예제 #1
    def crawl(self):
        _pageSource = self.navigation()
        # read desired values
        self.Volume = self.extractUlLi(_pageSource, "Volume")

        yearRange = self.extractUlLi(_pageSource,
                                     "52Wk")  # Expected format Low-high
        if '-' in yearRange:
            self.YearHigh = tools.cast(yearRange.split('-')[1].strip(), float)
            self.YearLow = tools.cast(yearRange.split('-')[0].strip(), float)

        PE_EPS = self.extractUlLi(_pageSource,
                                  "P/E")  # expected format P/E (EPS)
        if '(' in PE_EPS:
            self.PE = tools.cast(PE_EPS.split('(')[0].strip(), float)
            self.EPS = tools.cast(
                PE_EPS.split('(')[1].replace(')', '').strip(), float)

        self.Price = self.readPrice(_pageSource)
예제 #2
    def readPagingLength(self, pageSource):
        # read the pagination section which is represented as a ul HTML element
        # with nav-page class name
        _soup = soup.Helper()
        _block = _soup.elemSelector("ul", {"class": "nav-page"}, pageSource)
        # expected format
        # <ul>
        # <li> <button value="page number">
        # ...
        # </ul>
        _max = 0
        _pageNum = 0
        # find the biggest paging number
        for _li in _block.find_all("li"):
            _btn = _li.find("button")
            if _btn is not None:
                _pageNum = tools.cast(_btn["value"], int, 0)
                if _pageNum > _max:
                    _max = _pageNum

        self.PAGINGLENGTH = _max
예제 #3
 def isMyFinancialReport(self, financialObj):
     # reported quarterly or yearly data belong to the last quarter or year
     _myDate = tools.cast(self.Date, datetime)
     if type(_myDate) != datetime:
         print("Date format is incorrect")
         return False
         # define paterns
     regex_quarter = r"(^\d{4}) ([Q][1-4]$)"  # Year Q[1-4]
     if re.search(regex_quarter, financialObj.Period):
         # check if the financial report is maximum 3 month older than the price date
         _year = financialObj.Period[:4]
         _quarter = financialObj.Period[4:].strip()
         if _quarter.lower() == "q1":
             return str(_myDate.year) == _year and _myDate.month - 3 <= 6
         elif _quarter.lower() == "q2":
             return str(_myDate.year) == _year and _myDate.month - 6 <= 6
         elif _quarter.lower() == "q3":
             return str(_myDate.year -
                        1) == _year and _myDate.month - 9 <= 6
         elif _quarter.lower() == "q4":
             return str(_myDate.year -
                        1) == _year and 12 - _myDate.month >= 6
     return False
예제 #4
 def readPrice(self, pageSource):
     _soup = soup.Helper()
     _block = _soup.convertToSoup(pageSource)
     _priceElem = _block.find("span", {"class": "currentval"})
     return tools.cast(_priceElem.text, float)
예제 #5
 def setPPEBV(self):
     self.PPEBV = round(
         tools.cast(self.PBV, float, 0) *
         tools.cast(self.PriceInfo.PE, float, 0))
예제 #6
 def setPBV(self):
     if self.BookValue == None:
     self.PBV = round((tools.cast(self.PriceInfo.Price, float, 0) /
                       tools.cast(self.BookValue, float, 1)), 2)