예제 #1
    def step(self, dt):
        # update finished state even if we are not using the controls

        if self.travel.finished:
            # turn around to face the target direction
            if angle_to(self.car, self.face_target) > 0.3:
                self.drive.target_pos = self.face_target
                self.drive.target_speed = 1000
                self.controls = self.drive.controls
                self.controls.handbrake = False
                self.controls = self.stop.controls

            self.pad = None

            # collect boost pads on the way (greedy algorithm, assumes first found is best)
            if self.car.boost < 90 and self.travel.interruptible():
                to_target = ground_direction(self.car, self.travel.target)

                for pad in self.info.large_boost_pads + self.info.small_boost_pads:
                    to_pad = ground_direction(self.car, pad)

                    if (pad.is_active and
                            distance(self.car, pad) < self.BOOST_LOOK_RADIUS
                            and angle_between(to_target,
                                              to_pad) < self.BOOST_LOOK_ANGLE):
                        self.pad = pad
                        self.drive.target_pos = pad.position
                        self.drive.target_speed = 2200
                        self.controls = self.drive.controls

            # go to the actual target
            if self.pad is None:
                self.controls = self.travel.controls

        # don't waste boost during downtime
        if self.car.boost < 100 and ground_distance(self.car,
                                                    self.travel.target) < 4000:
            self.controls.boost = False

        self.finished = self.travel.driving and self.car.time > self.start_time + self.DURATION
예제 #2
    def step(self, dt):
        car = self.car
        target = ground(self.target)

        car_speed = norm(car.velocity)
        time_left = (ground_distance(car, target) - self.finish_distance) / max(car_speed + 500, 1400)
        forward_speed = dot(car.forward(), car.velocity)

        if self.driving and car.on_ground:
            self.action.target_pos = target
            self._time_on_ground += dt

            # check if it's a good idea to dodge, wavedash or halfflip
            if (
                self._time_on_ground > 0.2
                and car.position[2] < 200
                and car_speed < 2000
                and angle_to(car, target, backwards=forward_speed < 0) < 0.1
                and car.gravity[2] < -500  # don't dodge in low gravity
                # if going forward, use a dodge or a wavedash
                if forward_speed > 0:
                    use_boost_instead = self.waste_boost and car.boost > 20

                    if car_speed > 1200 and not use_boost_instead:
                        if time_left > self.DODGE_DURATION:
                            dodge = Dodge(car)
                            dodge.duration = 0.07
                            dodge.direction = vec2(direction(car, target))
                            self.action = dodge
                            self.driving = False

                        elif time_left > self.WAVEDASH_DURATION:
                            wavedash = Wavedash(car)
                            wavedash.direction = vec2(direction(car, target))
                            self.action = wavedash
                            self.driving = False

                # if going backwards, use a halfflip
                elif time_left > self.HALFFLIP_DURATION and car_speed > 800:
                    self.action = HalfFlip(car, self.waste_boost and time_left > 3)
                    self.driving = False

        self.controls = self.action.controls

        # make sure we're not boosting airborne
        if self.driving and not car.on_ground:
            self.controls.boost = False

        # make sure we're not stuck turtling
        if not car.on_ground:
            self.controls.throttle = 1

        # a dodge/wavedash/halfflip has finished
        if self.action.finished and not self.driving:
            self.driving = True
            self._time_on_ground = 0
            self.action = self.drive
            self.drive.backwards = False

        if ground_distance(car, target) < self.finish_distance and self.driving:
            self.finished = True
예제 #3
    def step(self, dt):
        time_left = self.aerial.arrival_time - self.car.time

        if self.aerialing:
            to_ball = direction(self.car, self.info.ball)

            # freestyling
            if self.car.position[2] > 200:
                # if time_left > 0.7:
                #     rotation = axis_to_rotation(self.car.forward() * 0.5)
                #     self.aerial.up = dot(rotation, self.car.up())
                # else:
                self.aerial.up = vec3(0, 0, -1) + xy(to_ball)

            self.aerial.target_orientation = look_at(to_ball,
                                                     vec3(0, 0, -3) + to_ball)

            self.controls = self.aerial.controls
            self.finished = self.aerial.finished and time_left < -0.3


            # simulate aerial from current state
            simulated_car = self.simulate_flight(self.car, self.aerial,

            speed_towards_target = dot(
                ground_direction(self.car, self.aerial.target_position))
            speed_needed = ground_distance(
                self.car, self.aerial.target_position) / time_left

            # too fast, slow down
            if speed_towards_target > speed_needed and angle_to(
                    self.car, self.aerial.target_position) < 0.1:
                self.controls.throttle = -1

            # if it ended up near the target, we could take off
            elif distance(
                    self.aerial.target_position) < self.MAX_DISTANCE_ERROR:
                if angle_to(self.car,
                            self.aerial.target_position) < 0.1 or norm(
                                self.car.velocity) < 1000:

                    if self.DELAY_TAKEOFF and ground_distance(
                            self.car, self.aerial.target_position) > 1000:
                        # extrapolate current state a small amount of time
                        future_car = Car(self.car)
                        time = 0.5
                        future_car.time += time
                        displacement = future_car.velocity * time if norm(future_car.velocity) > 500\
                            else normalize(future_car.velocity) * 500 * time
                        future_car.position += displacement

                        # simulate aerial fot the extrapolated car again
                        future_simulated_car = self.simulate_flight(
                            future_car, self.aerial)

                        # if the aerial is also successful, that means we should continue driving instead of taking off
                        # this makes sure that we go for the most late possible aerials, which are the most effective
                        if distance(future_simulated_car, self.aerial.
                                    target_position) > self.MAX_DISTANCE_ERROR:
                            self.aerialing = True
                            self.too_early = True
                        self.aerialing = True

                # self.controls.boost = True
                self.controls.throttle = 1
예제 #4
    def step(self, dt):
        target = self.target
        car = self.car

        if self.target_direction is not None:
            car_speed = norm(car.velocity)
            target_direction = normalize(self.target_direction)

            # in order to arrive in a direction, we need to shift the target in the opposite direction
            # the magnitude of the shift is based on how far are we from the target
            shift = clamp(
                ground_distance(car.position, target) * self.lerp_t, 0,
                clamp(car_speed, 1500, 2300) * 1.6)

            # if we're too close to the target, aim for the actual target so we don't miss it
            if shift - self.additional_shift * 0.5 < Drive.turn_radius(
                    clamp(car_speed, 500, 2300)) * 1.1:
                shift = 0
                shift += self.additional_shift

            shifted_target = target - target_direction * shift

            time_shift = ground_distance(shifted_target, target) / clamp(
                car_speed, 500, 2300) * 1.2
            shifted_arrival_time = self.arrival_time - time_shift

            shifted_target = target
            shifted_arrival_time = self.arrival_time

        self.drive.target_pos = shifted_target
        self.travel.target = shifted_target

        dist_to_target = ground_distance(car.position, shifted_target)
        time_left = nonzero(shifted_arrival_time - car.time)
        target_speed = clamp(dist_to_target / time_left, 0, 2300)

        if target_speed < 800 and dist_to_target > 1000 and angle_to(
                self.car, shifted_target) < 0.1:
            target_speed = 0

        # if self.asap:
        #     target_speed += 50

        self.drive.target_speed = target_speed
        self.drive.backwards = self.backwards

        # dodges and wavedashes can mess up correctly arriving, so we use them only if we really need them
        if ((self.allow_dodges_and_wavedashes
             and norm(car.velocity) < target_speed - 600 and car.boost < 20
             and not self.backwards)
                or not self.travel.driving  # a dodge/wavedash is in progress
            self.action = self.travel
            self.action = self.drive

        self.controls = self.action.controls

        self.finished = self.car.time >= self.arrival_time