예제 #1
 def onStopped(self):
     """ Playback has been stopped """
     if self.list.hasMark():
         currTrack = self.list.getMark()
         if self.list.getItem(currTrack, ROW_ICO) != icons.errorMenuIcon():
             self.list.setItem(currTrack, ROW_ICO, icons.nullMenuIcon())
예제 #2
파일: Tracktree.py 프로젝트: csryan/pogo
    def set_track_playing(self, iter, playing):
        if not iter:
        track = self.tree.getTrack(iter)
        if not track:

        for parent in self.tree.get_all_parents(iter):
            parent_label = self.tree.getLabel(parent)
            parent_label = tools.htmlUnescape(parent_label)
            is_bold = parent_label.startswith('<b>') and parent_label.endswith('</b>')
            if playing and not is_bold:
                parent_label = tools.htmlEscape(parent_label)
                self.tree.setLabel(parent, '<b>%s</b>' % parent_label)
            elif not playing and is_bold:
                parent_label = tools.htmlEscape(parent_label[3:-4])
                self.tree.setLabel(parent, parent_label)

        parent = self.tree.store.iter_parent(iter)
        parent_label = self.tree.getLabel(parent) if parent else None
        label = track.get_label(parent_label=parent_label, playing=playing)
        if playing:
            self.tree.setLabel(iter, label)
            self.tree.setItem(iter, ROW_ICO, icons.playMenuIcon())
            self.tree.setLabel(iter, label)
            icon = self.tree.getItem(iter, ROW_ICO)
            has_error = (icon == icons.errorMenuIcon())
            is_dir = (icon == icons.mediaDirMenuIcon())
            if not is_dir and not has_error:
                self.tree.setItem(iter, ROW_ICO, icons.nullMenuIcon())
예제 #3
파일: Tracktree.py 프로젝트: johanson/pogo
    def set_track_playing(self, iter, playing):
        if not iter:
        track = self.tree.getTrack(iter)
        if not track:

        for parent in self.tree.get_all_parents(iter):
            parent_label = self.tree.getLabel(parent)
            parent_label = tools.htmlUnescape(parent_label)
            is_bold = parent_label.startswith('<b>') and parent_label.endswith('</b>')
            if playing and not is_bold:
                parent_label = tools.htmlEscape(parent_label)
                self.tree.setLabel(parent, '<b>%s</b>' % parent_label)
            elif not playing and is_bold:
                parent_label = tools.htmlEscape(parent_label[3:-4])
                self.tree.setLabel(parent, parent_label)

        parent = self.tree.store.iter_parent(iter)
        parent_label = self.tree.getLabel(parent) if parent else None
        label = track.get_label(parent_label=parent_label, playing=playing)
        if playing:
            self.tree.setLabel(iter, label)
            self.tree.setItem(iter, ROW_ICO, icons.playMenuIcon())
            self.tree.setLabel(iter, label)
            icon = self.tree.getItem(iter, ROW_ICO)
            has_error = (icon == icons.errorMenuIcon())
            is_dir = (icon == icons.mediaDirMenuIcon())
            if not is_dir and not has_error:
                self.tree.setItem(iter, ROW_ICO, icons.nullMenuIcon())
예제 #4
파일: Tracktree.py 프로젝트: csryan/pogo
    def __getPreviousTrackIter(self):
        """ Return the index of the previous track, or -1 if there is none """
        prev = None
        while True:
            prev = self.tree.get_prev_iter(prev)
            if not prev:
                return None

            # Check track
            error = self.tree.getItem(prev, ROW_ICO) == icons.errorMenuIcon()
            track = self.tree.getItem(prev, ROW_TRK)
            if track and not error:
                # Row is not a directory
                return prev
예제 #5
파일: Tracktree.py 프로젝트: csryan/pogo
    def __getNextTrackIter(self):
        """ Return the index of the next track, or -1 if there is none """
        next = None
        while True:
            next = self.tree.get_next_iter(next)
            if not next:
                return None

            # Check track
            error = self.tree.getItem(next, ROW_ICO) == icons.errorMenuIcon()
            track = self.tree.getItem(next, ROW_TRK)
            if track and not error:
                # Row is not a directory
                return next
예제 #6
파일: Tracktree.py 프로젝트: johanson/pogo
    def __getPreviousTrackIter(self):
        """ Return the index of the previous track, or -1 if there is none """
        prev = None
        while True:
            prev = self.tree.get_prev_iter(prev)
            if not prev:
                return None

            # Check track
            error = self.tree.getItem(prev, ROW_ICO) == icons.errorMenuIcon()
            track = self.tree.getItem(prev, ROW_TRK)
            if track and not error:
                # Row is not a directory
                return prev
예제 #7
파일: Tracktree.py 프로젝트: johanson/pogo
    def __getNextTrackIter(self):
        """ Return the index of the next track, or -1 if there is none """
        next = None
        while True:
            next = self.tree.get_next_iter(next)
            if not next:
                return None

            # Check track
            error = self.tree.getItem(next, ROW_ICO) == icons.errorMenuIcon()
            track = self.tree.getItem(next, ROW_TRK)
            if track and not error:
                # Row is not a directory
                return next
예제 #8
    def onTrackEnded(self, withError):
        """ The current track has ended, jump to the next one if any """
        currIdx = self.list.getMark()

        # If an error occurred with the current track, flag it as such
        if withError:
            self.list.setItem(currIdx, ROW_ICO, icons.errorMenuIcon())

        # Find the next 'playable' track (not already flagged)
        if self.btnRepeat.get_active(): nbTracks = len(self.list)
        else:                           nbTracks = len(self.list) - 1 - currIdx

        for i in xrange(nbTracks):
            currIdx = (currIdx + 1) % len(self.list)

            if self.list.getItem(currIdx, ROW_ICO) != icons.errorMenuIcon():
                track = self.list.getItem(currIdx, ROW_TRK).getURI()
                self.jumpTo(currIdx, track != self.bufferedTrack, forced = False)
                self.bufferedTrack = None

        self.bufferedTrack = None
예제 #9
    def loadArtists(self, tree, name):
        """ Load the given library """
        libPath = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, name)

        # Make sure the version number is the good one
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(libPath, 'VERSION_%u' % VERSION)):
            logger.error('[%s] Version number does not match, loading of library "%s" aborted' % (MOD_INFO[modules.MODINFO_NAME], name))
            error = _('This library is deprecated, please refresh it.')
            tree.replaceContent([(icons.errorMenuIcon(), None, error, TYPE_NONE, None, None)])

        rows           = []
        icon           = icons.dirMenuIcon()
        prevChar       = ''
        allArtists     = pickleLoad(os.path.join(libPath, 'artists'))
        self.allGenres = pickleLoad(os.path.join(libPath, 'genres'))

        # Filter artists by genre if needed
        if self.currGenre is not None:
            allArtists = [artist for artist in allArtists if artist[ART_NAME] in self.allGenres[self.currGenre]]
            rows.append((icons.infoMenuIcon(), None, '<b>%s</b>' % self.currGenre.capitalize(), TYPE_GENRE_BANNER, None, None))
            rows.append((icons.infoMenuIcon(), None, '<b>%s</b>' % _('All genres'), TYPE_GENRE_BANNER, None, None))

        # Filter artists by favorites if needed
        if self.showOnlyFavs:
            allArtists = [artist for artist in allArtists if self.isArtistInFavorites(artist[ART_NAME])]
            rows.append((icons.starMenuIcon(), None, '<b>%s</b>' % _('My Favorites'), TYPE_FAVORITES_BANNER, None, None))

        # Create the rows
        for artist in allArtists:
            if len(artist[ART_NAME]) != 0: currChar = unicode(artist[ART_NAME], errors='replace')[0].lower()
            else:                          currChar = prevChar

            if prevChar != currChar and not (prevChar.isdigit() and currChar.isdigit()):
                prevChar = currChar
                if currChar.isdigit(): rows.append((None, None, '<b>0 - 9</b>',                 TYPE_HEADER, None, None))
                else:                  rows.append((None, None, '<b>%s</b>' % currChar.upper(), TYPE_HEADER, None, None))

            rows.append((icon, None, htmlEscape(artist[ART_NAME]), TYPE_ARTIST, os.path.join(libPath, artist[ART_INDEX]), artist[ART_NAME]))

        # Insert all rows, and then add a fake child to each artist
        for node in tree.iterChildren(None):
            if tree.getItem(node, ROW_TYPE) == TYPE_ARTIST:
                tree.appendRow(FAKE_CHILD, node)
예제 #10
파일: Tracktree.py 프로젝트: csryan/pogo
    def onTrackEnded(self, withError):
        """ The current track has ended, jump to the next one if any """
        current_iter = self.tree.getMark()

        # If an error occurred with the current track, flag it as such
        if withError and current_iter:
            self.tree.setItem(current_iter, ROW_ICO, icons.errorMenuIcon())

        # Find the next 'playable' track (not already flagged)
        next = self.__getNextTrackIter()
        if next:
            send_play_msg = True
            if current_iter:
                track_name = self.tree.getTrack(current_iter).getURI()
                send_play_msg = (track_name != self.bufferedTrack)
            self.jumpTo(next, sendPlayMsg=send_play_msg, forced=False)
            self.bufferedTrack = None

        self.bufferedTrack = None
예제 #11
파일: Tracktree.py 프로젝트: johanson/pogo
    def onTrackEnded(self, withError):
        """ The current track has ended, jump to the next one if any """
        current_iter = self.tree.getMark()

        # If an error occurred with the current track, flag it as such
        if withError and current_iter:
            self.tree.setItem(current_iter, ROW_ICO, icons.errorMenuIcon())

        # Find the next 'playable' track (not already flagged)
        next = self.__getNextTrackIter()
        if next:
            send_play_msg = True
            if current_iter:
                track_name = self.tree.getTrack(current_iter).getURI()
                send_play_msg = (track_name != self.bufferedTrack)
            self.jumpTo(next, sendPlayMsg=send_play_msg, forced=False)
            self.bufferedTrack = None

        self.bufferedTrack = None
예제 #12
    def jumpTo(self, trackIdx, sendPlayMsg = True, forced = True):
        """ Jump to the track located at the given index """
        if self.list.hasMark() and self.list.getItem(self.list.getMark(), ROW_ICO) != icons.errorMenuIcon():
            self.list.setItem(self.list.getMark(), ROW_ICO, icons.nullMenuIcon())
        self.list.setItem(trackIdx, ROW_ICO, icons.playMenuIcon())

        if sendPlayMsg:
            modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_PLAY, {'uri': self.list.getItem(trackIdx, ROW_TRK).getURI(), 'forced': forced})

        modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_NEW_TRACK,   {'track': self.list.getRow(trackIdx)[ROW_TRK]})
        modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_TRACK_MOVED, {'hasPrevious': self.__hasPreviousTrack(), 'hasNext': self.__hasNextTrack()})