예제 #1
 def __call__(self, features):
     raw_init_std = np.log(np.exp(self._init_std) - 1)
     x = features
     for index in range(self._layers):
         x = self.get(f'h{index}', tfkl.Dense, self._units, self._act)(x)
     if self._dist == 'tanh_normal':
         # https://www.desmos.com/calculator/rcmcf5jwe7
         x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, 2 * self._size)(x)
         mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, -1)
         mean = self._mean_scale * tf.tanh(mean / self._mean_scale)
         std = tf.nn.softplus(std + raw_init_std) + self._min_std
         dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std)
         dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution(dist, tools.TanhBijector())
         dist = tfd.Independent(dist, 1)
         dist = tools.SampleDist(dist)
     elif self._dist == 'onehot':
         x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, self._size)(x)
         dist = tools.OneHotDist(x)
     elif self._dist == 'gumbel':
         x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, self._size)(x)
         dist = tfd.RelaxedOneHotCategorical(temperature=1e-1, logits=x)
         dist = tools.SampleDist(dist)
         raise NotImplementedError
     return dist
예제 #2
 def actor(self, feat):
   shape = feat.shape[:-1] + [self._config.num_actions]
   if self._config.actor_dist == 'onehot':
     return tools.OneHotDist(tf.zeros(shape))
     ones = tf.ones(shape, self._float)
     return tfd.Uniform(-ones, ones)
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, env, model_maker, config, training=True):
        self.env = env

        # self.act_space = self.env.action_space

        self._c = config
        self._precision = config.precision
        self._float = prec.global_policy().compute_dtype

        # self.ob, _, _, _ = self.env.step(
        #     self.env._env.action_space.sample()
        # )  # whether it is discrete or not, 0 is proper
        self.ob = self.env.reset()
        self.state = None
        acts = self.env.action_space
        self.random_actor = tools.OneHotDist(tf.zeros_like(acts.low)[None])

        self._c.num_actions = acts.n if hasattr(acts, "n") else acts.shape[0]
        print("self._c.num_actions:", self._c.num_actions)
        # self.batch_size = 16
        self.batch_size = self._c.batch_size
        self.batch_length = (
        )  # when it is not model-based learning, consider it controling the replay buffer
        self.TD_size = 1  # no TD
        self.play_records = []

        self.advantage = True

        self.total_step = 1
        self.save_play_img = False
        self.RGB_array_list = []
        self.episode_reward = 0
        self.episode_step = 0  # to avoid devide by zero
        self.datadir = self._c.logdir / "episodes"

        self._writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer("./tf_log",

        if training:

        with tf.device("cpu:1"):
            self._step = tf.Variable(count_steps(self.datadir), dtype=tf.int64)

        self._c.actor_entropy = lambda x=self._c.actor_entropy: tools.schedule(
            x, self._step)
        self._c.actor_state_entropy = (lambda x=self._c.actor_state_entropy:
                                       tools.schedule(x, self._step))
        self._c.imag_gradient_mix = lambda x=self._c.imag_gradient_mix: tools.schedule(
            x, self._step)
        self.model = model_maker(self.env, training, self._step, self._writer,
예제 #4
 def _exploration(self, action, training):
     amount = self._config.expl_amount if training else self._config.eval_noise
     if amount == 0:
         return action
     amount = tf.cast(amount, self._float)
     if 'onehot' in self._config.actor_dist:
         probs = amount / self._config.num_actions + (1 - amount) * action
         return tools.OneHotDist(probs=probs).sample()
         return tf.clip_by_value(tfd.Normal(action, amount).sample(), -1, 1)
     raise NotImplementedError(self._config.action_noise)
예제 #5
 def get_dist(self, state, dtype=None):
     if self._discrete:
         logit = state['logit']
         logit = tf.cast(logit, tf.float32)
         dist = tfd.Independent(tools.OneHotDist(logit), 1)
         if dtype != tf.float32:
             dist = tools.DtypeDist(dist, dtype or state['logit'].dtype)
         mean, std = state['mean'], state['std']
         if dtype:
             mean = tf.cast(mean, dtype)
             std = tf.cast(std, dtype)
         dist = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(mean, std)
     return dist
예제 #6
 def __call__(self, features):
     raw_init_std = np.log(np.exp(self._init_std) - 1)
     x = features
     for index in range(self._layers_num):
         x = self.get(f"h{index}", tf.keras.layers.Dense, self._units,
     if self._dist == "tanh_normal":
         # https://www.desmos.com/calculator/rcmcf5jwe7
         x = self.get(f"hout", tf.keras.layers.Dense, 2 * self._size)(x)
         mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, -1)
         mean = self._mean_scale * tf.tanh(mean / self._mean_scale)
         std = tf.nn.softplus(std + raw_init_std) + self._min_std
         dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std)
         dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution(dist, tools.TanhBijector())
         dist = tfd.Independent(dist, 1)
         dist = tools.SampleDist(dist)
     elif self._dist == "onehot":
         x = self.get(f"hout", tf.keras.layers.Dense, self._size)(x)
         dist = tools.OneHotDist(x)
         raise NotImplementedError(dist)
     return dist
예제 #7
def main(config):
    logdir = pathlib.Path(config.logdir).expanduser()
    config.traindir = config.traindir or logdir / 'train_eps'
    config.evaldir = config.evaldir or logdir / 'eval_eps'
    config.steps //= config.action_repeat
    config.eval_every //= config.action_repeat
    config.log_every //= config.action_repeat
    config.time_limit //= config.action_repeat
    config.act = getattr(tf.nn, config.act)

    if config.debug:
    if config.gpu_growth:
        message = 'No GPU found. To actually train on CPU remove this assert.'
        assert tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU'), message
        for gpu in tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU'):
            tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True)
    assert config.precision in (16, 32), config.precision
    if config.precision == 16:
    print('Logdir', logdir)
    logdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    config.traindir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    config.evaldir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    step = count_steps(config.traindir)
    logger = tools.Logger(logdir, config.action_repeat * step)

    print('Create envs.')
    if config.offline_traindir:
        directory = config.offline_traindir.format(**vars(config))
        directory = config.traindir
    train_eps = tools.load_episodes(directory, limit=config.dataset_size)
    if config.offline_evaldir:
        directory = config.offline_evaldir.format(**vars(config))
        directory = config.evaldir
    eval_eps = tools.load_episodes(directory, limit=1)
    make = lambda mode: make_env(config, logger, mode, train_eps, eval_eps)
    train_envs = [make('train') for _ in range(config.envs)]
    eval_envs = [make('eval') for _ in range(config.envs)]
    acts = train_envs[0].action_space
    config.num_actions = acts.n if hasattr(acts, 'n') else acts.shape[0]

    prefill = max(0, config.prefill - count_steps(config.traindir))
    print(f'Prefill dataset ({prefill} steps).')
    if hasattr(acts, 'discrete'):
        random_actor = tools.OneHotDist(tf.zeros_like(acts.low)[None])
        random_actor = tfd.Independent(
            tfd.Uniform(acts.low[None], acts.high[None]), 1)

    def random_agent(o, d, s):
        action = random_actor.sample()
        logprob = random_actor.log_prob(action)
        return {'action': action, 'logprob': logprob}, None

    tools.simulate(random_agent, train_envs, prefill)
    tools.simulate(random_agent, eval_envs, episodes=1)
    logger.step = config.action_repeat * count_steps(config.traindir)

    print('Simulate agent.')
    train_dataset = make_dataset(train_eps, config)
    eval_dataset = iter(make_dataset(eval_eps, config))
    agent = Dreamer(config, logger, train_dataset)
    if (logdir / 'variables.pkl').exists():
        agent.load(logdir / 'variables.pkl')
        agent._should_pretrain._once = False

    state = None
    while agent._step.numpy().item() < config.steps:
        print('Start evaluation.')
        video_pred = agent._wm.video_pred(next(eval_dataset))
        logger.video('eval_openl', video_pred)
        eval_policy = functools.partial(agent, training=False)
        tools.simulate(eval_policy, eval_envs, episodes=1)
        print('Start training.')
        state = tools.simulate(agent,
        agent.save(logdir / 'variables.pkl')
    for env in train_envs + eval_envs:
        except Exception:
예제 #8
 def __call__(self, features, dtype=None):
     x = features
     for index in range(self._layers):
         kw = {}
         if index == self._layers - 1 and self._outscale:
             kw['kernel_initializer'] = tf.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling(
         x = self.get(f'h{index}', tfkl.Dense, self._units, self._act,
     if self._dist == 'tanh_normal':
         # https://www.desmos.com/calculator/rcmcf5jwe7
         x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, 2 * self._size)(x)
         if dtype:
             x = tf.cast(x, dtype)
         mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, -1)
         mean = tf.tanh(mean)
         std = tf.nn.softplus(std + self._init_std) + self._min_std
         dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std)
         dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution(dist, tools.TanhBijector())
         dist = tfd.Independent(dist, 1)
         dist = tools.SampleDist(dist)
     elif self._dist == 'tanh_normal_5':
         x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, 2 * self._size)(x)
         if dtype:
             x = tf.cast(x, dtype)
         mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, -1)
         mean = 5 * tf.tanh(mean / 5)
         std = tf.nn.softplus(std + 5) + 5
         dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std)
         dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution(dist, tools.TanhBijector())
         dist = tfd.Independent(dist, 1)
         dist = tools.SampleDist(dist)
     elif self._dist == 'normal':
         x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, 2 * self._size)(x)
         if dtype:
             x = tf.cast(x, dtype)
         mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, -1)
         std = tf.nn.softplus(std + self._init_std) + self._min_std
         dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std)
         dist = tfd.Independent(dist, 1)
     elif self._dist == 'normal_1':
         mean = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, self._size)(x)
         if dtype:
             mean = tf.cast(mean, dtype)
         dist = tfd.Normal(mean, 1)
         dist = tfd.Independent(dist, 1)
     elif self._dist == 'trunc_normal':
         # https://www.desmos.com/calculator/mmuvuhnyxo
         x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, 2 * self._size)(x)
         x = tf.cast(x, tf.float32)
         mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, -1)
         mean = tf.tanh(mean)
         std = 2 * tf.nn.sigmoid(std / 2) + self._min_std
         dist = tools.SafeTruncatedNormal(mean, std, -1, 1)
         dist = tools.DtypeDist(dist, dtype)
         dist = tfd.Independent(dist, 1)
     elif self._dist == 'onehot':
         x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, self._size)(x)
         x = tf.cast(x, tf.float32)
         dist = tools.OneHotDist(x, dtype=dtype)
         dist = tools.DtypeDist(dist, dtype)
     elif self._dist == 'onehot_gumble':
         x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, self._size)(x)
         if dtype:
             x = tf.cast(x, dtype)
         temp = self._temp
         dist = tools.GumbleDist(temp, x, dtype=dtype)
         raise NotImplementedError(self._dist)
     return dist
예제 #9
def random_policy(agent_state):
    action_dist = tools.OneHotDist(1.0*(torch.tensor([0,0,0,0,0,0])).cuda()[None])
    action = action_dist.sample()
    return action.detach()[0].cpu().numpy()