def reward(sample_solution, USE_CUDA=False): # # print(start,"开始reward") # sample_solution shape: [sourceL, batch_size] batch_size = sample_solution[0].size(0) result = np.zeros(batch_size) sequences = [] for sample in sample_solution: sequences.append(sample.numpy()) sequences = np.array(sequences) if trainning: if batch_size > 20: p = Pool() # 多进程计算BLF res = [] for index in range(batch_size): sample_id = index + cur_batch * batch_size real_id = training_dataset.getRealIndex(sample_id) sequence = sequences[:, index] poly_new = train_preload.getPolysbySeq(real_id, sequence) nfp_asst = NFPAssistant(poly_new, load_history=True, history_path='record/{}/{}.csv'.format( args['run_name'], real_id)) res.append( p.apply_async(getBLF, args=(args['width'], poly_new, nfp_asst))) p.close() p.join() for index in range(batch_size): result[index] = res[index].get() else: for index in range(batch_size): sample_id = index + cur_batch * batch_size real_id = training_dataset.getRealIndex(sample_id) sequence = sequences[:, index] poly_new = train_preload.getPolysbySeq(real_id, sequence) nfp_asst = NFPAssistant(poly_new, load_history=True, history_path='record/{}/{}.csv'.format( args['run_name'], real_id)) result[index] = getBLF(args['width'], poly_new, nfp_asst) else: # 验证时不开多进程 sequence = sequences[:, 0] real_id = val_dataset.getRealIndex(cur_batch) poly_new = val_preload.getPolysbySeq(real_id, sequence) nfp_asst = NFPAssistant(poly_new, load_history=True, history_path='record/{}_val/{}.csv'.format( args['val_name'], real_id)) #nfp_asst=None result[0] = getBLF(args['width'], poly_new, nfp_asst) # # print(end,"结束reward") # print(end-start) return torch.Tensor(result)
def __init__(self, width, original_polys): self.width = width self.polys = copy.deepcopy(original_polys) self.fu = pd.read_csv( "/Users/sean/Documents/Projects/Data/fu_orientation.csv") self.fu_pre = pd.read_csv("/Users/sean/Documents/Projects/Data/fu.csv") self.NFPAssistant = NFPAssistant(polys, store_nfp=False, get_all_nfp=True, load_history=True) self.getAllPolygons() self.getInitialResult() self.main()
def __init__(self,width,poly_list,nfp_asst=None,generations=10,pop_size=20): self.width=width self.minimal_rotation=360 # 最小的旋转角度 self.poly_list=poly_list self.ga_multi=False # 开了多进程反而更慢 if self.ga_multi: multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn',True) self.elite_size=10 # 每一代选择个数 self.mutate_rate=0.1 # 变异概率 self.generations=generations # 代数 self.pop_size=pop_size # 每一代的个数 self.history_index_list=[] self.history_length_list=[] if nfp_asst: self.NFPAssistant=nfp_asst else: self.NFPAssistant=NFPAssistant(PolyListProcessor.getPolysVertices(poly_list),get_all_nfp=True) self.geneticAlgorithm() self.plotRecord()
def __init__(self, width, polys, nfp_load=None): self.polys = polys self.width = width if nfp_load != None: self.NFPAssistant = NFPAssistant(polys, load_history=True, history_path=nfp_load) else: self.NFPAssistant = None
def getAllNFP(data_source, max_point_num): data = np.load(data_source) polys = [] for i in range(0, len(data)): line = data[i] poly_new = [] line = line.T for j in range(len(line)): poly_new.append(line[j].reshape(max_point_num, 2).tolist()) poly_new = drop0(poly_new) nfp_asst = NFPAssistant( poly_new, get_all_nfp=True, store_nfp=True, store_path='record/fu1500_val/{}.csv'.format(i))
def __init__(self,poly_list): self.min_angle=360 # 允许旋转的最小角度 self.width=1500 # 排列的宽度 self.temp_now=200 # 起始温度 2000 self.temp_end=1e-5 # 结束温度 1e-20 self.dec_rate=0.7 # 降温速率 0.995 self.loop_times=5 # 内循环次数 self.cur_poly_list=poly_list # 当前的序列 self.new_poly_list=poly_list # 生成新的序列 self.history_index_list=[] # 运行过的index序列 self.history_length_list=[] # 运行结果 self.NFPAssistant=NFPAssistant(PolyListProcessor.getPolysVertices(poly_list),get_all_nfp=True)
def __init__(self,poly_list): # 初始设置 self.width=1500 # 初始化数据,NFP辅助函数 polys=PolyListProcessor.getPolysVertices(poly_list) self.NFPAssistant=NFPAssistant(polys,get_all_nfp=False) # 获得最优解 blf=BottomLeftFill(self.width,polys,NFPAssistant=self.NFPAssistant) self.best_height=blf.contain_height self.cur_height=blf.contain_height # 当前的poly_list均为已经排样的情况 self.best_poly_list=copy.deepcopy(poly_list) self.cur_poly_list=copy.deepcopy(poly_list)
def main(self, _type): _list = [] if _type == "area": pass elif _type == "length": _list = self.getLengthDecreaing() elif _type == "width": _list = self.getWidthDecreaing() elif _type == "rectangularity": pass else: pass # 重排列后的结果 self.nfp_assistant = NFPAssistant(self.polys, store_nfp=False, get_all_nfp=True, load_history=True) new_list = sorted(_list, key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)
def BLFwithSequence(test_path, width, seq_path=None, GA_algo=False): if seq_path != None: f = open(seq_path, 'r') seqs = f.readlines() data = np.load(test_path, allow_pickle=True) test_name = test_path.split('_xy')[0] height = [] if GA_algo: p = Pool() multi_res = [] for i, line in enumerate(tqdm(data)): polys_final = [] if seq_path != None: # 指定序列 seq = seqs[i].split(' ') else: # 随机序列 seq = np.array(range(len(line))) np.random.shuffle(seq) for j in range(len(line)): if seq_path != None: index = int(seq[j]) else: index = seq[j] polys_final.append(line[index]) nfp_asst = NFPAssistant(polys_final, load_history=True, history_path='record/{}/{}.csv'.format( test_name, i)) #nfp_asst=None if GA_algo == True: # 遗传算法 polys_GA = PolyListProcessor.getPolyObjectList(polys_final, [0]) multi_res.append( p.apply_async(GA, args=(width, polys_GA, nfp_asst))) else: blf = BottomLeftFill(width, polys_final, NFPAssistant=nfp_asst) #blf.showAll() height.append(blf.getLength()) if GA_algo: p.close() p.join() for res in multi_res: height.append(res.get().global_lowest_length) return height
def getNFP(polys, save_name, index): # print('record/{}/{}.csv'.format(save_name,index)) NFPAssistant(polys, get_all_nfp=True, store_nfp=True, store_path='record/{}/{}.csv'.format(save_name, index))
class LPSearch(object): ''' 线性检索算法,采用数据集Fu ''' def __init__(self, width, original_polys): self.width = width self.polys = copy.deepcopy(original_polys) self.fu = pd.read_csv( "/Users/sean/Documents/Projects/Data/fu_orientation.csv") self.fu_pre = pd.read_csv("/Users/sean/Documents/Projects/Data/fu.csv") self.NFPAssistant = NFPAssistant(polys, store_nfp=False, get_all_nfp=True, load_history=True) self.getAllPolygons() self.getInitialResult() self.main() # 获得初始解 def getInitialResult(self): index = 6 blf = pd.read_csv( "/Users/sean/Documents/Projects/Packing-Algorithm/record/blf.csv") self.total_area = blf["total_area"][index] self.polys = json.loads(blf["polys"][index]) self.best_polys = copy.deepcopy(self.polys) # 按照index的顺序排列 self.best_poly_status, self.poly_status = json.loads( blf["poly_status"][index]), json.loads(blf["poly_status"][index]) self.use_ratio = [] # 在没有的时候全部加载一遍 if len(self.best_poly_status) == 0: for i, poly in enumerate(self.polys): top_pt = LPAssistant.getTopPoint(poly) self.best_poly_status.append([i, top_pt, 0]) # 分别为序列号、位置及方向 self.poly_status.append([i, top_pt, 0]) # 分别为序列号、位置及方向 print("一共", len(self.polys), "个形状") # 主要执行过程 def main(self): ration_dec, ration_inc = 0.04, 0.01 max_time = 2000 print("执行主程序") self.best_length = LPAssistant.getLength(self.polys) # 最佳状态 print("初始高度:", self.best_length) self.cur_length = self.best_length * (1 - ration_dec) # 当前的宽度 self.slideToContainer() # 把突出去的移进来 start_time = time.time() self.use_ratio.append(self.total_area / (self.best_length * self.width)) print("当前利用率:", self.total_area / (self.best_length * self.width)) while time.time() - start_time < max_time: # 最小化重叠 self.minimizeOverlap() if LPAssistant.judgeFeasible(self.polys) == True: # 更新全部状态 self.length = self.cur_length self.use_ratio.append(self.total_area / (self.length * self.width)) print("当前利用率:", self.total_area / (self.length * self.width)) self.best_polys = copy.deepcopy(self.polys) self.best_poly_status = copy.deepcopy(self.poly_status) # 收缩边界,并且把突出去的移进来 self.cur_length = self.length * (1 - ration_dec) self.slideToContainer() else: # 如果不可行就直接拆分 self.cur_length = self.best_length * (1 + ration_inc) end_time = time.time() print("最优结果:", self.best_polys) self.showPolys() self.plotRecord("use ratio:", self.use_ratio) # 最小化重叠区域 def minimizeOverlap(self): start_time = time.time() # 记录引导检索的相关内容 self.miu = [[1] * len(self.polys) for _ in range(len(self.polys))] self.initialOverlap() # 记录重叠变化情况 self.overlap_reocrd = [] # 检索次数限制/超出倍数退出 it, N = 0, 50 minimal_overlap = self.getTotalOverlap() cur_overlap = minimal_overlap print("初始重叠:", cur_overlap) # 限定计算次数 print("开始一次检索") while it < N: print("it:", it) # 获得随机序列并逐一检索 permutation = np.arange(len(self.polys)) np.random.shuffle(permutation) for i in range(len(self.polys)): # 选择特定形状 choose_index = permutation[i] # 通过重叠判断是否需要计算 with_overlap = False for item in self.pair_overlap[choose_index]: if item > 0: with_overlap = True break if with_overlap == False: continue # 获得当前的最小的深度(调整后),如果没有重叠,直接下一个 self.getPrerequisite(choose_index, self.poly_status[choose_index][2], offline=True) cur_min_depth = self.getPolyDepeth(choose_index) # 记录最优情况,默认是当前情况 original_position = self.poly_status[choose_index][1] best_position, best_orientation, best_depth = self.poly_status[ choose_index][1], self.poly_status[choose_index][ 2], cur_min_depth # print("当前最低高度:",best_depth) print("测试第", i, "个形状") # 遍历四个角度的最优值 for orientation in [0, 1, 2, 3]: # print("测试角度:",90*orientation,"度") self.getPrerequisite(choose_index, orientation, offline=True) self.getProblemLP() new_position, new_depth = self.searchBestPosition( choose_index) # 获得最优位置 if new_depth < best_depth: best_position, best_orientation, best_depth = copy.deepcopy( new_position), orientation, new_depth # 如果有变化状态则需要更新overlap以及移动形状 if best_position != original_position: print("本次检索最低深度:", best_depth) # 更新记录的位置 self.poly_status[choose_index][1] = copy.deepcopy( best_position) self.poly_status[choose_index][2] = best_orientation # 获取形状顶部位置并平移过去 new_poly = copy.deepcopy( self.all_polygons[choose_index][best_orientation]) top_point = LPAssistant.getTopPoint(new_poly) GeoFunc.slidePoly(new_poly, best_position[0] - top_point[0], best_position[1] - top_point[1]) # 更新形状与重叠情况 self.polys[choose_index] = new_poly self.updateOverlap(choose_index) # self.showPolys() # 计算新方案的重叠情况 cur_overlap = self.getTotalOverlap() self.overlap_reocrd.append(cur_overlap) if cur_overlap < bias: print("没有重叠,本次检索结束") break elif cur_overlap < minimal_overlap: minimal_overlap = cur_overlap it = 0 print("\n当前重叠:", cur_overlap, "\n") it = it + 1 self.updateMiu() # 超出检索次数 if it == N: print("超出更新次数/超出倍数") # self.showPolys() end_time = time.time() print("本轮耗时:", end_time - start_time) print("最终结果:", self.polys) print("当前状态:", self.poly_status) with open( "/Users/sean/Documents/Projects/Packing-Algorithm/record/fu_result.csv", "a+") as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerows([[ time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())), end_time - start_time, self.cur_length, self.total_area / (self.cur_length * self.width), cur_overlap, self.poly_status, self.polys ]]) self.showPolys() self.plotRecord("Overlap Record:", self.overlap_reocrd) # 获得全部形状不同方向-存储起来 def getAllPolygons(self): self.all_polygons = [] for i in range(self.fu.shape[0]): polygons = [] for j in ["o_0", "o_1", "o_2", "o_3"]: polygons.append(json.loads(self.fu[j][i])) self.all_polygons.append(polygons) # 获得整个重叠情况 def getTotalOverlap(self): # print(self.pair_overlap) overlap = 0 for i in range(len(self.pair_overlap) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(self.pair_overlap[0])): overlap = overlap + self.pair_overlap[i][j] return overlap # 初始化全部的重叠情况 def initialOverlap(self): self.pair_overlap = [[0] * len(self.polys) for i in range(len(self.polys))] for i in range(len(self.polys) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(self.polys)): P1, P2 = Polygon(self.polys[i]), Polygon(self.polys[j]) inter = P1.intersection(P2) # 获得重叠区域 if inter.area > bias: self.pair_overlap[i][ j] = self.pair_overlap[i][j] + inter.area self.pair_overlap[j][ i] = self.pair_overlap[j][i] + inter.area # 更新目标对象的Overlap def updateOverlap(self, choose_index): # 重新计算该对象的全部重叠 for j in range(len(self.polys)): if j == choose_index: continue P1, P2 = Polygon(self.polys[choose_index]), Polygon(self.polys[j]) inter = P1.intersection(P2) # 获得重叠区域 inter_area = 0 if inter.area > bias: inter_area = inter.area self.pair_overlap[choose_index][j] = inter_area self.pair_overlap[j][choose_index] = inter_area # 基于NFP获得全部的约束 def getProblemLP(self): # 获得目标区域 self.ifr_points = [] self.target_areas = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] self.last_index = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] # 获得两个NFP在IFR中重叠的情况 self.nfp_overlap_pair = [[i] for i in range(len(self.all_nfps))] for i in range(len(self.all_nfps) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(self.all_nfps)): overlap, overlap_poly = self.polysOverlapIFR( self.all_nfps[i], self.all_nfps[j]) if overlap == True: self.nfp_overlap_pair[i].append(j) self.nfp_overlap_pair[j].append(i) self.target_areas[1].append([overlap_poly, i, j]) self.last_index[1].append([i, j]) # 分别添加i,j # 切去一维重叠情况 for i, nfp in enumerate(self.all_nfps): # 删除与IFR重叠区域 new_region = Polygon(nfp).intersection(self.IFR) self.final_IFR = self.final_IFR.difference(Polygon(nfp)) # 删除与其他NFP拆分的重叠 for j in self.nfp_overlap_pair[i][1:]: P = Polygon(self.all_nfps[j]) new_region = new_region.difference(P) # 在目标区域增加情况,首先排除点和直线,以及面积过小 if new_region.is_empty != True and new_region.geom_type != "Point" and new_region.geom_type != "LineString" and new_region.area > bias: self.target_areas[0].append( [LPAssistant.processRegion(new_region), i]) # 删除直线/顶点情况 else: self.target_areas[0].append([]) self.last_index[0].append([]) # 增加IFR的计算 if self.final_IFR.is_empty != True and self.final_IFR.geom_type != "Point" and self.final_IFR.geom_type != "LineString" and self.final_IFR.area > bias: self.ifr_points = LPAssistant.processRegion(self.final_IFR) # 获得后续的重叠 for i in range(2, len(self.target_areas)): # 遍历上一阶段计算的结果 for j, target_area in enumerate(self.target_areas[i - 1]): area, P1 = target_area[0], Polygon(target_area[0]) # 获得当前目标可行解 all_possible_target = [] # 如果大于三个,只需要计算最后加入的,否则是第一个 if i >= 3: all_possible_target = self.nfp_overlap_pair[ target_area[-1]] else: all_possible_target = self.nfp_overlap_pair[ target_area[1]] + self.nfp_overlap_pair[target_area[2]] all_possible_target = PolyListProcessor.deleteRedundancy( all_possible_target) # 删除所有更小的,保证正序,获得判断这些形状是否会重叠,若有则添加并求解目标区域 all_possible_target_larger = LPAssistant.deleteTarget( all_possible_target, [ i for i in range( 0, max(item for item in target_area[1:]) + 1) ]) for possible_target in all_possible_target_larger: P2 = Polygon(self.all_nfps[possible_target]) # 只有相交才进一步计算 if P1.intersects(P2): inter = P1.intersection(P2) if inter.area > bias: self.last_index[i].append([j]) self.target_areas[i].append( [LPAssistant.processRegion(inter)] + target_area[1:] + [possible_target]) # 删除已经有的,遍历计算重叠 all_possible_target_difference = LPAssistant.deleteTarget( all_possible_target, [item for item in target_area[1:]]) new_region = self.cutFrontRegion( all_possible_target_difference, P1) if new_region.is_empty != True and new_region.geom_type != "Point" and new_region.geom_type != "LineString" and new_region.area > bias: target_area[0] = LPAssistant.processRegion(new_region) else: self.target_areas[i - 1][j] = [] # 如果该轮没有计算出重叠则停止 if self.target_areas[i] == []: self.max_overlap = i # print("至多",i,"个形状重叠,计算完成") break # 删除重复情况 def cutFrontRegion(self, all_possible_target_difference, P1): '''根据可行区域计算切除的结果''' new_region = copy.deepcopy(P1) for difference_target in all_possible_target_difference: P2 = Polygon(self.all_nfps[difference_target]) if new_region.intersects(P2): new_region = new_region.difference(P2) return new_region def searchBestPosition(self, choose_index): '''基于上述获得的区域与目标函数检索最优位置''' min_depth, best_position, searched_points = 9999999999, [], [] # 首先判断在IFR上是否有点满足 if len(self.ifr_points) > 0: return self.ifr_points[random.randint(0, len(self.ifr_points) - 1)], 0 # 再选择是否有目标区域 for i, item in enumerate(self.target_areas): for j, area_item in enumerate(item): # 计算差集后归零 if len(area_item) == 0: continue # 分别计算每个点在每个区域的最值 for pt in area_item[0]: # 防止重复计算问题 if pt in searched_points: continue searched_points.append(pt) # 计算全部重叠 depth = 0 for target_index in area_item[1:]: depth = depth + self.getPairDepenetration( pt, choose_index, target_index) if depth < min_depth: min_depth = depth best_position = [pt[0], pt[1]] print("共检索", len(searched_points), "个位置") return best_position, min_depth # 获得当前选择对象的重叠(对应的Overlap) def getPolyDepeth(self, index): cur_min_depth, pt = 0, LPAssistant.getTopPoint(self.polys[index]) for j in range(len(self.polys)): if j == index or self.pair_overlap[index][j] == 0: continue cur_min_depth = cur_min_depth + self.getPairDepenetration( pt, index, j) return cur_min_depth # 获得当前选择形状和其他形状对的深度(调整后),需要确认二者是重叠的! def getPairDepenetration(self, pt, choose_index, target_index): min_value = 999999999 for item in self.all_points_target[target_index]: value = abs(pt[0] - item[0]) + abs(pt[1] - item[1]) if value < bias: min_value = 0 break if value < min_value: min_value = value for item in self.all_edges_target[target_index]: value = abs(pt[0] * item[0] + pt[1] * item[1] + item[2]) if value < bias: min_value = 0 break if value < min_value: min_value = value return min_value * self.miu[target_index][choose_index] def polysOverlapIFR(self, poly1, poly2): '''判断两个形状之间是否重叠、重叠区域面积、重叠区域是否与IFR有重叠''' P1, P2 = Polygon(poly1), Polygon(poly2) inter = P1.intersection(P2) overlap, overlap_poly = False, [] if inter.area > bias: new_inter = inter.intersection(self.IFR) if new_inter.area > bias: overlap, overlap_poly = True, LPAssistant.processRegion( new_inter) # 相交区域肯定是凸多边形 return overlap, overlap_poly def slideToContainer(self): # 平移部分形状 for index, poly in enumerate(self.polys): right_pt = LPAssistant.getRightPoint(poly) if right_pt[0] > self.cur_length: delta_x = self.cur_length - right_pt[0] GeoFunc.slidePoly(poly, delta_x, 0) top_pt = self.poly_status[index][1] self.poly_status[index][1] = [top_pt[0] + delta_x, top_pt[1]] def showPolys(self): for poly in self.polys: PltFunc.addPolygon(poly) PltFunc.addPolygonColor([[0, 0], [self.cur_length, 0], [self.cur_length, self.width], [0, self.width]]) PltFunc.showPlt(width=1000, height=1000) def updateMiu(self): # 首先获得Overlap的最大值 print("更新Miu") _max = 0 for row in self.pair_overlap: row_max = max(row) if row_max > _max: _max = row_max # 更新Miu的值 for i in range(len(self.miu)): for j in range(i, len(self.miu[0])): self.miu[j][ i] = self.miu[j][i] + self.pair_overlap[i][j] / _max self.miu[i][ j] = self.miu[i][j] + self.pair_overlap[i][j] / _max # print(self.miu) def getNFP(self, j, i): # j是固定位置,i是移动位置 row = j * 192 + i * 16 + self.poly_status[j][2] * 4 + self.poly_status[ i][2] bottom_pt = LPAssistant.getBottomPoint(self.polys[j]) delta_x, delta_y = bottom_pt[0], bottom_pt[1] nfp = GeoFunc.getSlide(json.loads(self.fu_pre["nfp"][row]), delta_x, delta_y) return nfp # 直接读取目标情况-带方向 def getPrerequisite(self, i, orientation, **kw): # 获得全部NFP以及拆分情况 self.all_nfps,self.all_points_target,self.all_edges_target = [],[],[] offline = kw['offline'] for j, item in enumerate(self.polys): # 两个相等的情况,跳过否则会计算错误 if j == i: self.all_nfps.append([]) self.all_points_target.append([]) self.all_edges_target.append([]) continue # 预处理的情况 points_target, edges_target, nfp = [], [], [] if offline == True: row = j * 192 + i * 16 + self.poly_status[j][ 2] * 4 + orientation bottom_pt = LPAssistant.getBottomPoint(self.polys[j]) delta_x, delta_y = bottom_pt[0], bottom_pt[1] nfp = GeoFunc.getSlide(json.loads(self.fu_pre["nfp"][row]), delta_x, delta_y) else: nfp = LPAssistant.deleteOnline( self.NFPAssistant.getDirectNFP( self.polys[j], self.polys[i])) # NFP可能有同一直线上的点 # 计算对应目标函数 for pt_index in range(len(nfp)): edges_target.append( LPAssistant.getTargetFunction( [nfp[pt_index - 1], nfp[pt_index]])) points_target.append([nfp[pt_index][0], nfp[pt_index][1]]) # 添加上去 self.all_nfps.append(nfp) self.all_edges_target.append(edges_target) self.all_points_target.append(points_target) # 获取IFR self.target_poly = self.all_polygons[i][orientation] self.ifr = PackingUtil.getInnerFitRectangle(self.target_poly, self.cur_length, self.width) self.IFR = Polygon(self.ifr) self.final_IFR = Polygon(self.ifr) @staticmethod def plotRecord(name, data): plt.plot(data) plt.ylabel(name) plt.xlabel('Times')
print('结束温度的局部最优高度:',temp_lowest_length) # print('最好序列:',global_best_list) print('最好序列高度:',global_lowest_length) PolyListProcessor.showPolyList(self.width,global_best_list) self.showBestResult(temp_lowest_length_list,global_lowest_length_list) def showBestResult(self,list1,list2): plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(list1)#每个温度下平衡路径长度 plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(list2)#每个温度下最好路径长度 plt.grid() if __name__=='__main__': starttime = polys = getData(6) all_rotation = [0] # 禁止旋转 poly_list = PolyListProcessor.getPolyObjectList(polys, all_rotation) nfp_assistant=NFPAssistant(polys, store_nfp=False, get_all_nfp=True, load_history=True) GA(760,poly_list,nfp_asst=nfp_assistant) endtime = print (endtime - starttime)