lines.append(slope * x_linspace) slopes.append(slope) mag_wo_line = savgol_filter( savgol_filter(magnetisation - slope * field, 5, 3), 5, 3) subtracted_lines.append(mag_wo_line) popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(langevin, field, mag_wo_line) mu_eff = popt[0] c_imp = popt[1] langevins.append(langevin(x_linspace, mu_eff, c_imp)) fig, ax = MakePlot().create() amp = (np.max(slopes) - np.min(slopes)) / 2 linspace = np.linspace(-120, 200, 800) #optimize_func = lambda x: sinusoid(x[0],x[1],x[2], x[3]) - slopes #est_amp, est_freq, est_phase, est_mean = scipy.optimize.leastsq(optimize_func, [-1*amp, 1/2, 0, np.min(slopes) + amp])[0] #est_sine = sinusoid(est_amp,est_freq,est_phase,est_mean) N, amp, omega, phase, offset, noise = 1000, 1., 2., .5, 4., 3 tt = np.linspace(-120, 150, N) res = fit_sin(angles, slopes) error = np.sqrt(res['maxcov'])
t2 = temp_ranges[idx][1] + 1 save_path = open_path + 'figures/' makedir(save_path) save_path = save_path +channel+'/' makedir(save_path) save_path+='smaller/' makedir(save_path) for temp in range(t1, t2): file_name = open_path + base_file_name + str(temp) + file_ext df_og = pd.read_csv(file_name) df = drop_nans(df_og, nan_on_two=nan_on_two) df, peaks_current = extract_sweep_peaks(df, 'ac_current_'+channel, 'current_sweep_'+channel, 'I = ') fig, axs = MakePlot(ncols=3, nrows=1, figsize=(16, 9)).create() ax1 = axs[0] ax2 = axs[1] ax3 = axs[2] sns.scatterplot(y='resistance_'+channel, x='time', hue='current_sweep_'+channel, data=df, ax=ax1, legend=False) # ax1.set_title('Resistance by Time') ax1.set_ylabel(r'$R $', usetex=True, rotation=0,fontsize=16) ax1.set_xlabel(r'$t $', usetex=True,fontsize=16) sns.scatterplot(x='voltage_amp_'+channel, y='resistance_'+channel, hue='current_sweep_'+channel, data=df, ax=ax2, legend=False) # ax2.set_title('Resistance by Time') ax2.set_ylabel(r'', usetex=True, rotation=0,fontsize=16) ax2.set_xlabel(r'$V $', usetex=True,fontsize=16) sns.scatterplot(y='resistance_'+channel, x='b_field', hue='current_sweep_'+channel, data=df, ax=ax3, legend=True)
headers_ch1_short = [ 'voltage_amp_ch1', 'ac_current_ch1', 'sigma_resistance_ch1', 'phase_angle_ch1', 'in_phase_voltage_ch1', 'quad_voltage_ch1', 'gain_ch1', 'second_harmonic_ch1', 'third_harmonic_ch1' ] nice_names_ch1_short = [ 'Voltage Amplitude (CH1)', 'AC Current (CH1)', 'Standard Deviation of Resistance (CH1)', 'Phase Angle (CH1)', 'In Phase Voltage (CH1)', 'Quadrature Voltage (CH1)', 'Gain (CH1)', 'Second Harmonic (CH1)', 'Third Harmonic (CH1)' ] for ind, header in enumerate(headers_ch1_short): for constant_temp, inds in w.groups.items(): fig, axs = MakePlot().create() sns.scatterplot(y=df[header][inds], x=inds, ax=axs) #plt.plot(np.diff(df.temp[inds])) #for peak in locs: plt.axvline(peak) plt.title(nice_names_ch1_short[ind]) axs.set_xlabel('Time') axs.set_ylabel(nice_names_ch1_short[ind]) temp = round(float(constant_temp.split('_')[-1])) anchored_text = AnchoredText('T = ' + str(temp) + 'K', loc='upper left') axs.add_artist(anchored_text) print('') ''' for constant_temp, inds in w.groups.items(): fig, axs = MakePlot().create()
subtracted_lines_fc.append(scipy.ndimage.median_filter(mag_wo_line_fc, size=2)) # Figure 2 of Koyama et al FeSi T = np.array(temps) chi = np.array(slopes_fc) Ms = np.array(subtracted_lines_fc) #Ms = np.array(mags_fc) Bs = np.array(fields_fc) fig, ax = MakePlot(nrows=2,ncols=5,figsize=(32,18)).create() ax_lab_size = 36 title_size = 69'seaborn-paper') ax1 = ax[0,0] ax2 = ax[0,1] ax3 = ax[0,2] ax4 = ax[0,3] ax5 = ax[0,4] ax6 = ax[1,0] ax7 = ax[1,1] ax8 = ax[1,2] ax9 = ax[1,3] ax10 = ax[1,4]
# ax.tick_params('both', which='both', direction='in', # bottom=True, top=True, left=True, right=True) # # plt.legend(title=r'Temperature $(K)$', loc='best',frameon=True, fancybox=False, edgecolor='k', framealpha=1, borderpad=1) # plt.title('Arrot Plot in Positive Field Region',fontsize=18,fontname='arial') # # # 3B 150 K zoom # Now ill attempt to fit a line to the arrot plot after removing the first 8 points! lines_to_fit = [] inverse_gammas = [] err = [] for q in range(len(H_over_M)): fig, ax = MakePlot().create() x = H_over_M[q] - 1 / chi[q] y = M_sqr[q] y = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(y, size=10) fit, cov = np.polyfit(x[15:], y[15:], 1, cov=True) err.append(np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))[0]) inverse_gammas.append(fit[0]) print('len of fit region', len(x[15:])) ax.plot(H_over_M[q] - 1 / chi[q], M_sqr[q], marker='o', label='150 K') # ax.plot(x[15:], np.poly1d(fit)(x[15:])) ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) ax.set_ylabel(r'$M^2$ $(emu^2)$', fontsize=12, fontname='arial') ax.set_xlabel(r'$\frac{H}{M} - \frac{1}{\chi}$ $(\frac{T}{emu})$',
#field_df['DC Moment Fixed Ctr (emu)'] = field_df['DC Moment Fixed Ctr (emu)'].rolling(3).mean() field_df['Placement'] = labels[ind] field_lst.append(field_df) big_field_df = pd.concat(field_lst) big_field_df['Magnetic Field (T)'] = big_field_df['Magnetic Field (Oe)']/10000 sns.set_palette('Paired') fig, axs = MakePlot(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(16, 9)).create() ax1 = axs sns.scatterplot(y='DC Moment Fixed Ctr (emu)', x='Magnetic Field (T)', data=big_field_df, hue='Placement',style='Placement', alpha=0.7, ax=ax1) # ax1.set_title('Field Sweep') # ax1.set_ylabel(r'Magnetic Moment $(emu)$', usetex=True, rotation=90, fontsize=16) # ax1.set_xlabel(r'Magnetic Field $(T)$', usetex=True, fontsize=16) fig.suptitle('Angular Dependence of Magnetization', fontsize=22) # plt.figlegend(frameon=False, # loc='center right', # title='Angle') # ,labels=np.unique(df.current_sweep_ch2.values), frameon=True) # #plt.savefig('/Users/npopiel/Desktop/fig_w_eaton_smooth.png', dpi=600)
subtracted_lines_fc.append(mag_wo_line_fc) big_field_df = pd.concat(lst) big_field_df[ 'Magnetic Field (T)'] = big_field_df['Magnetic Field (Oe)'] / 10000 # Figure 2 of Koyama et al FeSi T = np.array(temps) chi = np.array(slopes_fc) #Ms = np.array(subtracted_lines_fc) Ms = np.array(mags_fc) Bs = np.array(fields_fc) fig, ax = MakePlot(nrows=2, ncols=6, figsize=(32, 18)).create() ax_lab_size = 36 title_size = 69'seaborn-paper') ax1 = ax[0, 0] ax2 = ax[0, 1] ax3 = ax[0, 2] ax4 = ax[0, 3] ax5 = ax[0, 4] ax6 = ax[0, 5] ax7 = ax[1, 0] ax8 = ax[1, 1] ax9 = ax[1, 2] ax10 = ax[1, 3] ax11 = ax[1, 4]
# Now i need to subtract diamagnetic background off of the field sweeps relevant_cols = [ 'Temperature (K)', 'Magnetic Field (Oe)', 'DC Moment Fixed Ctr (emu)', 'DC Moment Free Ctr (emu)' ] x_linspace = np.linspace(-7, 7, 10000) lines_fc, fields_fc, mags_fc, subtracted_lines_fc, slopes_fc = [], [], [], [], [] lines_zfc, fields_zfc, mags_zfc, subtracted_lines_zfc, slopes_zfc = [], [], [], [], [] fig, ax = MakePlot(nrows=1, ncols=3).create() # Plot original ax1 = ax[0] ax2 = ax[1] ax3 = ax[2] ax1.plot(field_base_fc, scipy.ndimage.median_filter(mag_base_fc - slope_base_fc * field_base_fc, size=5), c='purple', linewidth=2.5, label='0.05 T Cool') ax1.plot(field_base_zfc, scipy.ndimage.median_filter(mag_base_zfc - slope_base_zfc * field_base_zfc,
sigma = 13.95 def select_values_near_n(array, n=13.95, cond='max'): lst = [] c = 0 for ind, el in enumerate(array): if cond == 'max': if el > n: lst.append(c) else: if el < n: lst.append(c) c += 1 return lst locs_of_maxima = select_values_near_n(df['b_field']) ordered_bs = np.argsort(df.b_field) fig2, axs2 = MakePlot().create() plt.plot(df.b_field) for loc in locs_of_maxima: plt.axvline(loc, c='red') #plt.plot(np.diff(df.b_field[:num_pts_b_vis])) plt.title('Verification of Extracting Constant Temperature Regions') print()
resistance_ratios.append(resistance_ratio) voltage_ratios.append(voltage_ratio) temps.append([temp] * len(voltage_ratio)) current_for_ratio.append(current_ratio) diction = { 'Resistance': np.array(flatten(resistance_ratios)) * 100, 'Current': np.array(flatten(current_for_ratio)) * 1000, 'Voltage': flatten(voltage_ratios), 'Temperature': flatten(temps) } data = pd.DataFrame(diction) fig, axs = MakePlot(figsize=(16, 9)).create() sns.set_palette('bright') sns.lineplot(y='Resistance', x='Temperature', hue='Current', palette='bright', data=data, ax=axs, linestyle='-', legend=True) axs.set_ylabel(r'R', rotation=0, fontsize=16) axs.set_xlabel(r'T', fontsize=16) axs.set_title(titles1[idx], fontsize=22) name1 = main_path + 'r_v_temp_' + samples[idx] + '.pdf' plt.savefig(name1, dpi=200)
# FOr the FC, get each data without the line! wo_line_1zfc = magnetisation_zfc - upper_fit_inc_zfc[0]*(field_zfc) wo_line_2zfc = magnetisation_zfc - upper_fit_dec_zfc[0]*(field_zfc) wo_line_3zfc = magnetisation_zfc - lower_fit_inc_zfc[0]*(field_zfc) wo_line_4zfc = magnetisation_zfc - lower_fit_dec_zfc[0]*(field_zfc) sns.set_palette('husl') # Okay, in essence I want to plot raw data in first panel, second panel, all diamagnetic lines, # next four the raw minus each fitted line, # maybe a langevin fit also? # then repeat for ZFC fig, ax = MakePlot(nrows=2, ncols=3).create() # Plot original ax1 = ax[0,0] ax2 = ax[0,1] ax3 = ax[0,2] ax4 = ax[1,0] ax5 = ax[1,1] ax6 = ax[1,2] ax1.plot(field_fc,magnetisation_fc, linewidth=2.5) #ax1.plot(fields_zfc[0],subtracted_lines_zfc[0], linewidth=2.5, label='Zero Field Cool') ax1.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) ax1.set_ylabel('Magnetisation (emu)', fontsize=12,fontname='arial') ax1.set_xlabel('Magnetic Field (T)', fontsize=12,fontname='arial') ax1.set_title(r'Raw Data', fontsize=14,fontname='arial') ax1.set_xlim()
Ms = np.array(mags_fc) Bs = np.array(fields_fc) # Figure 3 of Koyama et al FeSi M_sqr = Ms**2 H_over_M = Bs / Ms string_temps = [ r'$100$', r'$125$', r'$150$', r'$175$', r'$200$', r'$250$', r'$275$', r'$300$' ] temperatures = T fig, ax = MakePlot().create() offset_val = -0.01 arrot_100 = load_matrix( '/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Data/isotherms/arrot-100.csv') xs = H_over_M - 1 / chi ys = M_sqr xs = xs.tolist()[::-1] ys = ys.tolist()[::-1] xs.append(arrot_100[17:, 0] + 0.04) ys.append(arrot_100[17:, 1])
open_path = main_path + folder + '/' t1 = temp_ranges[idx][0] t2 = temp_ranges[idx][1] + 1 save_path = open_path + 'figures/' makedir(save_path) for temp in range(t1, t2): file_name = open_path + base_file_name + str(temp) + file_ext df = drop_nans(pd.read_csv(file_name)) df, peaks_voltage = extract_sweep_peaks(df, 'voltage_amp_ch2', 'voltage_sweep_ch2', 'sweep_') df, peaks_current = extract_sweep_peaks(df, 'ac_current_ch2', 'current_sweep_ch2', 'I = ') fig, axs = MakePlot(ncols=3, nrows=3, figsize=(16, 9)).create() ax1 = axs[0, 0] ax2 = axs[0, 1] ax3 = axs[0, 2] ax4 = axs[1, 0] ax5 = axs[1, 1] ax6 = axs[1, 2] ax7 = axs[2, 0] ax8 = axs[2, 1] ax9 = axs[2, 2] sns.scatterplot(y='resistance_ch2', x='time', hue='current_sweep_ch2', data=df, ax=ax1,
subtracted_lines_fc.append(mag_wo_line_fc) big_field_df = pd.concat(lst) big_field_df[ 'Magnetic Field (T)'] = big_field_df['Magnetic Field (Oe)'] / 10000 # Figure 2 of Koyama et al FeSi T = np.array(temps) chi = np.array(slopes_fc) #Ms = np.array(subtracted_lines_fc) Ms = np.array(mags_fc) Bs = np.array(fields_fc) fig, ax = MakePlot(figsize=(32, 18)).create() ax_lab_size = 36 title_size = 69'seaborn-paper') for i, t in enumerate(T): if t == 300: ax.plot(Bs[i][3:-3], Ms[i][3:-3], marker='o', label=str(t), / len(T))) else: ax.plot(Bs[i][3:], Ms[i][3:], marker='o',
big_field_df = pd.concat(field_lst) big_temp_df = pd.concat(temp_lst) big_field_df['Magnetic Field (T)'] = big_field_df['Magnetic Field (Oe)']/10000 big_temp_df['Magnetic Field (T)'] = big_temp_df['Magnetic Field (Oe)']/10000 big_field_df['DC Moment Fixed Ctr (emu)'] = moving_average(big_field_df['DC Moment Fixed Ctr (emu)'],15) big_temp_df['DC Moment Fixed Ctr (emu)'] = moving_average(big_temp_df['DC Moment Fixed Ctr (emu)'],15) sns.set_palette('Paired') fig, axs = MakePlot(ncols=1, nrows=2, figsize=(16, 9)).create() ax1 = axs[0] ax2 = axs[1] sns.lineplot(y='DC Moment Fixed Ctr (emu)', x='Magnetic Field (T)', data=big_field_df, hue='Angle', ax=ax1, legend=False) # ax1.set_title('Field Sweep') # ax1.set_ylabel(r'Magnetic Moment $(emu)$', usetex=True, rotation=90, fontsize=16) # ax1.set_xlabel(r'Magnetic Field $(T)$', usetex=True, fontsize=16) sns.lineplot(y='DC Moment Fixed Ctr (emu)', x='Temperature (K)', hue='Angle', data=big_temp_df, ax=ax2) # ax2.set_title('Temperature Sweep') # ax2.set_ylabel(r'Magnetic Moment $(emu)$', usetex=True, rotation=90, fontsize=16) # ax2.set_xlabel(r'Temperature $(K)$', usetex=True, fontsize=16) legend = ax2.legend()