예제 #1
    def __init__(self, vhdl_dict, mu_type, bitword=None, obj=None, link=-1, frame=-1, bx=-1, gPhi = None):
            vhdl_dict   as returned by ../../tools/vhdl.VHDLConstantsParser
            mu_type     either IN (inputs) or OUT (intermediates/outputs)
            bitword     can be None or a 64bit integer (for HW muons)
            obj         can be None or one of the emulator objects (for emulator muons)
            link        integer representing link the muon was received / is sent (HW only)
            bx          integer indicating the bunch-crossing the muon is associated with

        # get the bit boundaries for the muon quantities
        self.bx = bx

        pt_low = vhdl_dict["PT_{t}_LOW".format(t=mu_type)]
        pt_high = vhdl_dict["PT_{t}_HIGH".format(t=mu_type)]

        sysign_low = vhdl_dict["SIGN_{t}".format(t=mu_type)]
        sysign_high = vhdl_dict["VALIDSIGN_{t}".format(t=mu_type)]

        trackadd_low = 0
        trackadd_high = 0

        qual_low = vhdl_dict["QUAL_{t}_LOW".format(t=mu_type)]
        qual_high = vhdl_dict["QUAL_{t}_HIGH".format(t=mu_type)]

        eta_low = vhdl_dict["ETA_{t}_LOW".format(t=mu_type)]
        eta_high = vhdl_dict["ETA_{t}_HIGH".format(t=mu_type)]

        phi_low = vhdl_dict["PHI_{t}_LOW".format(t=mu_type)]
        phi_high = vhdl_dict["PHI_{t}_HIGH".format(t=mu_type)]

        if mu_type == "OUT":
            iso_low = vhdl_dict["ISO_OUT_LOW"]
            iso_high = vhdl_dict["ISO_OUT_HIGH"]
            trackadd_high = vhdl_dict["BMTF_ADDRESS_STATION_4_IN_LOW"] + 1
            trackadd_low = vhdl_dict["BMTF_DETECTOR_SIDE_HIGH"] + 1
            self.trackAddress = [0]*6

        if obj == None and bitword != None:     # for hardware
            self.bitword = bitword
            self.Sysign = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, sysign_low, sysign_high)
            self.etaBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, eta_low, eta_high)
            self.etaBits = bithlp.twos_complement_to_signed(self.etaBits, eta_high-eta_low+1)
            self.qualityBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, qual_low, qual_high)
            self.ptBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, pt_low, pt_high)
            if mu_type == "OUT":
                self.phiBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, phi_low, phi_high)
                self.Iso = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, iso_low, iso_high)
                self.Iso = 0
                # for input have to mask the 31st bit as it is control bit
                # as of moving to local phi this is not needed anymore
                # self.phiBits = self.decode_phi(phi_low, phi_high)
                self.phiBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, phi_low, phi_high)
                # we have to adjust these values as they are beyond the 32 bit boundary

            self.rank = 0
            self.globPhiBits = self.phiBits

        elif bitword == None and obj != None:  # for emulator
            if gPhi is not None:
                self.globPhiBits = gPhi
                self.globPhiBits = obj.hwPhi()
            if mu_type == "OUT":
                self.Iso = obj.hwIso()
                self.rank = obj.hwRank()
                self.Sysign = obj.hwCharge() + (obj.hwChargeValid() << 1)

                self.Iso = 0
                self.rank = 0
                self.Sysign = obj.hwSign() + (obj.hwSignValid() << 1)
                sysign_low += 1
                sysign_high += 1
                self.trackAddress = obj.trackAddress()

            self.phiBits = obj.hwPhi()
            self.etaBits = obj.hwEta()
            unsigned_eta = bithlp.twos_complement_to_unsigned(obj.hwEta(), 9)
            self.qualityBits = obj.hwQual()
            self.ptBits = obj.hwPt()

            # calculate the bitword to make comparison with HW easy
            self.bitword = (self.ptBits << pt_low)
            self.bitword += (self.qualityBits << qual_low)
            self.bitword += (self.Sysign << sysign_low)
            self.bitword += (unsigned_eta << eta_low)
            self.bitword += (self.phiBits << phi_low)

            if mu_type == "OUT" and self.Iso > 0:
                self.bitword += (self.Iso << iso_low)

        self.frame = frame
        self.link = link
        self.local_link = -1
        if self.link != -1:
            self.local_link = self.link - 36
            if self.local_link < vhdl_dict["EMTF_POS_HIGH"]:
            elif self.local_link < vhdl_dict["OMTF_POS_HIGH"]:
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["OMTF_POS_LOW"]
            elif self.local_link < vhdl_dict["BMTF_HIGH"]:
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["BMTF_LOW"]
            elif self.local_link < vhdl_dict["OMTF_NEG_HIGH"]:
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["OMTF_NEG_LOW"]
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["EMTF_NEG_LOW"]
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, vhdl_dict, mu_type, bitword=None, obj=None, link=-1, frame=-1, bx=-1, gPhi = None):
            vhdl_dict   as returned by ../../tools/vhdl.VHDLConstantsParser
            mu_type     either IN (inputs), OUT (outputs), SER (serializer), or IMD (intermediates)
            bitword     can be None or a 64bit integer (for HW muons)
            obj         can be None or one of the emulator objects (for emulator muons)
            link        integer representing link the muon was received / is sent (HW only)
            bx          integer indicating the bunch-crossing the muon is associated with

        # get the bit boundaries for the muon quantities
        self.bx = bx

        self.frame = frame
        self.haloFine = 0
        self.etaFine = 0
        self.tftype = -1
        self.link = link
        self.local_link = link
        if self.link != -1:
            self.local_link = self.link - 36
            if self.local_link < vhdl_dict["EMTF_POS_HIGH"]:
                self.tftype = 2
            elif self.local_link < vhdl_dict["OMTF_POS_HIGH"]:
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["OMTF_POS_LOW"]
                self.tftype = 1
            elif self.local_link < vhdl_dict["BMTF_HIGH"]:
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["BMTF_LOW"]
                self.tftype = 0
            elif self.local_link < vhdl_dict["OMTF_NEG_HIGH"]:
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["OMTF_NEG_LOW"]
                self.tftype = 1
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["EMTF_NEG_LOW"]
                self.tftype = 2

        if mu_type == 'IMD' or mu_type == 'OUT' or mu_type == 'SER':
            bitword_type = 'OUT'
            bitword_type = 'IN'
        pt_low = vhdl_dict["PT_{t}_LOW".format(t=bitword_type)]
        pt_high = vhdl_dict["PT_{t}_HIGH".format(t=bitword_type)]

        sysign_low = vhdl_dict["SIGN_{t}".format(t=bitword_type)]
        sysign_high = vhdl_dict["VALIDSIGN_{t}".format(t=bitword_type)]

        trackadd_low = 0
        trackadd_high = 0

        qual_low = vhdl_dict["QUAL_{t}_LOW".format(t=bitword_type)]
        qual_high = vhdl_dict["QUAL_{t}_HIGH".format(t=bitword_type)]

        eta_low = vhdl_dict["ETA_{t}_LOW".format(t=bitword_type)]
        eta_high = vhdl_dict["ETA_{t}_HIGH".format(t=bitword_type)]

        phi_low = vhdl_dict["PHI_{t}_LOW".format(t=bitword_type)]
        phi_high = vhdl_dict["PHI_{t}_HIGH".format(t=bitword_type)]

        if bitword_type == "OUT":
            iso_low = vhdl_dict["ISO_OUT_LOW"]
            iso_high = vhdl_dict["ISO_OUT_HIGH"]
            idx_low = vhdl_dict["IDX_OUT_LOW"]
            idx_high = vhdl_dict["IDX_OUT_HIGH"]
            trackadd_low = vhdl_dict["BMTF_ADDRESS_STATION_4_IN_LOW"] - 2
            trackadd_high = vhdl_dict["BMTF_DETECTOR_SIDE_HIGH"] + 4
            hf_low = vhdl_dict["HALO_FINE_IN"]
            self.trackAddress = [0]*6

        if mu_type == "OUT":
            phi_extrapolated_low = vhdl_dict["PHI_EXTRAPOLATED_LOW"]
            phi_extrapolated_high = vhdl_dict["PHI_EXTRAPOLATED_HIGH"]

        if obj == None and bitword != None:     # for hardware
            self.bitword = bitword
            self.Sysign = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, sysign_low, sysign_high)
            self.etaBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, eta_low, eta_high)
            self.etaBits = bithlp.twos_complement_to_signed(self.etaBits, eta_high-eta_low+1)
            self.qualityBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, qual_low, qual_high)
            self.ptBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, pt_low, pt_high)
            self.phiBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, phi_low, phi_high)
            self.globPhiBits = self.phiBits
            if mu_type == "OUT" or mu_type == "SER":
                self.Iso = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, iso_low, iso_high)
                self.tfMuonIndex = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, idx_low, idx_high)
                if mu_type == "OUT":
                    self.phi_extrapol = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, phi_extrapolated_low, phi_extrapolated_high)
                    self.phi_extrapol = 0
                self.phi_extrapol = -1
                self.Iso = 0
                self.tfMuonIndex = -1
                if self.local_link != -1:
                    self.globPhiBits = self.calcGlobalPhi(self.ptBits, self.tftype, self.local_link)
                if bitword_type != "OUT":
                    self.haloFine = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, hf_low, hf_low+1)
                    if self.tftype == 2:
                        self.etaFine = 1
                        self.etaFine = self.haloFine

            self.rank = 0
            self.globPhiBits = self.phiBits

        elif bitword == None and obj != None:  # for emulator
            if gPhi is not None:
                self.globPhiBits = gPhi
                self.globPhiBits = obj.hwPhi()
            if bitword_type == "OUT":
                if mu_type == "OUT":
                    self.phi_extrapol = obj.hwPhi() + obj.hwDPhiExtra()
                    if self.phi_extrapol < 0:
                        self.phi_extrapol += 576 # wrap around
                    self.phi_extrapol %= 576 # wrap around
                    self.phi_extrapol = 0
                self.Iso = obj.hwIso()
                self.rank = obj.hwRank()
                self.Sysign = obj.hwCharge() + (obj.hwChargeValid() << 1)
                self.tfMuonIndex = obj.tfMuonIndex()

                self.phi_extrapol = -1
                self.Iso = 0
                self.tfMuonIndex = -1
                self.rank = 0
                self.Sysign = obj.hwSign() + (obj.hwSignValid() << 1)
                # shift by +1 necessary because of the control bit 31
                sysign_low += 1
                sysign_high += 1
                trackadd_low += 1
                trackadd_high += 1
                self.trackAddress = obj.trackAddress()
                self.haloFine = obj.hwHF()
                self.etaFine = self.haloFine
                self.tftype = obj.trackFinderType()
                if self.tftype == 1 or self.tftype == 2:
                    self.tftype = 1
                elif self.tftype == 3 or self.tftype == 4:
                    self.tftype = 2
                    self.etaFine = 1
                if gPhi is None:
                    self.globPhiBits = self.calcGlobalPhi(obj.hwPhi(), obj.trackFinderType(), obj.processor())

            self.phiBits = obj.hwPhi()
            self.etaBits = obj.hwEta()
            unsigned_eta = bithlp.twos_complement_to_unsigned(obj.hwEta(), 9)
            unsigned_phi = bithlp.twos_complement_to_unsigned(obj.hwPhi(), 8)
            self.qualityBits = obj.hwQual()
            self.ptBits = obj.hwPt()

            # calculate the bitword to make comparison with HW easy
            self.bitword = (self.ptBits << pt_low)
            self.bitword += (self.qualityBits << qual_low)
            self.bitword += (self.Sysign << sysign_low)
            self.bitword += (unsigned_eta << eta_low)
            self.bitword += (unsigned_phi << phi_low)

            if bitword_type == "OUT" and self.Iso > 0:
                self.bitword += (self.Iso << iso_low)
            if mu_type == "OUT" and self.phi_extrapol >= 0:
                self.bitword += (self.phi_extrapol << phi_extrapolated_low)
            if (mu_type == "OUT" or mu_type == "SER") and self.tfMuonIndex >= 0:
                self.bitword += (self.tfMuonIndex << idx_low)
            if bitword_type != "OUT":
                self.bitword += (self.haloFine << hf_low)

            if self.tftype == 0:
                # shift by +1 necessary because of the control bit 31
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[0] << vhdl_dict["BMTF_DETECTOR_SIDE_LOW"] + 1
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[1] << vhdl_dict["BMTF_WHEEL_NO_IN_LOW"] + 1
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[2] << vhdl_dict["BMTF_ADDRESS_STATION_1_IN_LOW"] + 1
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[3] << vhdl_dict["BMTF_ADDRESS_STATION_2_IN_LOW"] + 1
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[4] << vhdl_dict["BMTF_ADDRESS_STATION_3_IN_LOW"] + 1
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[5] << vhdl_dict["BMTF_ADDRESS_STATION_4_IN_LOW"] + 1
            elif self.tftype == 1:
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[0] << trackadd_low
            elif self.tftype == 2:
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[0] << trackadd_low
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, vhdl_dict, mu_type, bitword=None, obj=None, link=-1, frame=-1, bx=-1, gPhi = None):
            vhdl_dict   as returned by ../../tools/vhdl.VHDLConstantsParser
            mu_type     either IN (inputs), OUT (outputs), SER (serializer), or IMD (intermediates)
            bitword     can be None or a 64bit integer (for HW muons)
            obj         can be None or one of the emulator objects (for emulator muons)
            link        integer representing link the muon was received / is sent (HW only)
            bx          integer indicating the bunch-crossing the muon is associated with

        # get the bit boundaries for the muon quantities
        self.bx = bx

        self.frame = frame
        self.haloFine = 0
        self.etaFine = 0
        self.tftype = -1
        self.link = link
        self.local_link = link
        if self.link != -1:
            self.local_link = self.link - 36
            if self.local_link < vhdl_dict["EMTF_POS_HIGH"]:
                self.tftype = 2
            elif self.local_link < vhdl_dict["OMTF_POS_HIGH"]:
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["OMTF_POS_LOW"]
                self.tftype = 1
            elif self.local_link < vhdl_dict["BMTF_HIGH"]:
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["BMTF_LOW"]
                self.tftype = 0
            elif self.local_link < vhdl_dict["OMTF_NEG_HIGH"]:
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["OMTF_NEG_LOW"]
                self.tftype = 1
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["EMTF_NEG_LOW"]
                self.tftype = 2

        if mu_type == 'IMD' or mu_type == 'OUT' or mu_type == 'SER':
            bitword_type = 'OUT'
            bitword_type = 'IN'
        pt_low = vhdl_dict["PT_{t}_LOW".format(t=bitword_type)]
        pt_high = vhdl_dict["PT_{t}_HIGH".format(t=bitword_type)]

        sysign_low = vhdl_dict["SIGN_{t}".format(t=bitword_type)]
        sysign_high = vhdl_dict["VALIDSIGN_{t}".format(t=bitword_type)]

        trackadd_low = 0
        trackadd_high = 0

        qual_low = vhdl_dict["QUAL_{t}_LOW".format(t=bitword_type)]
        qual_high = vhdl_dict["QUAL_{t}_HIGH".format(t=bitword_type)]

        eta_low = vhdl_dict["ETA_{t}_LOW".format(t=bitword_type)]
        eta_high = vhdl_dict["ETA_{t}_HIGH".format(t=bitword_type)]

        phi_low = vhdl_dict["PHI_{t}_LOW".format(t=bitword_type)]
        phi_high = vhdl_dict["PHI_{t}_HIGH".format(t=bitword_type)]

        if bitword_type == "OUT":
            iso_low = vhdl_dict["ISO_OUT_LOW"]
            iso_high = vhdl_dict["ISO_OUT_HIGH"]
            idx_low = vhdl_dict["IDX_OUT_LOW"]
            idx_high = vhdl_dict["IDX_OUT_HIGH"]
            trackadd_low = vhdl_dict["BMTF_ADDRESS_STATION_4_IN_LOW"] - 2
            trackadd_high = vhdl_dict["BMTF_DETECTOR_SIDE_HIGH"] + 4
            hf_low = vhdl_dict["HALO_FINE_IN"]
            self.trackAddress = [0]*6

        if mu_type == "OUT" or mu_type == 'SER':
            phi_extrapolated_low = vhdl_dict["PHI_EXTRAPOLATED_LOW"]
            phi_extrapolated_high = vhdl_dict["PHI_EXTRAPOLATED_HIGH"]
            eta_extrapolated_low = vhdl_dict["ETA_EXTRAPOLATED_LOW"]
            eta_extrapolated_high = vhdl_dict["ETA_EXTRAPOLATED_HIGH"]

        if obj == None and bitword != None:     # for hardware
            self.bitword = bitword
            self.Sysign = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, sysign_low, sysign_high)
            self.etaBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, eta_low, eta_high)
            self.etaBits = bithlp.twos_complement_to_signed(self.etaBits, eta_high-eta_low+1)
            self.qualityBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, qual_low, qual_high)
            self.ptBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, pt_low, pt_high)
            self.phiBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, phi_low, phi_high)
            self.globPhiBits = self.phiBits
            if mu_type == "OUT" or mu_type == "SER":
                self.Iso = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, iso_low, iso_high)
                self.tfMuonIndex = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, idx_low, idx_high)
                self.phi_extrapol = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, phi_extrapolated_low, phi_extrapolated_high)
                self.eta_extrapol = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, eta_extrapolated_low, eta_extrapolated_high)
                self.phi_extrapol = -1
                self.eta_extrapol = -9999
                self.Iso = 0
                self.tfMuonIndex = -1
                if self.local_link != -1:
                    self.globPhiBits = self.calcGlobalPhi(self.ptBits, self.tftype, self.local_link)
                if bitword_type != "OUT":
                    self.haloFine = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, hf_low, hf_low+1)
                    if self.tftype == 2:
                        self.etaFine = 1
                        self.etaFine = self.haloFine

            self.rank = 0
            self.globPhiBits = self.phiBits

        elif bitword == None and obj != None:  # for emulator
            if gPhi is not None:
                self.globPhiBits = gPhi
                self.globPhiBits = obj.hwPhi()
            if bitword_type == "OUT":
                if mu_type == "OUT" or mu_type == 'SER':
                    self.phi_extrapol = obj.hwPhiAtVtx()
                    self.eta_extrapol = obj.hwEtaAtVtx()
                    self.phi_extrapol = 0
                    self.eta_extrapol = 0
                self.Iso = obj.hwIso()
                self.rank = obj.hwRank()
                self.Sysign = obj.hwCharge() + (obj.hwChargeValid() << 1)
                self.tfMuonIndex = obj.tfMuonIndex()

                self.phi_extrapol = -1
                self.eta_extrapol = -9999
                self.Iso = 0
                self.tfMuonIndex = -1
                self.rank = 0
                self.Sysign = obj.hwSign() + (obj.hwSignValid() << 1)
                # shift by +1 necessary because of the control bit 31
                sysign_low += 1
                sysign_high += 1
                trackadd_low += 1
                trackadd_high += 1
                self.trackAddress = obj.trackAddress()
                self.haloFine = obj.hwHF()
                self.etaFine = self.haloFine
                self.tftype = obj.trackFinderType()
                if self.tftype == 1 or self.tftype == 2:
                    self.tftype = 1
                elif self.tftype == 3 or self.tftype == 4:
                    self.tftype = 2
                    self.etaFine = 1
                if gPhi is None:
                    self.globPhiBits = self.calcGlobalPhi(obj.hwPhi(), obj.trackFinderType(), obj.processor())

            self.phiBits = obj.hwPhi()
            self.etaBits = obj.hwEta()
            unsigned_eta = bithlp.twos_complement_to_unsigned(obj.hwEta(), eta_high-eta_low+1)
            unsigned_phi = bithlp.twos_complement_to_unsigned(obj.hwPhi(), phi_high-phi_low+1)
            self.qualityBits = obj.hwQual()
            self.ptBits = obj.hwPt()

            # calculate the bitword to make comparison with HW easy
            self.bitword = (self.ptBits << pt_low)
            self.bitword += (self.qualityBits << qual_low)
            self.bitword += (self.Sysign << sysign_low)
            self.bitword += (unsigned_eta << eta_low)
            self.bitword += (unsigned_phi << phi_low)

            if bitword_type == "OUT" and self.Iso > 0:
                self.bitword += (self.Iso << iso_low)
            if mu_type == "OUT" or mu_type == "SER":
                if self.phi_extrapol >= 0:
                    self.bitword += (self.phi_extrapol << phi_extrapolated_low)
                if self.eta_extrapol >= -1 * (1 << (eta_extrapolated_high - eta_extrapolated_low)):
                    unsigned_eta_extrapol = bithlp.twos_complement_to_unsigned(self.eta_extrapol, eta_extrapolated_high - eta_extrapolated_low + 1)
                    self.bitword += (unsigned_eta_extrapol << eta_extrapolated_low)
                if self.tfMuonIndex >= 0:
                    self.bitword += (self.tfMuonIndex << idx_low)
            if bitword_type != "OUT":
                self.bitword += (self.haloFine << hf_low)

            if self.tftype == 0:
                # shift by +1 necessary because of the control bit 31
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[0] << vhdl_dict["BMTF_DETECTOR_SIDE_LOW"] + 1
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[1] << vhdl_dict["BMTF_WHEEL_NO_IN_LOW"] + 1
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[2] << vhdl_dict["BMTF_ADDRESS_STATION_1_IN_LOW"] + 1
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[3] << vhdl_dict["BMTF_ADDRESS_STATION_2_IN_LOW"] + 1
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[4] << vhdl_dict["BMTF_ADDRESS_STATION_3_IN_LOW"] + 1
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[5] << vhdl_dict["BMTF_ADDRESS_STATION_4_IN_LOW"] + 1
            elif self.tftype == 1:
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[0] << trackadd_low
            elif self.tftype == 2:
                self.bitword += self.trackAddress[0] << trackadd_low
예제 #4
    def __init__(self,
            vhdl_dict   as returned by ../../tools/vhdl.VHDLConstantsParser
            mu_type     either IN (inputs) or OUT (intermediates/outputs)
            bitword     can be None or a 64bit integer (for HW muons)
            obj         can be None or one of the emulator objects (for emulator muons)
            link        integer representing link the muon was received / is sent (HW only)
            bx          integer indicating the bunch-crossing the muon is associated with

        # get the bit boundaries for the muon quantities
        self.bx = bx

        pt_low = vhdl_dict["PT_{t}_LOW".format(t=mu_type)]
        pt_high = vhdl_dict["PT_{t}_HIGH".format(t=mu_type)]

        sysign_low = vhdl_dict["SIGN_{t}".format(t=mu_type)]
        sysign_high = vhdl_dict["VALIDSIGN_{t}".format(t=mu_type)]

        trackadd_low = 0
        trackadd_high = 0

        qual_low = vhdl_dict["QUAL_{t}_LOW".format(t=mu_type)]
        qual_high = vhdl_dict["QUAL_{t}_HIGH".format(t=mu_type)]

        eta_low = vhdl_dict["ETA_{t}_LOW".format(t=mu_type)]
        eta_high = vhdl_dict["ETA_{t}_HIGH".format(t=mu_type)]

        phi_low = vhdl_dict["PHI_{t}_LOW".format(t=mu_type)]
        phi_high = vhdl_dict["PHI_{t}_HIGH".format(t=mu_type)]

        if mu_type == "OUT":
            iso_low = vhdl_dict["ISO_OUT_LOW"]
            iso_high = vhdl_dict["ISO_OUT_HIGH"]
            trackadd_high = vhdl_dict["BMTF_ADDRESS_STATION_4_IN_LOW"] + 1
            trackadd_low = vhdl_dict["BMTF_DETECTOR_SIDE_HIGH"] + 1
            self.trackAddress = [0] * 6

        if obj == None and bitword != None:  # for hardware
            self.bitword = bitword
            self.Sysign = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, sysign_low,
            self.etaBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, eta_low,
            self.etaBits = bithlp.twos_complement_to_signed(
                self.etaBits, eta_high - eta_low + 1)
            self.qualityBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(
                self.bitword, qual_low, qual_high)
            self.ptBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, pt_low,
            if mu_type == "OUT":
                self.phiBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(
                    self.bitword, phi_low, phi_high)
                self.Iso = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(self.bitword, iso_low,
                self.Iso = 0
                # for input have to mask the 31st bit as it is control bit
                # as of moving to local phi this is not needed anymore
                # self.phiBits = self.decode_phi(phi_low, phi_high)
                self.phiBits = bithlp.get_shifted_subword(
                    self.bitword, phi_low, phi_high)
                # we have to adjust these values as they are beyond the 32 bit boundary

            self.rank = 0
            self.globPhiBits = self.phiBits

        elif bitword == None and obj != None:  # for emulator
            if gPhi is not None:
                self.globPhiBits = gPhi
                self.globPhiBits = obj.hwPhi()
            if mu_type == "OUT":
                self.Iso = obj.hwIso()
                self.rank = obj.hwRank()
                self.Sysign = obj.hwCharge() + (obj.hwChargeValid() << 1)

                self.Iso = 0
                self.rank = 0
                self.Sysign = obj.hwSign() + (obj.hwSignValid() << 1)
                sysign_low += 1
                sysign_high += 1
                self.trackAddress = obj.trackAddress()

            self.phiBits = obj.hwPhi()
            self.etaBits = obj.hwEta()
            unsigned_eta = bithlp.twos_complement_to_unsigned(obj.hwEta(), 9)
            self.qualityBits = obj.hwQual()
            self.ptBits = obj.hwPt()

            # calculate the bitword to make comparison with HW easy
            self.bitword = (self.ptBits << pt_low)
            self.bitword += (self.qualityBits << qual_low)
            self.bitword += (self.Sysign << sysign_low)
            self.bitword += (unsigned_eta << eta_low)
            self.bitword += (self.phiBits << phi_low)

            if mu_type == "OUT" and self.Iso > 0:
                self.bitword += (self.Iso << iso_low)

        self.frame = frame
        self.link = link
        self.local_link = -1
        if self.link != -1:
            self.local_link = self.link - 36
            if self.local_link < vhdl_dict["EMTF_POS_HIGH"]:
            elif self.local_link < vhdl_dict["OMTF_POS_HIGH"]:
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["OMTF_POS_LOW"]
            elif self.local_link < vhdl_dict["BMTF_HIGH"]:
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["BMTF_LOW"]
            elif self.local_link < vhdl_dict["OMTF_NEG_HIGH"]:
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["OMTF_NEG_LOW"]
                self.local_link -= vhdl_dict["EMTF_NEG_LOW"]