예제 #1
파일: lab2.py 프로젝트: charlesfu4/KTH
def forward(log_emlik, log_startprob, log_transmat):

    log_alpha = np.zeros_like(log_emlik)
    """Forward probabilities in log domain.

        log_emlik: NxM array of emission log likelihoods, N frames, M states
        log_startprob: log probability to start in state i
        log_transmat: log transition probability from state i to j

        forward_prob: NxM array of forward log probabilities for each of the M states in the model

    # First log alpha
    log_alpha[0] = log_startprob + log_emlik[0]

    for n in range(1, log_alpha.shape[0]):
        for j in range(0, log_alpha.shape[1]):
            log_emlik_j_n = log_emlik[n, j]
            log_alpha_prev = log_alpha[n - 1]
            log_transmat_j = log_transmat[:, j]
            log_alpha[n, j] = tools.logsumexp(log_alpha_prev +
                                              log_transmat_j) + log_emlik_j_n

    log_alpha_last = log_alpha[log_alpha.shape[0] - 1]
    sequence_likelihood = tools.logsumexp(log_alpha_last)

    return log_alpha, sequence_likelihood
예제 #2
파일: mogaussian.py 프로젝트: afcarl/isa
	def posterior(self, data):
		Calculate posterior over mixture components for each given data point.

		@type  data: array_like
		@param data: data points

		@type: ndarray
		@return: posterior over mixture components

		# make sure data has right shape
		data = asarray(data).reshape(1, -1)

		# reshape parameters
		priors = self.priors.reshape(-1, 1)
		means = self.means.reshape(-1, 1)
		scales = self.scales.reshape(-1, 1)

		data_centered = data - means

		# calculate posterior
		post = log(priors) - 0.5 * square(data_centered) / square(scales) - log(scales)
		post = exp(post - logsumexp(post, 0))

		return post
예제 #3
파일: gsm.py 프로젝트: afcarl/isa
    def train(self, data, max_iter=10, tol=1e-5):
		Fits the parameters to the given data.

		@type  data: array_like
		@param data: data stored in columns

		@type  max_iter: integer
		@param max_iter: the maximum number of EM iterations

		@type  tol: float
		@param tol: stop if performance improves less than this threshold

        value = -mean(self.loglikelihood(data)) \
         + self.gamma * (self.alpha + 1) * sum(log(self.scales)) \
         + self.gamma / 2. * sum(self.beta / square(self.scales))

        if Distribution.VERBOSITY > 2:
            print 0, value

        # compute squared norms of data points
        sqnorms = sum(square(data), 0).reshape(1, -1)

        for i in range(max_iter):
            scales = self.scales.reshape(-1, 1)

            # calculate posterior over scales (E)
            post = -0.5 * sqnorms / square(scales) - self.dim * log(scales)
            post = exp(post - logsumexp(post, 0))

                # adjust parameters (M)
                self.scales = sqrt((mean(post * sqnorms, 1) + self.gamma * self.beta) / \
                 (self.dim * mean(post, 1) + self.gamma * (self.alpha + 1)))

            except FloatingPointError:
                indices, = where(sum(post, 1) == 0.)

                if Distribution.VERBOSITY > 0:
                    print 'Degenerated scales {0}.'.format(

                # reset problematic scales
                self.scales[indices] = 0.75 + rand(len(indices)) / 2.
                value = self.evaluate(data)

            # check for convergence
            value_ = -mean(self.loglikelihood(data)) \
             + self.gamma * (self.alpha + 1.) * sum(log(self.scales)) \
             + self.gamma / 2. * sum(self.beta / square(self.scales))
            if value - value_ < tol:
            value = value_

            if Distribution.VERBOSITY > 2:
                print i + 1, value
예제 #4
파일: mixture.py 프로젝트: lucastheis/isa
	def loglikelihood(self, data):
		# allocate memory
		logjoint = shmarray.zeros([len(self), data.shape[1]])

		# compute joint density over components and data points
		def loglikelihood_(i):
			logjoint[i, :] = self[i].loglikelihood(data) + log(self.priors[i])
		mapp(loglikelihood_, range(len(self)))

		# marginalize
		return asarray(logsumexp(logjoint, 0)).flatten()
예제 #5
파일: mixture.py 프로젝트: afcarl/isa
    def loglikelihood(self, data):
        # allocate memory
        logjoint = shmarray.zeros([len(self), data.shape[1]])

        # compute joint density over components and data points
        def loglikelihood_(i):
            logjoint[i, :] = self[i].loglikelihood(data) + log(self.priors[i])

        mapp(loglikelihood_, range(len(self)))

        # marginalize
        return asarray(logsumexp(logjoint, 0)).flatten()
예제 #6
파일: gsm.py 프로젝트: afcarl/isa
    def energy_gradient(self, data):
        scales = self.scales.reshape(self.num_scales, 1)

        # compute posterior over scales
        sqnorms = sum(square(data), 0).reshape(1, -1)

        # slow, but stable
        post = -0.5 * sqnorms / square(scales) - self.dim * log(scales)
        post = exp(post - logsumexp(post, 0))

        # compute energy gradient
        return multiply(dot(1. / square(scales).T, post), data)
예제 #7
		def logdrcdf(norm):
			Logarithm of the derivative of the radial CDF.

			# allocate memory
			result = zeros([self.gsm.num_scales, len(norm)])

			for j in range(self.gsm.num_scales):
				result[j, :] = logdgrcdf(norm / self.gsm.scales[j], self.gsm.dim) - log(self.gsm.scales[j])
			result -= log(self.gsm.num_scales)

			return logsumexp(result, 0)
예제 #8
파일: lab2.py 프로젝트: charlesfu4/KTH
def viterbi(log_emlik, log_startprob, log_transmat):
    """Viterbi path.

        log_emlik: NxM array of emission log likelihoods, N frames, M states
        log_startprob: log probability to start in state i
        log_transmat: transition log probability from state i to j

        viterbi_loglik: log likelihood of the best path
        viterbi_path: best path
    log_viterbi = np.zeros_like(log_emlik)
    best_path = np.zeros_like(log_emlik)

    log_viterbi[0] = log_startprob + log_emlik[0]

    for n in range(1, log_viterbi.shape[0]):
        for j in range(0, log_viterbi.shape[1]):

            log_emlik_j_n = log_emlik[n, j]
            log_viterbi_prev = log_viterbi[n - 1]
            log_transmat_j = log_transmat[:, j]

            # Viterbi approximation
            s = log_viterbi_prev + log_transmat_j
            log_viterbi[n, j] = np.max(s) + log_emlik_j_n

            # Best path
            best_path[n, j] = np.argmax(s)

    log_viterbi_last = log_viterbi[log_viterbi.shape[0] - 1]
    log_lik = tools.logsumexp(log_viterbi_last)

    ## Check this code, result is wrong
    best_path = np.delete(best_path, 0, 0)

    s_star = np.zeros(best_path.shape[0])
    for i in range(0, best_path.shape[0]):
        s_star[i] = np.argmax(best_path[i])

    # Backtracking
    best = np.zeros(best_path.shape[0])

    for i in range(best_path.shape[0] - 1, 0, -1):
        index = int(s_star[i])
        best[i] = best_path[i, index]

    return log_lik
예제 #9
파일: mogaussian.py 프로젝트: afcarl/isa
	def energy(self, data):
		# make sure data has right shape
		data = asarray(data).reshape(1, -1)

		# reshape parameters
		priors = self.priors.reshape(-1, 1)
		means = self.means.reshape(-1, 1)
		scales = self.scales.reshape(-1, 1)

		# joint density of indices and data
		joint = log(priors) - 0.5 * square(data - means) / square(scales) \
			- log(scales)

		return -logsumexp(joint, 0).reshape(1, -1)
예제 #10
        def logdrcdf(norm):
			Logarithm of the derivative of the radial CDF.

            # allocate memory
            result = zeros([self.gsm.num_scales, len(norm)])

            for j in range(self.gsm.num_scales):
                result[j, :] = logdgrcdf(norm / self.gsm.scales[j],
                                         self.gsm.dim) - log(
            result -= log(self.gsm.num_scales)

            return logsumexp(result, 0)
예제 #11
파일: mogaussian.py 프로젝트: afcarl/isa
	def energy_gradient(self, data):
		# make sure data has right shape
		data = asarray(data).reshape(1, -1)

		# reshape parameters
		priors = self.priors.reshape(-1, 1)
		means = self.means.reshape(-1, 1)
		scales = self.scales.reshape(-1, 1)

		data_centered = data - means

		# calculate posterior
		post = log(priors) - 0.5 * square(data_centered) / square(scales) - log(scales)
		post = exp(post - logsumexp(post, 0))

		return sum(multiply(data_centered / square(scales), post), 0).reshape(1, -1)
예제 #12
파일: lab2.py 프로젝트: charlesfu4/KTH
def gmmloglik(log_emlik, weights):
    """Log Likelihood for a GMM model based on Multivariate Normal Distribution.

        log_emlik: array like, shape (N, K).
            contains the log likelihoods for each of N observations and
            each of K distributions
        weights:   weight vector for the K components in the mixture

        gmmloglik: scalar, log likelihood of data given the GMM model.
    result = 0
    for i in range(0, log_emlik.shape[0]):
        obsloglik = log_emlik[i]
        log_weights = np.log(weights)
        logsumexp = tools.logsumexp(log_weights + obsloglik)
        result += logsumexp

    return result
예제 #13
파일: mixture.py 프로젝트: lucastheis/isa
	def logposterior(self, data):
		Computes the log-posterior distribution over components.

		@type  data: array_like
		@param data: data points stored in columns

		# allocate memory
		logpost = shmarray.zeros([len(self), data.shape[1]])

		# compute log-joint
		def logposterior_(i):
			logpost[i, :] = self[i].loglikelihood(data) + log(self.priors[i])
		mapp(logposterior_, range(len(self)))

		# normalize to get log-posterior
		logpost -= logsumexp(logpost, 0)

		return asarray(logpost)
예제 #14
파일: mixture.py 프로젝트: afcarl/isa
    def logposterior(self, data):
		Computes the log-posterior distribution over components.

		@type  data: array_like
		@param data: data points stored in columns

        # allocate memory
        logpost = shmarray.zeros([len(self), data.shape[1]])

        # compute log-joint
        def logposterior_(i):
            logpost[i, :] = self[i].loglikelihood(data) + log(self.priors[i])

        mapp(logposterior_, range(len(self)))

        # normalize to get log-posterior
        logpost -= logsumexp(logpost, 0)

        return asarray(logpost)
예제 #15
파일: mogaussian.py 프로젝트: afcarl/isa
	def train(self, data, max_iter=10, tol=1e-5):
		Fits the parameters to the given data.

		@type  data: array_like
		@param data: data stored in columns

		@type  max_iter: integer
		@param max_iter: the maximum number of EM iterations

		@type  tol: float
		@param tol: stop if performance improves less than this threshold

		value = self.evaluate(data)

		if Distribution.VERBOSITY > 2:
			print 0, value

		# make sure data has the right shape
		data = asarray(data).reshape(1, -1)

		for i in range(max_iter):
			# reshape parameters
			priors = self.priors.reshape(-1, 1)
			means = self.means.reshape(-1, 1)
			scales = self.scales.reshape(-1, 1)

			# calculate posterior (E)
			post = log(priors) - 0.5 * square(data - means) / square(scales) - log(scales)
			post = exp(post - logsumexp(post, 0))

				weights = post / sum(post, 1).reshape(-1, 1)

			except FloatingPointError:
				if Distribution.VERBOSITY > 0:
					print 'Mixture with zero posterior probability detected.'

				indices, = where(sum(post, 1) == 0.)

				# reset problematic components
				self.means[indices] = mean(data) + randn(len(indices)) / 100.
				self.scales[indices] = std(data) * (0.75 + rand(len(indices)) / 2.)
				value = self.evaluate(data)


			# update parameters (M)
			self.priors = sum(post, 1) / sum(post)
			self.means = sum(multiply(data, weights), 1)
			self.scales = sqrt(sum(multiply(square(data - self.means.reshape(-1, 1)), weights), 1))

			# check for convergence
			value_ = self.evaluate(data)
			if value - value_ < tol:
			value = value_

			if Distribution.VERBOSITY > 2:
				print i + 1, value