예제 #1
class DirectoryIterator(Iterator):

    def __init__(self, directory, image_data_generator,
                 resize=None, target_size=None, color_mode='rgb',
                 classes=None, class_mode='categorical',
                 batch_size=32, shuffle=True, seed=None, gt_directory=None,
                 save_to_dir=None, save_prefix='', save_format='jpeg', model_name=None):
        # Check dim order
        if dim_ordering == 'default':
            dim_ordering = K.image_dim_ordering()
        self.dim_ordering = dim_ordering

        self.directory = directory
        self.gt_directory = gt_directory
        self.image_data_generator = image_data_generator
        self.resize = resize
        self.save_to_dir = save_to_dir
        self.save_prefix = save_prefix
        self.save_format = save_format
        self.model_name = model_name
        # Check target size
        if target_size is None and batch_size > 1:
            raise ValueError('Target_size None works only with batch_size=1')
        self.target_size = (None, None) if target_size is None else tuple(target_size)

        # Check color mode
        if color_mode not in {'rgb', 'grayscale', 'bgr'}:
            raise ValueError('Invalid color mode:', color_mode,
                             '; expected "rgb" or "grayscale".')
        self.color_mode = color_mode
        if self.color_mode == 'rgb' or self.color_mode == 'bgr':
            self.grayscale = False
            if self.dim_ordering == 'tf':
                self.image_shape = self.target_size + (3,)
                self.gt_image_shape = self.target_size + (1,)
                self.image_shape = (3,) + self.target_size
                self.gt_image_shape = (1,) + self.target_size
            self.grayscale = True
            if self.dim_ordering == 'tf':
                self.image_shape = self.target_size + (1,)
                self.gt_image_shape = self.image_shape
                self.image_shape = (1,) + self.target_size
                self.gt_image_shape = self.image_shape

        # Check class mode
        if class_mode not in {'categorical', 'binary', 'sparse',
                              'segmentation', 'detection', None}:
            raise ValueError('Invalid class_mode:', class_mode,
                             '; expected one of "categorical", '
                             '"binary", "sparse", "segmentation", "detection" or None.')
        self.class_mode = class_mode
        self.has_gt_image = True if self.class_mode == 'segmentation' else False

        # Check class names
        if not classes:
            if self.class_mode == 'segmentation' or self.class_mode == 'detection':
                raise ValueError('You should input the class names')
                classes = list_subdirs(directory)
            classes = classes.values()
        self.nb_class = len(classes)
        self.class_indices = dict(zip(classes, range(len(classes))))

        self.nb_sample = 0
        self.filenames = []
        self.classes = []
        ## SDD utility implementation by Team 3 ##
        if "ssd" in self.model_name:
            self.ssd_generator = BBoxUtility(self.nb_class)
            self.ssd_generator = None
        # Get filenames
        if self.class_mode == 'detection':
            for fname in os.listdir(directory):
                if has_valid_extension(fname):
                    # Look for the GT filename
                    gt_fname = os.path.join(directory,fname.replace('jpg','txt'))
                    if not os.path.isfile(gt_fname):
                        raise ValueError('GT file not found: ' + gt_fname)
            self.filenames = np.sort(self.filenames)
        elif not self.class_mode == 'segmentation':
            for subdir in classes:
                subpath = os.path.join(directory, subdir)
                for fname in os.listdir(subpath):
                    if has_valid_extension(fname):
                        self.filenames.append(os.path.join(subdir, fname))
            self.classes = np.array(self.classes)
            for fname in os.listdir(directory):
                if has_valid_extension(fname):
                    # Look for the GT filename
                    gt_fname = os.path.join(gt_directory,
                    if not os.path.isfile(gt_fname):
                        raise ValueError('GT file not found: ' + gt_fname)
            self.filenames = np.sort(self.filenames)

        self.nb_sample = len(self.filenames)
        print('   Found %d images belonging to %d classes' % (self.nb_sample,

        super(DirectoryIterator, self).__init__(self.nb_sample, batch_size,
                                                shuffle, seed)

    def next(self):
        # Lock the generation of index only. The rest is not under thread
        # lock so it can be done in parallel
        with self.lock:
            index_array, current_index, current_batch_size = next(self.index_generator)

        # Create the batch_x and batch_y
        if current_batch_size > 1:
            batch_x = np.zeros((current_batch_size,) + self.image_shape)
            if self.has_gt_image:
                batch_y = np.zeros((current_batch_size,) + self.gt_image_shape)
            if self.class_mode == 'detection':
                batch_y = []

        # Build batch of image data
        for i, j in enumerate(index_array):
            # Load image
            fname = self.filenames[j]
            # print(fname)
            img = load_img(os.path.join(self.directory, fname),
                           resize=self.resize, order=1)
            x = img_to_array(img, dim_ordering=self.dim_ordering)

            # Load GT image if segmentation
            if self.has_gt_image:
                # Load GT image
                gt_img = load_img(os.path.join(self.gt_directory, fname),
                                  resize=self.resize, order=0)
                y = img_to_array(gt_img, dim_ordering=self.dim_ordering)
                y = None

            # Load GT image if detection
            if self.class_mode == 'detection':
                label_path = os.path.join(self.directory, fname).replace('jpg','txt')
                gt = np.loadtxt(label_path)
                if len(gt.shape) == 1:
                    gt = gt[np.newaxis,]
                y = gt.copy()
                y = y[((y[:,1] > 0.) & (y[:,1] < 1.))]
                y = y[((y[:,2] > 0.) & (y[:,2] < 1.))]
                y = y[((y[:,3] > 0.) & (y[:,3] < 1.))]
                y = y[((y[:,4] > 0.) & (y[:,4] < 1.))]
                if (y.shape != gt.shape) or (y.shape[0] == 0):
                    warnings.warn('DirectoryIterator: found an invalid annotation '
                                  'on GT file '+label_path)
                # shuffle gt boxes order

            # Standarize image
            x = self.image_data_generator.standardize(x, y)

            # Data augmentation
            x, y = self.image_data_generator.random_transform(x, y)

            # Add images to batches
            if current_batch_size > 1:
                batch_x[i] = x
                if self.has_gt_image:
                    batch_y[i] = y
                elif self.class_mode == 'detection':
                batch_x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0)
                if self.has_gt_image:
                    batch_y = np.expand_dims(y, axis=0)
                elif self.class_mode == 'detection':
                    batch_y = [y]

        # optionally save augmented images to disk for debugging purposes
        if self.save_to_dir:
            for i in range(current_batch_size):

                fname = '{prefix}_{index}_{hash}.{format}'.format(prefix=self.save_prefix,
                                                                  index=current_index + i,

                if self.class_mode == 'segmentation':
                    nclasses = self.classes  # TODO: Change
                    color_map = sns.hls_palette(nclasses+1)
                    void_label = nclasses
                    save_img2(batch_x[i], batch_y[i],
                              os.path.join(self.save_to_dir, fname), color_map,

                    img = array_to_img(batch_x[i], self.dim_ordering,
                    img.save(os.path.join(self.save_to_dir, fname))

        # Build batch of labels
        if self.class_mode == 'sparse':
            batch_y = self.classes[index_array]
        elif self.class_mode == 'binary':
            batch_y = self.classes[index_array].astype('float32')
        elif self.class_mode == 'categorical':
            batch_y = np.zeros((len(batch_x), self.nb_class), dtype='float32')
            for i, label in enumerate(self.classes[index_array]):
                batch_y[i, label] = 1.
        elif self.class_mode == 'detection':
            # TODO detection: check model, other networks may expect a different batch_y format and shape
            # YOLOLoss expects a particular batch_y format and shape
            if "yolo" in self.model_name:
                batch_y = yolo_build_gt_batch(batch_y, self.image_shape, self.nb_class)
            elif "ssd" in self.model_name:
                batch_y = self.ssd_generator.ssd_build_gt_batch(batch_y, self.image_shape)
        elif self.class_mode == None:
            return batch_x

        return batch_x, batch_y
예제 #2
    def next(self):
        # Lock the generation of index only. The rest is not under thread
        # lock so it can be done in parallel
        with self.lock:
            index_array, current_index, current_batch_size = next(self.index_generator)

        # Create the batch_x and batch_y
        if current_batch_size > 1:
            batch_x = np.zeros((current_batch_size,) + self.image_shape)
            if self.has_gt_image:
                batch_y = np.zeros((current_batch_size,) + self.gt_image_shape)
            if self.class_mode == 'detection':
                batch_y = []

        # Build batch of image data
        for i, j in enumerate(index_array):
            # Load image
            fname = self.filenames[j]
            # print(fname)
            img = load_img(os.path.join(self.directory, fname),
                           resize=self.resize, order=1)
            x = img_to_array(img, dim_ordering=self.dim_ordering)

            # Load GT image if segmentation
            if self.has_gt_image:
                # Load GT image
                gt_img = load_img(os.path.join(self.gt_directory, fname),
                                  resize=self.resize, order=0)
                y = img_to_array(gt_img, dim_ordering=self.dim_ordering)
                y = None

            # Load GT image if detection
            if self.class_mode == 'detection':
                label_path = os.path.join(self.directory, fname).replace('jpg','txt')
                gt = np.loadtxt(label_path)
                if len(gt.shape) == 1:
                    gt = gt[np.newaxis,]
                y = gt.copy()
                y = y[((y[:,1] > 0.) & (y[:,1] < 1.))]
                y = y[((y[:,2] > 0.) & (y[:,2] < 1.))]
                y = y[((y[:,3] > 0.) & (y[:,3] < 1.))]
                y = y[((y[:,4] > 0.) & (y[:,4] < 1.))]
                if (y.shape != gt.shape) or (y.shape[0] == 0):
                    warnings.warn('DirectoryIterator: found an invalid annotation '
                                  'on GT file '+label_path)
                # shuffle gt boxes order

            # Standarize image
            x = self.image_data_generator.standardize(x, y)

            # Data augmentation
            x, y = self.image_data_generator.random_transform(x, y)

            # Add images to batches
            if current_batch_size > 1:
                batch_x[i] = x
                if self.has_gt_image:
                    batch_y[i] = y
                elif self.class_mode == 'detection':
                batch_x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0)
                if self.has_gt_image:
                    batch_y = np.expand_dims(y, axis=0)
                elif self.class_mode == 'detection':
                    batch_y = [y]

        # optionally save augmented images to disk for debugging purposes
        if self.save_to_dir:
            for i in range(current_batch_size):

                fname = '{prefix}_{index}_{hash}.{format}'.format(prefix=self.save_prefix,
                                                                  index=current_index + i,

                if self.class_mode == 'segmentation':
                    nclasses = self.classes  # TODO: Change
                    color_map = sns.hls_palette(nclasses+1)
                    void_label = nclasses
                    save_img2(batch_x[i], batch_y[i],
                              os.path.join(self.save_to_dir, fname), color_map,

                    img = array_to_img(batch_x[i], self.dim_ordering,
                    img.save(os.path.join(self.save_to_dir, fname))

        # Build batch of labels
        if self.class_mode == 'sparse':
            batch_y = self.classes[index_array]
        elif self.class_mode == 'binary':
            batch_y = self.classes[index_array].astype('float32')
        elif self.class_mode == 'categorical':
            batch_y = np.zeros((len(batch_x), self.nb_class), dtype='float32')
            for i, label in enumerate(self.classes[index_array]):
                batch_y[i, label] = 1.
        elif self.class_mode == 'detection':
            if self.model_name == 'ssd':
                bbox_util = BBoxUtility(self.nb_class)
                batch_y = bbox_util.ssd_build_gt_batch(batch_y)
            elif  self.model_name == 'yolo' or self.model_name == 'tiny-yolo':
                # TODO detection: check model, other networks may expect a different batch_y format and shape
                # YOLOLoss expects a particular batch_y format and shape
                batch_y = yolo_build_gt_batch(batch_y, self.image_shape, self.nb_class)
                print('Unknown detection model')
        elif self.class_mode == None:
            return batch_x

        return batch_x, batch_y