예제 #1
    def test_failingSystemCommand(self):
        # now we test a Model that can not run in R since one crucial parameter is missing
        C_0, t = symbols("C_0, t")
        C_S, C_B, varepsilon, t_start, t_end, tn = symbols(
        V_S, mu_B, K_S = symbols("V_S mu_B K_S")
        F_npp = symbols("F_npp")
        alphas = {"1_to_2": 1, "2_to_1": varepsilon}
        F = Matrix(2, 1, [mu_B * C_B, V_S * C_B * C_S / (K_S + C_S)])
        C = Matrix(2, 1, [C_B, C_S])
        I = Matrix(2, 1, [0, F_npp])

        M = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())

        dic = {
            F_npp: 0.01,
            V_S: 0.000018,
            mu_B: 0.007,
            K_S: 1.0,
            varepsilon: 0.5,
            # the following always have to be present
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [972, 304]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 2000,
            #tn:100 should cause an error
        with self.assertRaises(RcodeException):
예제 #2
    def test_linearUnstableWithoutInertPool(self):
        C_0, t = symbols("C_0, t")
        C1, C2 = symbols("C1,C2", real=True, nonnegative=True)
        a, b = symbols("a,b", real=True, positive=True)
        i1, i2 = symbols("i1,i2", real=True, positive=True)
        t_start, t_end, tn = symbols("t_start,t_end,tn")
        C = Matrix(2, 1, [C1, C2])
        F = Matrix([C1 * a + b * C2, C2 * a - b * C1])
        I = Matrix(2, 1, [i1, i2])
        alphas = {}
        M = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())

        dic = {
            a: 1,  #this leads to permanent oscillation without decay
            b: 5,
            i1: 1,
            i2: 1,
            # the following always have to be present
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [1, 1]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 10,
            tn: 100

        with self.assertRaises(RcodeException):
예제 #3
    def test_timeDependentNotConverging(self):
        # by creating a time dependent input we easily create a model that never converges
        # although it is very sensible and good natured
        C_0, t = symbols("C_0, t")
        C1, C2 = symbols("C1,C2", real=True, nonnegative=True)
        a, b = symbols("a,b", real=True, positive=True)
        i1, i2 = symbols("i1,i2", real=True, positive=True)
        t_start, t_end, tn = symbols("t_start,t_end,tn")
        C = Matrix(2, 1, [C1, C2])
        F = Matrix([C1 * a, C2 * a])
        I = Matrix(2, 1, [i1 * sin(t), i2 * sin(t)])
        alphas = {}
        M = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())

        dic = {
            a: 5,
            b: 1,
            i1: 1,
            i2: 1,
            # the following always have to be present
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [1, 1]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 100,
            tn: 1000

        with self.assertRaises(RcodeException):
예제 #4
    def test_oscillatingLinearModel_2(self):
        # we provoke a pair of complex conjugate eigenvalues with real part a and imagenary part b,-b respectively
        # by constructing an appropriate matrix with a on the diagonal and b,-b as off diagonal terms
        C_0, t = symbols("C_0, t")
        C1, C2 = symbols("C1,C2", real=True, nonnegative=True)
        a, b = symbols("a,b", real=True, positive=True)
        i1, i2 = symbols("i1,i2", real=True, positive=True)
        t_start, t_end, tn = symbols("t_start,t_end,tn")
        C = Matrix(2, 1, [C1, C2])
        F = Matrix([C1 * a, C2 * a])
        I = Matrix(2, 1, [i1, i2])
        alphas = {"1_to_2": b / a, "2_to_1": -b / a}
        M = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())

        dic = {
            a: 5,
            b: 1,
            i1: 1,
            i2: 1,
            # the following always have to be present
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [1, 1]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 10,
            tn: 100

        with self.assertRaises(NegativeRespiration):
예제 #5
    def test_negativeRespirationDetection(self):
        # now we test a Model that can not run in R since one crucial parameter is missing
        C_0, t = symbols("C_0, t")
        C_S, C_B, varepsilon, t_start, t_end, tn = symbols(
        V_S, mu_B, K_S = symbols("V_S mu_B K_S")
        F_npp = symbols("F_npp")
        alphas = {"1_to_2": 1, "2_to_1": varepsilon}
        F = Matrix(2, 1, [mu_B * C_B, V_S * C_B * C_S / (K_S + C_S)])
        C = Matrix(2, 1, [C_B, C_S])
        I = Matrix(2, 1, [0, F_npp])

        M = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())

        dic = {
            F_npp: 0.01,
            V_S: 0.000018,
            mu_B: 0.007,
            K_S: 1.0,
            # negative transfer should lead to a
            varepsilon: -0.5,
            # the following always have to be present
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [972, 304]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 2000,
            tn: 100
        with self.assertRaises(NegativeRespiration):
예제 #6
    def test_SW_RMM_S(self):
        C_0, t = symbols("C_0, t", real=True)
        t_start, t_end, tn = symbols("t_start,t_end,tn")
        S, D, M, E = symbols("S, D, M, E")
        C = Matrix(4, 1, [S, D, M, E])

        K_e = Symbol("K_e",
                     real=True)  # Fraction of DOC used for enzyme production.
        K_d = Symbol("K_d", real=True)  # Decay constant.
        K_t = Symbol(
            "K_t", real=True
        )  # proportion of microbial biomass that dies in each time interval.
        K_r = Symbol(
            "K_r", real=True
        )  # proportion of dead microbial biomass that is available for microbial use.
        K_m = Symbol("K_m", real=True)  # microbial maintenance rate.
        K_l = Symbol("K_l", real=True)  # decay constant for exoenzymes.
        K_es = Symbol(
            real=True)  # half saturation constant for enzymes on substrate.

        alphas = {
            "1_to_2": 1,
            "2_to_3": 1 - K_e,
            "2_to_4": K_e,
            "3_to_2": (K_t * K_r) / K_m

        I = Matrix(4, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0])
        F = Matrix(4, 1, [K_d * S * E / (K_es + E), D, K_m * M, K_l * E])

        Mod = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())
        Cdot = I + Mod.getOperator()
        solutions = solve(Cdot, [D, M, E])
            S: simplify(solutions[S]),
            D: simplify(solutions[D]),
            M: simplify(solutions[M]),
            E: simplify(solutions[E]),

            K_e: 0.005,
            K_d: 0.001,
            K_t: 0.012,
            K_r: 0.85,
            K_m: 0.22,
            K_l: 0.005,
            K_es: 0.3,
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 2e5,
            tn: 2e4,
            C_0: Matrix(4, 1, [.1, .1, .1, .1])

예제 #7
    def test_VegVero(self):
        # This model is releates to TwopMMmodel
        # C pools and startvector
        Xleaf, Xwood, Xroot, C_0 = symbols("Xleaf, Xwood, Xroot, C_0")
        C = Matrix(3, 1, [Xleaf, Xwood, Xroot])

        # a scalar representing the Activity factor;
        # i.e. a temperature and moisture modifier (unitless)
        a1, a2, a3 = symbols("a1,a2,a3")
        b1, b2, b3 = symbols("b1,b2,b3")
        c1, c2, c3 = symbols("c1,c2,c3")
        u1, u2, u3 = symbols("u1,u2,u3")
        # the alphas have to be a function of C and t (at most)
        alphas = {}

        #      F=Matrix(2,1,[
        #          A_f*k_s*B*(S/(K_m+S)),
        #          k_b*B
        #          ])

        F = Matrix(3, 1,
                   [-a1 * c1 * Xleaf, -a2 * c2 * Xwood, -a3 * c3 * Xroot])
        I = Matrix(3, 1, [b1 * u1, b2 * u2, b3 * u3])

        tPM = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())

        #times and time steps for the numeric modelling
        t_start, t_end, tn = symbols("t_start,t_end,tn")

            a1: -1,
            a2: -1,
            a3: -1,
            b1: 0.14,
            b2: 0.26,
            b3: 0.14,
            c1: 0.00258,
            c2: 0.0000586,
            c3: 0.00239,
            u1: 10,
            u2: 10,
            u3: 10,
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 2000,
            tn: 2000,
            C_0: Matrix(3, 1, [100, 10, 10])
            Xleaf: -b1 * u1 / (a1 * c1),
            Xwood: -b2 * u2 / (a2 * c2),
            Xroot: -b3 * u3 / (a3 * c3)
예제 #8
    def test_vector2assignments(self):
        C_S, C_B, varepsilon = symbols("C_S,C_B,varepsilon")
        k_S, k_B, k_M = symbols("k_S k_B k_M")
        alphas = {"1_to_2": varepsilon, "2_to_1": 1}
        f1 = k_S * C_B * C_S / (k_M + C_S)
        f2 = k_B * C_B
        F = Matrix(2, 1, [f1, f2])
        C = Matrix(2, 1, [C_S, C_B])

        tPM = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())
        res = tPM.cvecAssignments()
        ref = "C_S=C[1]\nC_B=C[2]"
        self.assertEqual(res, ref)
예제 #9
    def test_Wang2pools(self):
        # This model is also releated to TwopMMmodel.R and Manzoni but slightly different and with other names
        C_0, t = symbols(
            "C_0, t"
        )  # these always have to be present because the translation relies on them
        C_S, C_B, varepsilon, t_start, t_end, tn = symbols(
        V_S, mu_B, K_S = symbols("V_S mu_B K_S")
        F_npp = symbols("F_npp")
        # the alphas have to be a function of C and t (at most)
        alphas = {"1_to_2": 1, "2_to_1": varepsilon}
        F = Matrix(2, 1, [mu_B * C_B, V_S * C_B * C_S / (K_S + C_S)])
        C = Matrix(2, 1, [C_B, C_S])
        I = Matrix(2, 1, [0, F_npp])

        M = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())

        dic = {
            F_npp: 0.01,
            V_S: 0.000018,
            mu_B: 0.007,
            K_S: 1.0,
            varepsilon: 0.5,
            # the following always have to be present
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [972, 304]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 2000,
            tn: 100
            C_B: F_npp / (mu_B * (1.0 / varepsilon - 1)),
            C_S: K_S / (varepsilon * (V_S / mu_B) - 1)
예제 #10
    def test_bacwave(self):
        C_0, t = symbols(
            "C_0, t", real=True
        )  # these always have to be present because the translation relies on them
        #times and time steps for the numeric modelling
        t_start, t_end, tn = symbols("t_start,t_end,tn")
        S, X, C_0 = symbols("S, X, C_0")
        C = Matrix(2, 1, [S, X])

        u_max = Symbol(
            "u_max", real=True
        )  # a scalar representing the maximum relative growth rate of bacteria (hr-1)
        k_s = Symbol(
            "k_s", real=True
        )  # a scalar representing the substrate constant for growth (ug C /ml soil solution)
        theta = Symbol(
            "theta", real=True, nonnegative=True
        )  # a scalar representing soil water content (ml solution/cm3 soil)
        D_max = Symbol(
            "D_max", real=True
        )  # a scalar representing the maximal relative death rate of bacteria (hr-1)
        k_d = Symbol(
            "k_d", real=True
        )  # a scalar representing the substrate constant for death of bacteria (ug C/ml soil solution)
        k_r = Symbol(
            "k_r", real=True
        )  # a scalar representing the fraction of death biomass recycling to substrate (unitless)
        Y = Symbol(
            "Y", real=True
        )  # a scalar representing the yield coefficient for bacteria (ug C/ugC)
        BGF = Symbol(
            "BGF", real=True
        )  # a scalar representing the constant background flux of substrate (ug C/cm3 soil/hr)
        Exu_max = Symbol(
            "Exu_max", real=True
        )  # a scalar representing the maximal exudation rate (ug C/(hr cm3 soil))
        Exu_T = Symbol(
            "Exu_T", real=True, positive=True
        )  # a scalar representing the  time constant for exudation, responsible for duration of exudation (1/hr).
        #respired carbon fraction

        # the alphas have to be a function of C and t (at most)
        alphas = {"1_to_2": Y, "2_to_1": k_r}

        F = Matrix(2, 1, [(X / Y) * (u_max * S) / ((k_s * theta) + S),
                          (D_max * k_d * X) / (k_d + (S / theta))])
        I = Matrix(2, 1, [BGF + (Exu_max * exp(-Exu_T * t)), 0])

        tPM = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())
        # we try to solve for the fixed points
        mat = I + tPM.getOperator()
        asymptotic_mat = Matrix(2, 1, [limit(l, t, oo) for l in mat])
        ##solutions=solve(mat,X,S) # would lead a "time dependent fixed point" which seems a bit of a contradiction
        # the order of the unknowns seems to be important solve(mat,S,X) takes much longer
        asymptotic_solutions = solve(
            asymptotic_mat, X, S
        )  # the order of the unknowns seems to be important solve(mat,S,X) takes much longer
        # in this case we choose manually the third solution
        nontrivial = asymptotic_solutions[2]
            X: simplify(nontrivial[0]),
            S: simplify(nontrivial[1])

        dic = {
            u_max: 0.063,
            k_s: 3.0,
            theta: 0.23,
            D_max: 0.26,
            k_d: 14.5,
            k_r: 0.4,
            Y: 0.44,
            BGF: 0.15,
            Exu_max: 8,
            Exu_T: 0.8,
            # the following are allways required for R
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 800,
            tn: 8000,
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [0.5, 1.5])
예제 #11
    def test_Yasso(self):
        C_0, t = symbols("C_0, t", real=True)
        t_start, t_end, tn = symbols("t_start,t_end,tn")
        A, W, E, N, H = symbols("A, W, E, N, H")
        C = Matrix(5, 1, [A, W, E, N, H])

        k_A = Symbol("k_A", real=True)  # Decomposition rate of the A pool.
        k_W = Symbol("k_W", real=True)  # Decomposition rate of the W pool.
        k_E = Symbol("k_E", real=True)  # Decomposition rate of the E pool.
        k_N = Symbol("k_N", real=True)  # Decomposition rate of the N pool.
        k_H = Symbol("k_H", real=True)  # Decomposition rate of the H pool.
        p1 = Symbol("p1", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        p2 = Symbol("p2", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        p3 = Symbol("p3", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        p4 = Symbol("p4", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        p5 = Symbol("p5", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        p6 = Symbol("p6", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        p7 = Symbol("p7", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        p8 = Symbol("p8", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        p9 = Symbol("p9", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        p10 = Symbol("p10", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        p11 = Symbol("p11", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        p12 = Symbol("p12", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        pH = Symbol("pH", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        In = Symbol("In", real=True)  # Litter inputs.

        alphas = {
            "2_to_1": p1,
            "3_to_1": p2,
            "4_to_1": p3,
            "1_to_2": p4,
            "3_to_2": p5,
            "4_to_2": p6,
            "1_to_3": p7,
            "2_to_3": p8,
            "4_to_3": p9,
            "1_to_4": p10,
            "2_to_4": p11,
            "3_to_4": p12,
            "1_to_5": pH,
            "2_to_5": pH,
            "3_to_5": pH,
            "4_to_5": pH

        I = Matrix(5, 1, [In, 0, 0, 0, 0])
        F = Matrix(5, 1, [k_A * A, k_W * W, k_E * E, k_N * N, k_H * H])

        Mod = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())
        Cdot = I + Mod.getOperator()
        #for unique solutions we can extract the information automatically
        solutions = solve(Cdot, [C[i] for i in range(0, len(C))])
            {C[i]: solutions[C[i]]
             for i in range(0, len(C))})

            k_A: 0.66,
            k_W: 4.3,
            k_E: 0.35,
            k_N: 0.22,
            k_H: 0.0033,
            p1: 0.32,
            p2: 0.01,
            p3: 0.93,
            p4: 0.34,
            p5: 0,
            p6: 0,
            p7: 0,
            p8: 0,
            p9: 0.01,
            p10: 0,
            p11: 0,
            p12: 0.92,
            pH: 0.04,
            In: 0,
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 2e3,
            tn: 2e2,
            C_0: Matrix(5, 1, [.1, .1, .1, .1, .1])

예제 #12
    def test_RothC(self):
        C_0, t = symbols(
            "C_0, t", real=True
        )  # these always have to be present because the translation relies on them
        #times and time steps for the numeric modelling
        t_start, t_end, tn = symbols("t_start,t_end,tn")
        C_1, C_2, C_3, C_4, C_5 = symbols("C_1, C_2, C_3, C_4, C_5")
        C = Matrix(5, 1, [C_1, C_2, C_3, C_4, C_5])

        k_1 = Symbol("k_1", real=True)  # Decomposition rate of the DPM pool.
        k_2 = Symbol("k_2", real=True)  # Decomposition rate of the RPM pool.
        k_3 = Symbol("k_3", real=True)  # Decomposition rate of the BIO pool.
        k_4 = Symbol("k_4", real=True)  # Decomposition rate of the HUM pool.
        k_5 = Symbol("k_5", real=True)  # Decomposition rate of the IOM pool.
        DR = Symbol(
            "DR", real=True
        )  # ratio of decomposable plant material to resistant plant material (DPM/RPM).
        clay = Symbol("clay", real=True)  # percent clay in mineral soil.
        In = Symbol("In", real=True)  # Carbon inputs.

        x = 1.67 * (1.85 + 1.6 * exp(-0.0786 * clay))

        alphas = {
            "1_to_3": (0.46 / (x + 1)),
            "2_to_3": (0.46 / (x + 1)),
            "4_to_3": (0.46 / (x + 1)),
            "1_to_4": (0.54 / (x + 1)),
            "2_to_4": (0.54 / (x + 1)),
            "3_to_4": (0.54 / (x + 1))

        I = Matrix(5, 1, [In * DR / (DR + 1), In / (DR + 1), 0, 0, 0])
        F = Matrix(
                k_1 * C_1,
                k_2 * C_2,
                (k_3 - k_3 * 0.46 / (x + 1)) * C_3,
                (k_4 - k_4 * 0.54 / (x + 1)) * C_4,
                0 * C_5

        Mod = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())
            k_1: 10,
            k_2: 0.3,
            k_3: 0.66,
            k_4: 0.02,  #k_5:0, 
            DR: 1.44,
            clay: 23.4,
            In: 1.7,
            C_0: Matrix(5, 1, [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 200,
            tn: 400
        J = Mod.jacobian()
        # in this case the system is linear and the
        # Jacobian represents a Matrix that is not C dependent

        # furthermore the RothC model  has a stagnant pool (k5=0) which is
        # expressed mathematically by the fact that the Jacobian is
        # rank deficient and thus not invertable
        # The nullspace or kernel of J is of dimension 1 which translates
        # into a one dimensional vectorspace of fixed points in contrast
        # to the unique solution of a non singular Jacobian as usual.

        # We represent this degree of freedom by the free choice of C5
        # and solve only the remaining system
        solutions = J[0:4, 0:4].LUsolve(-I[0:4, 0])
            C_1: simplify(solutions[0]),
            C_2: simplify(solutions[1]),
            C_3: simplify(solutions[2]),
            C_4: simplify(solutions[3]),
            C_5: C_5
예제 #13
    def test_MEND_NUM(self):
        C_0, t = symbols("C_0, t", real=True)
        t_start, t_end, tn = symbols("t_start,t_end,tn")
        P, M, Q, B, De, EP, EM = symbols("P, M, Q, B, De, EP, EM",
        C = Matrix(7, 1, [P, M, Q, B, De, EP, EM])

        V_P = Symbol(
            real=True)  # maximum specific decomposition rate for P by EP.
        K_P = Symbol(
            real=True)  # half-saturation constant for decomposition of P.
        V_M = Symbol(
            real=True)  # maximum specific decomposition rate for M by EM.
        K_M = Symbol(
            real=True)  # half-saturation constant for decomposition of M.
        K_BA = Symbol("K_BA", real=True)
        V_D = Symbol(
            real=True)  # maximum specific uptake rate of D for growth of B
        K_D = Symbol(
            "K_D", real=True
        )  # half-saturation constant of uptake of D for growth of B
        m_R = Symbol("m_R", real=True)  # specific maintenance factor or rate.
        E_C = Symbol("E_C", real=True)  # carbon use efficiency.
        f_D = Symbol("f_D",
                     real=True)  # fraction of decomposed P allocated to D
        g_D = Symbol("g_D", real=True)  # fraction of dead B allocated to D
        p_EP = Symbol("p_EP",
                      real=True)  # fraction of mR for production of EP.
        p_EM = Symbol("p_EM",
                      real=True)  # fraction of mR for production of EM.
        r_EP = Symbol("r_EP", real=True)  # turnover rate of EP.
        r_EM = Symbol("r_EM", real=True)  # turnover rate of EM.
        Q_max = Symbol("Q_max", real=True)  # maximum DOC sorption capacity.
        K_des = Symbol("K_des", real=True)  # desorption rate.
        K_ads = K_BA * K_des  # specific adsorption rate.
        #K_ads=Symbol("K_ads", real=True) # specific adsorption rate.
        I_P = Symbol("I_P", real=True)  # input rate of P.
        I_D = Symbol("I_D", real=True)  # input rate of D.
        P_E = p_EP + p_EM
        F_R = B * ((1 / E_C) - 1) * (De * (V_D + m_R)) / (K_D + De)
        F_E = B * m_R
        O_B = F_R + F_E
        F_U = De * ((V_D + m_R) / E_C) * (B / (K_D + De))
        F_A = De * (K_ads * (1 - Q) / Q_max)
        O_D = F_U + F_A
        f_E = (1 - (F_R / O_B))
        f_U = (1 - (F_A / O_D))
        f_A = (1 - (F_U / O_D))
        alphas = {
            "1_to_2": 1 - f_D,
            "1_to_5": f_D,
            "2_to_5": 1,
            "3_to_5": 1,
            "4_to_1": (1 - g_D) * (1 - P_E) * f_E,
            "4_to_5": g_D * (1 - P_E) * f_E,
            "4_to_6": p_EP * f_E,
            "4_to_7": p_EM * f_E,
            "5_to_4": f_U,
            "5_to_3": f_A
        I = Matrix(7, 1, [I_P, 0, 0, 0, I_D, 0, 0])
        F = Matrix(7, 1,
                   [(V_P * EP * P) / (K_P + P), (V_M * EM * M) / (K_M + M),
                    (K_des * Q) / Q_max, O_B, O_D, r_EP * EP, r_EM * EM])

        Mod = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())
        Cdot = I + Mod.getOperator()
        #analytical fixed point solutions
        #for unique solutions we can extract the information automatically
        #solutions=solve(Cdot,[C[i] for i in range(0,len(C))])
        #Mod.suggestFixedPoint( {C[i]:solutions[C[i]] for i in range(0,len(C))})

        #s1={V_P:2.5, K_P:50, V_M:1, K_M:250, V_D:0.0005, K_D:0.26, m_R:0.00028, E_C:0.47, f_D:0.5, g_D:0.5, p_EP:0.01, p_EM:0.01, r_EP:0.001, r_EM:0.001, Q_max:1.7, K_ads:0.006, K_des:0.001, I_P:0.00008, I_D:0.00008}

        A = 1 - E_C + (1 - p_EP - p_EM) * E_C * (1 - g_D) * (I_D / I_P + 1)
        Beq = (I_D + I_P) / (1 / (E_C - 1) * m_R)
        f1 = {
            K_P / (V_P * p_EP / r_EP * E_C / A * (I_D / I_P + 1) - 1),
            K_M / (V_M * p_EM / r_EM * E_C / ((1 - f_D) * A) *
                   (1 + I_D / I_P) - 1),
            Q_max / (1 + V_D / (m_R * K_D * K_BA)),
            K_D / (V_D / m_R),
            Beq * m_R * p_EP / r_EP,
            Beq * m_R * p_EM / r_EM
        p1 = {
            V_P: 2.5,
            K_P: 50,
            V_M: 1,
            K_M: 250,
            V_D: 0.0005,
            K_D: 0.26,
            m_R: 0.00028,
            E_C: 0.47,
            f_D: 0.5,
            g_D: 0.5,
            p_EP: 0.01,
            p_EM: 0.01,
            r_EP: 0.001,
            r_EM: 0.001,
            Q_max: 1.7,
            K_BA: 6,
            K_des: 0.001,
            I_P: 0.00008,
            I_D: 0.00008,
            C_0: Matrix(7, 1, [.3, .3, .3, .3, .3, .3, .3]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 200,
            tn: 400
        f1_num = {key: val.subs(p1) for key, val in f1.items()}

        #       #numerical solutionss
        #       CdotNum=Cdot.subs(p1)
        #       JNum=Mod.jacobian().subs(p1)
        #       from scipy.optimize import fsolve,root
        #       from numpy import array
        #       import math
        #       def evalJ(intup):
        #           # read from the input tuple
        #           dic={C[i]:intup[i] for i in range(0,len(intup))}
        #           M=JNum.subs(dic)
        #           return(array(M.tolist(),dtype="float"))
        #       #Jeval=lambdify(tuple(C),JNum,use_array=True)

        #       def evalCdotNum(intup):
        #           # read from the input tuple
        #           dic={C[i]:intup[i] for i in range(0,len(intup))}
        #           outtup=tuple(CdotNum.subs(dic))
        #           return(outtup)

        #       #sol=fsolve(
        #       #    #full_output=True,
        #       #    func=evalCdotNum,
        #       #    fprime=evalJ,
        #       #    maxfev=10000,
        #       #    x0=tuple([20 for i in range(0,len(C))]))
        #       #print(sol)
        #       #print(evalCdotNum(sol))
        #       sol2=root(
        #           evalCdotNum,
        #           tuple([.1 for i in range(0,len(C))]),
        #           method="hybr",
        #           jac=evalJ)
        #       print(sol2)
        #       #test the result
        #       print(evalCdotNum(sol2.x))
예제 #14
    def test_MEND(self):
        C_0, t = symbols("C_0, t", real=True)
        t_start, t_end, tn = symbols("t_start,t_end,tn")
        P, M, Q, B, De, EP, EM = symbols("P, M, Q, B, De, EP, EM")
        C = Matrix(7, 1, [P, M, Q, B, De, EP, EM])

        V_P = Symbol(
            "V_P", real=True,
            positive=True)  # maximum specific decomposition rate for P by EP.
        K_P = Symbol(
            "K_p", real=True,
            positive=True)  # half-saturation constant for decomposition of P.
        V_M = Symbol(
            "V_M", real=True,
            positive=True)  # maximum specific decomposition rate for M by EM.
        K_M = Symbol(
            "K_M", real=True,
            positive=True)  # half-saturation constant for decomposition of M.
        K_BA = Symbol("K_BA", real=True, positive=True)
        V_D = Symbol(
            "V_D", real=True,
            positive=True)  # maximum specific uptake rate of D for growth of B
        K_D = Symbol(
            "K_D", real=True, positive=True
        )  # half-saturation constant of uptake of D for growth of B
        m_R = Symbol("m_R", real=True,
                     positive=True)  # specific maintenance factor or rate.
        E_C = Symbol("E_C", real=True, positive=True)  # carbon use efficiency.
        f_D = Symbol("f_D", real=True,
                     positive=True)  # fraction of decomposed P allocated to D
        g_D = Symbol("g_D", real=True,
                     positive=True)  # fraction of dead B allocated to D
        p_EP = Symbol("p_EP", real=True,
                      positive=True)  # fraction of mR for production of EP.
        p_EM = Symbol("p_EM", real=True,
                      positive=True)  # fraction of mR for production of EM.
        r_EP = Symbol("r_EP", real=True, positive=True)  # turnover rate of EP.
        r_EM = Symbol("r_EM", real=True, positive=True)  # turnover rate of EM.
        Q_max = Symbol("Q_max", real=True,
                       positive=True)  # maximum DOC sorption capacity.
        K_des = Symbol("K_des", real=True, positive=True)  # desorption rate.
        #K_ads=Symbol("K_ads", real=True) # specific adsorption rate.
        K_ads = K_BA * K_des  # specific adsorption rate.
        I_P = Symbol("I_P", real=True, positive=True)  # input rate of P.
        I_D = Symbol("I_D", real=True, positive=True)  # input rate of D.
        P_E = p_EP + p_EM
        F_R = B * ((1 / E_C) - 1) * (De * (V_D + m_R)) / (K_D + De)
        F_E = B * m_R
        O_B = F_R + F_E
        F_U = De * ((V_D + m_R) / E_C) * (B / (K_D + De))
        F_A = De * (K_ads * (1 - Q) / Q_max)
        O_D = F_U + F_A
        f_E = (1 - (F_R / O_B))
        f_U = (1 - (F_A / O_D))
        f_A = (1 - (F_U / O_D))
        alphas = {
            "1_to_2": 1 - f_D,
            "1_to_5": f_D,
            "2_to_5": 1,
            "3_to_5": 1,
            "4_to_1": (1 - g_D) * (1 - P_E) * f_E,
            "4_to_5": g_D * (1 - P_E) * f_E,
            "4_to_6": p_EP * f_E,
            "4_to_7": p_EM * f_E,
            "5_to_4": f_U,
            "5_to_3": f_A
        I = Matrix(7, 1, [I_P, 0, 0, 0, I_D, 0, 0])
        F = Matrix(7, 1,
                   [(V_P * EP * P) / (K_P + P), (V_M * EM * M) / (K_M + M),
                    (K_des * Q) / Q_max, O_B, O_D, r_EP * EP, r_EM * EM])

        Mod = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())
        Cdot = I + Mod.getOperator()
        # Unique solutions we can often compute automatically and
        # extract the information automatically
        # but for this example the computation is too expensive
        # Fortunately the fixed points are published in the original pater
        A = 1 - E_C + (1 - p_EP - p_EM) * E_C * (1 - g_D) * (I_D / I_P + 1)
        Beq = (I_D + I_P) / (1 / (E_C - 1) * m_R)
        f1 = {
            K_P / (V_P * p_EP / r_EP * E_C / A * (I_D / I_P + 1) - 1),
            K_M / (V_M * p_EM / r_EM * E_C / ((1 - f_D) * A) *
                   (1 + I_D / I_P) - 1),
            Q_max / (1 + V_D / (m_R * K_D * K_BA)),
            K_D / (V_D / m_R),
            Beq * m_R * p_EP / r_EP,
            Beq * m_R * p_EM / r_EM
        p1 = {
            V_P: 2.5,
            K_P: 50,
            V_M: 1,
            K_M: 250,
            V_D: 0.0005,
            K_D: 0.26,
            m_R: 0.00028,
            E_C: 0.47,
            f_D: 0.5,
            g_D: 0.5,
            p_EP: 0.01,
            p_EM: 0.01,
            r_EP: 0.001,
            r_EM: 0.001,
            Q_max: 1.7,
            K_BA: 6,
            K_des: 0.001,
            I_P: 0.00008,
            I_D: 0.00008,
            C_0: Matrix(7, 1, [.3, .3, .3, .3, .3, .3, .3]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 200,
            tn: 400
        f1_num = {key: val.subs(p1) for key, val in f1.items()}
예제 #15
    def test_twoPMacrobial(self):
        # This model is releates to TwopMMmodel
        # C pools and startvector
        S, B, C_0 = symbols("S, B, C_0")
        C = Matrix(2, 1, [S, B])

        #respired carbon fraction
        r = symbols("r")

        # a scalar representing the Activity factor;
        # i.e. a temperature and moisture modifier (unitless)
        A_f = symbols("A_f")

        # the michaelis konstant
        K_m = symbols("K_m")

        #decay rates for (S)oil and (B)acteria
        k_s, k_b = symbols("k_s, k_b")

        #input flux to pool S
        ADD = symbols("ADD")
        # the alphas have to be a function of C and t (at most)
        alphas = {"1_to_2": 1 - r, "2_to_1": 1}

        F = Matrix(2, 1, [A_f * k_s * B * (S / (K_m + S)), k_b * B])
        I = Matrix(2, 1, [ADD, 0])

        tPM = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())

        #times and time steps for the numeric modelling
        t_start, t_end, tn = symbols("t_start,t_end,tn")

            ADD: 3.3,
            A_f: 1,
            k_s: 0.000018,
            k_b: 0.007,
            K_m: 900,
            r: 0.6,
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 2000,
            tn: 2000,
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [100, 10])
            ADD: 3.3,
            A_f: 3,
            k_s: 0.000018,
            k_b: 0.0000001,
            K_m: 900,
            r: 0.6,
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 200000,
            tn: 2000,
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [972, 304])
            ADD: 3.3,
            A_f: 3,
            k_s: 0.000018,
            k_b: 0.0000001,
            K_m: 900,
            r: 0.6,
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 20000,
            tn: 2000,
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [4.18604651162791, 22000000.0])
            ADD: 345,
            A_f: 1,
            k_s: 42.82,
            k_b: 4.38,
            K_m: 269774.1,
            r: 0.2,
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 20000,
            tn: 2000,
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [4.18604651162791, 22000000.0])
            S: k_b * K_m / (A_f * k_s * (1 - r) - k_b),
            B: ADD * (1 - r) / (k_b * r)
예제 #16
    def test_AWB(self):
        C_0, t = symbols("C_0, t", real=True)
        t_start, t_end, tn = symbols("t_start,t_end,tn")
        B, E, S, D = symbols("B, E, S, D")
        C = Matrix(4, 1, [B, E, S, D])

        V_M = Symbol("V_M", real=True)  # Maximum rate of uptake.
        V_m = Symbol("V_m", real=True)  # maximum rate of SOM decomposition.
        r_B = Symbol("r_B", real=True)  # Microbial death rate.
        r_E = Symbol("r_E", real=True)  # Rate enzyme production.
        r_L = Symbol("r_L", real=True)  # Rate enzyme loss.
        a_BS = Symbol("a_BS",
                      real=True)  # Fraction of dead microbial biomass to SOM.
        epsilon_0 = Symbol("epsilon_0",
                           real=True)  # intercenpt of CUE function.
        epsilon_s = Symbol("epsilon_s", real=True)  # Slope of CUE function.
        Km_0 = Symbol("Km_0", real=True)  # Intercept of half-sat. function.
        Km_s = Symbol("Km_s", real=True)  # Slope of half-sat. function.
        Km_u0 = Symbol("Km_u0",
                       real=True)  # Intercept of half-sat. function of uptake.
        Km_us = Symbol("Km_us",
                       real=True)  # Slope of half-sat. function of uptake.
        Ea = Symbol("Ea", real=True)  # Activation energy.
        R = Symbol("R", real=True)  # Gas constant.
        T = Symbol("T", real=True)  # Temperature.
        I_S = Symbol("I_S", real=True)  # Inputs to SOC (S) pool.
        I_D = Symbol("I_D", real=True)  # Inputs to DOC (D)  pool.

        alphas = {
            "1_to_2": r_E / (r_B + r_E),
            "1_to_3": (a_BS * r_B) / (r_B + r_E),
            "1_to_4": r_B * (1 - a_BS) / (r_B + r_E),
            "4_to_1": epsilon_0 + epsilon_s * T

        I = Matrix(4, 1, [0, 0, I_S, I_D])
        F = Matrix(4, 1,
                   [(r_B + r_E) * B, r_L * E,
                    V_m * exp(-Ea / (R * (T + 273))) * (E * S) /
                    ((Km_s * T + Km_0) + S), V_M * exp(-Ea / (R * (T + 273))) *
                    (B * D) / ((Km_us * T + Km_u0) + D)])

        Mod = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())
        # computation does not finish after many hours
        # we should try to simplify the assumptions
        #solutions=solve(Cdot,B, E, S, D)
        #    B:simplify(solutions[B]),
        #    E:simplify(solutions[E]),
        #    S:simplify(solutions[S]),
        #    D:simplify(solutions[D]),
        #    })

            V_M: 100000000,
            V_m: 100000000,
            r_B: 0.0002,
            r_E: 0.000005,
            r_L: 0.001,
            a_BS: 0.5,
            epsilon_0: 0.63,
            epsilon_s: 0.016,
            Km_0: 500,
            Km_u0: 0.1,
            Km_s: 0.5,
            Km_us: 0.1,
            Ea: 47,
            R: 0.008314,
            T: 20,
            I_S: 0.005,
            I_D: 0.005,
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 2e5,
            tn: 2e4,
            C_0: Matrix(4, 1, [.1, .1, .1, .1])

예제 #17
    def test_ICBM(self):
        C_0, t, t_start, t_end, tn = symbols(
            "C_0, t,t_start,t_end,tn", real=True
        )  # these always have to be present because the translation relies on them

        Y, O = symbols("Y,O")  #Young and old carbon pools
        h = Symbol(
        )  #Humification coefficient. Fraction of the decomposed young C transferred to old pool
        k1 = Symbol("k1")  #Decomposition rate of the young pool (yr-1).
        k2 = Symbol("k2")  #Decomposition rate of the old pool (yr-1).
        r = Symbol("r")  #External (climatic) effect on decomposition.
        i = symbols("i")  # Mean annual carbon input (kg C m-2 yr-1).

        # the alphas have to be a function of C and t (at most)
        alphas = {"1_to_2": h}

        F = Matrix(2, 1, [r * k1 * Y, r * k2 * O])
        C = Matrix(2, 1, [Y, O])
        I = Matrix(2, 1, [i, 0])

        M = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())

        Cdot = I + M.getOperator()
        solutions = solve(Cdot, Y, O)
            Y: simplify(solutions[Y]),
            O: simplify(solutions[O])

        dic = {  #+N +straw 
            h: 0.125,
            k1: 0.8,
            k2: 0.00605,
            r: 1.0,
            i: 0.285,
            # the following always have to be present
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [0.3, 4.11]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 200,
            tn: 400
        M.addParameterSet({  #Bare fallow
            h: 0.13,
            k1: 0.8,
            k2: 0.00605,
            r: 1.32,
            i: 0,
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [0.3, 3.96]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 200,
            tn: 400
        M.addParameterSet({  # -N +Straw
            h: 0.125,
            k1: 0.8,
            k2: 0.00605,
            r: 1.22,
            i: 0.248,
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [0.3, 4.05]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 200,
            tn: 400
        M.addParameterSet({  # -N -Straw
            h: 0.125,
            k1: 0.8,
            k2: 0.00605,
            r: 1.17,
            i: 0.057,
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [0.3, 3.99]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 200,
            tn: 400
        M.addParameterSet({  # +N -Straw
            h: 0.125,
            k1: 0.8,
            k2: 0.00605,
            r: 1.07,
            i: 0.091,
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [0.3, 4.02]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 200,
            tn: 400
        M.addParameterSet({  # Farmyard manure
            h: 0.25,
            k1: 0.8,
            k2: 0.00605,
            r: 1.1,
            i: 0.272,
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [0.3, 3.99]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 200,
            tn: 400
        M.addParameterSet({  # Sewage sludge
            h: 0.34,
            k1: 0.8,
            k2: 0.00605,
            r: 0.97,
            i: 0.296,
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [0.3, 4.14]),
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 200,
            tn: 400
예제 #18
    def test_Manzoni(self):
        # This model is releates to TwopMMmodel
        # and Manzoni
        # C pools and startvector
        C_S, C_B, C_0 = symbols("C_S, C_B, C_0", real=True)
        C = Matrix(2, 1, [C_S, C_B])

        #respired carbon fraction
        r = symbols("r")

        # a scalar representing the Activity factor;
        # i.e. a temperature and moisture modifier (unitless)
        A_f = symbols("A_f")

        # the michaelis konstant
        K_m = symbols("K_m")

        #decay rates for (S)oil and (B)acteria
        k_S, k_B = symbols("k_S, k_B")

        #input flux to pool S
        ADD = symbols("ADD")
        # the alphas have to be a function of C and t (at most)
        alphas = {"1_to_2": 1 - r, "2_to_1": 1}

        F = Matrix(2, 1, [k_S * C_B * (C_S / (K_m + C_S)), k_B * C_B])
        I = Matrix(2, 1, [ADD, 0])

        tPM = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())

        #times and time steps for the numeric modelling
        t, t_start, t_end, tn = symbols("t,t_start,t_end,tn", real=True)
        # the following parameter set should produce a negative fixed point
        # since C_S*=k_BK_M/(k_s(1-r)-kb) and k_s(1-r)<kb
        dic = {
            ADD: 3.3,
            k_S: 4e-3,
            k_B: 2.3e-3,
            K_m: 1000,
            K_m: 900,
            r: 0.6,
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 1000,
            tn: 2000,
            [np.linspace(0, 20, num=50),
             np.linspace(0, 20, num=50)],
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [100, 10])
        dic = {
            ADD: 3.3,
            k_S: 8e-3,
            k_B: 2.3e-3,
            K_m: 1000,
            r: 0.6,
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 1000,
            tn: 2000,
            [np.linspace(0, 20, num=50),
             np.linspace(0, 20, num=50)],
            C_0: Matrix(2, 1, [100, 10])
            C_S: k_B * K_m / (k_S * (1 - r) - k_B),
            C_B: ADD * (1 - r) / (k_B * r)
예제 #19
    def test_Century(self):
        C_0, t = symbols("C_0, t", real=True)
        t_start, t_end, tn = symbols("t_start,t_end,tn")
        C_1, C_2, C_3, C_4, C_5 = symbols("C_1, C_2, C_3, C_4, C_5")
        C = Matrix(5, 1, [C_1, C_2, C_3, C_4, C_5])

        k_1 = Symbol("k_1", nonnegative=True,
                     real=True)  # Decomposition rate of the structural litter.
        k_2 = Symbol("k_2", nonnegative=True,
                     real=True)  # Decomposition rate of the metabolic littter.
        k_3 = Symbol("k_3", nonnegative=True,
                     real=True)  # Decomposition rate of the Active pool.
        k_4 = Symbol("k_4", nonnegative=True,
                     real=True)  # Decomposition rate of the Slow pool.
        k_5 = Symbol("k_5", nonnegative=True,
                     real=True)  # Decomosition rate of the Passive pool.
        In = Symbol("In", nonnegative=True, real=True)  # Carbon inputs.
        LN = Symbol("LN", nonnegative=True,
                    real=True)  # Lignin to nitrogen ratio.
        Ls = Symbol(
            "Ls", nonnegative=True,
            real=True)  # Fraction of structural material that is lignin.
        c = Symbol("c", nonnegative=True,
                   real=True)  # Proportion of clay in mineral soil.
        s = Symbol("s", nonnegative=True,
                   real=True)  # Proportion of silt in mineral soil.
        alpha31 = Symbol("alpha31", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        alpha32 = Symbol("alpha32", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        alpha34 = Symbol("alpha34", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        alpha35 = Symbol("alpha35", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        alpha41 = Symbol("alpha41", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        alpha53 = Symbol("alpha53", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.
        alpha54 = Symbol("alpha54", real=True)  # Transfer coefficient.

        Fm = 0.85 - 0.18 * LN
        Fs = 1 - Fm
        Tx = c + s
        fTx = 1 - 0.75 * Tx
        Es = 0.85 - 0.68 * Tx
        alpha43 = 1 - Es - alpha53

        alphas = {
            "1_to_3": alpha31,
            "2_to_3": alpha32,
            "4_to_3": alpha34,
            "5_to_3": alpha35,
            "1_to_4": alpha41,
            "3_to_5": alpha53,
            "3_to_4": alpha43,
            "4_to_5": alpha54

        I = Matrix(5, 1, [In * Fm, In * Fs, 0, 0, 0])
        F = Matrix(5, 1, [
            k_1 * C_1 * exp(-3.0 * Ls), k_2 * C_2, k_3 * C_3 * fTx, k_4 * C_4,
            k_5 * C_5

        Mod = RExample(C, alphas, F, I, who_am_i())

        Cdot = I + Mod.getOperator()
        solutions = solve(Cdot, [C[i] for i in range(0, len(C))])
            {C[i]: solutions[C[i]]
             for i in range(0, len(C))})

            k_1: 0.094,
            k_2: 0.35,
            k_3: 0.14,
            k_4: 0.0038,
            k_5: 0.00013,
            c: 0.2,
            s: 0.45,
            LN: 0.5,
            Ls: 0.1,
            In: 0.1,
            alpha31: 0.45,
            alpha32: 0.55,
            alpha34: 0.42,
            alpha35: 0.45,
            alpha41: 0.3,
            alpha53: 0.004,
            alpha54: 0.03,
            t_start: 0,
            t_end: 2e5,
            tn: 2e4,
            C_0: Matrix(5, 1, [.1, .1, .1, .1, .1])