예제 #1
def statePosteriors(log_alpha, log_beta):
    N = len(log_alpha)
    M = len(log_alpha[0])
    sum = 0
    y = [[0 for j in range(M)] for i in range(N)]
    sum = tools2.logsumexp(log_alpha[N - 1])
    for n in range(N):
        for j in range(M):
            y[n][j] = log_alpha[n][j] + log_beta[n][j] - sum
    log_gamma = y
    return log_gamma
def gmmloglik(log_emlik, weights):
    """Log Likelihood for a GMM model based on Multivariate Normal Distribution.

        log_emlik: array like, shape (N, K).
            contains the log likelihoods for each of N observations and
            each of K distributions
        weights:   weight vector for the K components in the mixture

        gmmloglik: scalar, log likelihood of data given the GMM model.
    log_lik_gmm = 0
    for obs in range(len(log_emlik)):
        log_lik_gmm += tools2.logsumexp(log_emlik[obs, :] + np.log(weights))
    return log_lik_gmm
예제 #3
def forward(log_emlik, log_startprob, log_transmat):
    N = len(log_emlik)
    M = len(log_emlik[0])

    logAlpha = [[0 for x in range(M)] for y in range(N)]

    for j in range(M):
        logAlpha[0][j] = log_startprob[j] + log_emlik[0][j]

    for n in range(1, N):
        for j in range(M):
            logAlpha[n][j] = log_emlik[n][j]
            # building the array of the log sum
            sumArray = []
            for i in range(M):
                sumArray += [logAlpha[n - 1][i] + log_transmat[i][j]]
            logAlpha[n][j] += tools2.logsumexp(np.array(sumArray))
    return logAlpha
예제 #4
def backward(log_emlik, log_startprob, log_transmat):
    N = len(log_emlik)
    M = len(log_emlik[0])

    logBeta = [[0 for x in range(M)] for y in range(N)]

    for i in range(M):
        logBeta[N - 1][i] = 0
    for n in range(N - 2, -1, -1):
        for i in range(M):
            # building the array of the log sum
            sumArray = []
            for j in range(M):
                sumArray += [
                    log_transmat[i][j] + log_emlik[n + 1][j] +
                    logBeta[n + 1][j]

            logBeta[n][i] = tools2.logsumexp(np.array(sumArray))
    return logBeta
def forward(log_emlik, log_startprob, log_transmat):
    """Forward probabilities in log domain.

        log_emlik: NxM array of emission log likelihoods, N frames, M states
        log_startprob: log probability to start in state i
        log_transmat: log transition probability from state i to j

        forward_prob: NxM array of forward log probabilities for each of the M states in the model

    log_a = np.zeros((log_emlik.shape[0], log_transmat.shape[0]))

    for j in range(log_transmat.shape[0]):
        log_a[0, j] = log_startprob[j] + log_emlik[0, j]

    for i in range(1, log_emlik.shape[0]):
        for j in range(log_transmat.shape[0]):
            log_a[i, j] = tools2.logsumexp(
                (log_a[i - 1, :] + log_transmat[:, j])) + log_emlik[i, j]

    return log_a
    for j in range(len(models)):
        model = skm.log_multivariate_normal_density(tidigits[i]['mfcc'],
                models[j]['gmm']['covars'], 'diag')
        loglik[j] = proto2.gmmloglik(model, models[j]['gmm']['weights'])

gmm_class = np.array(gmm_class)
# Find bigger values for each utterances
gmm_ret_labels = np.argmax(gmm_class, axis=1)

# Compute 6: HMM Likelihood and Recognition
log_alpha = proto2.forward(hmm_obsloglik, np.log(models[0]['hmm']['startprob']), np.log(models[0]['hmm']['transmat']) )

# Compute marginalization:
hmm_loglik = tools2.logsumexp( log_alpha[-1, :] )

# Try every models on each utterances (tidigits) and find the best --> conclude
hmm_class = []
# For each utterances
for i in range(len(tidigits)):
    loglik = np.zeros(len(models))
    for j in range(len(models)):
        model = skm.log_multivariate_normal_density(tidigits[i]['mfcc'],
                models[j]['hmm']['covars'], 'diag')
        log_alpha_class = proto2.forward(model, np.log(models[j]['hmm']['startprob']), np.log(models[j]['hmm']['transmat']) )
        loglik[j] = tools2.logsumexp( log_alpha_class[-1, :] )

hmm_class = np.array(hmm_class)
예제 #7
def gmmloglik(logAlpha):
    return tools2.logsumexp(np.array(logAlpha[-1]))
def quest_6_1(flag):
    #--- Quest 6.1: ---->>> Forward Algorithm

    # --->>> check
    hmm_log_emlik = tools2.log_multivariate_normal_density_diag(
        X, models[0]['hmm']['means'], models[0]['hmm']['covars'])
    log_a = forward(hmm_log_emlik, np.log(models[0]['hmm']['startprob']),
    check_log_a = example['hmm_logalpha']
    # print("log_a =", log_a)
    # print("check_log_a =", check_log_a)

    fig3 = plt.figure()
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.imshow(log_a.T, cmap='jet')
    plt.xticks([], [])

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.imshow(example['hmm_logalpha'].T, cmap='jet')
    plt.title('ckeck log_a')
    plt.xticks([], [])

    plt.savefig("../figs/quest_6_1.png", bbox_inches='tight')
    # plt.show()

    #Convert the formula you have derived into log domain
    log_lik_a = tools2.logsumexp(log_a[-1, :])
    check_log_lik_a = example['hmm_loglik']
    if log_lik_a == check_log_lik_a:

    if flag == 'HMM':
        utters = len(tidigits)
        models_len = len(models)
        log_lik_a = np.zeros((utters, models_len))

        for utter in range(utters):
            for digit in range(models_len):
                hmm_log_emlik = tools2.log_multivariate_normal_density_diag(
                    tidigits[utter]['mfcc'], models[digit]['hmm']['means'],
                log_a = forward(hmm_log_emlik,
                log_lik_a[utter, digit] = tools2.logsumexp(log_a[-1, :])
        #---->>> Check for misrecognized utterances
        miss = 0
        print("------ HMM a-pass ------")
        for utter in range(utters):
            best_score = np.argmax(log_lik_a[utter, :])
            print('tid digit, mod digit: ---> ' +
                  str(tidigits[utter]['digit']) + " - " +
                  )  # Uncomment to see the results analytically!
            if models[best_score]['digit'] != tidigits[utter]['digit']:
                miss += 1
        accuracy = ((utters - miss) / utters) * 100

        print("Misrecognized %d out of %d utterances." % (miss, len(tidigits)))
        print("Accuracy = " + str("%.2f" % round(accuracy, 2)) + '%')

    elif flag == "HMM as GMM":
        utters = len(tidigits)
        models_len = len(models)
        log_like_hmm = np.zeros((utters, models_len))

        for utter in range(utters):
            for digit in range(models_len):
                hmm_log_emlik = tools2.log_multivariate_normal_density_diag(
                    tidigits[utter]['mfcc'], models[digit]['hmm']['means'],
                weights_hmm = np.ones(
                ) / models[digit]['hmm']['startprob'].shape[0]
                log_like_hmm[utter, digit] = gmmloglik(hmm_log_emlik,

        #---->>> Check for misrecognized utterances
        miss = 0
        print("------ HMM as GMM ------")
        for utter in range(utters):
            best_score = np.argmax(log_like_hmm[utter, :])
            print('tid digit, mod digit: ---> ' +
                  str(tidigits[utter]['digit']) + " - " +
                  )  # Uncomment to see the results analytically!
            if models[best_score]['digit'] != tidigits[utter]['digit']:
                miss += 1
        accuracy = ((utters - miss) / utters) * 100

        print("Misrecognized %d out of %d utterances." % (miss, len(tidigits)))
        print("Accuracy = " + str("%.2f" % round(accuracy, 2)) + '%')