log.DEBUG) elif args.debug is not None and args.debug > 1: log.set_level(log.VERBOSE) log.d(args) return args @staticmethod def get_commandline_args(): """Responsible for the actual parsing of command line options.""" import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="PyLNP " +VERSION) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', action='count', help='Turn on debugging output (use twice for extra verbosity)') parser.add_argument( '--raw-lint', action='store_true', help='Verify contents of raw files and exit') parser.add_argument( 'df_folder', nargs='?', help='Dwarf Fortress folder to use (if it exists)') parser.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version="PyLNP "+VERSION) return parser.parse_known_args()[0] def save_config(self): """Saves LNP configuration.""" self.userconfig.save_data() def detect_basedir(self): """Detects the location of Dwarf Fortress by walking up the directory tree.""" prev_path = '.' from . import df try: while os.path.abspath(self.BASEDIR) != prev_path: df.find_df_folders() if len(self.folders) != 0: return prev_path = os.path.abspath(self.BASEDIR) self.BASEDIR = os.path.join(self.BASEDIR, '..') except UnicodeDecodeError: print( "ERROR: PyLNP is being stored in a path containing non-ASCII " "characters, and cannot continue. Folder names may only use " "the characters A-Z, 0-9, and basic punctuation.\n" "Alternatively, you may run PyLNP from source using Python 3.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) log.e("Could not find any Dwarf Fortress installations.") sys.exit(2)
def initialize_ui(self): """Instantiates the UI object.""" from tkgui.tkgui import TkGui self.ui = TkGui()
class PyLNP(object): """ PyLNP library class. Acts as an abstraction layer between the UI and the Dwarf Fortress instance. """ def __init__(self): """Constructor for the PyLNP library.""" # pylint:disable=global-statement global lnp lnp = self self.args = self.parse_commandline() self.BASEDIR = '.' if sys.platform == 'win32': self.os = 'win' elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): self.os = 'linux' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': self.os = 'osx' self.bundle = '' if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): self.bundle = self.os os.chdir(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)) if self.bundle == 'osx': # OS X bundles start in different directory os.chdir('../../..') else: os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) from . import update self.folders = [] self.df_info = None self.settings = None self.running = {} self.autorun = [] self.updater = None self.config = None self.userconfig = None self.ui = None self.initialize_program() self.initialize_df() self.new_version = None self.initialize_ui() update.check_update() from . import paths save_dir = paths.get('save') saves_exist = os.path.isdir(save_dir) and os.listdir(save_dir) if paths.get('df') and not saves_exist: self.ui.on_query_migration() self.ui.start() def initialize_program(self): """Initializes the main program (errorlog, path registration, etc.).""" from . import paths, utilities, errorlog self.BASEDIR = '.' self.detect_basedir() paths.clear() paths.register('root', self.BASEDIR) errorlog.start() paths.register('lnp', self.BASEDIR, 'LNP') if not os.path.isdir(paths.get('lnp')): log.w('LNP folder is missing!') paths.register('keybinds', paths.get('lnp'), 'Keybinds') paths.register('graphics', paths.get('lnp'), 'Graphics') paths.register('utilities', paths.get('lnp'), 'Utilities') paths.register('colors', paths.get('lnp'), 'Colors') paths.register('embarks', paths.get('lnp'), 'Embarks') paths.register('tilesets', paths.get('lnp'), 'Tilesets') paths.register('baselines', paths.get('lnp'), 'Baselines') paths.register('mods', paths.get('lnp'), 'Mods') config_file = 'PyLNP.json' if os.access(paths.get('lnp', 'PyLNP.json'), os.F_OK): config_file = paths.get('lnp', 'PyLNP.json') default_config = { "folders": [["Savegame folder", "<df>/data/save"], ["Utilities folder", "LNP/Utilities"], ["Graphics folder", "LNP/Graphics"], ["-", "-"], ["Main folder", ""], ["LNP folder", "LNP"], ["Dwarf Fortress folder", "<df>"], ["Init folder", "<df>/data/init"]], "links": [["DF Homepage", ""], ["DF Wiki", ""], ["DF Forums", ""]], "to_import": [['text_prepend', '<df>/gamelog.txt'], ['text_prepend', '<df>/ss_fix.log'], ['text_prepend', '<df>/dfhack.history'], ['copy_add', '<df>/data/save'], ['copy_add', '<df>/soundsense', 'LNP/Utilities/Soundsense/packs'], ['copy_add', 'LNP/Utilities/Soundsense/packs'], ['copy_add', 'User Generated Content']], "hideUtilityPath": False, "hideUtilityExt": False, "updates": { "updateMethod": "" } } self.config = JSONConfiguration(config_file, default_config) self.userconfig = JSONConfiguration('PyLNP.user') self.autorun = [] utilities.load_autorun() if self.args.terminal_test_parent: from . import terminal sys.exit( terminal.terminal_test_parent( self.args.terminal_test_parent[0])) if self.args.terminal_test_child: from . import terminal sys.exit( terminal.terminal_test_child(self.args.terminal_test_child[0])) def initialize_df(self): """Initializes the DF folder and related variables.""" from . import df self.df_info = None self.folders = [] self.settings = None df.find_df_folder() def initialize_ui(self): """Instantiates the UI object.""" from tkgui.tkgui import TkGui self.ui = TkGui() def reload_program(self): """Reloads the program to allow the user to change DF folders.""" self.args.df_folder = None self.initialize_program() self.initialize_df() self.initialize_ui() self.ui.start() def parse_commandline(self): """Parses and acts on command line options.""" args = self.get_commandline_args() if args.debug == 1: log.set_level(log.DEBUG) elif args.debug is not None and args.debug > 1: log.set_level(log.VERBOSE) if args.release_prep: args.raw_lint = True log.d(args) return args @staticmethod def get_commandline_args(): """Responsible for the actual parsing of command line options.""" import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="PyLNP " + VERSION) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', action='count', help='Turn on debugging output (use twice for extra verbosity)') parser.add_argument('--raw-lint', action='store_true', help='Verify contents of raw files and exit') parser.add_argument('df_folder', nargs='?', help='Dwarf Fortress folder to use (if it exists)') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version="PyLNP " + VERSION) parser.add_argument('--df-executable', action='store', help='Override DF/DFHack executable name') parser.add_argument('--release-prep', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--terminal-test-parent', nargs=1, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--terminal-test-child', nargs=1, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) return parser.parse_known_args()[0] def save_config(self): """Saves LNP configuration.""" self.userconfig.save_data() def detect_basedir(self): """Detects the location of Dwarf Fortress by walking up the directory tree.""" prev_path = '.' from . import df try: while os.path.abspath(self.BASEDIR) != prev_path: df.find_df_folders() if len(self.folders) != 0: return # pylint:disable=redefined-variable-type prev_path = os.path.abspath(self.BASEDIR) self.BASEDIR = os.path.join(self.BASEDIR, '..') except UnicodeDecodeError: # This seems to no longer be an issue, but leaving in the check # just in case log.e( "PyLNP is being stored in a path containing non-ASCII " "characters, and cannot continue. Folder names may only use " "the characters A-Z, 0-9, and basic punctuation.\n" "Alternatively, you may run PyLNP from source using Python 3.") sys.exit(1) log.e("Could not find any Dwarf Fortress installations.") sys.exit(2)