def test_buzzerProcess(self): """ Test if the buzzer makes a sound """ buz=Buzzer(0.1) self.assertNotEqual(buz, None, "Process could not be established") startThreadClass(buz) abortThread(buz,0.5, "test_buzzerProcess")
def test_animatedbuzzer(self): """ Test if the buzzer makes a sound while the led display showns sign """ ab=AnimatedBuzzer(1.0) self.assertNotEqual(ab, None, "Process could not be established") startThreadClass(ab) abortThread(ab,1,"animatedBuzzer_class") self.assertFalse(ab.is_alive(),"AnimatedBuzzer should have been stopped...")
def stopClock(self): """ stops the clock from showing Needed in order to use the display for other activities :) """ global global_clock_thread if global_clock_thread != None: abortThread(global_clock_thread) logging.debug("Clock now hiding: " + str(global_clock_thread)) global_clock_thread = None
def finishGame(self, status, hardware): """End game-level Close down hardware-activities started :param status: current state of the game, used for web-frontend :param hardware: List of hardware-processes that should be terminated here """ ( timer, kbd, touch, ) = hardware glob = tlu_globals.globMgr.tlu_glob() buz = None if status.result != None and status.result != Level.PASSED: buz = Buzzer(0.1) startThreadClass(buz) status.msg = str(_("Level 4 failed")) status.level_progress = 0 glob.matrixShow_symbol('triangle_down') time.sleep(0.3) #wait a bit else: status.msg = str(_("You have passed Level 4 :)")) status.level_progress = 100 status.result = Level.PASSED status.points = 20 glob.matrixShow_symbol('smiley') status.level_ended = models.setGameState(self.user_id, status) abortThread(touch, 0.5, "aborting Touch") abortThread(kbd, 1, "aborting Keyboard") abortThread(timer, 1, "aborting countdown") abortThread(buz, 0.5, "aborting Buzzer")
def stop(self,process,msg=''): """ Service-function to abort the running process :param process: Process to be aborted :param msg: Log-Message in case anything got wrong """ self.assertTrue(abortThread(process,1,msg),"Task could not be stopped:"+str(msg))
def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ The main process for this level Please overwrite the following methods and not this one: * prepareGame and * finishGame besides * as these 3 provide the necessary game-functionalities and not this "run" method """ logger.debug('level started') status = models.getCleanGameState(self.user_id) status.msg = (_("Level is running")) status.level_progress = 0 models.setGameState(self.user_id, status) if not userOk(self.user_id): status.msg = _("You have to login in order to play this level...") models.setGameState(self.user_id, status) return queue = self.GameQueue() stop_event = Event() hardware = self.prepareGame(status, queue) language = translation.get_language() #print(str(language)) qThread = startThread(, args=( stop_event, self, hardware, language, ), name="queue_for_level") #needed to loop through the messages stop_event.wait( ) #wait until queues stops processing or level gets terminated stop_event.clear() status = getGameState(self.user_id) self.finishGame(status, hardware) status = getGameState(self.user_id)'Level State= ' + str(status)) logger.debug('Level ended') queue.close() abortThread(qThread, 1, "aborting message-Queue") glob = tlu_globals.globMgr.tlu_glob() glob.startClock() #restart clock in case it had been stopped return