예제 #1
def cost_elem_(y, y_hat):
    if len(y_hat.shape) == 1:
        y_hat = add_intercept(y_hat)
    if len(y.shape) == 1:
        y = add_intercept(y)
    m = y.shape[0]
    return (1 / (2 * m)) * np.sum((y_hat - y)**2, axis=1)
예제 #2
def test():
    # Example 1:
    x = np.arange(1, 6)
    assert (add_intercept(x) == np.array([[1., 1.], [1., 2.], [1., 3.],
                                          [1., 4.], [1., 5.]])).all()

    # Example 2:
    y = np.arange(1, 10).reshape((3, 3))
    assert (add_intercept(y) == np.array([[1., 1., 2., 3.], [1., 4., 5., 6.],
                                          [1., 7., 8., 9.]])).all()
예제 #3
def gradient(x, y, theta):
    """Computes a gradient vector from three non-empty numpy.ndarray, without any for-loop. The
    ,→ three arrays must have compatible dimensions.
    x: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
    y: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
    theta: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a 2 * 1 vector.
    The gradient as a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension 2 * 1.
    None if x, y, or theta are empty numpy.ndarray.
    None if x, y and theta do not have compatible dimensions.
    This function should not raise any Exception.
    # try:
    x_bias = add_intercept(x)
    y_pred = np.dot(x_bias, theta)
    y_pred = y_pred.reshape(len(y), 1)
    y = y.reshape(len(y), 1)
    error = y_pred - y
    # print(y_pred)
    # print(y)
    # print(error)
    error_columns = error.reshape(len(y), 1)
    error_dot_x = np.dot(error_columns.T, x_bias)
    grad = 1 / len(x) * error_dot_x
    return grad.reshape(len(theta), )
예제 #4
def fit_(x, y, theta, alpha, n_cycles):
		Fits the model to the training dataset contained in x and y.
		x: has to be a numpy.ndarray, a matrix of dimension m * n: (number of training
			examples, number of features).
		y: has to be a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1: (number of training
			examples, 1).
		theta: has to be a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension (n + 1) * 1: (number of
			features + 1, 1).
		alpha: has to be a float, the learning rate
		n_cycles: has to be an int, the number of iterations done during the gradient
		new_theta: numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension (number of features + 1, 1).
		None if there is a matching dimension problem.
		This function should not raise any Exception.
    theta = theta.reshape((-1, 1))
    x_ = add_intercept(x)
    m = x_.shape[0]
    for i in range(n_cycles):
        theta -= alpha / m * (x_.T @ (x_ @ theta - y))
    return theta
예제 #5
def vec_gradient(x, y, theta):
	"""Computes a gradient vector from three non-empty numpy.ndarray, without any for-loop.
	,→ The three arrays must have the compatible dimensions.
	x: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a matrice of dimension (m, n).
	y: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension (m, 1).
	theta: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension (n, 1).
	The gradient as a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimensions (n, 1), containg the result of
	,→ the formula for all j.
	None if x, y, or theta are empty numpy.ndarray.
	None if x, y and theta do not have compatible dimensions.
	This function should not raise any Exception.

	x_ = add_intercept(x)
	m = x_.shape[0]
	n = x_.shape[1]

	if y.shape[0] != x.shape[0] or theta.shape[0] != x.shape[1] + 1:
		print("X shape: ", x.shape)
		print("Y shape: ", y.shape)
		print("T shape: ", theta.shape)
		return None

	elem = np.matmul(x_, theta) - y
	answer = np.matmul(x.T, elem) / m

	return answer
def vec_reg_linear_grad(y, x, theta, lambda_):
    """Computes the regularized linear gradient of three non-empty numpy.ndarray, without any
	,→ for-loop. The three arrays must have compatible dimensions.
	y: has to be a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
	x: has to be a numpy.ndarray, a matrix of dimesion m * n.
	theta: has to be a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension n * 1.
	lambda_: has to be a float.
	A numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension n * 1, containing the results of the formula for all
	,→ j.
	None if y, x, or theta are empty numpy.ndarray.
	None if y, x or theta does not share compatibles dimensions.
	This function should not raise any Exception.
    if x.size == 0 or y.size == 0 or theta.size == 0 or x.shape[0] != y.shape[
            0] or x is None or y is None:
        return None
    y_hat = predict_(x, theta)
    theta2 = np.copy(theta)
    theta2[0] = 0
    gr_vec = (np.matmul(np.transpose(add_intercept(x)),
                        (y_hat - y)) + (lambda_ * theta2)) / y.shape[0]
    return gr_vec
예제 #7
파일: prediction.py 프로젝트: ewcross/42ML
def predict_(x, theta):
    """computes the vector of prediction y_hat
    from two non-empty numpy.ndarray using h(x) = th0 + th1(x),
    returning a 1d vector containing all y_hat values"""

    #adds column of 1s to right side of x value vector
    x = add_intercept(x)
    #number of theta values must match number of features (n in xn)
    if theta.shape != (x.shape[1], ):
        return None
    return np.dot(x, theta)
def predict_(x, theta):
    """Computes the vector of prediction y_hat from two non-empty numpy.ndarray. Args:
    x: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
    theta: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension 2 * 1.
    y_hat as a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
    None if x or theta are empty numpy.ndarray.
    None if x or theta dimensions are not appropriate.
    This function should not raise any Exceptions.
    if len(x) < 1 or theta.shape != (2, ):
        return None
    return np.sum(add_intercept(x) * theta, axis=1)
예제 #9
def logistic_predict(x, theta):
	"""Computes the vector of prediction y_hat from two non-empty numpy.ndarray.
	x: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * n.
	theta: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension (n + 1) * 1.
	y_hat as a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
	None if x or theta are empty numpy.ndarray.
	None if x or theta dimensions are not appropriate.
	This function should not raise any Exception.
	if len(x) < 1 or len(theta) < 1 or x is None or theta is None:
		return None
	return sigmoid_(np.matmul(add_intercept(x), theta))
예제 #10
def predict_(x, theta):
    """Computes the vector of prediction y_hat from two non-empty numpy.ndarray.
    x: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
    theta: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension 2 * 1.
    y_hat as a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
    None if x or theta are empty numpy.ndarray.
    None if x or theta dimensions are not appropriate.
    This function should not raise any Exception.
        return np.dot(add_intercept(x), theta)
        return np.nan
예제 #11
def predict_(x, theta):
    """Computes the prediction vector y_hat from two non-empty numpy.ndarray.
	x: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimensions m * 1.
	theta: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension 2 * 1.
	y_hat as a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
	None if x or theta are empty numpy.ndarray.
	None if x or theta dimensions are not appropriate.
	This function should not raise any Exception.
    if len(x) == 0:
        return None
    x = add_intercept(x)
    if len(theta) != x.shape[1]:
        return None
    return x.dot(theta)
예제 #12
def gradient(x, y, theta):
    """Computes a gradient vector from three non-empty numpy.ndarray, without any for-loop.
	,→ The three arrays must have compatible dimensions.
	x: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
	y: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
	theta: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a 2 * 1 vector.
	The gradient as a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension 2 * 1.
	None if x, y, or theta are empty numpy.ndarray.
	None if x, y and theta do not have compatible dimensions.
	This function should not raise any Exception.
    x_ = add_intercept(x)
    m = x_.shape[0]
    # j = (1/m) * (x_.T.dot(x_.dot(theta) - y))
    j = (1 / m) * (x_.T @ (x_ @ theta - y))
    # j = ((predict_(x, theta) - y).dot(add_intercept(x))) / m
    return j
예제 #13
def predict_(x, theta):
    """Computes the vector of prediction y_hat from two non-empty np.ndarray.
    x: has to be an np.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
    theta: has to be an np.ndarray, a vector of dimension 2 * 1.
    y_hat as a np.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
    None if x or theta are empty np.ndarray.
    None if x or theta dimensions are not appropriate.
    This function should not raise any Exceptions.
    if (not isinstance(x, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(theta, np.ndarray)
       or len(x) == 0):
        return None
        x = add_intercept(x)
        # print(x)
        # print(theta)
        return x.dot(theta)
def vec_gradient(x, y, theta):
	"""Computes a gradient vector from three non-empty numpy.ndarray, without any for-loop. The
	􏰀→ three arrays must have the compatible dimensions.
	x: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a matrix of dimension m * n.
	y: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
	theta: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector (n +1) * 1.
	The gradient as a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimensions n * 1, containg the result of the
	􏰀→ formula for all j.
	None if x, y, or theta are empty numpy.ndarray.
	None if x, y and theta do not have compatible dimensions.
	This function should not raise any Exception.
	if len(x) < 1 or len(y) < 1 or len(theta) < 1 or x is None or y is None or theta is None or x.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
		return None
	y_hat = predict_(x, theta)
	gr_vec = (np.matmul(add_intercept(x).transpose(), (y_hat - y))) / y.shape[0]
	return gr_vec
예제 #15
def gradient(x, y, theta):
    """Computes a gradient vector from three non-empty numpy.ndarray, without any for loop. The
	,→ three arrays must have compatible dimensions.
	x: has to be a numpy.ndarray, a matrix of dimension m * 1.
	y: has to be a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
	theta: has to be a numpy.ndarray, a 2 * 1 vector.
	The gradient as a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension 2 * 1.
	None if x, y, or theta is an empty numpy.ndarray.
	None if x, y and theta do not have compatible dimensions.
	This function should not raise any Exception.
    if len(x) < 1 or len(y) < 1 or len(
            theta) < 1 or x.shape != y.shape or theta.shape[
                0] < 1 or x is None or y is None:
        return None
    y_hat = predict_(x, theta)
    gr_vec = (np.matmul(np.transpose(add_intercept(x)),
                        (y_hat - y))) / y.shape[0]
    return gr_vec
예제 #16
def predict_(x, theta):
    """Computes the vector of prediction y_hat from two non-empty numpy.ndarray.
	x: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
	theta: has to be an numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension 2 * 1.
	y_hat as a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension m * 1.
	None if x or theta are empty numpy.ndarray.
	None if x or theta dimensions are not appropriate.
	This function should not raise any Exceptions.
    if len(x) == 0:
        return None

    x = add_intercept(x)
    # print("X: ", x)
    # print("Th: ", theta)
    if len(theta) != x.shape[1]:
        return None

    # print("No sum: ", np.array([(i * theta.T) for i in x]))
    return np.array([(i * theta.T).sum() for i in x])
def gradient(x, y, theta):
  m = x.shape[0]
  Xpr = add_intercept(x)
  Xt = np.transpose(Xpr)
  y_hat = predict_(x, theta)
  return (1/m) * np.dot(Xt, (y_hat - y))
예제 #18

import numpy as np
from tools import add_intercept

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(repr(add_intercept(np.arange(1, 6))))
    print(repr(add_intercept(np.arange(1, 10).reshape(3, 3))))
예제 #19
def predict_(x, theta):
    theta = np.reshape(theta, (theta.shape[0], ))
    return np.sum(add_intercept(x) * theta, axis=1)
예제 #20
import numpy as np
from tools import add_intercept

print("Example 1 :")

x = np.arange(1, 6)

print("Example 2 :")
y = np.arange(1, 10).reshape((3, 3))
예제 #21
    if (0 in [len(x), len(y), len(theta)] or y.shape[1] != theta.shape[1]
            or x.shape[0] != y.shape[0] or x.shape[1] != theta.shape[0]):
        return None
    res = (x.T / len(y)).dot(x.dot(theta) - y)
    return res

if __name__ == "__main__":
    X = np.array([[-6, -7, -9], [13, -2, 14], [-7, 14, -1], [-8, -4, 6],
                  [-5, -9, 6], [1, -5, 11], [9, -11, 8]])
    Y = np.array([2, 14, -13, 5, 12, 4, -19])
    Y = Y.reshape(len(Y), 1)

    theta = np.array([3, 0.5, -6])
    theta = theta.reshape(len(theta), 1)

    print(vec_gradient(X, Y, theta))
    # array([ -37.35714286, 183.14285714, -393.])

    theta = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    theta = theta.reshape(len(theta), 1)

    print(vec_gradient(X, Y, theta))
    # array([  0.85714286, 23.28571429, -26.42857143])

    theta1 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
    theta1 = theta1.reshape(len(theta1), 1)

    print(vec_gradient(X, add_intercept(X).dot(theta1), theta))
    # array([0., 0., 0.])
예제 #22
def predict_(x, theta):
    return np.sum(add_intercept(x) * theta, axis=1)
def gradient(x, y, theta):
    m = x.shape[0]
    Xpr = add_intercept(x)
    Xt = np.transpose(Xpr)
    return theta - (1 / m) * np.dot(Xt, (np.dot(Xpr, theta) - y))
예제 #24
def predict_(x, theta):
    theta = theta.reshape((1, -1))
    x = add_intercept(x)
    y = x * theta
    return y.sum(axis=1)
예제 #25
def predict_(x, theta):
    x = add_intercept(x)
    y = x * theta
    return y.sum(axis=1)
예제 #26
def predict_(x, theta):
    return (add_intercept(x).dot(theta))
예제 #27
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from tools import add_intercept
import numpy as np

# Example 1:
x = np.arange(1, 6)
x2 = add_intercept(x)
assert np.array_equal(x2, [[1., 1.], [1., 2.], [1., 3.], [1., 4.], [1., 5.]])

# Example 2:
y = np.arange(1, 10).reshape((3, 3))
y2 = add_intercept(y)
assert np.array_equal(y2,
                      [[1., 1., 2., 3.], [1., 4., 5., 6.], [1., 7., 8., 9.]])
예제 #28
def predict_(x, theta):
  return np.sum(np.dot(add_intercept(x), theta), axis=1)