예제 #1
파일: graph.py 프로젝트: BenCEEME/koala
 def cell2code(self, cell, sheet):
     """Generate python code for the given cell"""
     if cell.formula:
         e = shunting_yard(cell.formula or str(cell.value), self.named_ranges, cell.address())
         ast,root = build_ast(e)
         code = root.emit(ast, context=sheet)
         ast = None
         code = str('"' + cell.value + '"' if isinstance(cell.value,unicode) else cell.value)
     return code,ast
예제 #2
 def cell2code(self,cell):
     """Generate python code for the given cell"""
     if cell.formula:
         e = shunting_yard(cell.formula or str(cell.value))
         ast,root = build_ast(e)
         code = root.emit(ast,context=Context(cell,self.excel))
         ast = None
         code = str('"' + cell.value + '"' if isinstance(cell.value,unicode) else cell.value)
     return code,ast
예제 #3
 def cell2code(self, cell):
     """Generate python code for the given cell"""
     if cell.formula:
         e = shunting_yard(cell.formula or str(cell.value), self.names)
         ast, root = build_ast(e)
         code = root.emit(ast, context=Context(cell, self.excel))
         ast = None
         code = str('"' + cell.value +
                    '"' if isinstance(cell.value, unicode) else cell.value)
     return code, ast
예제 #4
 def parse_conditions(conds):
     conds = encode_conditions(conds)
     python_inputs = []
     for i in conds:
         print "**************************************************"
         print "Formula: ", i
         e = shunting_yard(i)
         # print "RPN: ", "|".join([str(x) for x in e])
         G, root = build_ast(e)
         python_inputs += [root.emit(G, context=None)]
         print "Python code: ", root.emit(G, context=None)
         print "**************************************************"
     return decode_conditions(python_inputs)
예제 #5
              # E. W. Bachtal's test formulae
              '=IF("a"={"a","b";"c",#N/A;-1,TRUE}, "yes", "no") &   "  more ""test"" text"',
              #'=+ AName- (-+-+-2^6) = {"A","B"} + @SUM(R1C1) + (@ERROR.TYPE(#VALUE!) = 2)',
              '=IF(R13C3>DATE(2002,1,6),0,IF(ISERROR(R[41]C[2]),0,IF(R13C3>=R[41]C[2],0, IF(AND(R[23]C[11]>=55,R[24]C[11]>=20),R53C3,0))))',
              '=IF(R[39]C[11]>65,R[25]C[42],ROUND((R[11]C[11]*IF(OR(AND(R[39]C[11]>=55, ' + 
                  'R[40]C[11]>=20),AND(R[40]C[11]>=20,R11C3="YES")),R[44]C[11],R[43]C[11]))+(R[14]C[11] ' +
                  '*IF(OR(AND(R[39]C[11]>=55,R[40]C[11]>=20),AND(R[40]C[11]>=20,R11C3="YES")), ' +

    for i in inputs:
        print "**************************************************"
        print "Formula: ", i

        e = shunting_yard(i);
        print "RPN: ",  "|".join([str(x) for x in e])
        G,root = build_ast(e)
        print "Python code: ", root.emit(G,context=None)
        print "**************************************************"
예제 #6
        'R[40]C[11]>=20),AND(R[40]C[11]>=20,R11C3="YES")),R[44]C[11],R[43]C[11]))+(R[14]C[11] '
        '*IF(OR(AND(R[39]C[11]>=55,R[40]C[11]>=20),AND(R[40]C[11]>=20,R11C3="YES")), '
        + 'R[45]C[11],R[43]C[11])),0))',

    for i in inputs:
        print "**************************************************"
        print "Formula: ", i

        e = shunting_yard(i, {})
        print "RPN: ", "|".join([str(x) for x in e])

        G, root = build_ast(e)

        print "Python code: ", root.emit(G, context=None)
        print "**************************************************"
 def all_cell_coordinates(formula):
   rpn = shunting_yard(formula)
   for node in rpn:
     if node.token.ttype == 'operand' and node.token.tsubtype == 'range':
       yield node.token.tvalue
예제 #8
파일: graph.py 프로젝트: SergeBredin/koala
    def clean_volatile(self):
        all_volatiles = []

        for volatile_name in self.volatile_to_remove:
            for k,v in self.named_ranges.items():
                if volatile_name in v:
                    all_volatiles.append({"formula":v, "address": k, "sheet": None})
            for k,cell in self.cellmap.items():
                if cell.formula and volatile_name in cell.formula:
                    all_volatiles.append({"formula":cell.formula, "address": cell.address(), "sheet": cell.sheet})

            print "%s %s to parse" % (str(len(all_volatiles)), volatile_name)

        cache = {} # formula => new_formula
        new_named_ranges = self.named_ranges.copy()
        new_cells = self.cellmap.copy()

        for cell in all_volatiles:

            if cell["formula"] in cache:
                new_formula = cache[cell["formula"]]
                if cell["sheet"]:
                    parsed = parse_cell_address(cell["address"])
                    parsed = ""
                e = shunting_yard(cell["formula"], self.named_ranges, ref=parsed, tokenize_range = True)
                ast,root = build_ast(e)
                code = root.emit(ast)
                replacements = self.eval_volatiles_from_ast(ast, root, cell["sheet"])
                # print replacements
                new_formula = cell["formula"]
                if type(replacements) == list:
                    for repl in replacements:
                        if type(repl["value"]) == ExcelError:
                            repl["value"] = "#N/A"

                        if repl["expression_type"] == "value":
                            new_formula = new_formula.replace(repl["formula"], str(repl["value"]))
                            new_formula = new_formula.replace(repl["formula"], repl["value"])
                    new_formula = None
                cache[cell["formula"]] = new_formula
                if "OFFSET" in new_formula:
                    print "====================================="
                    print cell["address"], cell["formula"].replace(" ","")
                    print "-------------------------------------"
                    print new_formula
                    print replacements

            if cell["address"] in new_named_ranges:
                new_named_ranges[cell["address"]] = new_formula
            old_cell = new_cells[cell["address"]]
            new_cells[cell["address"]] = Cell(old_cell.address(), old_cell.sheet, value=old_cell.value, formula=new_formula, is_named_range=old_cell.is_named_range, always_eval=old_cell.always_eval)
        #print 'ALLEZ', new_named_ranges["IA_EconLimitOverride_ProjectList"]
        #print new_cells["IA_EconLimitOverride_ProjectList"].formula
        return new_cells, new_named_ranges
예제 #9
        #'=+ AName- (-+-+-2^6) = {"A","B"} + @SUM(R1C1) + (@ERROR.TYPE(#VALUE!) = 2)',
        '=IF(R13C3>DATE(2002,1,6),0,IF(ISERROR(R[41]C[2]),0,IF(R13C3>=R[41]C[2],0, IF(AND(R[23]C[11]>=55,R[24]C[11]>=20),R53C3,0))))',
        '=IF(R[39]C[11]>65,R[25]C[42],ROUND((R[11]C[11]*IF(OR(AND(R[39]C[11]>=55, '
        'R[40]C[11]>=20),AND(R[40]C[11]>=20,R11C3="YES")),R[44]C[11],R[43]C[11]))+(R[14]C[11] '
        '*IF(OR(AND(R[39]C[11]>=55,R[40]C[11]>=20),AND(R[40]C[11]>=20,R11C3="YES")), '
        + 'R[45]C[11],R[43]C[11])),0))',

    for i in inputs:
        print "**************************************************"
        print "Formula: ", i

        e = shunting_yard(i)
        print "RPN: ", "|".join([str(x) for x in e])

        G, root = build_ast(e)

        print "Python code: ", root.emit(G, context=None)
        print "**************************************************"
예제 #10
              '=IF(R[39]C[11]>65,R[25]C[42],ROUND((R[11]C[11]*IF(OR(AND(R[39]C[11]>=55, ' + 
                  'R[40]C[11]>=20),AND(R[40]C[11]>=20,R11C3="YES")),R[44]C[11],R[43]C[11]))+(R[14]C[11] ' +
                  '*IF(OR(AND(R[39]C[11]>=55,R[40]C[11]>=20),AND(R[40]C[11]>=20,R11C3="YES")), ' +

    for i in inputs:
        print "**************************************************"
        print "Formula: ", i

        e = shunting_yard(i, {});
        print "RPN: ",  "|".join([str(x) for x in e])
        G,root = build_ast(e)

        print "Python code: ", root.emit(G,context=None)
        print "**************************************************"