예제 #1
def process_yield_results(results_path, inflow=3.24):
    glucose_results = process_default_results(results_path, 'glucose')
    biomass_results = process_default_results(results_path, 'totalBiomass')
    attributes = {
        'header': 'directory,mean,std',
        'starting_time': '240',
        'name': 'yield'
    results_output = toolbox_results.ResultsOutput(path=results_path)
    result_set = toolbox_results.ResultSet(results_output, attributes)
    for g_result in glucose_results.members:
        dirname = g_result.vars['directory']
        mean_g = g_result.vars['mean']
        std_g = g_result.vars['std']
        b_result = biomass_results.find_single_result('directory', dirname)
        mean_b = b_result.vars['mean']
        std_b = b_result.vars['std']
        y_result = toolbox_results.SingleResult()
        y_result.vars['directory'] = dirname
        y_result.vars['accumulation'] = g_result.vars['accumulation']
        y_result.vars['segregation'] = g_result.vars['segregation']
        y_result.vars['repair'] = g_result.vars['repair']
        if mean_b == 0.0:
            y_result.vars['mean'] = 'nan'
            y_result.vars['std'] = 'nan'
            mean_y = mean_b / (inflow - mean_g)
            cv_g = (std_g / mean_g)
            cv_b = (std_b / mean_b)
            y_result.vars['mean'] = mean_y
            y_result.vars['std'] = mean_y * math.sqrt(cv_g**2 + cv_b**2)
    return result_set
예제 #2
def process_beta_results(results_path):
    attributes = {
        'header': 'directory,mean,std',
        'starting_time': '240',
        'name': 'specific growth rate'
    results_output = toolbox_results.ResultsOutput(path=results_path)
    result_set = toolbox_results.ResultSet(results_output, attributes)
    segregation = []
    for result in result_set.members:
        dir = result.vars['directory']
        # 'a', 'm', or 's'
        result.vars['segregation'] = dir[0]
        if not dir[0] in segregation: segregation.append(dir[0])
        # 'repair' is 'n' to ensure a solid line in the plot
        result.vars['repair'] = 'n'
        # 'accumulation' is actually the value of beta
        result.vars['accumulation'] = 0.01 * float(dir[2:4])
        # gGrowth rate mean & standard deviation
        result.vars['mean'] = float(result.vars['mean'])
        result.vars['std'] = float(result.vars['std'])
        result.vars['optimal'] = False
    for seg in segregation:
        seg_set = [
            r for r in result_set.members if r.vars['segregation'] == seg
        means = [r.vars['mean'] for r in seg_set]
        seg_set[means.index(max(means))].vars['optimal'] = True
    return result_set
예제 #3
def process_erjavec_results(results_path):
    attributes = {
        'header': 'directory,mean,std',
        'starting_time': '240',
        'name': 'specific growth rate'
    results_output = toolbox_results.ResultsOutput(path=results_path)
    results_set = toolbox_results.ResultSet(results_output, attributes)
    for result in results_set.members:
        dir = result.vars['directory']
        result.vars['segregation'] = dir[0]
        result.vars['repair'] = 'n'
        result.vars['accumulation'] = 0.1 * float(dir[1:3])
        result.vars['mean'] = float(result.vars['mean'])
        result.vars['std'] = float(result.vars['std'])
    return results_set
예제 #4
def process_optima_results(results_path, attribute):
    attributes = {
        'header': 'directory,mean,std',
        'starting_time': '240',
        'name': 'optimum ' + attribute
    results_output = toolbox_results.ResultsOutput(path=results_path)
    result_set = toolbox_results.ResultSet(results_output, attributes)
    for result in result_set.members:
        dir = result.vars['directory']
        result.vars['segregation'] = dir[0]
        result.vars['repair'] = 'n'
        # This is actually the value of beta
        result.vars['accumulation'] = 0.01 * float(dir[5:7])
        result.vars['mean'] = 0.01 * float(dir[2:4])
        result.vars['std'] = 0.005
    return result_set
예제 #5
def process_default_results(results_path, attribute):
    attributes = {
        'header': 'directory,mean,std',
        'starting_time': '240',
        'name': attribute
    results_output = toolbox_results.ResultsOutput(path=results_path)
    results_set = toolbox_results.ResultSet(results_output, attributes)
    for result in results_set.members:
        dir = result.vars['directory']
        result.vars['segregation'] = dir[0]
        result.vars['repair'] = dir[1]
        result.vars['accumulation'] = 0.01 * float(dir[2:4])
        result.vars['mean'] = float(result.vars['mean'])
        result.vars['std'] = float(result.vars['std'])
        # Convert from g L-1 to mg L-1
        if attribute == 'glucose' or attribute == 'totalBiomass':
            result.vars['mean'] *= 1000
            result.vars['std'] *= 1000
    return results_set
예제 #6
def calc_roughness(sim_dir_path, iterate_number):
    sim = toolbox_idynomics.SimulationDirectory(sim_dir_path)
    agent_output = sim.get_single_iterate(iterate_number).agent_output
    nI, nJ, nK, gridres = sim.find_domain_dimensions()

    # Need agents coordinates and domain size
    # Matrix of agentgrid of size xdom/gridres x ydom/gridres - xdom and ydom are height and width of computational domain
    # Convert agent coordinates to agentgrid elements - 1 signifies presence
    # Define bulk and biofilm as separate bodies
    # Identify biofilm front points as agent occupied elements with at least one bulk neighbour, set equivalent elements to 1 in equivalent matrix, frontgrid

    # create a grid of zeros
    agentgrid = numpy.zeros((nI, nJ), dtype=int)

    #set elements of the grid that have a cell in to have a value of 1 - all other grids should remain as 0
    max_x = 0
    newmax_x = 0
    for r in agent_output.get_all_cells():
        x, y = float(r.vars['locationX']), float(r.vars['locationY'])
        newx = x
        x, y = x / gridres, y / gridres
        x, y = int(x), int(y)
        if agentgrid[x, y] == 0:
            agentgrid[x, y] = 1
        if x > max_x:
            max_x = x
        if newx > newmax_x:
            newmax_x = newx
    #set front cells to have a value of 2, making sure that they aren't on the edges where the biofilm wraps around
    for i in range(max_x + 2):
        for j in range(nJ):
            if agentgrid[i, j] < 1:
            # Look at the level below, if we're not on the bottom
            if i > 0:
                if agentgrid[i - 1, j] == 0:
                    agentgrid[i, j] = 2
                # Always apply cyclic search for left/right in the level below
                if agentgrid[i - 1, (j - 1) % nJ] == 0:
                    agentgrid[i, j] = 2
                if agentgrid[i - 1, (j + 1) % nJ] == 0:
                    agentgrid[i, j] = 2
                # Look at the level above, if we're not at the top
            if i < nI - 1:
                if agentgrid[i + 1, j] == 0:
                    agentgrid[i, j] = 2
                # Always apply cyclic search for left/right in the level above
                if agentgrid[i + 1, (j - 1) % nJ] == 0:
                    agentgrid[i, j] = 2
                if agentgrid[i + 1, (j + 1) % nJ] == 0:
                    agentgrid[i, j] = 2
                # Always apply cyclic search for left/right in the same level
            if agentgrid[i, (j - 1) % nJ] == 0:
                agentgrid[i, j] = 2
            if agentgrid[i, (j + 1) % nJ] == 0:
                agentgrid[i, j] = 2

    frontgrid = numpy.zeros((nI), dtype=int)
    for i in range(max_x + 2):
        for j in range(nJ):
            if agentgrid[i, j] == 2:
                frontgrid[i] += 1

    Cfx = numpy.zeros((nI, ), dtype=float)
    Pf = 0
    num = 0
    for i in range(max_x + 1):
        temp = frontgrid[i] / nJ
        Cfx[i] = 1.0 * temp
        Pf += temp
        num += (i + 1) * temp

    Xf = num / Pf

    Sigmaf = 0
    num2 = 0
    for j in range(nI):
        num2 += abs((j + 1) - Xf) * Cfx[j]
    Sigmaf = num2 / Pf
    Sigma = Sigmaf / Xf

    attributes = {
        'name': 'Sigmaf',
        'name2': 'Sigma',
        'name3': 'Xf',
        'name4': 'Pf',
        'name5': 'height',
        'header': 'value,value2,value3,value4,value5'
    results_file_path = os.path.join(sim_dir_path, 'roughness.xml')
    results_output = toolbox_results.ResultsOutput(path=results_file_path)
    result_set = toolbox_results.ResultSet(results_output, attributes)
    single_result = toolbox_results.SingleResult()
    single_result.vars['value'] = Sigmaf
    single_result.vars['value2'] = Sigma
    single_result.vars['value3'] = Xf
    single_result.vars['value4'] = Pf
    single_result.vars['value5'] = max_x
    return Sigmaf, max_x