예제 #1
def final_dtm(path_final, path_mms, path_ref, in_dir_ref):

    list_mms = os.listdir(path_mms)
    list_ref = os.listdir(path_ref)

    d_mms = dict()
    for mms in list_mms:
        d_mms[mms[:17]] = mms

    d_ref = dict()
    for ref in list_ref:
        d_ref[ref[:17]] = ref

    # Add merged dtm, single mms or single ref into final dtm model
    list_all_cells = list(set(d_mms.keys() + d_ref.keys()))

    for cell in tqdm(list_all_cells):
        mm, nn = read_cellname(cell)
        data = np.array([0, 0, 0])

        if d_ref.has_key(cell):
            fn_ref = path_ref + d_ref[cell]
            data_ref = read_bin(fn_ref, 7)
            data = mergecloud(data, data_ref)

        if d_mms.has_key(cell):
            fn_mms = path_mms + d_mms[cell]
            data_mms = read_bin(fn_mms, 7)
            data = mergecloud(data, data_mms)

        write_points_double(data[1:] + [mm, nn, 0], path_final + cell + '.ply')
        print cell

    print 'mms+ref saved'

    # Add the not processed ref dtm into the final dtm model
    list_all_ref = os.listdir(
        in_dir_ref)  # Reference DTM DTM_2009 0.5m Resolusion
    list_ref_rest = list(
        set(list_all_ref) -
        set(list_all_cells))  # Difference with the processed cells
    for cell in tqdm(list_ref_rest):
        mm, nn = read_cellname(cell)
        fn = in_dir_ref + cell + '\\' + cell + '.ply'
        data = read_ply(fn, 7)
        write_points_double(data + [mm, nn, 0], path_final + cell + '.ply')
    print 'rest ref saved'
예제 #2
파일: assemble.py 프로젝트: yuzzfeng/pydtm
def calc_mms(path_mms, out_dir_mms, method):

    list_cells = os.listdir(out_dir_mms)
    for fn_cell in list_cells:

        list_ply = os.listdir(out_dir_mms + fn_cell)

        print fn_cell, len(list_ply)

        if len(list_ply) == 1:
            fn_ply = list_ply[0]
            fn = out_dir_mms + fn_cell + '\\' + fn_ply
            data = read_bin(fn, 7)
            d = rasterize(data, 0.1, dim=2)
            list_keys = d.keys()
            new_points = []
            data = np.array(data)
            for key in list_keys:
                list_xyz = data[d[key]]
                new_points.append(list(method(list_xyz, axis=0)))

            write_points(new_points, path_mms + fn_cell + '.ply')
            del new_points

            list_ply = os.listdir(out_dir_mms + fn_cell)

            list_data = []
            list_d = []
            list_keys = []

            for fn_ply in list_ply:
                fn = out_dir_mms + fn_cell + '\\' + fn_ply

                data = read_bin(fn, 7)
                d = rasterize(data, 0.1, dim=2)

                del data, d

            list_keys = list(set(list_keys))

            new_points = []
            for key in list_keys:
                list_xyz = np.array([0, 0, 0])
                for i in xrange(len(list_d)):
                    data = list_data[i]
                    d = list_d[i]
                    if d.has_key(key):
                        list_xyz = mergecloud(list_xyz, data[d[key]])

                list_xyz = list_xyz[1:]
                new_points.append(list(method(list_xyz, axis=0)))

            write_points(new_points, path_mms + fn_cell + '.ply')
            del new_points
예제 #3
def update_low_resolusion_DTM(fn_list, minM, minN, dnew, mask, scale,
                              in_dir_ref, res_ref, r, raster_size):

    cloud_ref = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    cloud_ref_org = np.array([0, 0, 0])

    for fn in fn_list:

        mm, nn = read_fn(fn)
        saved_mm = mm
        saved_nn = nn
        cell_id = fn[:17]

        # Reference pointcloud
        fn_ref = in_dir_ref + '%s\\%s.ply' % (cell_id, cell_id)
        data_ref, d_ref = read_ascii_xyz(fn_ref,
                                         delimiter=' ',

        cloud_ref_org = mergecloud(cloud_ref_org, data_ref + [mm, nn, 0])

        mm, nn = mm - minM, nn - minN
        upmask = mask[mm * scale:mm * scale + r * scale,
                      nn * scale:nn * scale + r * scale]
        update = dnew[mm * scale:mm * scale + r * scale,
                      nn * scale:nn * scale + r * scale]

        data_output = []
        for i in xrange(0, raster_size):
            for j in xrange(0, raster_size):
                string = str.join('+', [str(i), str(j)])
                index = d_ref[string]
                if upmask[i, j] == 0:
                    data_output.append(data_ref[index][0] +
                                       [0, 0, update[i, j]])

        # Apply the global origin for UTM32
        if len(data_output) > 0:
            data_output = np.array(data_output) + [saved_mm, saved_nn, 0]
            cloud_ref = mergecloud(cloud_ref, data_output)

    return cloud_ref, cloud_ref_org
예제 #4
파일: assemble.py 프로젝트: yuzzfeng/pydtm
def cal_ref_main(list_all_cells, path, out_fn):

    result_points = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    for cell in list_all_cells:
        x0, y0 = read_cellname(cell[:17])
        fn = path + cell
        data = read_bin(fn, 7)
        if len(data) > 0:
            data = np.array(data) + [x0, y0, 0]
            result_points = mergecloud(result_points, data)
            del data

    write_points_double(result_points[1:], out_fn)
예제 #5
파일: assemble.py 프로젝트: yuzzfeng/pydtm
def cal_ref_rest(list_all_cells, list_ref, in_dir_ref, out_fn):

    list_all_cells = [cell[:17] for cell in list_all_cells]

    result_ref_points = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    for ref in list_ref:
        if ref not in list_all_cells:
            x0, y0 = read_cellname(ref)
            fn_ref = in_dir_ref + '%s\\%s.ply' % (ref, ref)
            data = read_ply(fn_ref, 7)
            data = np.array(data) + [x0, y0, 0]
            result_ref_points = mergecloud(result_ref_points, data)
            del data

    write_points_double(result_ref_points[1:], out_fn)
예제 #6
def local_to_UTM_core(fn, args):

    mms_dir, out_dir, update_dir, list_update, r, x_offset, y_offset, z_offset = args

    m, n = fn[:17].split('_')
    [mm, nn] = coord(m, n, r, x_offset, y_offset)

    args = mms_dir, 0, 0, r, x_offset, y_offset, 0, 0

    #data = read_bin(mms_dir + fn, 7)
    data = load_mms(fn, args)
    data_mms = np.array(data) + [mm, nn, -z_offset]

    if fn in list_update:
        data_update = np.array(read_bin(update_dir + fn, 7))
        if len(data_update) > 0:
            data_mms = mergecloud(data_mms, data_update + [mm, nn, 0])

    write_points_double(data_mms, out_dir + fn)

    return True
예제 #7
def local_to_UTM_update_ref_core(fn, args):

    in_dir, out_dir, r, x_offset, y_offset = args

    m, n = fn[:17].split('_')
    [mm, nn] = coord(m, n, r, x_offset, y_offset)

    list_duplicate = os.listdir(in_dir + fn)

    if len(list_duplicate) == 1:

        new_pointcloud = np.array(
            read_bin(in_dir + fn + '\\' + list_duplicate[0], 7))
            np.array(new_pointcloud) + [mm, nn, 0], out_dir + fn)


        pointcloud = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        for fn_under in list_duplicate:
            pointcloud = mergecloud(
                pointcloud, np.array(read_bin(in_dir + fn + '//' + fn_under,

        pointcloud = pointcloud[1:]
        d = rasterize(pointcloud, 0.5, dim=2)

        new_pointcloud = []
        for key in d.keys():
            new_pointcloud.append(np.mean(pointcloud[d[key]], axis=0))

##            if np.std(pointcloud[d[key]][:,2])>0.1:
##                print fn, np.std(pointcloud[d[key]][:,2]), np.mean( pointcloud[d[key]], axis = 0)

            np.array(new_pointcloud) + [mm, nn, 0], out_dir + fn)
예제 #8
파일: assemble.py 프로젝트: yuzzfeng/pydtm
def split_ref_to_tiles(ref_path, ref_out_dir, r, x_offset, y_offset, res_ref):

    list_ref_ply = os.listdir(ref_path)
    num_point_per_kacheln = int(pow(r / res_ref, 2))
    imcomplete = []

    for fn_ref in list_ref_ply:
        data = read_bin_double(ref_path + fn_ref, 9)
        data = np.array(data) - [x_offset, y_offset, 0]
        d = rasterize(data, r, dim=2)
        check_and_create(ref_out_dir + fn_ref)

        for cell_idx in d.keys():
            x, y = [int(idx) for idx in cell_idx.split('+')]
            ply_name, cell_name = coord_fn_from_cell_index(x, y, '')

            subdata = data[d[cell_idx]] - [x * r, y * r, 0]

            output_fn = ref_out_dir + fn_ref + '\\' + cell_name + '.ply'
            write_points(subdata, output_fn)

            if len(d[cell_idx]) < num_point_per_kacheln:
                imcomplete.append(cell_name + '.ply')

            del subdata
        del data, d
    print("Load finished")
    list_ref_tiles = os.listdir(ref_out_dir)
    removed = []

    for i in xrange(len(list_ref_tiles) - 1):

        list_left = ref_out_dir + list_ref_tiles[i]
        list_right = ref_out_dir + list_ref_tiles[i + 1]

        left = os.listdir(list_left)
        right = os.listdir(list_right)

        intersect = set(left).intersection(right)
        for fn in intersect:
            data_left = read_bin(list_left + '\\' + fn, 7)
            data_right = read_bin(list_right + '\\' + fn, 7)
            data_new = mergecloud(data_left, data_right)

            if len(data_new) == num_point_per_kacheln:
                os.remove(list_left + '\\' + fn)
                os.remove(list_right + '\\' + fn)
                write_points(data_new, ref_out_dir + fn)

    intersection = list(set(imcomplete) - set(removed))
    check_and_create(ref_out_dir + 'reduced\\')

    for fn_list in list_ref_tiles:

        path = ref_out_dir + fn_list + '\\'
        list_path = os.listdir(path)

        for fn_file in list_path:
            if fn_file in intersection:
                shutil.move(path + fn_file,
                            ref_out_dir + 'reduced\\' + fn_file)
                shutil.move(path + fn_file, ref_out_dir + fn_file)

    [os.rmdir(ref_out_dir + fn_list) for fn_list in list_ref_tiles]
    print 'Finish spliting'