def __init__(self, token='', api_endpoint='', session=None): self.api_endpoint = api_endpoint self.reset_state() self.token = token # User's API token self.temp_ids = {} # Mapping of temporary ids to real ids self.queue = [] # Requests to be sent are appended here self.session = session or requests.Session( ) # Session instance for requests # managers self.projects = ProjectsManager(self) self.project_notes = ProjectNotesManager(self) self.items = ItemsManager(self) self.labels = LabelsManager(self) self.filters = FiltersManager(self) self.notes = NotesManager(self) self.live_notifications = LiveNotificationsManager(self) self.reminders = RemindersManager(self) self.locations = LocationsManager(self) self.invitations = InvitationsManager(self) self.biz_invitations = BizInvitationsManager(self) self.user = UserManager(self) self.collaborators = CollaboratorsManager(self) self.collaborator_states = CollaboratorStatesManager(self)
def __init__(self, token='', api_endpoint='', session=None): self.api_endpoint = api_endpoint self.seq_no = 0 # Sequence number since last update self.seq_no_partial = {} # Sequence number of partial syncs self.seq_no_global = 0 # Global sequence number since last update self.seq_no_global_partial = { } # Global sequence number of partial syncs self.state = { # Local copy of all of the user's objects 'CollaboratorStates': [], 'Collaborators': [], 'DayOrders': {}, 'DayOrdersTimestamp': '', 'Filters': [], 'Items': [], 'Labels': [], 'LiveNotifications': [], 'LiveNotificationsLastRead': -1, 'Locations': [], 'Notes': [], 'ProjectNotes': [], 'Projects': [], 'Reminders': [], 'Settings': {}, 'SettingsNotifications': {}, 'User': {}, 'UserId': -1, 'WebStaticVersion': -1, } self.token = token # User's API token self.temp_ids = {} # Mapping of temporary ids to real ids self.queue = [] # Requests to be sent are appended here self.session = session or requests.Session( ) # Session instance for requests # managers self.projects = ProjectsManager(self) self.project_notes = ProjectNotesManager(self) self.items = ItemsManager(self) self.labels = LabelsManager(self) self.filters = FiltersManager(self) self.notes = NotesManager(self) self.live_notifications = LiveNotificationsManager(self) self.reminders = RemindersManager(self) self.locations = LocationsManager(self) self.invitations = InvitationsManager(self) self.biz_invitations = BizInvitationsManager(self) self.user = UserManager(self) self.collaborators = CollaboratorsManager(self) self.collaborator_states = CollaboratorStatesManager(self)
def __init__( self, token="", api_endpoint="", api_version=DEFAULT_API_VERSION, session=None, cache="~/.todoist-sync/", ): self.api_endpoint = api_endpoint self.api_version = api_version self.reset_state() self.token = token # User's API token self.temp_ids = {} # Mapping of temporary ids to real ids self.queue = [] # Requests to be sent are appended here self.session = session or requests.Session( ) # Session instance for requests # managers self.biz_invitations = BizInvitationsManager(self) self.collaborators = CollaboratorsManager(self) self.collaborator_states = CollaboratorStatesManager(self) self.filters = FiltersManager(self) self.invitations = InvitationsManager(self) self.items = ItemsManager(self) self.labels = LabelsManager(self) self.live_notifications = LiveNotificationsManager(self) self.locations = LocationsManager(self) self.notes = NotesManager(self) self.projects = ProjectsManager(self) self.project_notes = ProjectNotesManager(self) self.reminders = RemindersManager(self) self.sections = SectionsManager(self) self.user = UserManager(self) self.user_settings = UserSettingsManager(self) self.activity = ActivityManager(self) self.backups = BackupsManager(self) self.business_users = BusinessUsersManager(self) self.completed = CompletedManager(self) self.emails = EmailsManager(self) self.quick = QuickManager(self) self.templates = TemplatesManager(self) self.uploads = UploadsManager(self) self.items_archive = ItemsArchiveManagerMaker(self) self.sections_archive = SectionsArchiveManagerMaker(self) if cache: # Read and write user state on local disk cache self.cache = os.path.expanduser(cache) self._read_cache() else: self.cache = None