def control_refrigerator(req): msg = TmsdbStamped() db = Tmsdb() msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(9*60*60) ms_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") # print ms_time db.time = str(ms_time) = 2009 db.sensor = 2009 if req.service == 1: db.state = 2 elif req.service == 0: db.state = 1 msg.tmsdb.append(db) if req.service == 1: clearpin.write(0) time.sleep(0.1) clearpin.write(1) time.sleep(0.1) startpin.write(0) time.sleep(0.1) closepin.write(0) time.sleep(0.1) openpin.write(1) time.sleep(0.1) startpin.write(1) pub.publish(msg) elif req.service == 0: clearpin.write(0) time.sleep(0.1) clearpin.write(1) time.sleep(0.1) startpin.write(0) time.sleep(0.1) closepin.write(1) time.sleep(0.1) openpin.write(0) time.sleep(0.1) startpin.write(1) pub.publish(msg) else: return rs_home_appliancesResponse(0) return rs_home_appliancesResponse(1)
def db_write(pub, state): """tms_db_writerにトピックを送る(結果、DBにデータを書き込む) args: pub: node.publisher型。tms_db_writerへのトピック送信用 state: int型。1なら測定中、0なら測定停止中 """ global node, roll, pitch, temp, rate, wave now_time = send_data = {"temp": temp, "rate": rate, "wave": wave} db_msg = TmsdbStamped() db_msg.header.frame_id = "/world" # TODO: db_msgのヘッダーのstampがわからなかったので書いていない # clock = Clock() # db_msg.header.stamp = tmp_data = Tmsdb() tmp_data.time = now_time = "whs1_mybeat" = 3021 = 5001 tmp_data.sensor = 3021 tmp_data.state = state tmp_data.rr = roll tmp_data.rp = pitch tmp_data.ry = 0.0 tmp_data.note = json.dumps(send_data) db_msg.tmsdb = [tmp_data] pub.publish(db_msg)
def getPose(self): user_dbdata = Tmsdb() = 1100 user_dbdata.state = 1 user_data = self.db_reader(user_dbdata) if user_data is None: print "failed to get user data" # robot_dbdata = Tmsdb() # = 2012 # robot_dbdata.sensor = 3001 # robot_dbdata.state = 1 # robot_data = self.db_reader(robot_dbdata) # if robot_data is None: # print "failed to get robot data" # print user_data.tmsdb[0].x # distance = np.sqrt(np.square(self.user_place_x - user_data.tmsdb[0].x) + np.square(self.user_place_y - user_data.tmsdb[0].y)) # user_place_x = user_data.tmsdb[0].x # user_place_y = user_data.tmsdb[0].y # if distance > 2: # return True # else: # return False return user_data
def alarm(self): while True: print "alarm" self.speaker('\sound4') time.sleep(1.5) temp_dbdata = Tmsdb() = 1100 temp_dbdata.state = 1 target = self.db_reader(temp_dbdata) if target is None: self.announce(error_msg2) return print 'rp:' + str(target.rp) if target.rp > -0.2: break
def callback(self, data, id): rospy.loginfo(str(id)) rospy.loginfo(data) if id < 100: if not in trigger: return if self.gSpeech_launched == True: return self.gSpeech_launched = True rospy.loginfo("call trigger on raspi:%d", id) rospy.loginfo("kill julius!!") self.julius_power(False) self.speaker("\sound1") time.sleep(0.5) data = self.launch_gSpeech(id) self.gSpeech_launched = False if == "": tim = self.announce(error_msg0) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return rospy.loginfo("get command!") tokens = self.tok.tokenize('utf-8')) words = [] verb = '' for token in tokens: print token if token.part_of_speech.split(',')[0] == u'動詞': verb += token.base_form.encode('utf-8') elif token.part_of_speech.split(',')[0] == u'名詞': if token.base_form.encode('utf-8') != "*": words.append(token.base_form.encode('utf-8')) else: words.append(token.surface.encode('utf-8')) if verb != '': words.append(verb) if "言う" in words: #「〇〇に行って」が「〇〇に言って」と認識される words.append("行く") if "入る" in words: #同上 words.append("行く") print str(words).decode('string-escape') task_id = 0 robot_id = 0 object_id = 0 user_id = 1100 place_id = 0 announce = "" robot_name = "" object_name = "" user_name = "太郎さん" place_name = "" task_dic = {} robot_dic = {} object_dic = {} user_dic = {1100: "太郎さん"} place_dic = {} other_words = [] for word in words: res = self.tag_reader(word) if res is None: tim = self.announce(error_msg2) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return for target in res.tmsdb: if target.type == 'task': task_dic[] = target.announce elif target.type == 'robot': robot_dic[] = target.announce elif target.type == 'object': object_dic[] = target.announce elif target.type == 'person': user_dic[] = target.announce elif target.type == 'furniture': place_dic[] = target.announce else: other_words.append(word) print "task:" + str(task_dic) print "robot:" + str(robot_dic) print "object:" + str(object_dic) print "user:"******"place:" + str(place_dic) if len(task_dic) == 1: task_id = task_dic.keys()[0] announce = task_dic[task_id] elif len(task_dic) > 1: print "len(task_dic) > 1" #未実装 task_id = task_dic.keys()[0] announce = task_dic[task_id] if task_id == 0: print 'ask docomo Q&A api' print urlenc = urllib.quote( args = "curl -s '" + self.apikey + "&q=" + urlenc + "'" ret = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(args)) json_dict = json.loads(ret, "utf-8") announce = "すみません、わかりませんでした。" if "message" in json_dict: print json_dict["message"]["textForDisplay"] announce = json_dict["message"]["textForSpeech"] tim = self.announce(announce) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return elif task_id == 8100: #search_object if len(object_dic) == 1: object_id = object_dic.keys()[0] object_name = object_dic[object_id] elif len(object_dic) > 1: print "len(object_dic) > 1" #未実装 place_id = 0 place_name = "" temp_dbdata = Tmsdb() = object_id temp_dbdata.state = 1 target = self.db_reader(temp_dbdata) if target is None: tim = self.announce(error_msg2) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return place_id = temp_dbdata = Tmsdb() = place_id + sid target = self.db_reader(temp_dbdata) if target is None: tim = self.announce(error_msg2) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return place_name = target.announce if object_name == "" or place_name == "": tim = self.announce(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "object": announce += object_name elif anc == "place": announce += place_name else: announce += anc tim = self.announce(announce) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) elif task_id == 8101: #weather_forecast place = "福岡市" date = "" weather = "" for word in other_words: if word in ['今日', '明日', '明後日', 'あさって']: date = word if date == "": tim = self.announce(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return args = "curl -s\?city\=400010" ret = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(args)) json_dict = json.loads(ret, "utf-8") if "forecasts" in json_dict: if date == '今日': weather = json_dict["forecasts"][0]["telop"].encode( 'utf-8') elif date == '明日': weather = json_dict["forecasts"][1]["telop"].encode( 'utf-8') elif date == '明後日' or date == 'あさって': weather = json_dict["forecasts"][2]["telop"].encode( 'utf-8') if weather == "": tim = self.announce(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "place": announce += place elif anc == "date": announce += date elif anc == "weather": announce += weather else: announce += anc tim = self.announce(announce) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) elif task_id == 8102: #set_alarm today = print 'now:' + today.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") if today.hour < 6: date = 0 else: date = 1 hour = -1 minute = 0 for i, word in enumerate(other_words): if word == "今日": date = 0 elif word == "明日" and today.hour > 6: date = 1 elif word in ["時", "時半"] and i > 0: if words[i - 1].isdigit(): hour = int(words[i - 1]) if word == "時半": minute = 30 if i > 1 and words[i - 2] == "午後" and hour <= 12: hour += 12 elif i > 1 and words[ i - 2] == "夜" and hour <= 12 and hour >= 6: hour += 12 elif word == "分": if words[i - 1].isdigit(): minute = int(words[i - 1]) print "d:" + str(date) + " h:" + str(hour) + " m:" + str(minute) if hour == -1: tim = self.announce(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return tgt_tim = datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month,, hour, minute, 0, 0) tgt_time += datetime.timedelta(1) print 'tgt_time:' + tgt_time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") offset = tgt_time - today print 'offset_sec:' + str(offset.seconds) if offset.seconds < 0: tim = self.announce(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return self.timer = threading.Timer( 15, self.alarm) #(offset.seconds,self.alarm) self.timer.start() anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "date": announce += str(tgt_time.month) + "月" + str( + "日" elif anc == "time": announce += str(tgt_time.hour) + "時" + str( tgt_time.minute) + "分" else: announce += anc tim = self.announce(announce) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) elif task_id == 8103: url = "" onoff = "" if "つける" in other_words: print "light on" onoff = "付け" url += "2003" elif "消す" in other_words: print "light off" onoff = "消し" url += "2005" else: tim = self.announce(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "onoff": announce += onoff else: announce += anc tim = self.announce(announce) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) res = requests.get(url) print res.text elif task_id == 8104: msg = Int32() cmd = "" if "起こす" in words: = 1 cmd = "を起こし" elif "寝かせる" in words: = 2 cmd = "を寝かせ" elif "立てる" in words: = 3 cmd = "を立て" elif "倒す" in words: = 4 cmd = "を倒し" elif "上げる" in words: = 7 cmd = "の高さを上げ" elif "下げる" in words: = 8 cmd = "の高さを下げ" else: tim = self.announce(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "cmd": announce += cmd else: announce += anc tim = self.announce(announce) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) self.bed_pub.publish(msg) else: #robot_task anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "robot": if len(robot_dic) == 1: robot_id = robot_dic.keys()[0] robot_name = robot_dic[robot_id] elif len(robot_dic) > 1: print "len(robot_dic) > 1" #未実装 if robot_id == 0: tim = self.announce(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return announce += robot_name elif anc == "object": if len(object_dic) == 1: object_id = object_dic.keys()[0] object_name = object_dic[object_id] elif len(object_dic) > 1: print "len(object_dic) > 1" #未実装 if object_id == 0: tim = self.announce(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return announce += object_name elif anc == "user": if len(user_dic) == 1: user_id = user_dic.keys()[0] user_name = user_dic[user_id] elif len(user_dic) > 1: print "len(user_dic) > 1" #未実装 if user_id == 0: tim = self.announce(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return announce += user_name elif anc == "place": if len(place_dic) == 1: place_id = place_dic.keys()[0] place_name = place_dic[place_id] elif len(place_dic) > 1: print "len(place_dic) > 1" #未実装 if place_id == 0: tim = self.announce(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec) return announce += place_name else: announce += anc print 'send command' try: rospy.wait_for_service('tms_ts_master', timeout=1.0) except rospy.ROSException: print "tms_ts_master is not work" try: tms_ts_master = rospy.ServiceProxy('tms_ts_master', ts_req) res = tms_ts_master(0, task_id, robot_id, object_id, user_id, place_id, 0) print res except rospy.ServiceException as e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e tim = self.announce(announce) self.julius_power(True, tim.sec)
async def callback(self, data, id=0): """[tms_db_reader] マイクに向かって何か発音したときのコールバック関数 """ self.get_logger().info( if id < 100: if not in trigger: return if self.gSpeech_launched == True: return self.gSpeech_launched = True # self.get_logger().info("call trigger on raspi:%d" % id) self.get_logger().info("[To tms_ur_listener_client] kill julius.") self.julius_power(False) self.speaker("\sound1") time.sleep(0.5) data = await self.call_gspeech(id) self.gSpeech_launched = False if == "": tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg0) self.julius_power(True, tim) return self.get_logger().info("[From tms_ur_listener_client] get command.") tokens = self.tok.tokenize( words = [] verb = '' for token in tokens: print('token: ' + str(token)) if token.part_of_speech.split(',')[0] == u'動詞': verb += token.base_form elif token.part_of_speech.split(',')[0] == u'名詞': if token.base_form != "*": words.append(token.base_form) else: words.append(token.surface) if verb != '': words.append(verb) if "言う" in words: #「〇〇に行って」が「〇〇に言って」と認識される words.append("行く") if "入る" in words: #同上 words.append("行く") print("words:") print(words) task_id = 0 robot_id = 0 object_id = 0 user_id = 0 #1100 place_id = 0 announce = "" task_name = "" #for remote task robot_name = "" object_name = "" user_name = "" #"太郎さん" place_name = "" task_dic = {} robot_dic = {} object_dic = {} user_dic = {} #{1100:"太郎さん"} place_dic = {} other_words = [] for word in words: res = await self.tag_reader(word) if res is None: tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg2) self.julius_power(True, tim) return for target in res: print(target) if target.type == 'task': if == 8102: # 「起こす」でタイマーが起動してしまい、ベッドを起こしてが聞かない continue task_dic[] = target.announce elif target.type == 'robot': robot_dic[] = target.announce elif target.type == 'object': object_dic[] = target.announce elif target.type == 'person': user_dic[] = target.announce elif target.type == 'furniture': place_dic[] = target.announce else: other_words.append(word) print("task:" + str(task_dic)) print("robot:" + str(robot_dic)) print("object:" + str(object_dic)) print("user:"******"place:" + str(place_dic)) if len(task_dic) == 1: task_id = list(task_dic.keys())[0] announce = task_dic[task_id] elif len(task_dic) > 1: print("len(task_dic) > 1") #「ベッド」がタスクとして認識されてしまい、「ベッドに行って」が失敗してしまう # => ロボットによるタスクを優先するため、task_id が小さい方を優先(要検討) task_id = min(task_dic.keys()) announce = task_dic[task_id] print("task_id : " + str(task_id)) # task_id = 8101 ##################################DEBUG#################### for word in words: other_words.append(word) if task_id == 0: print('ask docomo Q&A api') print( announce = "jsonが帰ってきません" urlenc = urllib.parse.quote( args = "curl -s '" + self.apikey + "&q=" + urlenc + "'" ret = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(args)) print(ret) if ret != b'': # json return json_dict = json.loads(ret) print(json_dict) if "message" in json_dict: # docomo api return message print(json_dict["message"]["textForDisplay"]) announce = json_dict["message"]["textForSpeech"] else: announce = "apiキーが違うようです" tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) self.julius_power(True, tim) return elif task_id == 8100: #search_object if len(object_dic) == 1: object_id = object_dic.keys()[0] object_name = object_dic[object_id] elif len(object_dic) > 1: print("len(object_dic) > 1") #未実装 else: # self.ask_remote(words, "search_object") return place_id = 0 place_name = "" temp_dbdata = Tmsdb() = object_id temp_dbdata.state = 1 #target = await self.call_dbreader(temp_dbdata) db_target = await self.call_dbreader(temp_dbdata) target = db_target[0] if target is None: tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg2) self.julius_power(True, tim) return place_id = temp_dbdata = Tmsdb() = place_id + sid db_target = await self.call_dbreader(temp_dbdata) target = db_target[0] #target = await self.call_dbreader(temp_dbdata) if target is None: tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg2) self.julius_power(True, tim) return place_name = target.announce if object_name == "" or place_name == "": tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim) return anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "object": announce += object_name elif anc == "place": announce += place_name else: announce += anc tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) self.julius_power(True, tim) elif task_id == 8101: #weather_forecast place = "福岡市" date = "" weather = "" for word in other_words: if word in ['今日', '明日', '明後日', 'あさって']: date = word if date == "": tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim) return args = "curl -s\?city\=400010" ret = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(args)) json_dict = json.loads(ret) pprint.pprint(json_dict) if "forecasts" in json_dict: if date == '今日': weather = json_dict["forecasts"][0]["telop"] elif date == '明日': weather = json_dict["forecasts"][1]["telop"] elif date == '明後日' or date == 'あさって': weather = json_dict["forecasts"][2]["telop"] if weather == "": tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim) return # anc_list = announce.split("$") # announce = "" # for anc in anc_list: # if anc == "place": # announce += place # elif anc == "date": # announce += date # elif anc == "weather": # announce += weather # else: # announce += anc # tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) tim = await self.call_speaker(place + "の" + date + "の天気は" + weather + "です") self.julius_power(True, tim) elif task_id == 8102: #set_alarm today = print('now:' + today.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) if today.hour < 6: date = 0 else: date = 1 hour = -1 minute = 0 for i, word in enumerate(other_words): if word == "今日": date = 0 elif word == "明日" and today.hour > 6: date = 1 elif word in ["時", "時半"] and i > 0: if words[i - 1].isdigit(): hour = int(words[i - 1]) if word == "時半": minute = 30 if i > 1 and words[i - 2] == "午後" and hour <= 12: hour += 12 elif i > 1 and words[ i - 2] == "夜" and hour <= 12 and hour >= 6: hour += 12 elif word == "分": if words[i - 1].isdigit(): minute = int(words[i - 1]) print("d:" + str(date) + " h:" + str(hour) + " m:" + str(minute)) if hour == -1: tim = self.announce(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim) return tgt_tim = datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month,, hour, minute, 0, 0) tgt_time += datetime.timedelta(1) print('tgt_time:' + tgt_time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) offset = tgt_time - today print('offset_sec:' + str(offset.seconds)) if offset.seconds < 0: tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim) return self.timer = threading.Timer( 15, self.alarm) #(offset.seconds,self.alarm) self.timer.start() anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "date": announce += str(tgt_time.month) + "月" + str( + "日" elif anc == "time": announce += str(tgt_time.hour) + "時" + str( tgt_time.minute) + "分" else: announce += anc tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) self.julius_power(True, tim) # 電気をつけて / 消して ---------- elif task_id == 8103: url = "" onoff = "" if "つける" in other_words: print("light on") onoff = "付け" url += "2003" elif "消す" in other_words: print("light off") onoff = "消し" url += "2005" else: tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim) return anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "onoff": announce += onoff else: announce += anc tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) self.julius_power(True, tim) res = requests.get(url) print(res.text) # tms_rc_bed ベッドを起こして / 寝かせて ---------- elif task_id == 8104: control_number = 0 cmd = "" if "起こす" in words: control_number = 1 cmd = "を起こし" elif "寝かせる" in words: control_number = 2 cmd = "を寝かせ" elif "立てる" in words: control_number = 3 cmd = "を立て" elif "倒す" in words: control_number = 4 cmd = "を倒し" elif "上げる" in words: control_number = 7 cmd = "の高さを上げ" elif "下げる" in words: control_number = 8 cmd = "の高さを下げ" else: tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, tim) return anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "cmd": announce += cmd else: announce += anc tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) self.julius_power(True, tim) ws = create_connection('ws://') # open socket ws.send(str(control_number)) # send to socket ws.close() # close socket elif task_id == 8105: print(user_dic) if len(user_dic) == 1: user_id = user_dic.keys()[0] user_name = user_dic[user_id] elif len(user_dic) > 1: print("len(user_dic) > 1") #未実装 else: # self.ask_remote(words, "get_health_condition") return place_id = 0 place_name = "" temp_dbdata = Tmsdb() = user_id temp_dbdata.state = 1 #target = await self.call_dbreader(temp_dbdata) db_target = await self.call_dbreader(temp_dbdata) target = db_target[0] if target is None: tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg2) self.julius_power(True, tim) return note = json.loads(target.note) rate = note["rate"] anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "user": announce += user_name elif anc == "data": announce += str(rate) else: announce += anc tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) self.julius_power(True, tim) else: #robot_task if task_id == 8009: talk = True else: talk = False task_announce_list = announce.split(";") for i in range(len(task_announce_list)): anc_list = task_announce_list[i].split("$") announce = "" task_flag = 0 for anc in anc_list: if anc == "robot": if len(robot_dic) == 1: robot_id = robot_dic.keys()[0] robot_name = robot_dic[robot_id] elif len(robot_dic) > 1: print("len(robot_dic) > 1") #未実装 if robot_id == 0: if i == len(task_announce_list) - 1: # self.ask_remote(words, "robot_task",talk) return else: task_flag = 1 announce += robot_name elif anc == "object": if len(object_dic) == 1: object_id = object_dic.keys()[0] object_name = object_dic[object_id] elif len(object_dic) > 1: print("len(object_dic) > 1") #未実装 if object_id == 0: if i == len(task_announce_list) - 1: # self.ask_remote(words, "robot_task",talk) return else: task_flag = 1 announce += object_name elif anc == "user": if len(user_dic) == 1: user_id = user_dic.keys()[0] user_name = user_dic[user_id] elif len(user_dic) > 1: print("len(user_dic) > 1") #未実装 if user_id == 0: if i == len(task_announce_list) - 1: # self.ask_remote(words, "robot_task",talk) return else: task_flag = 1 announce += user_name elif anc == "place": if len(place_dic) == 1: place_id = place_dic.keys()[0] place_name = place_dic[place_id] elif len(place_dic) > 1: print("len(place_dic) > 1") #未実装 if place_id == 0: if i == len(task_announce_list) - 1: # self.ask_remote(words, "robot_task",talk) return else: task_flag = 1 announce += place_name else: announce += anc if task_flag == 1: continue print('send command') try: rospy.wait_for_service('tms_ts_master', timeout=1.0) except rospy.ROSException: print("tms_ts_master is not work") try: tms_ts_master = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'tms_ts_master', ts_req) res = tms_ts_master(0, task_id, robot_id, object_id, user_id, place_id, 0) print(res) except rospy.ServiceException as e: print("Service call failed: %s" % e) tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) self.julius_power(True, tim) return
def pickSrvCallback(self, req): rospy.loginfo("Received the service call!") rospy.loginfo(req) temp_dbdata = Tmsdb() target = Tmsdb() = req.object_id temp_dbdata.state = 1 rospy.wait_for_service('tms_db_reader') try: tms_db_reader = rospy.ServiceProxy('tms_db_reader', TmsdbGetData) res = tms_db_reader(temp_dbdata) target = res.tmsdb[0] except rospy.ServiceException as e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e self.shutdown() print( # Use the planning scene object to add or remove objects scene = PlanningSceneInterface() # Create a scene publisher to push changes to the scene #self.scene_pub = rospy.Publisher('planning_scene', PlanningScene) self.scene_pub = rospy.Publisher('planning_scene', PlanningScene, 10) # Create a publisher for displaying gripper poses #self.gripper_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('gripper_pose', PoseStamped) self.gripper_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('gripper_pose', PoseStamped, 10) # Create a dictionary to hold object colors self.colors = dict() # Initialize the move group for the right arm arm = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_ARM) # Initialize the move group for the right gripper gripper = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_GRIPPER) # Get the name of the end-effector link end_effector_link = arm.get_end_effector_link() # Allow some leeway in position (meters) and orientation (radians) arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.05) arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.1) # Allow replanning to increase the odds of a solution arm.allow_replanning(True) # Set the right arm reference frame print("***** set pose reference frame") arm.set_pose_reference_frame(REFERENCE_FRAME) # Allow 5 seconds per planning attempt arm.set_planning_time(5) # Set a limit on the number of pick attempts before bailing max_pick_attempts = 5 # Give the scene a chance to catch up rospy.sleep(0.05) target_id = str(req.object_id) scene.remove_world_object(target_id) scene.remove_attached_object(GRIPPER_FRAME, target_id) rospy.sleep(0.05) arm.set_named_target('l_arm_init') arm.go() print("***** Set initial pose defined SRDF") gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_NEUTRAL) gripper.go() rospy.sleep(0.05) if target.offset_x < 0.01 and target.offset_y < 0.01 and target.offset_x < 0.01: target.offset_x = 0.033 target.offset_y = 0.033 target.offset_z = 0.083 target_size = [(target.offset_x * 2), (target.offset_y * 2), (target.offset_z * 2)] # target_size = [0.03, 0.03, 0.12] # target_size = [0.07, 0.07, 0.14] target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME target_pose.pose.position.x = target.x target_pose.pose.position.y = target.y target_pose.pose.position.z = target.z + target.offset_z + 0.01 # q = quaternion_from_euler(target.rr, target.rp, target.ry) q = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0) target_pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0] target_pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1] target_pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2] target_pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3] scene.add_box(target_id, target_pose, target_size) rospy.sleep(0.05) print(target_pose.pose.position.x) print(target_pose.pose.position.y) print(target_pose.pose.position.z) # Initialize the grasp pose to the target pose grasp_pose = target_pose # Shift the grasp pose by half the width of the target to center it grasp_pose.pose.position.x -= target_size[0] / 2.0 + 0.01 grasp_pose.pose.position.y -= target_size[1] / 2.0 # Generate a list of grasps grasps = self.make_grasps(grasp_pose, [target_id]) # Publish the grasp poses so they can be viewed in RViz for grasp in grasps: self.gripper_pose_pub.publish(grasp.grasp_pose) rospy.sleep(0.05) # Track success/failure and number of attempts for pick operation result = None n_attempts = 0 # Repeat until we succeed or run out of attempts while result != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS and n_attempts < max_pick_attempts: n_attempts += 1 rospy.loginfo("Pick attempt: " + str(n_attempts)) result = arm.pick(target_id, grasps) print(result) rospy.sleep(0.02) if result != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: scene.remove_attached_object(GRIPPER_FRAME, target_id) ret = rp_pickResponse() # If the pick was successful, attempt the place operation if result == MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: rospy.loginfo("Success the pick operation") ret.result = True else: rospy.loginfo("Pick operation failed after " + str(n_attempts) + " attempts.") ret.result = False return ret
def main(): print "Hello World" rfidValue = dict() rfidValue["E00401004E17F97A"] = 7001 rfidValue["E00401004E180E50"] = 7002 rfidValue["E00401004E180E58"] = 7003 rfidValue["E00401004E180E60"] = 7004 rfidValue["E00401004E180E68"] = 7005 rfidValue["E00401004E180EA0"] = 7006 rfidValue["E00401004E180EA8"] = 7007 rfidValue["E00401004E181C88"] = 7008 rfidValue["E00401004E181C87"] = 7009 rfidValue["E00401004E181C7F"] = 7010 rfidValue["E00401004E181C77"] = 7011 rfidValue["E00401004E181C3F"] = 7012 rfidValue["E00401004E181C37"] = 7013 rfidValue["E00401004E180E47"] = 7014 rfidValue["E00401004E180E3F"] = 7015 rfidValue["E00401004E180E37"] = 7016 rfidValue["E00401004E1805BD"] = 7017 rfidValue["E00401004E180585"] = 7018 rfidValue["E00401004E18057D"] = 7019 rfidValue["E00401004E17EF3F"] = 7020 rfidValue["E00401004E17EF37"] = 7021 rfidValue["E00401004E17EF2F"] = 7022 rfidValue["E00401004E17EF27"] = 7023 rfidValue["E00401004E17EEEF"] = 7024 rfidValue["E00401004E17EEE7"] = 7025 # init ROS rospy.init_node('ibs', anonymous=True) db_pub = rospy.Publisher('tms_db_data', TmsdbStamped, queue_size=10) if not rospy.has_param('~idSensor'): print "ros param 'idSensor' isn't exist" if not rospy.has_param('~idPlace'): print "ros param 'idPlace' isn't exist" if not rospy.has_param('~z'): print "ros param 'z' isn't exist" if not rospy.has_param('~frame_id'): print "ros param 'frame_id' isn't exist" if not rospy.has_param('~loadcell_points/x'): print "ros param 'loadcell_points/x' isn't exist" if not rospy.has_param('~loadcell_points/y'): print "ros param 'loadcell_points/y' isn't exist" idSensor = rospy.get_param('~idSensor') idPlace = rospy.get_param('~idPlace') z = rospy.get_param('~z') frame_id = rospy.get_param('~frame_id') PORT_LC0 = rospy.get_param("~PORT_LC0", "/dev/ttyACM0") PORT_TR = rospy.get_param("~PORT_TR", "/dev/ttyUSB0") xpos0 = rospy.get_param('~loadcell_points/x', (0.0, 1000.0, 0.0, 1000.0)) ypos0 = rospy.get_param('~loadcell_points/y', (0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 1000.0)) cmd_chmod = "sudo -S chmod a+rw "+PORT_LC0 print cmd_chmod+"\n", subprocess.check_output(cmd_chmod.split(" ")) cmd_chmod = "sudo -S chmod a+rw "+PORT_TR print cmd_chmod+"\n", subprocess.check_output(cmd_chmod.split(" ")) # xpos0 = (16.0, 407.0, 16.0, 407.0) # ypos0 = (16.0, 16.0, 244.0, 244.0) cIntelCab = CIntelCab(lc_port=PORT_LC0, lc_xpos=xpos0, lc_ypos=ypos0, tr_port=PORT_TR, tr_antenna=TR3_ANT1, ) # 初回時の起動は多少時間がかかるためここで一回実行しておく cIntelCab.UpdateObj() # 計測開始 change_flag = False index = 0 print "\nSTART" r = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # vector 初期化 r.sleep() # D_COUT("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")+"\n") # cObj: CTagOBJ type state, cObj = cIntelCab.UpdateObj() # print "state:", state if state == IC_OBJECT_STAY: change_flag = False elif state == IC_OBJECT_IN: # Beep(2500,50) print "\n\n IN : ", index = int(len(cIntelCab.TagObjList) - 1) cIntelCab.TagObjList[index].mName = cObj.mName cIntelCab.TagObjList[index].mComment = cObj.mComment change_flag = True elif state == IC_OBJECT_MOVE: # Beep(2500,50) print "\n\nMOVE: ", change_flag = True elif state == IC_OBJECT_OUT: # Beep(2500,50); Sleep(50); Beep(2500,50) print "\n\n OUT: ", change_flag = True else: change_flag = False if change_flag: change_flag = False # 毎回初期化し,庫内にある物品だけ値を更新して送信する msg = TmsdbStamped() msg.header.frame_id = frame_id msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(9 * 60 * 60) for i in xrange(MAX_OBJECT_NUM): time.sleep(0.001) tmp_db = Tmsdb() tmp_db.time ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") = i + 7001 # 物品IDは 7001 から tmp_db.x = -1.0 tmp_db.y = -1.0 tmp_db.z = -1.0 = idPlace tmp_db.sensor = idSensor tmp_db.state = NONE # 知的収納庫内に 0:存在しない, 1:存在する msg.tmsdb.append(tmp_db) for j in xrange(len(cIntelCab.TagObjList)): cObj = cIntelCab.TagObjList[j] vi = rfidValue[cObj.mUID] - 7001 time.sleep(0.001) # 1ms msg.tmsdb[vi].time ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") msg.tmsdb[vi].id = rfidValue[cObj.mUID] msg.tmsdb[vi].state = EXIST msg.tmsdb[vi].x = cObj.mX msg.tmsdb[vi].y = cObj.mY msg.tmsdb[vi].z = z msg.tmsdb[vi].weight = cObj.mWeight cIntelCab.PrintObjInfo() db_pub.publish(msg) return 0
async def julius_callback(self, julius_data,id=0): """[tms_ur_listener_client] マイクに向かって何か発音したときのコールバック関数 """ self.get_logger().info( ### 1. 「ROS-TMS」とマイクに向かって発音していたら、子機上でGoogle Speech APIを立ち上げる if not in trigger: # ROS-TMSと発音してなかったら終了 return if self.gSpeech_launched == True: # すでに端末がGSpeechを起動していたら終了 return self.gSpeech_launched = True self.get_logger().info("[tms_ur_listener_client] << kill julius.") self.julius_power(False) self.speaker("\sound1") # 起動音 time.sleep(0.5) gspeech_data = await self.call_gspeech(id) self.gSpeech_launched = False ### 2-1. Google Speech APIが認識に失敗した場合、失敗音を出して終了 if == "": tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg0) self.julius_power(True,tim) return ### 2-2. Google Speech APIが認識に成功した場合、単語ごとに分解しwordsに格納 self.get_logger().info("[tms_ur_listener_client] >> get command.") words = self.command_to_words( print(f'words: {words}') ### 3. wordsのwordをタグとしてDBを検索し、各辞書に格納 task_dic = {} # type == "task" robot_dic = {} # type == "robot" object_dic = {} # type == "object" person_dic = {} # type == "person" furniture_dic = {} # type == "furniture" other_words = {} # type != ALL_TYPES for word in words: responses = await self.tag_reader(word) for target in responses: print(target) if target.type == 'task': if == 8102: # 「起こす」でタイマーが起動してしまい、ベッドを起こしてが聞かない continue task_dic[] = target.announce elif target.type == 'robot': robot_dic[] = target.announce elif target.type == 'object': object_dic[] = target.announce elif target.type == 'person': person_dic[] = target.announce elif target.type == 'furniture': furniture_dic[] = target.announce else: other_words.append(word) print("task:" + str(task_dic)) print("robot:" + str(robot_dic)) print("object:" + str(object_dic)) print("person:" + str(person_dic)) print("place:" + str(furniture_dic)) ### 4. id == "task"のものがあった場合,task_idを決定 task_id = 0 if len(task_dic) == 1: task_id = list(task_dic.keys())[0] announce = task_dic[task_id] elif len(task_dic) > 1: print("len(task_dic) > 1") #「ベッド」がタスクとして認識されてしまい、「ベッドに行って」が失敗してしまう # => ロボットによるタスクを優先するため、task_id が小さい方を優先(要検討) task_id = min(task_dic.keys()) announce = task_dic[task_id] print("task_id : " + str(task_id)) # task_id = 8101 ##################################DEBUG#################### for word in words: other_words.append(word) if task_id == 0: print('ask docomo Q&A api') print( announce = "すみません、よくわかりませんでした" urlenc = urllib.parse.quote( args = "curl -s '" + self.apikey + "&q=" + urlenc + "'" ret = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(args)) print(ret) if ret != b'': # json return json_dict = json.loads(ret) print(json_dict) if "message" in json_dict: # docomo api return message print(json_dict["message"]["textForDisplay"]) announce = json_dict["message"]["textForSpeech"] else : announce = "apiキーが違うようです" tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) self.julius_power(True,tim) return # 「今日の天気」、「明日の天気」、「明後日の天気」---------- elif task_id == 8101: await self.ask_to_weather_api(words) # アラーム ------------ elif task_id == 8102: pass # 未実装 self.julius_power(True) # 電気をつけて / 消して ---------- elif task_id == 8103: await self.control_roomlights(words) # tms_rc_bed ベッドを起こして / 寝かせて ---------- elif task_id == 8104: await self.control_tms_rc_bed(words) # 物体探索「どこ」、「ある」 ---------- elif task_id == 8100: if len(object_dic) == 1: object_id = object_dic.keys()[0] object_name = object_dic[object_id] elif len(object_dic) > 1: print("len(object_dic) > 1") #未実装 else: # self.ask_remote(words, "search_object") return place_id = 0 place_name = "" temp_dbdata = Tmsdb() = object_id temp_dbdata.state = 1 #target = await self.call_dbreader(temp_dbdata) db_target = await self.call_dbreader(temp_dbdata) target = db_target[0] if target is None: tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg2) self.julius_power(True,tim) return place_id = temp_dbdata = Tmsdb() = place_id + sid db_target =await self.call_dbreader(temp_dbdata) target = db_target[0] #target = await self.call_dbreader(temp_dbdata) if target is None: tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg2) self.julius_power(True,tim) return place_name = target.announce if object_name == "" or place_name == "": tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True,tim) return anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "object": announce += object_name elif anc == "place": announce += place_name else: announce += anc tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) self.julius_power(True,tim) elif task_id == 8101: #weather_forecast place = "福岡市" date = "" weather = "" for word in other_words: if word in ['今日','明日','明後日','あさって']: date = word if date == "": tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True,tim) return args = "curl -s\?city\=400010" ret = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(args)) json_dict = json.loads(ret) pprint.pprint(json_dict) if "forecasts" in json_dict: if date == '今日': weather = json_dict["forecasts"][0]["telop"] elif date == '明日': weather = json_dict["forecasts"][1]["telop"] elif date == '明後日' or date == 'あさって': weather = json_dict["forecasts"][2]["telop"] if weather == "": tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True, 5.0) #tim) return # anc_list = announce.split("$") # announce = "" # for anc in anc_list: # if anc == "place": # announce += place # elif anc == "date": # announce += date # elif anc == "weather": # announce += weather # else: # announce += anc # tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) tim = await self.call_speaker(place + "の" +date + "の天気は" + weather + "です") self.julius_power(True,tim) elif task_id == 8102: #set_alarm today = print('now:' + today.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) if today.hour < 6: date = 0 else: date = 1 hour = -1 minute = 0 for i,word in enumerate(other_words): if word == "今日": date = 0 elif word == "明日" and today.hour > 6: date = 1 elif word in ["時","時半"] and i>0: if words[i-1].isdigit(): hour = int(words[i-1]) if word == "時半": minute = 30 if i>1 and words[i-2] == "午後" and hour <=12: hour += 12 elif i>1 and words[i-2] == "夜" and hour <=12 and hour>=6: hour += 12 elif word == "分": if words[i-1].isdigit(): minute = int(words[i-1]) print("d:"+str(date)+" h:"+str(hour)+" m:"+str(minute)) if hour == -1: tim = self.announce(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True,tim) return tgt_tim = datetime.datetime(today.year,today.month,,hour,minute,0,0) tgt_time += datetime.timedelta(1) print('tgt_time:' + tgt_time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) offset = tgt_time - today print('offset_sec:' + str(offset.seconds)) if offset.seconds < 0: tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True,tim) return self.timer = threading.Timer(15,self.alarm)#(offset.seconds,self.alarm) self.timer.start() anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "date": announce += str(tgt_time.month)+"月"+str("日" elif anc == "time": announce += str(tgt_time.hour)+"時"+str(tgt_time.minute)+"分" else: announce += anc tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) self.julius_power(True,tim) elif task_id == 8103: url = "" onoff = "" if "つける" in other_words: print("light on") onoff = "付け" url += "2003" elif "消す" in other_words: print("light off") onoff = "消し" url += "2005" else: tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True,tim) return anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "onoff": announce += onoff else: announce += anc tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) self.julius_power(True,tim) res = requests.get(url) print(res.text) elif task_id == 8104: control_number = 0 cmd = "" if "起こす" in words: control_number = 1 cmd = "を起こし" elif "寝かせる" in words: control_number = 2 cmd = "を寝かせ" elif "立てる" in words: control_number = 3 cmd = "を立て" elif "倒す" in words: control_number = 4 cmd = "を倒し" elif "上げる" in words: control_number = 7 cmd = "の高さを上げ" elif "下げる" in words: control_number = 8 cmd = "の高さを下げ" else: tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg1) self.julius_power(True,tim) return anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "cmd": announce += cmd else: announce += anc tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) self.julius_power(True,tim) ws = create_connection('ws://') # open socket ws.send(str(control_number)) # send to socket ws.close() # close socket elif task_id == 8105: print(user_dic) if len(user_dic) == 1: user_id = user_dic.keys()[0] user_name = user_dic[user_id] elif len(user_dic) > 1: print("len(user_dic) > 1") #未実装 else: # self.ask_remote(words, "get_health_condition") return place_id = 0 place_name = "" temp_dbdata = Tmsdb() = user_id temp_dbdata.state = 1 #target = await self.call_dbreader(temp_dbdata) db_target = await self.call_dbreader(temp_dbdata) target = db_target[0] if target is None: tim = await self.call_speaker(error_msg2) self.julius_power(True,tim) return note = json.loads(target.note) rate = note["rate"] anc_list = announce.split("$") announce = "" for anc in anc_list: if anc == "user": announce += user_name elif anc == "data": announce += str(rate) else: announce += anc tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) self.julius_power(True,tim) else: #robot_task if task_id ==8009: talk = True else: talk = False task_announce_list = announce.split(";") for i in range(len(task_announce_list)): anc_list = task_announce_list[i].split("$") announce = "" task_flag = 0 for anc in anc_list: if anc == "robot": if len(robot_dic) == 1: robot_id = robot_dic.keys()[0] robot_name = robot_dic[robot_id] elif len(robot_dic) > 1: print("len(robot_dic) > 1") #未実装 if robot_id==0: if i == len(task_announce_list) - 1: # self.ask_remote(words, "robot_task",talk) return else: task_flag = 1 announce += robot_name elif anc == "object": if len(object_dic) == 1: object_id = object_dic.keys()[0] object_name = object_dic[object_id] elif len(object_dic) > 1: print("len(object_dic) > 1") #未実装 if object_id==0: if i == len(task_announce_list) - 1: # self.ask_remote(words, "robot_task",talk) return else: task_flag = 1 announce += object_name elif anc == "user": if len(person_dic) == 1: user_id = person_dic.keys()[0] user_name = person_dic[user_id] elif len(person_dic) > 1: print("len(person_dic) > 1") #未実装 if user_id==0: if i == len(task_announce_list) - 1: # self.ask_remote(words, "robot_task",talk) return else: task_flag = 1 announce += user_name elif anc == "place": if len(furniture_dic) == 1: place_id = furniture_dic.keys()[0] place_name = furniture_dic[place_id] elif len(furniture_dic) > 1: print("len(furniture_dic) > 1") #未実装 if place_id==0: if i == len(task_announce_list) - 1: # self.ask_remote(words, "robot_task",talk) return else: task_flag = 1 announce += place_name else: announce += anc if task_flag == 1: continue print('send command') try: rospy.wait_for_service('tms_ts_master', timeout=1.0) except rospy.ROSException: print("tms_ts_master is not work") try: tms_ts_master = rospy.ServiceProxy('tms_ts_master',ts_req) res = tms_ts_master(0,task_id,robot_id,object_id,user_id,place_id,0) print(res) except rospy.ServiceException as e: print("Service call failed: %s" % e) tim = await self.call_speaker(announce) self.julius_power(True,tim) return
def main(): print "Hello World" rfidValue = dict() rfidValue["E00401004E17F97A"] = 7001 rfidValue["E00401004E180E50"] = 7002 rfidValue["E00401004E180E58"] = 7003 rfidValue["E00401004E180E60"] = 7004 rfidValue["E00401004E180E68"] = 7005 rfidValue["E00401004E180EA0"] = 7006 rfidValue["E00401004E180EA8"] = 7007 rfidValue["E00401004E181C88"] = 7008 rfidValue["E00401004E181C87"] = 7009 rfidValue["E00401004E181C7F"] = 7010 rfidValue["E00401004E181C77"] = 7011 rfidValue["E00401004E181C3F"] = 7012 rfidValue["E00401004E181C37"] = 7013 rfidValue["E00401004E180E47"] = 7014 rfidValue["E00401004E180E3F"] = 7015 rfidValue["E00401004E180E37"] = 7016 rfidValue["E00401004E1805BD"] = 7017 rfidValue["E00401004E180585"] = 7018 rfidValue["E00401004E18057D"] = 7019 rfidValue["E00401004E17EF3F"] = 7020 rfidValue["E00401004E17EF37"] = 7021 rfidValue["E00401004E17EF2F"] = 7022 rfidValue["E00401004E17EF27"] = 7023 rfidValue["E00401004E17EEEF"] = 7024 rfidValue["E00401004E17EEE7"] = 7025 # init ROS rospy.init_node('ibs', anonymous=True) db_pub = rospy.Publisher('tms_db_data', TmsdbStamped, queue_size=10) if not rospy.has_param('~idSensor'): print "ros param 'idSensor' isn't exist" if not rospy.has_param('~idPlace'): print "ros param 'idPlace' isn't exist" if not rospy.has_param('~z'): print "ros param 'z' isn't exist" if not rospy.has_param('~frame_id'): print "ros param 'frame_id' isn't exist" if not rospy.has_param('~loadcell_points/x'): print "ros param 'loadcell_points/x' isn't exist" if not rospy.has_param('~loadcell_points/y'): print "ros param 'loadcell_points/y' isn't exist" idSensor = rospy.get_param('~idSensor') idPlace = rospy.get_param('~idPlace') z = rospy.get_param('~z') frame_id = rospy.get_param('~frame_id') PORT_LC0 = rospy.get_param("~PORT_LC0", "/dev/ttyACM0") PORT_TR = rospy.get_param("~PORT_TR", "/dev/ttyUSB0") xpos0 = rospy.get_param('~loadcell_points/x', (0.0, 1000.0, 0.0, 1000.0)) ypos0 = rospy.get_param('~loadcell_points/y', (0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 1000.0)) cmd_chmod = "sudo -S chmod a+rw " + PORT_LC0 print cmd_chmod + "\n", subprocess.check_output(cmd_chmod.split(" ")) cmd_chmod = "sudo -S chmod a+rw " + PORT_TR print cmd_chmod + "\n", subprocess.check_output(cmd_chmod.split(" ")) # xpos0 = (16.0, 407.0, 16.0, 407.0) # ypos0 = (16.0, 16.0, 244.0, 244.0) cIntelCab = CIntelCab( lc_port=PORT_LC0, lc_xpos=xpos0, lc_ypos=ypos0, tr_port=PORT_TR, tr_antenna=TR3_ANT1, ) # 初回時の起動は多少時間がかかるためここで一回実行しておく cIntelCab.UpdateObj() # 計測開始 change_flag = False index = 0 print "\nSTART" r = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # vector 初期化 r.sleep() # D_COUT("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")+"\n") # cObj: CTagOBJ type state, cObj = cIntelCab.UpdateObj() # print "state:", state if state == IC_OBJECT_STAY: change_flag = False elif state == IC_OBJECT_IN: # Beep(2500,50) print "\n\n IN : ", index = int(len(cIntelCab.TagObjList) - 1) cIntelCab.TagObjList[index].mName = cObj.mName cIntelCab.TagObjList[index].mComment = cObj.mComment change_flag = True elif state == IC_OBJECT_MOVE: # Beep(2500,50) print "\n\nMOVE: ", change_flag = True elif state == IC_OBJECT_OUT: # Beep(2500,50); Sleep(50); Beep(2500,50) print "\n\n OUT: ", change_flag = True else: change_flag = False if change_flag: change_flag = False # 毎回初期化し,庫内にある物品だけ値を更新して送信する msg = TmsdbStamped() msg.header.frame_id = frame_id msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration( 9 * 60 * 60) for i in xrange(MAX_OBJECT_NUM): time.sleep(0.001) tmp_db = Tmsdb() tmp_db.time = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") = i + 7001 # 物品IDは 7001 から tmp_db.x = -1.0 tmp_db.y = -1.0 tmp_db.z = -1.0 = idPlace tmp_db.sensor = idSensor tmp_db.state = NONE # 知的収納庫内に 0:存在しない, 1:存在する msg.tmsdb.append(tmp_db) for j in xrange(len(cIntelCab.TagObjList)): cObj = cIntelCab.TagObjList[j] vi = rfidValue[cObj.mUID] - 7001 time.sleep(0.001) # 1ms msg.tmsdb[vi].time = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") msg.tmsdb[vi].id = rfidValue[cObj.mUID] msg.tmsdb[vi].state = EXIST msg.tmsdb[vi].x = cObj.mX msg.tmsdb[vi].y = cObj.mY msg.tmsdb[vi].z = z msg.tmsdb[vi].weight = cObj.mWeight cIntelCab.PrintObjInfo() db_pub.publish(msg) return 0