예제 #1
import logging
import ntpath
import sys

import paramiko

from tools.config import CONFIG
from tools.persistence import KVStore

_name = "sftp"
# TODO: encryption
kvstore = KVStore(_name)

# Load SFTP server info from config file
HOSTNAME = CONFIG.get(_name, "hostname")
PORT = CONFIG.getint(_name, "port")
USERNAME = CONFIG.get(_name, "username")
AUTHENTICATION_TYPE = CONFIG.get(_name, "authentication_type")
SFTP_BASE_DIR = CONFIG.get(_name, "base_dir")

# The provided user for SFTP upload must have read and write permissions in the SFTP_BASE_DIR
# (The SFTP_BASE_DIR has to exist, the user doesn't need permissions in the parent directory).
# A lack of permissions in SFTP_BASE_DIR will break the SFTP upload functionality.

def upload(file: str):
    # Upload preparations
    transport, sftp_client = _connect()