예제 #1
def get_installed_and_missing_repository_dependencies_for_new_install( trans, repo_info_tuple ):
    Parse the received repository_dependencies dictionary that is associated with a repository being installed into Galaxy for the first time
    and attempt to determine repository dependencies that are already installed and those that are not.
    missing_repository_dependencies = {}
    installed_repository_dependencies = {}
    missing_rd_tups = []
    installed_rd_tups = []
    description, repository_clone_url, changeset_revision, ctx_rev, repository_owner, repository_dependencies, installed_td = \
        suc.get_repo_info_tuple_contents( repo_info_tuple )
    if repository_dependencies:
        description = repository_dependencies[ 'description' ]
        root_key = repository_dependencies[ 'root_key' ]
        # The repository dependencies container will include only the immediate repository dependencies of this repository, so the container will be
        # only a single level in depth.
        for key, rd_tups in repository_dependencies.items():
            if key in [ 'description', 'root_key' ]:
            for rd_tup in rd_tups:
                tool_shed, name, owner, changeset_revision, prior_installation_required = suc.parse_repository_dependency_tuple( rd_tup )
                # Updates to installed repository revisions may have occurred, so make sure to locate the appropriate repository revision if one exists.
                # We need to create a temporary repo_info_tuple that includes the correct repository owner which we get from the current rd_tup.  The current
                # tuple looks like: ( description, repository_clone_url, changeset_revision, ctx_rev, repository_owner, repository_dependencies, installed_td )
                tmp_clone_url = suc.generate_clone_url_from_repo_info_tup( rd_tup )
                tmp_repo_info_tuple = ( None, tmp_clone_url, changeset_revision, None, owner, None, None )
                repository, current_changeset_revision = suc.repository_was_previously_installed( trans, tool_shed, name, tmp_repo_info_tuple )
                if repository:
                    new_rd_tup = [ tool_shed, name, owner, changeset_revision, str( prior_installation_required ), repository.id, repository.status ]
                    if repository.status == trans.model.ToolShedRepository.installation_status.INSTALLED:
                        if new_rd_tup not in installed_rd_tups:
                            installed_rd_tups.append( new_rd_tup )
                        if new_rd_tup not in missing_rd_tups:
                            missing_rd_tups.append( new_rd_tup )
                    new_rd_tup = [ tool_shed, name, owner, changeset_revision, str( prior_installation_required ), None, 'Never installed' ]
                    if new_rd_tup not in missing_rd_tups:
                        missing_rd_tups.append( new_rd_tup )
    if installed_rd_tups:
        installed_repository_dependencies[ 'root_key' ] = root_key
        installed_repository_dependencies[ root_key ] = installed_rd_tups
        installed_repository_dependencies[ 'description' ] = description
    if missing_rd_tups:
        missing_repository_dependencies[ 'root_key' ] = root_key
        missing_repository_dependencies[ root_key ] = missing_rd_tups
        missing_repository_dependencies[ 'description' ] = description
    return installed_repository_dependencies, missing_repository_dependencies
def get_installed_and_missing_repository_dependencies_for_new_install( trans, repo_info_tuple ):
    Parse the received repository_dependencies dictionary that is associated with a repository being installed into Galaxy for the first time
    and attempt to determine repository dependencies that are already installed and those that are not.
    missing_repository_dependencies = {}
    installed_repository_dependencies = {}
    missing_rd_tups = []
    installed_rd_tups = []
    description, repository_clone_url, changeset_revision, ctx_rev, repository_owner, repository_dependencies, tool_dependencies = \
        suc.get_repo_info_tuple_contents( repo_info_tuple )
    if repository_dependencies:
        description = repository_dependencies[ 'description' ]
        root_key = repository_dependencies[ 'root_key' ]
        # The repository dependencies container will include only the immediate repository dependencies of this repository, so the container will be
        # only a single level in depth.
        for key, rd_tups in repository_dependencies.items():
            if key in [ 'description', 'root_key' ]:
            for rd_tup in rd_tups:
                tool_shed, name, owner, changeset_revision, prior_installation_required, only_if_compiling_contained_td = \
                    common_util.parse_repository_dependency_tuple( rd_tup )
                # Updates to installed repository revisions may have occurred, so make sure to locate the appropriate repository revision if one exists.
                # We need to create a temporary repo_info_tuple that includes the correct repository owner which we get from the current rd_tup.  The current
                # tuple looks like: ( description, repository_clone_url, changeset_revision, ctx_rev, repository_owner, repository_dependencies, installed_td )
                tmp_clone_url = suc.generate_clone_url_from_repo_info_tup( rd_tup )
                tmp_repo_info_tuple = ( None, tmp_clone_url, changeset_revision, None, owner, None, None )
                repository, installed_changeset_revision = suc.repository_was_previously_installed( trans, tool_shed, name, tmp_repo_info_tuple )
                if repository:
                    new_rd_tup = [ tool_shed,
                                  repository.status ]
                    if repository.status == trans.install_model.ToolShedRepository.installation_status.INSTALLED:
                        if new_rd_tup not in installed_rd_tups:
                            installed_rd_tups.append( new_rd_tup )
                        # A repository dependency that is not installed will not be considered missing if it's value for only_if_compiling_contained_td is
                        # True  This is because this type of repository dependency will only be considered at the time that the specified tool dependency
                        # is being installed, and even then only if the compiled binary of the tool dependency could not be installed due to the unsupported
                        # installation environment.
                        if not util.asbool( only_if_compiling_contained_td ):
                            if new_rd_tup not in missing_rd_tups:
                                missing_rd_tups.append( new_rd_tup )
                    new_rd_tup = [ tool_shed,
                                  'Never installed' ]
                    if not util.asbool( only_if_compiling_contained_td ):
                        # A repository dependency that is not installed will not be considered missing if it's value for only_if_compiling_contained_td is
                        # True - see above...
                        if new_rd_tup not in missing_rd_tups:
                            missing_rd_tups.append( new_rd_tup )
    if installed_rd_tups:
        installed_repository_dependencies[ 'root_key' ] = root_key
        installed_repository_dependencies[ root_key ] = installed_rd_tups
        installed_repository_dependencies[ 'description' ] = description
    if missing_rd_tups:
        missing_repository_dependencies[ 'root_key' ] = root_key
        missing_repository_dependencies[ root_key ] = missing_rd_tups
        missing_repository_dependencies[ 'description' ] = description
    return installed_repository_dependencies, missing_repository_dependencies