예제 #1
def decode_detections(detections, class_mapping):
    objs = filter_map(decode_detection, detections)

    boxes = pluck('box', objs)
    labels = list(map(lookup(class_mapping), pluck('label', objs)))

    return table(bbox=torch.FloatTensor(boxes)
                 if len(boxes) else torch.FloatTensor(0, 4),
                 confidence=torch.FloatTensor(pluck('confidence', objs)))
예제 #2
def extract_session(session, config):

    start = date.parse(session.time)
    detections = []
    actions = []

    detections = annotate.decode_detections(session.open.contents.instances, annotate.class_mapping(config)) \
        if session.open.tag == "new" else empty_detections

    def previous():
        return actions[-1] if len(actions) > 0 else None

    def previous_time():        
        return (actions[-1].time if len(actions) > 0 else 0)

    for (datestr, action) in session.history:
        t = date.parse(datestr)
        action = decode_action(action)

        prev = previous()
        if prev and action.action in ['transform', 'delete']:
            if prev.action == 'confirm' and prev.ids == action.ids:

        time = (t - start).total_seconds()    
        duration = time - previous_time()
        actions.append(action._extend(time = time, duration = min(30, duration), real_duration = duration))        

    duration = sum (pluck('duration', actions))
    end = actions[-1].time

    return struct(start = start, detections = detections, actions = actions, \
        duration = duration, real_duration = end,  type = session.open.tag, threshold=session.threshold)
예제 #3
def image_summaries(history):
    summaries = [image_summary(image) for image in history]

    durations = pluck('duration', summaries)
    cumulative_time = np.cumsum(durations)

    return [summary._extend(cumulative_time = t) for summary, t in zip(summaries, cumulative_time)]
예제 #4
def plot_cumulative_line_stacks(x, stacks, keys):
    total = torch.Tensor(len(stacks)).zero_()
    values = [np.cumsum(pluck(k, stacks, 0)) for k in keys]

    plt.stackplot(x, *values, labels=keys)
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
예제 #5
def annotation_summary(dataset):
    def count(image):

        annotations = image_annotations(image)
        n = len(annotations)

        categories = struct(
            test=n if image.category == 'test' else 0,
            validate=n if image.category == 'validate' else 0,
            train=n if image.category == 'train' else 0,
            new=n if image.category == 'new' else 0,
            discard=n if image.category == 'discard' else 0,

        def box_area(ann):
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = ann.box
            return (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)

        def box_length(ann):
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = ann.box
            return max(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)

        box_areas = list(map(box_area, annotations))
        box_lengths = list(map(box_length, annotations))

        return struct(n=n,

    infos = list(map(count, filter_categories(dataset)))
    sizes = pluck('image_size', infos)

    def image_area(size):
        return size[0] * size[1]

    totals = reduce(operator.add, infos)
    return struct(n_images=len(infos),
                  n=stats(pluck('n', infos)),
                                   key=image_area), max(sizes,
예제 #6
def decode_object_map(annotations, config):
    mapping = class_mapping(config)

    objs = {k: decode_obj(a) for k, a in annotations.items()}
    objs = [
        ann._extend(id=int(k)) for k, ann in objs.items() if ann is not None

    boxes = pluck('box', objs)
    labels = list(map(lookup(mapping), pluck('label', objs)))

    ids = pluck('id', objs)

    return table(bbox=torch.FloatTensor(boxes)
                 if len(boxes) else torch.FloatTensor(0, 4),
예제 #7
def plot_stacks(x, stacks, keys, width):
    total = torch.Tensor(len(stacks)).zero_()
    bars = []
    for k in keys:
        values = pluck(k, stacks, 0)
        p = plt.bar(x, values, width, bottom=total.tolist())
        total = total + torch.Tensor(values)
    plt.legend(bars, keys)
예제 #8
def image_summary(image):
    return struct (
        actions = image.actions,
        n_actions = len(image.actions), 
        duration = image.duration,
        real_duration = image.real_duration,
        instances = image.target._size,
        actions_count = count_struct(pluck('action', image.actions), action_types),
        correction_count = annotation_corrections(image)
예제 #9
def summarize_test(name, results, classes, epoch, log, thresholds=None):

    class_names = {c.id: c.name for c in classes}

    summary = compute_AP(results, classes, thresholds)
    total, class_aps = summary.total, summary.classes

    mAP_strs = 'mAP@30: {:.2f}, 50: {:.2f}, 75: {:.2f}'.format(
        total.mAP[30], total.mAP[50], total.mAP[75])

    train_stats = filter_none(pluck('train_stats', results))

    train_summary = summarize_train_stats(name, train_stats, classes, log) \
        if len(train_stats) > 0 else ''

    print(name + ' epoch: {} AP: {:.2f} mAP@[0.3-0.95]: [{}] {}'.format(
        epoch, total.AP * 100, mAP_strs, train_summary))

        struct(AP=total.AP * 100.0,
               mAP30=total.mAP[30] * 100.0,
               mAP50=total.mAP[50] * 100.0,
               mAP75=total.mAP[75] * 100.0))

    for k, ap in class_aps.items():
        if ap.class_counts is not None:
            log.scalars(name + "/counts/" + class_names[k], ap.class_counts)

        log.scalars(name + "/thresholds/" + class_names[k], ap.thresholds)

    aps = {class_names[k]: ap for k, ap in class_aps.items()}
    aps['total'] = total

    for k, ap in aps.items():
        log.pr_curve(name + "/pr50/" + k, ap.pr50)
        log.pr_curve(name + "/pr75/" + k, ap.pr75)

    if len(classes) > 1:
        log.scalars(name + "/mAP50",
                    {k: ap.mAP[50] * 100.0
                     for k, ap in aps.items()})
        log.scalars(name + "/mAP75",
                    {k: ap.mAP[75] * 100.0
                     for k, ap in aps.items()})

        log.scalars(name + "/AP", {k: ap.AP * 100.0 for k, ap in aps.items()})

    return total.AP, {k: ap.thresholds for k, ap in class_aps.items()}
예제 #10
def compute_AP(results, classes, conf_thresholds=None):

    class_ids = pluck('id', classes)
    iou_thresholds = list(range(30, 100, 5))

    compute_mAP = evaluate.mAP_classes(results, num_classes=len(class_ids))
    info = transpose_structs([compute_mAP(t / 100) for t in iou_thresholds])

    info.classes = transpose_lists(info.classes)
    assert len(info.classes) == len(class_ids)

    target_counts = count_target_classes(results, class_ids)

    def summariseAP(ap, class_id=None):
        prs = {t: pr for t, pr in zip(iou_thresholds, ap)}
        mAP = {t: pr.mAP for t, pr in prs.items()}

        class_counts = None

        if None not in [conf_thresholds, class_id]:
            class_counts = threshold_count(
                prs[50].confidence, conf_thresholds[class_id])._extend(

        return struct(mAP=mAP,
                      AP=mean([ap for k, ap in mAP.items() if k >= 50]),

    return struct(total=summariseAP(info.total),
                      id: summariseAP(ap, id)
                      for id, ap in zip(class_ids, info.classes)
예제 #11
def combine_simple(datasets):
    images = concat_lists(pluck('images', datasets.values()))
    d = next(iter(datasets.values()))

    config = d.config._extend(root="/home/oliver/storage/penguins_combined")
    return struct(config=config, images=images)
예제 #12
 def f(threshold, x_eval, sigma):
     weights = gaussian_weights(xs, x_eval, sigma)
     results = weighted_mAP(threshold, weights)
     return torch.Tensor(pluck('mAP', results))
예제 #13
def plot_noisy(run_path, figure_path):
    def read_run(offset, noise, dataset):
        logfile = path.join(log_path, run_path, str(noise), str(offset), dataset, 'log.json')
        return read_training(logfile)

    fig, ax = make_chart(size=(8, 8)) 
    datasets=['penguins', 'scott_base', 'seals', 'apples_lincoln', 'branches']

    markers = ['x', 'o', 's', '^', '*']

    color_map = plt.get_cmap('viridis')
    APs = {dataset:np.zeros((5, 5)) for dataset in datasets}
    AP30s = {dataset:np.zeros((5, 5)) for dataset in datasets}

    AP50s = {dataset:np.zeros((5, 5)) for dataset in datasets}
    AP75s = {dataset:np.zeros((5, 5)) for dataset in datasets}

    # dataset_charts = {k: }

    levels = [0, 4, 8, 16, 32]
    for i, offset in enumerate(levels):
        for j, noise in enumerate(levels):
            logs = {dataset:read_run(offset, noise, dataset) for dataset in datasets}

            for k, log in logs.items():
                APs[k][j, i] = log.best_AP.AP
                AP30s[k][j, i] = log.best_AP.mAP30
                AP50s[k][j, i] = log.best_AP.mAP50
                AP75s[k][j, i] = log.best_AP.mAP75

            AP = sum(pluck('AP', logs.values())) / len(logs)
            epoch = np.arange(0, 40) + 1

            ax.plot(epoch, AP, marker = markers[j], color=color_map(i / 4), linewidth=1, markersize=4)

    ax.set_xlim(xmin=0, xmax=40)
    ax.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=100)

    ax.set_xlabel("training epoch")
    ax.set_ylabel("validation $AP_{COCO}$")

    def noise_level(i):
        return Line2D([0], [0], color='k', marker = markers[i], label="$\sigma={}\%$".format(levels[i]))

    def offset_level(i):
        return Line2D([0], [0], color=color_map(i / 4), label="$\Delta={}\%$".format(levels[i]))

    legend = [noise_level(i) for i in range(0, 5)] + [offset_level(i) for i in range(0, 5)]
    ax.legend(handles=legend, ncol=2, fontsize='x-small', loc='upper left')


    def diffs(ap):
        baseline = ap[0][0]
        ap = -(1.0 - ap / baseline) * 100
        ap[0][0] = baseline
        return ap

    with open(path.join(figure_path, run_path + "_datasets.csv"), mode='w') as csv_file:
        degredation = {k:diffs(ap) for k, ap in APs.items()}

        for k, d in degredation.items():
            csv_file.write(k + ":\n")
            np.savetxt(csv_file, d, delimiter=',')

# & $\sigma=0\%$  & $\mathbf{72.8\pm16.4}$  & $-6.3\pm6.4\%$   & $-18.6\pm9.0\%$  & $-39.5\pm17.5\%$ & $-29.2\pm19.2\%$ \\

    def tex_table(k, mean, std):
        str = k + ": \n"

        for j, noise in enumerate(levels):
            str += "& $\sigma={}\%$".format(noise)
            for i, offset in enumerate(levels):
                str += " & "
                m, s = mean[j, i], std[j, i]

                if i == 0 and j == 0:
                    str += "$\mathbf{{ {:.1f}\\pm{:.1f} }}$".format(m, s)
                    str += "${:.1f}\\pm{:.1f}\\%$".format(m, s)
            str += " \\\\ \n"

        return str

    with open(path.join(figure_path, run_path + ".csv"), mode='w') as csv_file:
        with open(path.join(figure_path, run_path + ".tex"), mode='w') as tex_file:

            for k, aps in {'COCO':APs, '30':AP30s, '50':AP50s, '75':AP75s}.items():
                degredation = {k:diffs(ap) for k, ap in aps.items()}
                combined = np.stack(degredation.values(), axis=0)
                csv_file.write(k + ":\n")

                np.savetxt(csv_file, np.mean(combined, 0), delimiter=',')
                np.savetxt(csv_file, np.std(combined, 0),  delimiter=',')

                tex_file.write(tex_table(k, np.mean(combined, 0), np.std(combined, 0)))

    fig.savefig(path.join(figure_path, run_path + "_training.pdf"), bbox_inches='tight')