예제 #1
def test_corpus_replace_characters_simple():
    c = Corpus({'doc1': 'ABC', 'doc2': 'abcDeF'})
    c.replace_characters({'a': None, 'C': 'c', 'e': ord('X')})

    assert c.docs == {
        'doc1': 'ABc',
        'doc2': 'bcDXF',

    c.replace_characters({ord('A'): None})

    assert c.docs == {
        'doc1': 'Bc',
        'doc2': 'bcDXF',

    c.replace_characters(str.maketrans('DXFY', '1234'))

    assert c.docs == {
        'doc1': 'Bc',
        'doc2': 'bc123',


    assert c.docs == {
        'doc1': 'Bc',
        'doc2': 'bc123',
예제 #2
    '̃': None,
    '̆': None,
    'ҫ': 'ç',    # they look the same but they aren't
    '‘': None,
    '’': None,
    '‚': ',',
    '“': None,
    '”': None,
    '„': None,
    '…': None,
    '\u202f': None,
    '�': None

print('replacing characters in each document of the corpus')

print('these non-ASCII characters are left:')
pprint(corpus.unique_characters - set(string.printable))

#%% Correct contractions

# some contractions have a stray space in between, like "EU -Hilfen" where it should be "EU-Hilfen"
# correct this by applying a custom function with a regular expression (RE) to each document in the corpus
pttrn_contraction_ws = re.compile(r'(\w+)(\s+)(-\w+)')

print('correcting wrong contractions')
# in each document text `t`, remove the RE group 2 (the stray white space "(\s+)") for each match `m`
corpus.apply(lambda t: pttrn_contraction_ws.sub(lambda m: m.group(1) + m.group(3), t))

#%% Create a TMPreproc object for token processing