예제 #1
def human_compare_with_raw_rois(ann1roipth, ann2roipth, cutoff=30):

    #format ZYX, and remove any rois missaved
    ann1_zyx_rois = np.asarray(
        [[int(yy) for yy in xx.replace(".roi", "").split("-")]
         for xx in read_roi_zip(ann1roipth, include_roi_name=True)])
    ann2_zyx_rois = np.asarray(
        [[int(yy) for yy in xx.replace(".roi", "").split("-")]
         for xx in read_roi_zip(ann2roipth, include_roi_name=True)])

    paired, tp, fp, fn = pairwise_distance_metrics(
        ann1_zyx_rois, ann2_zyx_rois, cutoff
    )  #returns true positive = tp; false positive = fp; false negative = fn

    precision = tp / (tp + fp)
    recall = tp / (tp + fn)  #calculating precision and recall
    f1 = 2 * (
        (precision * recall) / (precision + recall))  #calculating f1 score

        "\n   Finished calculating statistics for set params\n\n\nReport:\n***************************\n\
    Cutoff: {} \n\
    F1 score: {}% \n\
    true positives, false positives, false negatives: {} \n\
    precision: {}% \n\
    recall: {}%\n".format(cutoff, round(f1 * 100, 2), (tp, fp, fn),
                          round(precision * 100, 2), round(recall * 100, 2)))

    return tp, fp, fn, f1
예제 #2
for sz in flds:
    arrs = [os.path.join(sz, xx) for xx in os.listdir(sz) if xx[-3:] == "npy"]; arrs.sort()
    tps = []; fps = []; fns = []   
    for i in range(len(arrs)):
        #load points dict        
        points_dict = load_dictionary("/home/wanglab/Documents/cfos_inputs/cfos_points_dictionary.p")   

        #set ground truth
        ground_truth = list(points_dict[os.path.basename(arrs[i][:-13])+".npy"])
        clearmap = np.load(arrs[i])
        paired,tp,fp,fn = pairwise_distance_metrics(ground_truth, clearmap, cutoff = cutoff) #returns true positive = tp; false positive = fp; false negative = fn
        tps.append(tp); fps.append(fp); fns.append(fn) #append matrix to save all values to calculate f1 score
    tps_s.append(tps); fps_s.append(fps); fns_s.append(fns)
tp = sum(tps); fp = sum(fps); fn = sum(fns) #sum all the elements in the lists
precision = tp/(tp+fp); recall = tp/(tp+fn) #calculating precision and recall
f1 = 2*( (precision*recall)/(precision+recall) ) #calculating f1 score


#left y axis
n_cells_per_size = np.asarray(n_cells_per_size)
n_cells_per_size_av = np.mean(n_cells_per_size, axis = 1).astype(int)
        #init dataframe
        print("brain: %s\ncutoff: %s \n\n" % (os.path.basename(brain), cutoff))
        df = pd.DataFrame()
        df["parameters"] = [os.path.basename(xx) for xx in fls]

        df["tp"] = np.zeros(len(df))
        df["fp"] = np.zeros(len(df))
        df["fn"] = np.zeros(len(df))
        df["f1"] = np.zeros(len(df))

        for n, fl in enumerate(fls):
            if n % 50 == 0: print(n)
            detected_cells = np.load(fl, allow_pickle=True)
            paired, tp, fp, fn = pairwise_distance_metrics(annotated_cells[br],

                precision = tp / (tp + fp)
                recall = tp / (tp + fn)  #calculating precision and recall
                f1 = 2 * ((precision * recall) /
                          (precision + recall))  #calculating f1 score
            except Exception as e:
                f1 = np.nan  #if tp, fn, etc. are 0

            df.loc[df.parameters == os.path.basename(fl), "f1"] = f1
            df.loc[df.parameters == os.path.basename(fl), "tp"] = tp
            df.loc[df.parameters == os.path.basename(fl), "fp"] = fp
            df.loc[df.parameters == os.path.basename(fl), "fn"] = fn
    df["fn"] = np.zeros(len(df))

    df["f1"] = np.zeros(len(df))

    for n, fld in enumerate(list(dct.keys())):
        if n % 100 == 0: print(n)

        detected_cells = np.asarray([v for k, v in dct[fld].items()])
        #cells were accidently saved as x y z instead
        detected_cells_reshape = np.asarray([
            np.array([[z, y, x] for x, y, z in vol]) for vol in detected_cells

        measures = [
            for i in range(len(detected_cells_reshape))

        tp = sum([measure[1] for measure in measures])
        fp = sum([measure[2] for measure in measures])
        fn = sum([measure[3] for measure in measures])

            precision = tp / (tp + fp)
            recall = tp / (tp + fn)  #calculating precision and recall
            f1 = 2 * ((precision * recall) /
                      (precision + recall))  #calculating f1 score
        except Exception as e:
예제 #5
    tps = []
    fps = []
    fns = []

    #set voxel cutoff value
    cutoff = 5

    for i in range(len(ann2_dsets)):

        #set ground truth
        ann1_ground_truth = points_dict[ann1_dsets[i]]
        ann2_ground_truth = points_dict[ann2_dsets[i]]

        paired, tp, fp, fn = pairwise_distance_metrics(
            ann2_ground_truth, ann1_ground_truth, cutoff=30
        )  #returns true positive = tp; false positive = fp; false negative = fn

        #f1 per dset
        precision = tp / (tp + fp)
        recall = tp / (tp + fn)  #calculating precision and recall
        f1 = 2 * (
            (precision * recall) / (precision + recall))  #calculating f1 score
        fns.append(fn)  #append matrix to save all values to calculate f1 score

    tp = sum(tps)
    fp = sum(fps)
    fn = sum(fns)  #sum all the elements in the lists
    precision = tp / (tp + fp)