def add_cut_routines(loop): """This function registers a series of common routines for cut analysis. This is so that we don't have to keep repeating ourselves to register these routines for each data set (train, validate, test). """ # add a routine to load tod loader_params = { 'output_key': 'tod', 'load_opts': { 'fix_sign': True, 'repair_pointing': True } } loop.add_routine(TODLoader(**loader_params)) # add a routine to cut the sources source_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod' }, 'outputs': { 'tod': 'tod' }, 'tag_source': '%s_source' % tag, 'no_noise': True, 'depot': DEPOT, 'write_depot': True, } loop.add_routine(CutSources(**source_params)) # add a routine to cut the planets planets_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod' }, 'outputs': { 'tod': 'tod', }, 'tag_planet': '%s_planet' % tag, 'depot': DEPOT, 'pointing_par': {'source': 'fp_file', \ 'filename': actpol_shared + "/RelativeOffsets/template_ar2_s16_170131.txt", }, 'mask_params': { 'radius': (8./60) #degrees }, 'mask_shift_generator': { 'source':'file',\ 'filename':actpol_shared + '/TODOffsets/tod_offsets_2016_170131.txt', 'columns': [0,3,4], 'rescale_degrees': 1./60 }, 'write_depot': True, } loop.add_routine(CutPlanets(**planets_params)) # add a routine to remove the sync pick up sync_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod' }, 'outputs': { 'tod': 'tod', }, 'tag_sync': '%s' % tag, 'remove_sync': False, 'force_sync': False, 'depot': DEPOT, 'write_depot': True, } loop.add_routine(RemoveSyncPickup(**sync_params)) # add a routine to cut the glitches partial_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod' }, 'outputs': { 'tod': 'tod', }, 'tag_partial': '%s_partial' % tag, 'include_mce': True, 'force_partial': False, 'glitchp': { 'nSig': 10., 'tGlitch' : 0.007, 'minSeparation': 30, \ 'maxGlitch': 50000, 'highPassFc': 6.0, 'buffer': 200 }, 'depot': DEPOT, 'write_depot': True, } loop.add_routine(CutPartial(**partial_params)) # add a routine to transform the TODs transform_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod' }, 'outputs': { 'tod': 'tod', }, 'remove_mean': False, 'remove_median': True, 'detrend': False, 'remove_filter_gain': False, 'n_downsample': 1, # reduction with 2^n factor } loop.add_routine(TransformTOD(**transform_params)) # add a routine to analyze the scan scan_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod' }, 'outputs': { 'scan': 'scan_params', } } loop.add_routine(AnalyzeScan(**scan_params)) # add a routine to get the relevant detectors to look at BASE_DIR = actpol_shared + '/ArrayData/2015/ar2/' gd_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod' }, 'outputs': { 'dets': 'dets', }, 'source': 'individual', 'live': BASE_DIR + 'live_ext2.dict', 'dark': BASE_DIR + 'dark_ext.dict', 'exclude': BASE_DIR + 'exclude.dict' } loop.add_routine(GetDetectors(**gd_params)) # add a routine to calibrate DAQ units to pW using flatfield and # responsivity cal_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod', 'dets': 'dets', }, 'outputs': { 'tod': 'tod', 'cal': 'calData' }, 'flatfield': "/mnt/act3/users/mhasse/shared/actpol_shared_depot/FlatFields/2015/" + \ "ff_mixed_ar2_v0_actpol2_2015_c9_v0_photon_it0.dict", 'config': [{ "type": "depot_cal", "depot": DEPOT, "tag": "actpol2_2016_biasstep", "name": "biasstep" }, { "type": "constant", "value": 0.821018, "name": "DC bias factor" }], 'forceNoResp': True, 'calibrateTOD': True, } loop.add_routine(CalibrateTOD(**cal_params)) # add a routine to find jumps in TOD jump_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod' }, 'outputs': { 'jumps': 'jumps' }, 'dsStep': 4, 'window': 1, } loop.add_routine(FindJumps(**jump_params)) # add a routine to perform the fourior transform fft_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod' }, 'outputs': { 'tod': 'tod', 'fft': 'fft_data' }, } loop.add_routine(FouriorTransform(**fft_params)) # study the dark detectors using LF data lf_dark_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod', 'fft': 'fft_data', 'dets': 'dets', 'scan': 'scan_params', }, 'outputs': { 'lf_dark': 'lf_dark', }, 'cancelSync': False, 'doubleMode': False, 'freqRange': { 'fmin': 0.017, 'fshift': 0.009, 'band': 0.071, 'Nwin': 1, }, } loop.add_routine(AnalyzeDarkLF(**lf_dark_params)) # study the live detectors using LF data lf_live_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod', 'fft': 'fft_data', 'dets': 'dets', 'scan': 'scan_params', 'dark': 'lf_dark', 'cal': 'calData' }, 'outputs': { 'lf_live': 'lf_live', }, 'cancelSync': True, 'doubleMode': False, 'removeDark': True, 'freqRange': { 'fmin': 0.017, 'fshift': 0.009, 'band': 0.071, 'Nwin': 10, }, 'separateFreqs': False, 'darkModesParams': { 'useDarks': True, 'useSVD': True, 'Nmodes': 1, 'useTherm': False }, } loop.add_routine(AnalyzeLiveLF(**lf_live_params)) # get the drift errors de_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod', 'fft': 'fft_data', 'dets': 'dets', 'scan': 'scan_params', }, 'outputs': { 'drift': 'drift', }, 'driftFilter': 0.036, 'nmodes': 3, } loop.add_routine(GetDriftErrors(**de_params)) # study the live detectors in mid-freq mf_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod', 'fft': 'fft_data', 'dets': 'dets', 'scan': 'scan_params', }, 'outputs': { 'mf_live': 'mf_live' }, 'midFreqFilter': [0.3, 1.0], 'nmodes': 8, } loop.add_routine(AnalyzeLiveMF(**mf_params)) # study the live and dark detectors in HF hf_params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod', 'fft': 'fft_data', 'dets': 'dets', 'scan': 'scan_params', }, 'outputs': { 'hf': 'hf' }, 'getPartial': False, 'highFreqFilter': [9.0, 19.0], 'nLiveModes': 10, 'nDarkModes': 3, 'highOrder': True, } loop.add_routine(AnalyzeHF(**hf_params)) # add the routine to compute jesse's features params = { 'inputs': { 'tod': 'tod', }, 'outputs': { 'results': 'jesse_features', } } loop.add_routine(JesseFeatures(**params)) # summarize the pickle parameters summary_params = { 'inputs': { # calculated features to include in the report 'features': ['lf_live', 'drift', 'mf_live', 'hf', 'jumps', 'jesse_features'], }, 'outputs': { 'report': 'report', } } loop.add_routine(Summarize(**summary_params)) return loop
from todloop.routines import DataLoader from todloop.tod import TODLoader, TODInfoLoader from todloop.base import TODLoop from routines import PlotGlitches from calibration.routines import FixOpticalSign, CalibrateTOD tod_id = 1300 loop = TODLoop() loop.add_tod_list("../data/s16_pa3_list.txt") #will load the data stored in the folder specified one by one #and store the loaded data in the shared date store under a key called data loop.add_routine(DataLoader(input_dir="../outputs/s16_pa3_list/cosig/", output_key="cuts")) loop.add_routine(TODLoader(output_key="tod_data")) loop.add_routine(FixOpticalSign(input_key="tod_data", output_key="tod_data")) loop.add_routine(CalibrateTOD(input_key="tod_data",output_key="tod_data")) loop.add_routine(PlotGlitches(tag=tod_id,tod_key="tod_data", cosig_key="cuts")),tod_id + 1)
from todloop.tod import TODLoader, TODInfoLoader from todloop.base import TODLoop from todloop.routines import Logger from routines import CompileCuts loop = TODLoop() loop.add_tod_list("data/s16_pa3_list.txt") glitchp = { 'nSig': 10, 'tGlitch' : 0.007, 'minSeparation': 30, 'maxGlitch': 50000, 'highPassFc': 6.0, 'buffer': 0 } loop.add_routine(TODLoader(output_key="tod_data", abspath=True)) # loop.add_routine(TODInfoLoader(output_key="tod_info")) loop.add_routine(CompileCuts(input_key="tod_data", glitchp=glitchp, output_dir="outputs/s16_pa3_list/")), 10)