예제 #1
    def reverseBetween2(self, head, m, n):
        :type head: ListNode
        :type m: int
        :type n: int
        :rtype: ListNode
        if not head:
            return head
        # 哑结点
        dummy = ListNode(None)
        dummy.next = head

        preNodeM = dummy
        for i in range(m - 1):
            preNodeM = preNodeM.next
        head = preNodeM.next

        new_head = None
        new_tail = head
        for i in range(n - m + 1):
            next = head.next
            head.next = new_head
            new_head = head
            head = next

        preNodeM.next = new_head  # 将逆置段的前一个节点 与 逆转后的链表头部相连
        new_tail.next = head  # 将逆转后的链表尾部 与 逆置段的后一个节点相连
        return dummy.next
예제 #2
    def addTwoNumbers(self, l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        placeholder = 0

        cur_1 = l1
        cur_2 = l2

        # max_iters = max(len(l1), len(l2)) + 10

        head = ListNode()
        cur = head

        while True:
            sum_ = placeholder

            if cur_1:
                sum_ += cur_1.val

            if cur_2:
                sum_ += cur_2.val
            # -----------------------------
            result_digit = sum_ % 10
            placeholder = sum_ // 10

            cur.val = result_digit

            # move to next node
            if cur_1 is not None:
                cur_1 = cur_1.next
            if cur_2 is not None:
                cur_2 = cur_2.next

            if cur_1 or cur_2 or placeholder != 0:
                next_node = ListNode()
                cur.next = next_node
                cur = next_node

        return head
예제 #3
    def partition(self, head, x):
        :type head: ListNode
        :type x: int
        :rtype: ListNode
        lesshead = ListNode(None)
        lessptr = lesshead
        morehead = ListNode(None)
        moreptr = morehead
        while head:
            if head.val < x:
                lessptr.next = head
                lessptr = lessptr.next
                moreptr.next = head
                moreptr = moreptr.next
            head = head.next

        moreptr.next = None # 将链表尾置零,否则若最后一个是比x小的,会导致成为带环链表
        lessptr.next = morehead.next
        return lesshead.next
 def Merge1(self, pHead1, pHead2):
     # 循环
     dummy = ListNode(None)
     tail = dummy
     while pHead1 and pHead2:
         if pHead1.val < pHead2.val:
             tail.next = pHead1
             tail = tail.next
             pHead1 = pHead1.next
             tail.next = pHead2
             tail = tail.next
             pHead2 = pHead2.next
     if pHead1 != None:
         tail.next = pHead1
     if pHead2 != None:
         tail.next = pHead2
     return dummy.next
 def mergeTwoLists2(self, l1, l2):
     newHead = ListNode(None)
     cur = newHead
     while l1 and l2:
         if l1.val < l2.val:
             cur.next = l1
             cur = cur.next
             l1 = l1.next
             cur.next = l2
             cur = cur.next
             l2 = l2.next
     if l1:
         cur.next = l1
     if l2:
         cur.next = l2
     return newHead.next
 def mergeKLists3(self, lists):
     import heapq
     small = []
     # 建立头结点最小堆
     x = 0
     for i in lists:
         if i:
                 small, (i.val, x, i)
             )  # 比较tuple成员,若第一项相同,则会比较下一项。而ListNode没有比较方法,py3就会抛出异常。添加x,使比较继续。
             x += 1
     # 构建新有序链表
     head = ptr = ListNode(None)
     while small:
         val, x, idx = heapq.heappop(small)
         ptr.next = idx
         ptr = ptr.next
         idx = idx.next
         if idx:
             heapq.heappush(small, (idx.val, x, idx))
     return head.next
 def mergeKLists2(self, lists):
     from queue import PriorityQueue
     que = PriorityQueue()
     # 建立头结点优先队列
     x = 0
     for i in lists:
         if i:
                 (i.val, x, i)
             )  # 比较tuple成员,若第一项相同,则会比较下一项。而ListNode没有比较方法,py3就会抛出异常。添加x,使比较继续。
             x += 1
     # 构建新有序链表
     head = ptr = ListNode(None)
     while not que.empty():
         val, x, idx = que.get()
         ptr.next = idx
         ptr = ptr.next
         idx = idx.next
         if idx:
             que.put((idx.val, x, idx))
     return head.next
예제 #8
        return False
    # 快慢指针
    # 时间复杂度:O(n),空间复杂度:O(1)
    def hasCycle2(self, head):
        :type head: ListNode
        :rtype: bool
        if head == None or head.next == None:
            return False
        fast, slow = head, head
        while fast:
            slow = slow.next
            fast = fast.next
            if fast == None:
                return False
            fast = fast.next
            if slow == fast:
                return True
        return False

    def hasCycle(self, head):
        return self.hasCycle2(head)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    head = createLinkList([i for i in range(8)])
    # head.next.next.next.next.next.next.next = head.next.next
    s = Solution()
    # print(s.hasCycle(head))