def comports(include_links=False): # XXX include_links is currently ignored. are links in /dev even supported here? # Scan for all iokit serial ports services = GetIOServicesByType('IOSerialBSDClient') ports = [] serial_interfaces = scan_interfaces() for service in services: # First, add the callout device file. device = get_string_property(service, "IOCalloutDevice") if device: info = list_ports_common.ListPortInfo(device) # If the serial port is implemented by IOUSBDevice usb_device = GetParentDeviceByType(service, "IOUSBDevice") if usb_device: # fetch some useful informations from properties info.vid = get_int_property(usb_device, "idVendor", kCFNumberSInt16Type) = get_int_property(usb_device, "idProduct", kCFNumberSInt16Type) info.serial_number = get_string_property(usb_device, "USB Serial Number") info.product = get_string_property(usb_device, "USB Product Name") or 'n/a' info.manufacturer = get_string_property(usb_device, "USB Vendor Name") locationID = get_int_property(usb_device, "locationID", kCFNumberSInt32Type) info.location = location_to_string(locationID) info.interface = search_for_locationID_in_interfaces(serial_interfaces, locationID) info.apply_usb_info() ports.append(info) return ports
def comports(include_links=False): devices = glob.glob('/dev/cua*[!.init][!.lock]') if include_links: devices.extend(list_ports_common.list_links(devices)) return [list_ports_common.ListPortInfo(d) for d in devices]
def comports(include_links=False): """scan for available ports. return a list of device names.""" devices = glob.glob('/dev/tty*') if include_links: devices.extend(list_ports_common.list_links(devices)) return [list_ports_common.ListPortInfo(d) for d in devices]
def iterate_comports(): """Return a generator that yields descriptions for serial ports""" GUIDs = (GUID * 8)() # so far only seen one used, so hope 8 are enough... guids_size = DWORD() if not SetupDiClassGuidsFromName("Ports", GUIDs, ctypes.sizeof(GUIDs), ctypes.byref(guids_size)): raise ctypes.WinError() # repeat for all possible GUIDs for index in range(guids_size.value): bInterfaceNumber = None g_hdi = SetupDiGetClassDevs( ctypes.byref(GUIDs[index]), None, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT ) # was DIGCF_PRESENT|DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE which misses CDC ports devinfo = SP_DEVINFO_DATA() devinfo.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(devinfo) index = 0 while SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(g_hdi, index, ctypes.byref(devinfo)): index += 1 # get the real com port name hkey = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey( g_hdi, ctypes.byref(devinfo), DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DEV, # DIREG_DRV for SW info KEY_READ) port_name_buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(250) port_name_length = ULONG(ctypes.sizeof(port_name_buffer)) RegQueryValueEx(hkey, "PortName", None, None, ctypes.byref(port_name_buffer), ctypes.byref(port_name_length)) RegCloseKey(hkey) # unfortunately does this method also include parallel ports. # we could check for names starting with COM or just exclude LPT # and hope that other "unknown" names are serial ports... if port_name_buffer.value.startswith('LPT'): continue # hardware ID szHardwareID = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(250) # try to get ID that includes serial number if not SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId( g_hdi, ctypes.byref(devinfo), #~ ctypes.byref(szHardwareID), szHardwareID, ctypes.sizeof(szHardwareID) - 1, None): # fall back to more generic hardware ID if that would fail if not SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty( g_hdi, ctypes.byref(devinfo), SPDRP_HARDWAREID, None, ctypes.byref(szHardwareID), ctypes.sizeof(szHardwareID) - 1, None): # Ignore ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if ctypes.GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: raise ctypes.WinError() # stringify szHardwareID_str = szHardwareID.value info = list_ports_common.ListPortInfo(port_name_buffer.value) # in case of USB, make a more readable string, similar to that form # that we also generate on other platforms if szHardwareID_str.startswith('USB'): m = r'VID_([0-9a-f]{4})(&PID_([0-9a-f]{4}))?(&MI_(\d{2}))?(\\(\w+))?', szHardwareID_str, re.I) if m: info.vid = int(, 16) if = int(, 16) if bInterfaceNumber = int( if info.serial_number = # calculate a location string loc_path_str = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(250) if SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty( g_hdi, ctypes.byref(devinfo), SPDRP_LOCATION_PATHS, None, ctypes.byref(loc_path_str), ctypes.sizeof(loc_path_str) - 1, None): m = re.finditer(r'USBROOT\((\w+)\)|#USB\((\w+)\)', loc_path_str.value) location = [] for g in m: if location.append('{:d}'.format(int( + 1)) else: if len(location) > 1: location.append('.') else: location.append('-') location.append( if bInterfaceNumber is not None: location.append(':{}.{}'.format( 'x', # XXX how to determine correct bConfigurationValue? bInterfaceNumber)) if location: info.location = ''.join(location) info.hwid = info.usb_info() elif szHardwareID_str.startswith('FTDIBUS'): m = r'VID_([0-9a-f]{4})\+PID_([0-9a-f]{4})(\+(\w+))?', szHardwareID_str, re.I) if m: info.vid = int(, 16) = int(, 16) if info.serial_number = # USB location is hidden by FDTI driver :( info.hwid = info.usb_info() else: info.hwid = szHardwareID_str # friendly name szFriendlyName = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(250) if SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty( g_hdi, ctypes.byref(devinfo), SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, #~ SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, None, ctypes.byref(szFriendlyName), ctypes.sizeof(szFriendlyName) - 1, None): info.description = szFriendlyName.value #~ else: # Ignore ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER #~ if ctypes.GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: #~ raise IOError("failed to get details for %s (%s)" % (devinfo, szHardwareID.value)) # ignore errors and still include the port in the list, friendly name will be same as port name # manufacturer szManufacturer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(250) if SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty( g_hdi, ctypes.byref(devinfo), SPDRP_MFG, #~ SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, None, ctypes.byref(szManufacturer), ctypes.sizeof(szManufacturer) - 1, None): info.manufacturer = szManufacturer.value yield info SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(g_hdi)