def analyze(self, timestamp, cron_str): """ 处理cron表达式 :param cron_str: :return: """ x = time.localtime(timestamp) second = x.tm_sec minute = x.tm_min hour = x.tm_hour day = x.tm_mday month = x.tm_mon year = x.tm_year cron_list = cron_str.split(' ') second_str = cron_list[0] minute_str = cron_list[1] hour_str = cron_list[2] day_str = cron_list[3] month_str = cron_list[4] right_second, second_index, next_second_index, second_list, second_carry = self.process_base(second_str, 0, 59, second, 0) right_minute, minute_index, next_minute_index, minute_list, minute_cary = self.process_base(minute_str, 0, 59, minute, second_carry) right_hour, hour_index, next_hour_index, hour_list, hour_carry = self.process_base(hour_str, 0, 23, hour, minute_cary) right_day, day_index, next_day_index, day_list, day_cary = self.process_base(day_str, 1, 31, day, hour_carry) right_month, month_index, next_month_index, month_list, month_carry = self.process_base(month_str, 1, 12, month, day_cary) # left_days = (, right_month, right_day) -, month, day)).days # left_hour = right_hour - hour # left_minute = right_minute - minute # left_second = right_second - second # # 从小时到秒,挨个判断 # if left_hour < 0: # # 处理小时 # left_hour += 24 # elif left_hour == 0 and left_minute < 0: # left_minute += 60000 # elif left_hour == 0 and left_minute == 0 and left_second < 0: # if minute_str == '*': # left_second += 60 # elif hour_str == '*': # left_minute += 60 # elif day_str == '*': # left_hour += 24 # # left_timestamp = (((left_days * 24 + left_hour) * 60) + left_minute) * 60 + left_second if month_carry: right_month += month_carry date = ('{}-%s-%s %s:%s:%s' % tuple([('00'+str(i))[-2:] for i in (month, day, hour, minute, second)])).format(year) right_date = ('{}-%s-%s %s:%s:%s' % tuple([('00'+str(i))[-2:] for i in (right_month, right_day, right_hour, right_minute, right_second)])).\ format(year) left_timestamp = DateUtils.str_to_time(right_date) - DateUtils.str_to_time(date) return left_timestamp
async def async_add_job(service_path='', method='', params={}, start_time='', cron='', job_id='', group_name='default', repeat_count=0): """ 添加定时任务 :param service_path: 需要执行的service路径 :param method: 需要执行的方法 :param params: 需要传入的参数 :param start_time: (2018-06-20 16:30:00) :param cron: 这里采用五位表达式,从左到右依次表示秒、分、时、天、月 可以使用具体数字或者区间 20 表示[20] 1-3 表示[1, 2, 3] 1,4,6,7 表示[1, 4, 6, 7] * 表示所有, 1/5 从第1个开始,每五个执行一次 :param job_id: 任务编号,每个任务的编号都要求唯一 :param group_name: :param repeat_count: 如果要求无限次执行, 则该值需要传入-1, 同一个任务有限次多次执行的情况暂不考虑, 如果业务上有需要, 希望你用多个任务来处理这件事 :return: """ if cron: current_time = int(DateUtils.timestamps_now()) left_time = cron_utils.analyze(current_time + 1, cron) start_time = DateUtils.format_time(current_time + left_time) # 计算距离start_time最近的RUN_TIME秒 current_date = start_time[:16] + ':00' current_count = 1 while current_date < start_time: # 避免死循环 if current_count >= 1000: break current_count += 1 current_date = DateUtils.add_second(current_date, seconds=RUN_TIME) start_time = current_date job_params = { 'job_id': job_id, 'group_name': group_name, 'start_time': start_time, 'limit_time': 0, 'repeat_count': repeat_count, 'cron': cron, 'path': service_path, 'method': method, 'params': params } result = await save_job(job_params) return result
async def save_to_db(data): # async def save_to_db(task_unique_id, service_path, method, params_json): """ 保存任务到DB :param data: list data[][task_unique_id] data[][service_path] data[][method] data[][params_json] data[][key1] data[][key2] data[][key3] :return: """ if isinstance(data, dict): data = [data] model = AsyncModelBase() sql_list = [] for item in data: key = 'task_unique_id, service_path, method, key1, key2, key3, params, create_time' val = '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' duplicate = ['params = %s', 'create_time = %s'] value = (item['task_unique_id'], item['service_path'], item['method'], item.get('key1', ''), item.get('key2', ''), item.get('key3', ''), item['params_json'], DateUtils.time_now(), item['params_json'], DateUtils.time_now()) sql_list.append({ model.sql_constants.SQL_TYPE: model.sql_constants.INSERT, model.sql_constants.TABLE_NAME: 'tbl_cfg_task', model.sql_constants.DICT_DATA: { model.sql_constants.KEY: key, model.sql_constants.VAL: val, model.sql_constants.DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE: duplicate }, model.sql_constants.VALUE_TUPLE: value }) # result = await model.do_sqls(sql_list) if result is None: for item in data: 'Task Add [%s] to DB failed, path [%s], method [%s], params: %s', item['task_unique_id'], item['service_path'], item['method'], item['params_json']) else: for item in data: 'Task Add [%s] to DB success, path [%s], method [%s], params: %s', item['task_unique_id'], item['service_path'], item['method'], item['params_json']) return result
def run(): """ 开始执行 :return: """ if warning_to_email is None: print 'warning mail error, check setting.conf [monitor]' return last_len = 0 loop_num = 0 conn_failed_num = 0 while True: try: conn = redis.get_conn() list_len = conn.llen(list_cache_key) except Exception, e: conn_failed_num += 1 if conn_failed_num >= 6: response = send_warning_info( 'monitor', json.dumps({ 'exception message': e.message, 'time': DateUtils.time_now() })) if response is True: conn_failed_num = 0 list_len = 0 logger.error('monitor redis get_conn failed, e: %s', e.message) if list_len > 0 and list_len >= last_len: loop_num += 1 # 队列长度保持不变或增加 if loop_num >= 6: response = send_warning_info( 'task', json.dumps({ 'list_len': list_len, 'time': DateUtils.time_now() })) if response is True: loop_num = 0 else:'task len add') else: last_len = list_len loop_num = 0 # print 'task status is normal' time.sleep(10)
async def update_to_db(task_unique_id, status): """ 更新任务状态 :param task_unique_id: :param status: :return: """ model = AsyncModelBase() fields = [ 'status = %s', 'execute_time = %s' ] condition = 'task_unique_id = %s' value = (status, DateUtils.time_now(), task_unique_id) result = await model.update('tbl_cfg_task', { model.sql_constants.FIELDS: fields, model.sql_constants.CONDITION: condition }, value) if result is None:'Task Update [%s] failed, status: %s', task_unique_id, status) else:'Task Update [%s] to DB success, status: %s', task_unique_id, status) return result
def verify(access_token): """ JWT验签 :param access_token: :return: """ if access_token: try: header, p, signature = access_token.split('.') p = p + '=' * (-len(p) % 4) p = base64.decodebytes(p.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') p_dict = json.loads(p) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return False create_time = p_dict['iat'] expires_in = p_dict['exp'] time_now = int(dateUtils.timestamps_now()) if create_time + expires_in < time_now: return False encoded = JWT.encode(p_dict) if encoded != access_token: return False return p_dict return False
async def save_to_db(task_unique_id, service_path, method, params_json): """ 保存任务到DB :param task_unique_id: :param service_path: :param method: :param params_json: :return: """ model = AsyncModelBase() key = 'task_unique_id, service_path, method, params, create_time' val = '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s' duplicate = [ 'create_time = %s' ] value = (task_unique_id, service_path, method, params_json, DateUtils.time_now(), DateUtils.time_now()) result = await model.insert('tbl_cfg_task', { model.sql_constants.KEY: key, model.sql_constants.VAL: val, model.sql_constants.DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE: duplicate }, value) if not result:'Task Add [%s] to DB failed, path [%s], method [%s], params: %s', task_unique_id, service_path, method, params_json) else:'Task Add [%s] to DB success, path [%s], method [%s], params: %s', task_unique_id, service_path, method, params_json) return result
async def do_schedule(): """ 扫描下一个时间点可以执行的定时任务 :return: """ current_datetime = current_second = current_datetime.second quotient = int(current_second / run_time) remainder = int(current_second % run_time) if remainder > 0: quotient = quotient + 1 next_second = quotient * run_time if next_second == 60: next_datetime = current_datetime + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) next_second = 0 else: next_datetime = current_datetime next_timestamp = time.mktime(next_datetime.timetuple()) next_time = DateUtils.format_time(next_timestamp, time_format=key_YYMMDDHHMM) # 当前时间点位于0秒或者30秒,则读取job队列并执行 cache_key = ServiceBase.schedule.JOB_KEY + next_time + format_second( next_second) job_list = await redis.smembers(cache_key) if job_list: # 开协程执行任务 await do_job_list(job_list) await redis.delete(cache_key) await redis.hdel(ServiceBase.schedule.SCHEDULE_KEY, cache_key)
async def add_job(job_list): """ 添加任务至任务队列 :param job_list: :return: """'添加任务至队列') current_time = DateUtils.time_now() if job_list: for job in job_list: if isinstance(job['params'], str): try: job['params'] = json.loads(job['params']) except Exception as e: logger.exception('JSON ERROR', e) del job['create_time'] try: cache_key = ServiceBase.schedule.JOB_KEY + job[ 'start_time'].replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').replace( ':', '') if current_time >= job['start_time']: # 当前时间大于任务执行时间, 则立刻执行任务, 然后删除当前的key await do_job(job, is_normal=False) await redis.delete(cache_key) else: # 将任务添加进对应的队列组, 采用set所以当添加重复元素时,重复元素会被忽略 await redis.sadd(cache_key, json.dumps(job, cls=CJsonEncoder)) length = await redis.scard(cache_key) await redis.hset(ServiceBase.schedule.SCHEDULE_KEY, cache_key, length) except Exception as e: logger.exception('ADD JOB ERROR', e) await task.save_task_error(job, e)
def run(): """ 开始执行 :return: """ if warning_to_email is None: print 'warning mail error, check setting.conf [monitor]' return last_len = 0 loop_num = 0 conn_failed_num = 0 while True: try: conn = redis.get_conn() list_len = conn.llen(list_cache_key) except Exception, e: conn_failed_num += 1 if conn_failed_num >= 6: response = send_warning_info('monitor', json.dumps({ 'exception message': e.message, 'time': DateUtils.time_now() })) if response is True: conn_failed_num = 0 list_len = 0 logger.error('monitor redis get_conn failed, e: %s', e.message) if list_len > 0 and list_len >= last_len: loop_num += 1 # 队列长度保持不变或增加 if loop_num >= 6: response = send_warning_info('task', json.dumps({ 'list_len': list_len, 'time': DateUtils.time_now() })) if response is True: loop_num = 0 else:'task len add') else: last_len = list_len loop_num = 0 # print 'task status is normal' time.sleep(10)
def get_start_end_date(): now_time = long(now.strftime('%H%M%S')) if (80000 < now_time < 190000) or (0 < now_time < 30000): last_trading_day = DateUtils().get_last_trading_day('%Y-%m-%d', now_date_str) start_date = last_trading_day + ' 21:00:00' else: start_date = now_date_str + ' 21:00:00' end_date = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return start_date, end_date
async def loop(self, task_id): """ 1. 获取一个队列数据 2. 解析数据 3. 调用目标方法 :return: """'task[%s] started.', task_id) await task.register_coroutine(self.server_name, task_id, int(DateUtils.timestamps_now())) await self.process(task_id)
def start(self): """ 从数据库中读取数据,初始化定时任务 :return: :update: wsy 2017/8/11 """ if self.job_stores: conn = self.pool.connection() cursor = conn.cursor(cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) # 查找出数据库中现存的所有任务 sql = 'SELECT * FROM tbl_cfg_schedule_job ORDER BY start_time DESC' # where start_time > now() or (repeat_count = -1) cursor.execute(sql) job_list = cursor.fetchall() for job in job_list: try: job_params = pickle.loads(job['job_data']) if job_params['cron']: current_timestamp = int(time.time()) job_params['left_time'] = self.cron_utils.analyze( current_timestamp, job_params['cron']) job_params['start_time'] = DateUtils.format_time( current_timestamp + job_params['left_time']) if job_params['type'] == 'one': """ 单次任务 """ start_timestamp = int( time.mktime( time.strptime(job['start_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) current_timestamp = int(time.time()) if current_timestamp > start_timestamp: left_time = 0 print('启动时间小于当前时间,立刻执行') else: left_time = start_timestamp - current_timestamp job_params['left_time'] = left_time elif job_params['type'] == 'many': pass elif job_params['type'] == 'circle': pass thread = threading.Thread(target=self.func, args=[job_params]) thread.start() self.job_id_list[job_params['job_id']] = 1 print '定时任务启动' print job_params except Exception, e: print Exception, ':', e
async def add(path='', method='', arguments=None, is_priority=False, sub_task=None, task_unique_id=None): """ 添加任务 :param path: 调用包文件路径 :param method: 调用方法 :param arguments: 请求参数 :param is_priority: 是否优先处理(True or False) :param sub_task: 是否有子任务 sub_task['queue_key'] 目标队列key sub_task['task_num'] 任务数 :param task_unique_id :return: """ # arguments_json = json.dumps(arguments, cls=CJsonEncoder) if not task_unique_id: task_unique_id = str(int(DateUtils.timestamps_now())) + str(random.randrange(10000, 100000))'Task Add [%s], path [%s], method [%s], params: %s', task_unique_id, path, method, arguments_json) # await save_to_db(task_unique_id, path, method, arguments_json) if (path and method and arguments) or sub_task: params = { 'task_unique_id': task_unique_id, 'path': path, 'method': method, 'arguments': arguments, 'sub_task': sub_task } try: params = json.dumps(params, cls=CJsonEncoder) if is_priority: result = await redis.rpush(task_queue, params) else: result = await redis.lpush(task_queue, params) # if result:'Task Add [%s] to QUEUE success, path [%s], method [%s], params: %s', task_unique_id, path, method, arguments_json) else:'Task Add [%s] to QUEUE failed, path [%s], method [%s], params: %s', task_unique_id, path, method, arguments_json) except Exception as e: await'添加任务异常', e)
async def check_queue(cls): """ 检查任务队列 每10秒检查一次,如果任务队列的长度比前一次检查的长度长,且前一次检查长度不为0,那么发送报警邮件 :return: """ try: task_queue_len = await redis.llen(cls.task_queue) except Exception: raise if task_queue_len > 0: if (cls.task_queue_length > 0) and (task_queue_len >= cls.task_queue_length): if cls.task_queue_report_num >= 3: report_html = """ <tr> <td style="font-size:30px;">任务队列未能即时消费,当前任务数量:{},前一次检查任务数量:{},请注意.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>可能原因:</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1.任务消费能力不足。 如果是,程序将在3次检查之后自动增加消费者进行处理。之后如果仍然不能停止报警,见2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2.任务进程死亡。检查任务死亡原因,并重启服务</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Task Monitor report at: {}</td> </tr> """.format(task_queue_len, cls.task_queue_length, DateUtils.time_now()) await"", cls.mail_template(report_html)) if cls.task_queue_report_num >= 6: await task.add("", "", None, False, { 'loop_num': 1, }) else: cls.task_queue_report_num = cls.task_queue_report_num + 1 else: cls.task_queue_report_num = 0 cls.task_queue_length = task_queue_len
async def cal_next_start_time(job, is_normal=True): """ 计算下一次定时任务发生的时间 :param job: :param is_normal :return: """ # 无限循环执行, 必定带正则表达式,否则直接报错 # 解析正则表达式, 计算出下一次需要执行的时间点 if not is_normal: current_time = int(DateUtils.timestamps_now()) else: current_time = DateUtils.str_to_time(job['start_time']) left_time = cron_utils.analyze(current_time + 1, job['cron']) start_time = DateUtils.format_time(current_time + left_time) # 计算距离start_time最近的RUN_TIME秒 current_date = start_time[:16] + ':00' current_count = 1 while current_date < start_time: # 避免死循环 if current_count >= 1000: break current_count += 1 current_date = DateUtils.add_second(current_date, seconds=run_time) start_time = current_date job['start_time'] = start_time cache_key = ServiceBase.schedule.JOB_KEY + job['start_time'].replace( ' ', '').replace('-', '').replace(':', '') now_date = DateUtils.time_now() # 如果下一次的执行时间小于当前时间,则跳至下一个执行的时间节点 if job['start_time'] < now_date:'任务下一次执行时间小于当前时间') current_date = now_date[:16] + ':00' while current_date < now_date: current_date = DateUtils.add_second(current_date, seconds=2 * run_time) job['start_time'] = current_date cache_key = ServiceBase.schedule.JOB_KEY + job['start_time'].replace( ' ', '').replace('-', '').replace(':', '') model = importlib.import_module('task.schedule.model') model = model.Model() await model.update_job(job) await redis.sadd(cache_key, json.dumps(job, cls=CJsonEncoder)) length = await redis.scard(cache_key) await redis.hset(ServiceBase.schedule.SCHEDULE_KEY, cache_key, length)
def start(self): """ 从数据库中读取数据,初始化定时任务 :return: :update: wsy 2017/8/11 """ if self.job_stores: conn = self.pool.connection() cursor = conn.cursor(cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) # 查找出数据库中现存的所有任务 sql = 'SELECT * FROM tbl_cfg_schedule_job ORDER BY start_time DESC' # where start_time > now() or (repeat_count = -1) cursor.execute(sql) job_list = cursor.fetchall() for job in job_list: try: job_params = pickle.loads(job['job_data']) if job_params['cron']: current_timestamp = int(time.time()) job_params['left_time'] = self.cron_utils.analyze(current_timestamp, job_params['cron']) job_params['start_time'] = DateUtils.format_time(current_timestamp + job_params['left_time']) if job_params['type'] == 'one': """ 单次任务 """ start_timestamp = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(job['start_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) current_timestamp = int(time.time()) if current_timestamp > start_timestamp: left_time = 0 print ('启动时间小于当前时间,立刻执行') else: left_time = start_timestamp - current_timestamp job_params['left_time'] = left_time elif job_params['type'] == 'many': pass elif job_params['type'] == 'circle': pass thread = threading.Thread(target=self.func, args=[job_params]) thread.start() self.job_id_list[job_params['job_id']] = 1 print '定时任务启动' print job_params except Exception, e: print Exception, ':', e
def run(self): # 获取参数 loop_num = 0 config_file = '' arguments = sys.argv for k, v in enumerate(arguments): if v == '-t': loop_num = arguments[k + 1] if v == '-c': config_file = arguments[k + 1] if v == '-s': self.server_name = arguments[k + 1] if config_file: self.parse_config(config_file) if loop_num: task.loop_num = loop_num # if not self.server_name: self.server_name = 'S' + str(random.randrange(10000, 100000)) event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # register server asyncio.ensure_future( task.register_server(server_name=self.server_name, create_time=int(DateUtils.timestamps_now()))) # main loop for i in range(task.loop_num): asyncio.ensure_future(self.loop(str(i))) # monitor loop # asyncio.ensure_future(Monitor.start()) event_loop.run_forever()
def add_job(self, service_path, method, params={}, job_id='', group='default', start_time='', limit_time=0, repeat_count=0, cron=''): """ 添加定时任务 :param job: :return: """ if job_id in self.job_id_list: print Exception('job_id {%s} 已存在' % job_id) return if self.job_stores and not job_id: print Exception('如果想序列化至数据源,则job_id非空') return try: left_time = 0 if cron: current_timestamp = int(time.time()) # 如果传入cron表达式,则以cron表达式为主 left_time = self.cron_utils.analyze(current_timestamp, cron) start_time = DateUtils.format_time(current_timestamp + left_time) if start_time and not limit_time and not repeat_count: """ 单次任务 """ start_timestamp = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(start_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) current_timestamp = int(time.time()) if current_timestamp > start_timestamp: print '启动时间小于当前时间, 立刻启动' left_time = 0 else: left_time = start_timestamp - current_timestamp type = 'one' elif limit_time >= 0 and repeat_count > 0: """ 多次任务,但不是无限循环 """ type = 'many' elif repeat_count < 0: """ 无限循环 """ type = 'circle' job_params = { 'params': params, 'service_path': service_path, 'method': method, 'left_time': left_time, 'limit_time': limit_time, 'repeat_count': repeat_count, 'type': type, 'job_id': job_id, 'group_name': group, 'start_time': start_time, 'cron': cron } thread = threading.Thread(target=self.func, args=[job_params]) thread.start() self.job_id_list[job_id] = 1 # 将任务存储至数据库 if self.job_stores: self.save_job(job_params) print '定时任务启动' print job_params return thread except Exception, e: print Exception("启动定时任务失败") return
def analyze(self, timestamp, cron_str): """ 处理cron表达式 :param cron_str: :return: """ x = time.localtime(timestamp) second = x.tm_sec minute = x.tm_min hour = x.tm_hour day = x.tm_mday month = x.tm_mon year = x.tm_year month_max_days = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1] cron_list = cron_str.split(' ') second_str = cron_list[0] minute_str = cron_list[1] hour_str = cron_list[2] day_str = cron_list[3] month_str = cron_list[4] right_second, second_index, next_second_index, second_list, second_carry = self.process_base( second_str, 0, 59, second, 0) right_minute, minute_index, next_minute_index, minute_list, minute_cary = self.process_base( minute_str, 0, 59, minute, second_carry) right_hour, hour_index, next_hour_index, hour_list, hour_carry = self.process_base( hour_str, 0, 23, hour, minute_cary) right_day, day_index, next_day_index, day_list, day_cary = self.process_base( day_str, 1, month_max_days, day, hour_carry) right_month, month_index, next_month_index, month_list, month_carry = self.process_base( month_str, 1, 12, month, day_cary) # left_days = (, right_month, right_day) -, month, day)).days # left_hour = right_hour - hour # left_minute = right_minute - minute # left_second = right_second - second # # 从小时到秒,挨个判断 # if left_hour < 0: # # 处理小时 # left_hour += 24 # elif left_hour == 0 and left_minute < 0: # left_minute += 60000 # elif left_hour == 0 and left_minute == 0 and left_second < 0: # if minute_str == '*': # left_second += 60 # elif hour_str == '*': # left_minute += 60 # elif day_str == '*': # left_hour += 24 # # left_timestamp = (((left_days * 24 + left_hour) * 60) + left_minute) * 60 + left_second if month_carry: right_month += month_carry date = ( '{}-%s-%s %s:%s:%s' % tuple([('00' + str(i))[-2:] for i in (month, day, hour, minute, second)])).format(year) right_date = ('{}-%s-%s %s:%s:%s' % tuple([('00'+str(i))[-2:] for i in (right_month, right_day, right_hour, right_minute, right_second)])).\ format(year) left_timestamp = DateUtils.str_to_time( right_date) - DateUtils.str_to_time(date) return left_timestamp
def add_job(self, service_path, method, params={}, job_id='', group='default', start_time='', limit_time=0, repeat_count=0, cron=''): """ 添加定时任务 :param job: :return: """ if job_id in self.job_id_list: print Exception('job_id {%s} 已存在' % job_id) return if self.job_stores and not job_id: print Exception('如果想序列化至数据源,则job_id非空') return try: left_time = 0 if cron: current_timestamp = int(time.time()) # 如果传入cron表达式,则以cron表达式为主 left_time = self.cron_utils.analyze(current_timestamp, cron) start_time = DateUtils.format_time(current_timestamp + left_time) if start_time and not limit_time and not repeat_count: """ 单次任务 """ start_timestamp = int( time.mktime(time.strptime(start_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) current_timestamp = int(time.time()) if current_timestamp > start_timestamp: print '启动时间小于当前时间, 立刻启动' left_time = 0 else: left_time = start_timestamp - current_timestamp type = 'one' elif limit_time >= 0 and repeat_count > 0: """ 多次任务,但不是无限循环 """ type = 'many' elif repeat_count < 0: """ 无限循环 """ type = 'circle' job_params = { 'params': params, 'service_path': service_path, 'method': method, 'left_time': left_time, 'limit_time': limit_time, 'repeat_count': repeat_count, 'type': type, 'job_id': job_id, 'group_name': group, 'start_time': start_time, 'cron': cron } thread = threading.Thread(target=self.func, args=[job_params]) thread.start() self.job_id_list[job_id] = 1 # 将任务存储至数据库 if self.job_stores: self.save_job(job_params) print '定时任务启动' print job_params return thread except Exception, e: print Exception("启动定时任务失败") return
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # md5校验 import os from model.server_constans import ServerConstant from tools.date_utils import DateUtils import hashlib date_utils = DateUtils() today_filter_str = date_utils.get_today_str('%Y-%m-%d') server_constant = ServerConstant() interval_time = 60 def __read_chunks(fh): chunk = while chunk: yield chunk chunk = else: # 最后要将游标放回文件开头 # 计算文件的MD5值 def __get_file_md5(file_path): m = hashlib.md5() if os.path.exists(file_path): with open(file_path, "rb") as fh: for chunk in __read_chunks(fh): m.update(chunk) else:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: Yuiitsu @file: report @time: 2018/7/13 16:32 """ from email.message import EmailMessage from tornado_smtp.client import TornadoSMTP from import Properties from tools.date_utils import DateUtils from tools.logs import Logs properties = Properties('task') date_utils = DateUtils() logger = Logs().logger class Report: send_time = 0 smtp_server = properties.get('smtp', 'server') smtp_account = properties.get('smtp', 'account') smtp_pass = properties.get('smtp', 'pass') report_from = properties.get('report', 'from') report_to = properties.get('report', 'to') report_server = properties.get('report', 'server') @classmethod async def report(cls, content, error_track): """
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 每日3点后更新pf_position表数据,重新创建明日数据,并进行赋值long->long_avail->yd_positong_long->yd_long_remain import sys import MySQLdb import datetime from tools.date_utils import DateUtils from tools.getConfig import getConfig d1 = todayStr = d1.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') next_day_str = DateUtils().get_next_trading_day('%Y-%m-%d') if __name__ == '__main__': print 'Enter' cfg_dict = getConfig() try: conn = MySQLdb.connect( \ host=cfg_dict['host'], user=cfg_dict['user'], passwd=cfg_dict['password'], \ port=int(cfg_dict['db_port']), db='common', charset='utf8') except Exception, e: print e sys.exit(-1) cursor = conn.cursor() if next_day_str == '': sys.exit() del_sql = 'delete from portfolio.pf_position where date = %s' del_param = (next_day_str, ) execute = cursor.execute(del_sql, del_param)
async def process(self, task_id, task_queue_key=None, is_break=False): """ 处理任务 :param task_id: 任务ID :param task_queue_key: 指定队列的缓存KEY :param is_break: 是否需要停止循环 :return: """ while True: # status = await task.get_server_status(self.server_name) if not status or status == '0':'Server [%s] shutdown, task [%s] shutdown', self.server_name, task_id) self.is_running = False await asyncio.sleep(10) continue if not self.is_running: self.is_running = True'Server [%s] start, task [%s] start', self.server_name, task_id) # is_process_success = 'success' task_unique_id = '' item = await task.get_one(task_queue_key) if item is False:'Server [%s], task [%s], get seed failed.', self.server_name, task_id) await'获取任务异常', '') if item: try: target = json.loads(item) task_unique_id = target.get('task_unique_id', '') path = target['path'] method = target['method'] params = target['arguments'] sub_task = target['sub_task'] #'Task [%s] Pop [%s] from queue, path [%s], method [%s], params: %s', task_id, task_unique_id, path, method, json.dumps(params)) # if sub_task: self.create_sub_task(sub_task) else: result = await ServiceBase().cs(path, method, params)'task[%s], path: %s, method: %s result: %s', task_id, path, method, result) if not result or 'code' not in result or (result['code'] != 0 and result['code'] != 1004): # failed raise ValueError(result) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) is_process_success = 'failed' await task.save_task_error(item, e) # if task_unique_id: await task.update_to_db(task_unique_id, is_process_success) else: #'task[%s] wait seed.', task_id) if is_break:'task[%s] break.', task_id) break # await task.refresh_coroutine(self.server_name, task_id, int(DateUtils.timestamps_now())) await asyncio.sleep(1)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 新湖交易系统持仓数据更新——讯投 from datetime import datetime from model.order import Order from import Trade from model.position import Position from model.BaseModel import * from model.server_constans import ServerConstant from tools.getConfig import getConfig from tools.file_utils import FileUtils from tools.date_utils import DateUtils now = now_date_str = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') now_datetime_str = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') last_trading_day = DateUtils().get_last_trading_day('%Y-%m-%d', now_date_str) file_path = getConfig()['datafetcher_file_path'] HEDGE_FLAG_MAP = { '49': '0', } Direction_Map = {'48': '2', '49': '3'} def read_position_file_xt(xt_file_path, add_flag): print 'Start read file:' + xt_file_path fr = open(xt_file_path) order_array = [] trade_array = [] trading_account_array = [] investor_position_array = []
return compare_time, index, index + 1, str_list, 1 else: return compare_time, index, 0, str_list, 1 else: for str_item in str_list: if int(str_item) > compare_time: index = str_list.index(str_item) if len(str_list) > index + 1: return int(str_item), index, index + 1, str_list, 1 else: return int(str_item), index, 0, str_list, 1 return int(str_list[0]), 0, -1, str_list, 1 if __name__ == '__main__': cron_utils = CronUtils() current_time = int(time.time()) # cron_str = '0 0 1 * *' cron_str = '0 0 10,17 * *' for i in range(20): left_time = cron_utils.analyze(current_time, cron_str) if left_time == 0: left_time += 1 print DateUtils.format_time(current_time), left_time current_time += left_time else: current_time += left_time print DateUtils.format_time(current_time), left_time current_time += 1
async def add(path='', method='', arguments=None, is_priority=False, sub_task=None, task_unique_id=None, batch_data=None): """ 添加任务 :param path: 调用包文件路径 :param method: 调用方法 :param arguments: 请求参数 :param is_priority: 是否优先处理(True or False) :param sub_task: 是否有子任务 sub_task['queue_key'] 目标队列key sub_task['task_num'] 任务数 :param task_unique_id :param batch_data: list batch_data[][service_path] batch_data[][method] batch_data[][arguments] batch_data[][key1] batch_data[][key2] batch_data[][key3] :return: """ # arguments_json = json.dumps(arguments, cls=CJsonEncoder) if not task_unique_id: task_unique_id = str(int(DateUtils.timestamps_now())) + str( random.randrange(10000, 100000))'Task Add [%s], path [%s], method [%s], params: %s', task_unique_id, path, method, arguments_json) # if batch_data: for item in batch_data: if not item.get('task_unique_id'): item['task_unique_id'] = str(int( DateUtils.timestamps_now())) + str( random.randrange(10000, 100000)) # item['params_json'] = json.dumps(item['arguments'], cls=CJsonEncoder) # del item['arguments'] else: batch_data = [{ 'task_unique_id': task_unique_id, 'service_path': path, 'method': method, 'params_json': arguments_json }] # await save_to_db(batch_data) for item in batch_data: params = { 'task_unique_id': item['task_unique_id'], 'path': item['service_path'], 'method': item['method'], 'key1': item.get('key1', ''), 'key2': item.get('key2', ''), 'key3': item.get('key3', ''), 'arguments': item['arguments'], 'sub_task': sub_task } try: params = json.dumps(params, cls=CJsonEncoder) if is_priority: result = await redis.rpush(task_queue, params) else: result = await redis.lpush(task_queue, params) # if result: 'Task Add [%s] to QUEUE success, path [%s], method [%s], ' 'key1 [%s], key2 [%s], key3 [%s], params: %s', item['task_unique_id'], item['service_path'], item['method'], item.get('key1', ''), item.get('key2', ''), item.get('key3', ''), item['params_json']) else: 'Task Add [%s] to QUEUE failed, path [%s], method [%s], ', 'key1 [%s], key2 [%s], key3 [%s], params: %s', item.get('key1', ''), item.get('key2', ''), item.get('key3', ''), item['params_json']) except Exception as e: await'添加任务异常', e)