예제 #1
from globals import current
from html import *
from validators import *
from http import redirect, HTTP
from dal import DAL, Field
from sqlhtml import SQLFORM, SQLTABLE
from compileapp import LOAD

# Dummy code to enable code completion in IDE's.
if 0:
    from globals import Request, Response, Session
    from cache import Cache
    from languages import translator
    from tools import Auth, Crud, Mail, Service, PluginManager

    # API objects
    request = Request()
    response = Response()
    session = Session()
    cache = Cache(request)
    T = translator(request)

    # Objects commonly defined in application model files
    # (names are conventions only -- not part of API)
    db = DAL()
    auth = Auth(db)
    crud = Crud(db)
    mail = Mail()
    service = Service()
    plugins = PluginManager()