예제 #1
파일: quote.py 프로젝트: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_quotelast(bot, ievent):
    """ quote-last .. show last quote """
    search = ""
        (nr, search) = ievent.args
        nr = int(nr)  
    except ValueError:
            nr = ievent.args[0]
            nr = int(nr)
        except (IndexError, ValueError):
            nr = 1
            try: search = ievent.args[0]
            except IndexError: search = ""
    if nr < 1 or nr > 4: ievent.reply('nr needs to be between 1 and 4') ; return
    search = re.sub('^d', '', search)
    if search: quotelist = quotes.searchlast(search, nr)
    else: quotelist = quotes.last(nr)
    if quotelist != None:
        for quote in quotelist:
            karma = plugs.get("tl.plugs.db.karma")
            if karma: qkarma = karma.karma.get('quote %s' % quote.id)
            else: qkarma = None
            if qkarma: ievent.reply('#%s (%s) %s' % (quote.id, qkarma, quote.txt))
            else: ievent.reply('#%s %s' % (quote.id, quote.txt))
    else: ievent.reply("can't fetch quote")
예제 #2
파일: todo.py 프로젝트: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_settodo(bot, ievent):
    """ todo-set <name> <txt> .. add a todo to another user's todo list"""
        who = ievent.args[0]
        what = ' '.join(ievent.args[1:])
    except IndexError: ievent.missing('<nick> <what>') ;return
    if not what: ievent.missing('<nick> <what>') ; return
    userhost = getwho(bot, who)
    if not userhost: ievent.reply("can't find userhost for %s" % who) ; return
    whouser = getusers().getname(userhost)
    if not whouser: ievent.reply("can't find user for %s" % userhost) ; return
    name = getusers().getname(ievent.userhost)
    if not getusers().permitted(userhost, name, 'todo'): ievent.reply("%s doesn't permit todo sharing for %s " % (who, name)) ; return
    what = "%s: %s" % (ievent.nick, what)
    ttime = strtotime(what)
    nr = 0
    if not ttime  == None:
        ievent.reply('time detected ' + time.ctime(ttime))
        what = striptime(what)
        karma = plugs.get("tl.plugs.db.karma2")
        if karma: alarmnr = alarms.add(bot.name, who, ttime, what)
        else: alarmnr = None
        nr = todo.add(whouser, what, ttime, alarmnr)
    else: nr = todo.add(whouser, what, None)
    ievent.reply('todo item %s added' % nr)
예제 #3
파일: quote.py 프로젝트: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_quote(bot, ievent):
    """ quote .. show random quote """
    quote = quotes.random()
    qkarma = None
    if quote != None:
        karma = plugs.get("tl.plugs.db.karma")
        if karma: qkarma = karma.karma.get('quote %s' % quote.id)
        if qkarma: ievent.reply('#%s (%s) %s' % (quote.id, qkarma, quote.txt))
        else: ievent.reply('#%s %s' % (quote.id, quote.txt))
    else: ievent.reply('no quotes yet')
예제 #4
파일: quote.py 프로젝트: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_quotebad(bot, ievent):
    """ show top ten negative karma """
    karma = plugs.get("tl.plugs.db.karma")
    if not karma: ievent.reply("karma plugin is not loaded") ; return
    result = karma.karma.quotebad(limit=10)
    if result:
        resultstr = ""
        for i in result:
            if i[1] < 0: resultstr += "%s: %s " % (i[0], i[1])
        ievent.reply('quote badness: %s' % resultstr)
    else: ievent.reply('quote karma void')
예제 #5
파일: quote.py 프로젝트: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_quoteid(bot, ievent):
    """ quote-id <nr> .. show quote by id """
    try: quotenr = int(ievent.args[0])
    except IndexError: ievent.missing('<nr>') ; return
    except ValueError: ievent.reply('argument must be an integer') ; return
    qkarma = None
    quote = quotes.idquote(quotenr)
    if quote != None:
        karma = plugs.get("tl.plugs.db.karma")
        if karma: qkarma = karma.karma.get('quote %s' % quote.id)
        if qkarma: ievent.reply('#%s (%s) %s' % (quote.id, qkarma, quote.txt))
        else: ievent.reply('#%s %s' % (quote.id, quote.txt))
    else: ievent.reply("can't fetch quote with id %s" % quotenr)
예제 #6
파일: todo.py 프로젝트: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_chantodo2(bot, ievent):
    """ set todo item for channel"""
    what = ievent.rest
    ttime = strtotime(what)
    nr = 0
    if not ttime  == None:
        ievent.reply('time detected ' + time.ctime(ttime))
        result = '(%s) ' % ievent.nick + striptime(what)
        alarms = plugs.get("tl.plugs.extra.alarm")
        if alarms : alarmnr = alarms.add(bot.name, ievent.channel, ttime, result)
        else: alarmnr = None
        nr = todo.add(ievent.channel, result, ttime, alarmnr)
        result = '(%s) ' % ievent.nick + what
        nr = todo.add(ievent.channel, result, None)
    ievent.reply('todo item %s added' % nr)
예제 #7
파일: todo.py 프로젝트: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_todo2(bot, ievent):
    """ set todo item """
    if not ievent.rest: ievent.missing("<what>") ; return
    else: what = ievent.rest
    name = getusers().getname(ievent.userhost)
    ttime = strtotime(what)
    nr = 0
    if not ttime  == None:
        ievent.reply('time detected ' + time.ctime(ttime))
        what = striptime(what)
        alarms = plugs.get("tl.plugs.extra.alarm")
        if alarms : alarmnr = alarms.alarms.add(bot.name, ievent.nick, ttime, what)
        else: alarmnr = None
        nr = todo.add(name, what, ttime, alarmnr)
    else: nr = todo.add(name, what, None)
    ievent.reply('todo item %s added' % nr)
예제 #8
파일: todo.py 프로젝트: buzzworkers/tl
 def delete(self, name, indexnr):
     """ delete todo item """
     global db
     if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return 0
     name = name.lower()
         warnsec = self.getwarnsec(indexnr)[0][0]
         if warnsec:
             alarmnr = 0 - warnsec
             if alarmnr > 0:
                 alarms = plugs.get("tl.plugs.extra.alarm")
                 if alarms: alarms.alarms.delete(alarmnr)
     except (IndexError, TypeError):
     result = db.execute(""" DELETE FROM todo WHERE name = %s AND indx = %s """, (name, indexnr))
     return result
예제 #9
파일: quote.py 프로젝트: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_quotesearch(bot, ievent):
    """ quote-search <txt> .. search quotes """
    if not ievent.rest: ievent.missing('<item>') ; return
    else: what = ievent.rest ; nrtimes = 3
    result = quotes.search(what)
    if result:
        if ievent.queues:
            res = []
            for quote in result: res.append('#%s %s' % (quote.id, quote.txt))
        if nrtimes > len(result): nrtimes = len(result)
        randquotes = random.sample(result, nrtimes)
        for quote in randquotes:
            qkarma = None
            karma = plugs.get("tl.plugs.db.karma")
            if karma: qkarma = karma.karma.get('quote %s' % quote.id)
            if qkarma: ievent.reply('#%s (%s) %s' % (quote.id, qkarma, quote.txt))
            else: ievent.reply("#%s %s" % (quote.id, quote.txt))
    else: ievent.reply('no quotes found with %s' % what)