예제 #1
파일: apply.py 프로젝트: suvayu/Bs2DsKTools
optparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawArgDefaultFormatter,
optparser.add_argument('filename', help='Input ROOT file')
optparser.add_argument('-s', '--session', required=True, help='Session name')
optparser.add_argument('-o', '--out', required=True, help='Output ROOT file')
optparser.add_argument('-n', '--name', required=True, help='Input tree name')
options = optparser.parse_args()

import sys
import os
if not os.path.exists(options.filename):
    sys.exit('File not found: {}'.format(options.filename))

from tmvaconfig import ConfigFile
conf = ConfigFile('TMVA.conf')
if conf.read() > 0:             # read config
    session = conf.get_session_config(options.session)
print '::: Applying {} MVAs: {}\n{}'.format(len(session.methods),
                                            session.methods, '='*50)
print session
print ':::'

from fixes import ROOT

# instantiate TMVA
# reader
reader = ROOT.TMVA.Reader('!Color:!Silent')

# files
예제 #2
if options.tree:
    tree = options.tree
    tree = 'TestTree' if options.istmva else 'DecayTree'
rfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(options.rfile, 'read')
tree = rfile.Get(tree)

# sig, bkg, and other cuts
if istmva:
    sig, bkg = 'classID=={}'.format(0), 'classID=={}'.format(1)  # TMVA
    nbkg = float(tree.GetEntries(bkg))
    nsig = float(tree.GetEntries(sig))
elif ismc:
    from tmvaconfig import ConfigFile
    conf = ConfigFile(options.conf)
    if conf.read() > 0:
        session = conf.get_session_config(options.session)
        sys.exit('No sesions found!')
    sig = session.cut_sig
    nsig = float(tree.GetEntries(sig))
else:                           # isdata
    ispion = 'lab1_PIDK<-5'
    # ~ s + b(w/ π) (FIXME: update range)
    region1 = '5300<lab0_MM && lab0_MM<5445 && {}'.format(ispion)
    # ~ b
    region2 = '5445<lab0_MM && lab0_MM<5800'
    # ~ b(w/ π)
    region3 = '5445<lab0_MM && lab0_MM<5800 && {}'.format(ispion)
    nregion1 = float(tree.GetEntries(region1))
    nregion2 = float(tree.GetEntries(region2))
예제 #3
                       help='Combined variables')
group = optparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('--cuts_both', action='store_true', default=False,
                   help='Cuts common to both signal & background')
group.add_argument('--cuts_bkg', action='store_true', help='Background only cuts')
group.add_argument('--cuts_sig', action='store_true', help='Signal only cuts')
opts = optparser.parse_args()

import sys
import os
if not os.path.exists(opts.conf):
    sys.exit('File not found: {}'.format(opts.conf))

from tmvaconfig import ConfigFile
conf = ConfigFile(opts.conf)
n = conf.read()

# filter out when not a match or invalid
sessions = filter(lambda s: is_match(s, opts.sessions), conf.sessions())

if not sessions:
    sys.exit('No matching sessions!')
print ' '.join(sessions)

if not (opts.cvars or opts.nvars or opts.cuts_both or opts.cuts_sig
        or opts.cuts_bkg):

# helper
one_per_line = lambda i: '\n'.join(i)
예제 #4

## read signal and background trees, define cuts
from ROOT import TFile
if istmva:             # TMVA output
    rfile = TFile.Open(filename, 'read')
    tree = rfile.Get(tree)
    istmva = 'classID=={}'.format(int(bkgeff))
    rfile = TFile.Open(filename, 'read')
    tree = rfile.Get(tree)
    from tmvaconfig import ConfigFile
    conf = ConfigFile(conf)
    if conf.read() > 0:
        session = conf.get_session_config(session)
        if not session:
            sys.exit('No matching sessions found')
        sys.exit('No sesions found!')
    istmva = str(session.cut_bkg if bkgeff else session.cut_sig)

# common cuts
truthmatch = 'abs(lab0_TRUEID) == 531' if truthmatch else ''
refcut = '{}&&{}'.format(truthmatch, istmva)

# classifier cuts
mva_cuts = [0.1*i for i in intervals]

# per-variable efficiency histograms, ranges, and titles
예제 #5
                   help='Cuts common to both signal & background')
                   help='Background only cuts')
group.add_argument('--cuts_sig', action='store_true', help='Signal only cuts')
opts = optparser.parse_args()

import sys
import os
if not os.path.exists(opts.conf):
    sys.exit('File not found: {}'.format(opts.conf))

from tmvaconfig import ConfigFile

conf = ConfigFile(opts.conf)
n = conf.read()

# filter out when not a match or invalid
sessions = filter(lambda s: is_match(s, opts.sessions), conf.sessions())

if not sessions:
    sys.exit('No matching sessions!')
print ' '.join(sessions)

if not (opts.cvars or opts.nvars or opts.cuts_both or opts.cuts_sig
        or opts.cuts_bkg):

# helper
one_per_line = lambda i: '\n'.join(i)
예제 #6
optparser.add_argument('filename', help='Input ROOT file')
optparser.add_argument('-s', '--session', required=True, help='Session name')
optparser.add_argument('-o', '--out', required=True, help='Output ROOT file')
optparser.add_argument('-n', '--name', required=True, help='Input tree name')
options = optparser.parse_args()

import sys
import os
if not os.path.exists(options.filename):
    sys.exit('File not found: {}'.format(options.filename))

from tmvaconfig import ConfigFile

conf = ConfigFile('TMVA.conf')
if conf.read() > 0:  # read config
    session = conf.get_session_config(options.session)
print '::: Applying {} MVAs: {}\n{}'.format(len(session.methods),
                                            session.methods, '=' * 50)
print session
print ':::'

from fixes import ROOT


# instantiate TMVA
# reader
reader = ROOT.TMVA.Reader('!Color:!Silent')