def add_plugin(path): path = common.normalize_path(path) if not os.path.isdir(path): message = ("invalid plug-in directory: '{}'").format(path) raise RuntimeError(message) common.execute('ir plugin add "{}"', path)"plug-in added from path '%s'", path)
def remove_plugin(name): try: common.execute('ir plugin remove "{}"', name) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: LOG.debug("plug-in '%s' not removed: %s", name, ex) return False else:"plug-in '%s' removed", name) return True
def has_plugin(name): try: common.execute("ir plugin list | awk '( $4 == \"{}\" )'", name, capture_stdout=False) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: LOG.debug("tobiko plugin not found ({})", ex) return False else:"tobiko plugin found") return True
def ensure_workspace(filename=None): filename = (filename or os.environ.get('IR_WORKSPACE_FILE') or 'workspace.tgz') filename = common.normalize_path(filename) workspace = common.name_from_path(filename) if os.path.isfile(filename): try: common.execute('ir workspace delete "{}"', workspace) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: LOG.debug("workspace '%s' not deleted: %s", workspace, ex) common.execute('ir workspace import "{}"', filename)"workspace imported from file '%s'", filename) return else: LOG.debug("workspace file not found: '%s'", filename) try: common.execute('ir workspace checkout "{}"', workspace) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: LOG.debug("workspace '%s' not checked out: %s", workspace, ex) else:"workspace '%s' checked out", workspace) return common.execute('infrared workspace checkout --create "{}"', workspace)"workspace '%s' created", workspace)
def copy_inventory(filename=None): filename = (filename or os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_INVENTORY') or 'ansible_hosts') if not os.path.isfile(filename): LOG.debug('inventary file not found: %r', filename) return False dest_file = common.execute('ir workspace inventory') LOG.debug("got workspace inventory file: '%s'", dest_file) dest_dir = os.path.basename(dest_file) if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.makedirs(dest_dir)"directory created: '%s'", dest_dir) common.execute('cp {} {}', filename, dest_file)"inventary file '%s' copied to '%s'", filename, dest_file) return True
def run_test_cases(): xdist_options = '' if NUM_PROCESSES != '1': xdist_options = f"--numprocesses '{NUM_PROCESSES}' --dist loadscope" rerun_options = '' if RERUNS: rerun_options = f"--reruns '{RERUNS}' --reruns-delay '{RERUNS_DELAY}'" cover_options = '' if COVER: cover_options = f"--cov=tobiko" # Pass environment variables to pytest command environ = dict(os.environ, TOBIKO_REPORT_NAME=REPORT_NAME) common.execute( "pytest -v " f"{xdist_options} " f"{rerun_options} " f"{cover_options} " f"--log-file={REPORT_LOG} " f"--junitxml={REPORT_XML} " f"--html={REPORT_HTML} --self-contained-html " f"{common.get_posargs()}", environ=environ, capture_stdout=False)
def install_bindeps():"Installing Tobiko binary dependencies...") common.execute(os.path.join(TOP_DIR, 'tools', ''), capture_stdout=False)
def log_environ(): common.execute('env | sort >> "{log_file}"', log_file=REPORT_LOG, capture_stdout=False)
def get_version(): version = CACHE.get('version') if not version: CACHE['version'] = version = common.execute( f"git -C '{TOP_DIR}' describe --always").splitlines()[0] return version
def show_infrared_workspaces(): return common.execute('ir workspace list', capture_stdout=False)
def show_infrared_plugins(): return common.execute('ir plugin list', capture_stdout=False)
def show_infrared_version(): return common.execute('ir --version || ir --version', capture_stdout=False)