def __init__( self, bot: Newsbot, session: Session = None, identifier: Identifier = None, p4sheet: Sheet = None, indysheet: Sheet = None, teams: TeamsHandler = None, ): = bot self.session = session if session else Session() self.identifier = identifier if identifier else Identifier() self.p4sheet = p4sheet if p4sheet else Sheet(sheet_p4) self.indysheet = indysheet if indysheet else Sheet(sheet_indy) self.teams = teams if teams else TeamsHandler(session=self.session, p4sheet=self.p4sheet) self.streamsheet = Sheet(stream_sheet) super().__init__()
def __init__( self, bot, session: Session = None, fantasy: FantasyHandler = None, p4_sheet: Sheet = None, ): = bot if not p4_sheet: self.p4_sheet = Sheet(sheet_p4) else: self.p4_sheet = p4_sheet if not session: self.session = Session() else: self.session = session if not fantasy: self.fantasy = FantasyHandler(self.session) else: self.fantasy = fantasy
def __init__( self, bot: Newsbot, session: Session = None, p4sheet: Sheet = None, indysheet: Sheet = None, gdsheet: Sheet = None, identifier: Identifier = None, players: PlayersHandler = None, stats: StatsHandler = None, teams: TeamsHandler = None, ): = bot self.session = session if session else Session() self.p4sheet = p4sheet if p4sheet else Sheet(sheet_p4) self.indysheet = indysheet if indysheet else Sheet(sheet_indy) self.gdsheet = gdsheet if gdsheet else Sheet(gdstats_sheet) self.identifier = identifier if identifier else Identifier(session=self.session, p4sheet=self.p4sheet) self.players = players if players else PlayersHandler(session=self.session, p4sheet=self.p4sheet, identifier=self.identifier) self.teams = teams if teams else TeamsHandler(session=self.session) self.stats = stats if stats else StatsHandler(session=self.session, p4sheet=self.p4sheet, indysheet=self.indysheet, gdsheet=self.gdsheet, teams=self.teams, identifier=self.identifier)
def __init__(self, session: Session = None, p4sheet: Sheet = None, indysheet: Sheet = None, powerrankings: Sheet = None, gdsheet: Sheet = None, teams: rlpc.players.TeamsHandler = None, identifier: rlpc.players.Identifier = None): if not session: self.session = Session() else: self.session = session if not p4sheet: self.p4sheet = Sheet(sheet_p4) else: self.p4sheet = p4sheet if not indysheet: self.indysheet = Sheet(sheet_indy) else: self.indysheet = indysheet if not powerrankings: self.powerrankings = Sheet(power_rankings_sheet) else: self.powerrankings = powerrankings if not gdsheet: self.gdsheet = Sheet(gdstats_sheet) else: self.gdsheet = gdsheet if not teams: self.teams = rlpc.players.TeamsHandler(session=self.session) else: self.teams = teams if not identifier: self.identifier = rlpc.players.Identifier(self.session, self.p4sheet) else: self.identifier = identifier
@classmethod def get(cls, id: str, session: Session) -> Stock_Account: doc = session.stock_accounts.find_one({"_id": id}) if doc: return Stock_Account( _id = doc['_id'], username = doc['username'], balance = doc['balance'], portfolio_value = doc['portfolio_value'], value_history = doc['value_history'], portfolio = doc['portfolio'], transaction_history = doc['transaction_history'] ) else: raise AccountNotFoundError(id) # Just for testing if __name__ == '__main__': session = Session() sheet = Sheet(sheet_p4) # from rlpc.players import PlayersHandler, Identifier # identifier = Identifier(session, sheet) # playersHandler = PlayersHandler(session, sheet, identifier) # replay = BallchasingReplay(r"C:\Users\Simcha\Desktop\Projects\RLPC_Newsbot\replay_processing\Replay_Files\Ascension - Whitecaps\match_1\2BE561564317ECAC8E2FB6997E799D7E.replay", session, playersHandler, identifier) # Game.from_replay(replay, session) # cursor = session.all_players.find({{"current_team": {"$nin": ["Departed", "Not Playing"]}, "seasons.$[season]": {"$exists": True}}}, array) # while cursor.alive: # player = # print(player)
def __init__(self, token: Literal = BOT_TOKEN): intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True super().__init__(command_prefix=prefix, intents=intents, help_command=None, case_insensitive=True) self.session = Session() self.p4sheet = Sheet(sheet_p4, refresh_cooldown=60) self.fc_sheet = Sheet(forecast_sheet) self.indysheet = Sheet(sheet_indy, refresh_cooldown=60) self.gdsheet = Sheet(gdstats_sheet) self.pr_sheet = Sheet(power_rankings_sheet) self.identifier = Identifier(self.session, self.p4sheet) self.elo = EloHandler(self.session, self.identifier) self.fantasy = FantasyHandler(self.session) self.players = PlayersHandler(self.session, self.p4sheet, self.identifier) self.teams = TeamsHandler(session=self.session) self.stats = StatsHandler( session=self.session, p4sheet=self.p4sheet, indysheet=self.indysheet, powerrankings=self.pr_sheet, teams=self.teams, identifier=self.identifier, ) self.token = token self.COGS = [ Elo( self, session=self.session, identifier=self.identifier, fc_sheet=self.fc_sheet, elo=self.elo, ), # Fantasy( # self, session=self.session, fantasy=self.fantasy, p4_sheet=self.p4sheet # ), Help(self), Links(self), Reddit(self), Stats( self, session=self.session, p4sheet=self.p4sheet, indysheet=self.indysheet, gdsheet=self.gdsheet, identifier=self.identifier, players=self.players, stats=self.stats, teams=self.teams, ), Stocks( self, session=self.session, ), Misc( self, session=self.session, identifier=self.identifier, p4sheet=self.p4sheet, indysheet=self.indysheet, teams=self.teams, ), ]
class Newsbot(commands.Bot): def __init__(self, token: Literal = BOT_TOKEN): intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True super().__init__(command_prefix=prefix, intents=intents, help_command=None, case_insensitive=True) self.session = Session() self.p4sheet = Sheet(sheet_p4, refresh_cooldown=60) self.fc_sheet = Sheet(forecast_sheet) self.indysheet = Sheet(sheet_indy, refresh_cooldown=60) self.gdsheet = Sheet(gdstats_sheet) self.pr_sheet = Sheet(power_rankings_sheet) self.identifier = Identifier(self.session, self.p4sheet) self.elo = EloHandler(self.session, self.identifier) self.fantasy = FantasyHandler(self.session) self.players = PlayersHandler(self.session, self.p4sheet, self.identifier) self.teams = TeamsHandler(session=self.session) self.stats = StatsHandler( session=self.session, p4sheet=self.p4sheet, indysheet=self.indysheet, powerrankings=self.pr_sheet, teams=self.teams, identifier=self.identifier, ) self.token = token self.COGS = [ Elo( self, session=self.session, identifier=self.identifier, fc_sheet=self.fc_sheet, elo=self.elo, ), # Fantasy( # self, session=self.session, fantasy=self.fantasy, p4_sheet=self.p4sheet # ), Help(self), Links(self), Reddit(self), Stats( self, session=self.session, p4sheet=self.p4sheet, indysheet=self.indysheet, gdsheet=self.gdsheet, identifier=self.identifier, players=self.players, stats=self.stats, teams=self.teams, ), Stocks( self, session=self.session, ), Misc( self, session=self.session, identifier=self.identifier, p4sheet=self.p4sheet, indysheet=self.indysheet, teams=self.teams, ), ] async def setup_hook(self): await self.load_cogs() async def load_cogs(self) -> None: for cog in self.COGS: await self.add_cog(cog) async def on_command_error( self, ctx: Context, error: discord.errors.DiscordException ): if isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage): await ctx.send("This command cannot be used in private messages.") elif isinstance(error, commands.DisabledCommand): await ctx.send("Sorry. This command is disabled and cannot be used.") elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): if isinstance(error.original, discord.errors.Forbidden): return await ctx.send( "This bot doesn't have adequate permissions in this channel or server. You may need to re-invite the bot to your server:" ) else: await self.log_error( error.original,, ctx.command, ctx.kwargs ) async def log_error( self, error: commands.CommandInvokeError, channel: discord.ChannelType, command: commands.Command, args: dict, ): await channel.send("There was an unexpected error using this command.") error_channel: discord.TextChannel = self.get_channel(862730357371305995) if isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel): await error_channel.send( "**" + str(type(error)) + " in " + f"<#{}>" + "**" ) elif isinstance(channel, discord.DMChannel): await error_channel.send( "**" + str(type(error)) + " in DM with " + + "**" ) await error_channel.send(f"*Command: {}*") await error_channel.send(error) await error_channel.send(args) async def on_ready(self): print("Logged in as") print(f"Username: {}") print(f"User ID: {}") print("---------------------------------") await self.change_presence(activity=discord.Game(f"Commands are slash commands now!")) async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message): if message.type.value == 0: if message.content.split()[0] in ( '$schedule', '$stats', '$top', '$ts', '$gdstats' ): await message.reply("This bot has converted all commands to slash commands! Type '/' to see all of the slash commands available in this server. If you don't see any slash commands, you may need to reinvite the bot to your server:") channels = { 598237603254239238: "Major", 598237794762227713: "AAA", 598237830824591490: "AA", 598237861837537304: "A", 715549072936796180: "Indy", 715551351236722708: "Mav", 757714221759987792: "Ren", 757719107041755286: "Pal", } if int( in list(channels): # Criteria is either 'record' or 'rating', followed by the threshold for an upset criteria, threshold = ("record", 4) # Parse messages league = channels[] if "forfeit" in message.content: return game = message.content.split("\n")[2:4] team1 = game[0].split(": ")[0] team1_score = int(game[0][-1]) team2 = game[1].split(": ")[0] team2_score = int(game[1][-1]) # This is needed to put records in alert_message, even if using rating for the criteria records = self.pr_sheet.to_df("Team Wins!A1:AE17") records = { "Major": records.iloc[:, 0:3], "AAA": records.iloc[:, 4:7], "AA": records.iloc[:, 8:11], "A": records.iloc[:, 12:15], "Indy": records.iloc[:, 16:19], "Mav": records.iloc[:, 20:23], "Ren": records.iloc[:, 24:27], "Pal": records.iloc[:, 28:31] }[league] records = records.set_index(f"{league} Teams") team1_record = ( f"({records.loc[team1, 'Wins']}-{records.loc[team1, 'Losses']})" ) team2_record = ( f"({records.loc[team2, 'Wins']}-{records.loc[team2, 'Losses']})" ) team1_wins = int(records.loc[team1, "Wins"]) team2_wins = int(records.loc[team2, "Wins"]) if criteria == "rating": team1_rating = self.elo.get_elo(team1) team2_rating = self.elo.get_elo(team2) upset = False if criteria == "record" and team2_wins - team1_wins >= threshold: upset = True elif criteria == "rating" and team2_rating - team1_rating >= threshold: upset = True # Send to #game-scores channel gamescores_channel = self.get_channel(836784966221430805) await gamescores_channel.send( f"**{league} result**\n{team1} {team1_record}: {team1_score}\n{team2} {team2_record}: {team2_score}" ) descriptors = [ "have taken down", "have defeated", "beat", "were victorious over", "thwarted", "have upset", "have overpowered", "got the better of", "overcame", "triumphed over", ] if upset: UPSET_ALERT_MESSAGE = f"""**UPSET ALERT**\n{team1} {team1_record} {choice(descriptors)} {team2} {team2_record} with a score of {team1_score} - {team2_score}""" # Send the message out to subscribed channels await self.wait_until_ready() send_to = self.session.admin.find_one({"purpose": "channels"})[ "channels" ]["upset_alerts"] for channel in send_to: channel: discord.TextChannel = self.get_channel(int(channel)) if channel == None: continue new_message = UPSET_ALERT_MESSAGE for role in channel.guild.roles: role: discord.Role if == "upset alerts": new_message += ( f"\n{role.mention}" ) #await channel.send(new_message) (TEMPORARILY DISABLED) await self.process_commands(message) async def close(self): await super().close() self.session.close() def run(self): # return await super().start(self.token, reconnect=True) super().run(self.token, reconnect=True)
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot, session: Session = None): = bot if not session: self.session = Session() else: self.session = session