def import_workflows(self, trans, **kwd):
        POST /api/tool_shed_repositories/import_workflows

        Import all of the exported workflows contained in the specified installed tool shed repository into Galaxy.

        :param key: the API key of the Galaxy user with which the imported workflows will be associated.
        :param id: the encoded id of the ToolShedRepository object
        api_key = kwd.get('key', None)
        if api_key is None:
            raise HTTPBadRequest(
                "Missing required parameter 'key' whose value is the API key for the Galaxy user importing the specified workflow."
        tool_shed_repository_id = kwd.get('id', '')
        if not tool_shed_repository_id:
            raise HTTPBadRequest(detail="Missing required parameter 'id'.")
        repository = suc.get_tool_shed_repository_by_id(
  , tool_shed_repository_id)
        exported_workflows = json.from_json_string(
            self.exported_workflows(trans, tool_shed_repository_id))
        imported_workflow_dicts = []
        for exported_workflow_dict in exported_workflows:
            workflow_name = exported_workflow_dict['workflow_name']
            workflow, status, error_message = workflow_util.import_workflow(
                trans, repository, workflow_name)
            if status == 'error':
        return imported_workflow_dicts
예제 #2
    def import_workflow( self, trans, payload, **kwd ):
        POST /api/tool_shed_repositories/import_workflow

        Import the specified exported workflow contained in the specified installed tool shed repository into Galaxy.

        :param key: the API key of the Galaxy user with which the imported workflow will be associated.
        :param id: the encoded id of the ToolShedRepository object

        The following parameters are included in the payload.
        :param index: the index location of the workflow tuple in the list of exported workflows stored in the metadata for the specified repository
        api_key = kwd.get( 'key', None )
        if api_key is None:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'key' whose value is the API key for the Galaxy user importing the specified workflow." )
        tool_shed_repository_id = kwd.get( 'id', '' )
        if not tool_shed_repository_id:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'id'." )
        index = payload.get( 'index', None )
        if index is None:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'index'." )
        repository = repository_util.get_tool_shed_repository_by_id(, tool_shed_repository_id )
        exported_workflows = json.loads( self.exported_workflows( trans, tool_shed_repository_id ) )
        # Since we don't have an in-memory object with an id, we'll identify the exported workflow via its location (i.e., index) in the list.
        exported_workflow = exported_workflows[ int( index ) ]
        workflow_name = exported_workflow[ 'workflow_name' ]
        workflow, status, error_message = workflow_util.import_workflow( trans, repository, workflow_name )
        if status == 'error':
            log.debug( error_message )
            return {}
        return workflow.to_dict( view='element' )
예제 #3
    def import_workflows( self, trans, **kwd ):
        POST /api/tool_shed_repositories/import_workflows

        Import all of the exported workflows contained in the specified installed tool shed repository into Galaxy.

        :param key: the API key of the Galaxy user with which the imported workflows will be associated.
        :param id: the encoded id of the ToolShedRepository object
        api_key = kwd.get( 'key', None )
        if api_key is None:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'key' whose value is the API key for the Galaxy user importing the specified workflow." )
        tool_shed_repository_id = kwd.get( 'id', '' )
        if not tool_shed_repository_id:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'id'." )
        repository = repository_util.get_tool_shed_repository_by_id(, tool_shed_repository_id )
        exported_workflows = json.loads( self.exported_workflows( trans, tool_shed_repository_id ) )
        imported_workflow_dicts = []
        for exported_workflow_dict in exported_workflows:
            workflow_name = exported_workflow_dict[ 'workflow_name' ]
            workflow, status, error_message = workflow_util.import_workflow( trans, repository, workflow_name )
            if status == 'error':
                log.debug( error_message )
                imported_workflow_dicts.append( workflow.to_dict( view='element' ) )
        return imported_workflow_dicts
    def import_workflow( self, trans, payload, **kwd ):
        POST /api/tool_shed_repositories/import_workflow

        Import the specified exported workflow contained in the specified installed tool shed repository into Galaxy.

        :param key: the API key of the Galaxy user with which the imported workflow will be associated.
        :param id: the encoded id of the ToolShedRepository object

        The following parameters are included in the payload.
        :param index: the index location of the workflow tuple in the list of exported workflows stored in the metadata for the specified repository
        api_key = kwd.get( 'key', None )
        if api_key is None:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'key' whose value is the API key for the Galaxy user importing the specified workflow." )
        tool_shed_repository_id = kwd.get( 'id', '' )
        if not tool_shed_repository_id:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'id'." )
        index = payload.get( 'index', None )
        if index is None:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'index'." )
        repository = repository_util.get_tool_shed_repository_by_id(, tool_shed_repository_id )
        exported_workflows = json.loads( self.exported_workflows( trans, tool_shed_repository_id ) )
        # Since we don't have an in-memory object with an id, we'll identify the exported workflow via its location (i.e., index) in the list.
        exported_workflow = exported_workflows[ int( index ) ]
        workflow_name = exported_workflow[ 'workflow_name' ]
        workflow, status, error_message = workflow_util.import_workflow( trans, repository, workflow_name )
        if status == 'error':
            log.debug( error_message )
            return {}
        return workflow.to_dict( view='element' )