예제 #1
    def test_coordinate_position(self):
        these tests duplicate some of the earlier ones,
        except these use a matrix with non-integer
        (right-left) and (top-bottom). This is an important
        test case for the definition of density; without it,
        the tests above could be passed by a variety of
        sheet2matrix, bounds2shape functions, etc.
        CEBALERT: transfer the box to TestBox3Coordinates and have
        these tests run in the framework.
        l, b, r, t = (-0.8, -0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
        # mimics that a sheet recalculates its density)
        density = int(16 * (r - l)) / float(r - l)

        bounds = BoundingBox(points=((l, b), (r, t)))

        ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(bounds, density, density)

        self.assertEqual(ct.sheet2matrixidx(0.8, 0.8), (0, 24 + 1))
        self.assertEqual(ct.sheet2matrixidx(0.0, 0.0), (12, 12))
        self.assertEqual(ct.sheet2matrixidx(-0.8, -0.8), (24 + 1, 0))
        self.assertEqual(ct.matrixidx2sheet(24, 0),
                         (((r - l) / int(density * (r - l)) / 2.0) + l,
                          (t - b) / int(density * (t - b)) / 2.0 + b))
        self.assertEqual(ct.matrixidx2sheet(0, 0),
                         (((r - l) / int(density * (r - l)) / 2.0) + l,
                          (t - b) / int(density * (t - b)) *
                          (int(density * (t - b)) - 0.5) + b))

        x, y = ct.matrixidx2sheet(0, 0)
        self.assertTrue(bounds.contains(x, y))
        self.assertEqual((0, 0), ct.sheet2matrixidx(x, y))

        x, y = ct.matrixidx2sheet(25, 25)
        self.assertFalse(bounds.contains(x, y))
        self.assertNotEqual((24, 24), ct.sheet2matrixidx(x, y))

        x, y = ct.matrixidx2sheet(0, 24)
        self.assertTrue(bounds.contains(x, y))
        self.assertEqual((0, 24), ct.sheet2matrixidx(x, y))

        x, y = ct.matrixidx2sheet(24, 0)
        self.assertTrue(bounds.contains(x, y))
        self.assertEqual((24, 0), ct.sheet2matrixidx(x, y))
예제 #2
    def test_coordinate_position(self):
        these tests duplicate some of the earlier ones,
        except these use a matrix with non-integer
        (right-left) and (top-bottom). This is an important
        test case for the definition of density; without it,
        the tests above could be passed by a variety of
        sheet2matrix, bounds2shape functions, etc.
        CEBALERT: transfer the box to TestBox3Coordinates and have
        these tests run in the framework.
        l,b,r,t = (-0.8,-0.8,0.8,0.8)
        # mimics that a sheet recalculates its density)
        density = int(16*(r-l)) / float(r-l)

        bounds = BoundingBox(points=((l,b),(r,t)))

        ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(bounds,density,density)
                         (((r-l) / int(density*(r-l)) / 2.0) + l,
                          (t-b) / int(density*(t-b)) / 2.0 + b))
                         (((r-l) / int(density*(r-l)) / 2.0) + l ,
                          (t-b) / int(density*(t-b)) * (int(density*(t-b)) - 0.5) + b))

        x,y = ct.matrixidx2sheet(0,0)

        x,y = ct.matrixidx2sheet(25,25)

        x,y = ct.matrixidx2sheet(0,24)

        x,y = ct.matrixidx2sheet(24,0)
예제 #3
class TestCoordinateTransforms(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests for sheet.

    Subclassed for use; the subclasses have a setUp method to create
    the particular coordinates to use each time.
    def makeBox(self):
        self.box = BoundingBox(points=((self.left,self.bottom),

        self.ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(self.box,self.density,self.density)

        # float bounds for matrix coordinates: these
        # values are actually outside the matrix
        self.rbound = self.density*(self.top-self.bottom)
        self.cbound = self.density*(self.right-self.left)

        #self.cbound = int(self.density*(self.right-self.left)) / float((self.right-self.left))
        #self.rbound = int(self.density*(self.top-self.bottom)) / float((self.top-self.bottom))

        # CEBALERT: this is supposed to be a small distance
        D = 0.00001

        # Sheet values around the edge of the BoundingBox
        self.just_in_right_x = self.right - D
        self.just_in_bottom_y = self.bottom + D
        self.just_out_top_y = self.top + D
        self.just_out_left_x = self.left - D

        # Matrix values around the edge of the matrix
        self.just_out_right_idx = self.rbound + D
        self.just_out_bottom_idx = self.cbound + D
        self.just_out_top_idx = 0.0 - D
        self.just_out_left_idx = 0.0 - D

    ### sheet2matrix() tests
    def test_sheet2matrix_center(self):
        Check that the center of the Sheet corresponds to the center
        of the matrix.
        x_center = self.left+(self.right-self.left)/2.0
        y_center = self.bottom+(self.top-self.bottom)/2.0
        row, col = self.ct.sheet2matrix(x_center,y_center)

    def test_sheet2matrix_left_top(self):
        Check that the top-left of the Sheet is [0,0] in matrix
        row, col = self.ct.sheet2matrix(self.left,self.top)

    def test_sheet2matrix_right_bottom(self):
        Check that the bottom-right of the Sheet is [rbound,cbound] in matrix
        row, col = self.ct.sheet2matrix(self.right,self.bottom)

    def test_sheet2matrix_matrix2sheet(self):
        Check that matrix2sheet() is the inverse of sheet2matrix().
        # top-right corner
        row, col = self.ct.sheet2matrix(self.right,self.top)
        x_right, y_top = self.ct.matrix2sheet(row,col)

        # bottom-left corner
        row, col = self.ct.sheet2matrix(self.left,self.bottom)
        x_left, y_bottom = self.ct.matrix2sheet(row,col)

    def test_matrix2sheet_sheet2matrix(self):
        Check that sheet2matrix() is the inverse of matrix2sheet().
        # top-right corner
        x,y = self.ct.matrix2sheet(float(0),float(self.last_col))
        top_row,right_col = self.ct.sheet2matrix(x,y)

        # bottom-left corner
        x,y = self.ct.matrix2sheet(float(self.last_row),float(0))
        bottom_row,left_col = self.ct.sheet2matrix(x,y)

    ### sheet2matrixidx() tests
    def test_sheet2matrixidx_left_top(self):
        Test a point just inside the top-left corner of the BoundingBox, and
        one just outside.
        # inside
        r,c = 0,0
        x,y = self.left,self.top
        self.assertEqual(self.ct.sheet2matrixidx(x,y), (r,c))

        # outside
        r,c = -1,-1
        x,y = self.just_out_left_x,self.just_out_top_y
        self.assertEqual(self.ct.sheet2matrixidx(x,y), (r,c))

    def test_sheet2matrixidx_left_bottom(self):
        Test a point just inside the left-bottom corner of the BoundingBox, and
        one just outside.
        # inside
        r,c = self.last_row, 0
        x,y = self.left, self.just_in_bottom_y

        # outside
        r,c = self.last_row+1, -1
        x,y = self.just_out_left_x, self.bottom

    def test_sheet2matrixidx_right_top(self):
        Test a point just inside the top-right corner of the BoundingBox, and
        one just outside.
        # inside
        r,c = 0,self.last_col
        x,y = self.just_in_right_x,self.top

        # outside
        r,c = -1,self.last_col+1
        x,y = self.right,self.just_out_top_y

    def test_sheet2matrixidx_right_bottom(self):
        Test a point just inside the bottom-right corner of the BoundingBox,
        and the corner itself - which should not be inside.
        # inside 
        r,c = self.last_row,self.last_col
        x,y = self.just_in_right_x,self.just_in_bottom_y

        # not inside
        r,c = self.last_row+1,self.last_col+1
        x,y = self.right,self.bottom

    ### matrix2sheet() tests
    def test_matrix2sheet_left_top(self):
        Check that Sheet's (0,0) is the top-left of the matrix.

        Check that just outside the top-left in matrix coordinates
        comes back to Sheet coordinates that are outside the
        x,y = self.ct.matrix2sheet(0,0)
        self.assertEqual((x,y), (self.left,self.top))

        x,y = self.ct.matrix2sheet(self.just_out_left_idx,self.just_out_top_idx)

    def test_matrix2sheet_right_bottom(self):
        Check that Sheet's (right,bottom) is the bottom-right in
        matrix coordinates i.e. [rbound,cbound]

        Check that just outside the bottom-right in matrix coordinates
        comes back to Sheet coordinates that are outside the
        x,y = self.ct.matrix2sheet(self.rbound,self.cbound)
        self.assertEqual((x,y), (self.right,self.bottom))

        x,y = self.ct.matrix2sheet(self.just_out_right_idx,self.just_out_bottom_idx)

    def test_matrix2sheet_center(self):
        Check that the center in Sheet coordinates corresponds to
        the center in continuous matrix coordinates.
        x_center = self.left+(self.right-self.left)/2.0
        y_center = self.bottom+(self.top-self.bottom)/2.0
        center_float_row = self.rbound/2.0
        center_float_col = self.cbound/2.0
        x,y = self.ct.matrix2sheet(center_float_row,center_float_col)

    ### matrixidx2sheet() tests
    def test_matrixidx2sheet_left_top(self):
        The top-left matrix cell [0,0] should be given back in Sheet
        coordinates at the center of that cell.

        The cell [-1,-1] outside this corner should come back out of
        the BoundingBox
        # inside
        r,c = 0,0
        x,y = self.left+self.half_unit,self.top-self.half_unit

        test_x, test_y = self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c)
        self.assertEqual((test_x,test_y), (x,y))

        # outside
        r,c = -1,-1
        test_x, test_y = self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c)
    def test_matrixidx2sheet_left_bottom(self):
        The bottom-left matrix cell [0,rbound] should be given back
        in Sheet coordinates at the center of that cell.

        The cell [last_row+1,-1] outside this corner should come back out of
        the BoundingBox.
        # inside
        r,c = self.last_row,0
        x,y = self.left+self.half_unit,self.bottom+self.half_unit
        self.assertEqual(self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c), (x,y))

        # outside
        r,c = self.last_row+1,-1
        test_x, test_y = self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c)

    def test_matrixidx2sheet_right_top(self):
        The top-right matrix cell [cbound,0] should be given back
        in Sheet coordinates at the center of that cell.

        The cell [-1,last_col+1] outside this corner should come back out of
        the BoundingBox.
        # inside
        r,c = 0,self.last_col
        x,y = self.right-self.half_unit,self.top-self.half_unit
        self.assertEqual(self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c), (x,y))

        # outside
        r,c = -1,self.last_col+1
        test_x, test_y = self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c)

    def test_matrixidx2sheet_right_bottom(self):
        The bottom-right matrix cell [cbound,rbound] should be given back
        in Sheet coordinates at the center of that cell.

        The cell [last_row+1,last_col+1] outside this corner should come back out of
        the BoundingBox.
        r,c = self.last_row,self.last_col
        x,y = self.right-self.half_unit,self.bottom+self.half_unit
        self.assertEqual(self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c), (x,y))

        # outside
        r,c = self.last_row+1,self.last_col+1
        test_x, test_y = self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c)

    def test_matrixidx2sheet_center(self):
        The row and col *index* of the center unit in the matrix should come
        back as the Sheet coordinates of the center of that center unit.
        r,c = self.center_unit_idx
        x_center = self.left+(self.right-self.left)/2.0
        y_center = self.bottom+(self.top-self.bottom)/2.0
        x,y = x_center+self.half_unit, y_center-self.half_unit
        self.assertEqual(self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c), (x,y))    

    def test_matrixidx2sheet_sheet2matrixidx(self):
        Check that sheet2matrixidx() is the inverse of matrix2sheetidx().
        # top-right corner
        x,y = self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(float(0),float(self.last_col))
        top_row,right_col = self.ct.sheet2matrixidx(x,y)

        # bottom-left corner
        x,y = self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(float(self.last_row),float(0))
        bottom_row,left_col = self.ct.sheet2matrixidx(x,y)
예제 #4
class TestCoordinateTransforms(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests for sheet.

    Subclassed for use; the subclasses have a setUp method to create
    the particular coordinates to use each time.
    def makeBox(self):
        self.box = BoundingBox(points=((self.left,self.bottom),

        self.ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(self.box,self.density,self.density)

        # float bounds for matrix coordinates: these
        # values are actually outside the matrix
        self.rbound = self.density*(self.top-self.bottom)
        self.cbound = self.density*(self.right-self.left)

        #self.cbound = int(self.density*(self.right-self.left)) / float((self.right-self.left))
        #self.rbound = int(self.density*(self.top-self.bottom)) / float((self.top-self.bottom))

        # CEBALERT: this is supposed to be a small distance
        D = 0.00001

        # Sheet values around the edge of the BoundingBox
        self.just_in_right_x = self.right - D
        self.just_in_bottom_y = self.bottom + D
        self.just_out_top_y = self.top + D
        self.just_out_left_x = self.left - D

        # Matrix values around the edge of the matrix
        self.just_out_right_idx = self.rbound + D
        self.just_out_bottom_idx = self.cbound + D
        self.just_out_top_idx = 0.0 - D
        self.just_out_left_idx = 0.0 - D

    ### sheet2matrix() tests
    def test_sheet2matrix_center(self):
        Check that the center of the Sheet corresponds to the center
        of the matrix.
        x_center = self.left+(self.right-self.left)/2.0
        y_center = self.bottom+(self.top-self.bottom)/2.0
        row, col = self.ct.sheet2matrix(x_center,y_center)

    def test_sheet2matrix_left_top(self):
        Check that the top-left of the Sheet is [0,0] in matrix
        row, col = self.ct.sheet2matrix(self.left,self.top)

    def test_sheet2matrix_right_bottom(self):
        Check that the bottom-right of the Sheet is [rbound,cbound] in matrix
        row, col = self.ct.sheet2matrix(self.right,self.bottom)

    def test_sheet2matrix_matrix2sheet(self):
        Check that matrix2sheet() is the inverse of sheet2matrix().
        # top-right corner
        row, col = self.ct.sheet2matrix(self.right,self.top)
        x_right, y_top = self.ct.matrix2sheet(row,col)

        # bottom-left corner
        row, col = self.ct.sheet2matrix(self.left,self.bottom)
        x_left, y_bottom = self.ct.matrix2sheet(row,col)

    def test_matrix2sheet_sheet2matrix(self):
        Check that sheet2matrix() is the inverse of matrix2sheet().
        # top-right corner
        x,y = self.ct.matrix2sheet(float(0),float(self.last_col))
        top_row,right_col = self.ct.sheet2matrix(x,y)

        # bottom-left corner
        x,y = self.ct.matrix2sheet(float(self.last_row),float(0))
        bottom_row,left_col = self.ct.sheet2matrix(x,y)

    ### sheet2matrixidx() tests
    def test_sheet2matrixidx_left_top(self):
        Test a point just inside the top-left corner of the BoundingBox, and
        one just outside.
        # inside
        r,c = 0,0
        x,y = self.left,self.top
        self.assertEqual(self.ct.sheet2matrixidx(x,y), (r,c))

        # outside
        r,c = -1,-1
        x,y = self.just_out_left_x,self.just_out_top_y
        self.assertEqual(self.ct.sheet2matrixidx(x,y), (r,c))

    def test_sheet2matrixidx_left_bottom(self):
        Test a point just inside the left-bottom corner of the BoundingBox, and
        one just outside.
        # inside
        r,c = self.last_row, 0
        x,y = self.left, self.just_in_bottom_y

        # outside
        r,c = self.last_row+1, -1
        x,y = self.just_out_left_x, self.bottom

    def test_sheet2matrixidx_right_top(self):
        Test a point just inside the top-right corner of the BoundingBox, and
        one just outside.
        # inside
        r,c = 0,self.last_col
        x,y = self.just_in_right_x,self.top

        # outside
        r,c = -1,self.last_col+1
        x,y = self.right,self.just_out_top_y

    def test_sheet2matrixidx_right_bottom(self):
        Test a point just inside the bottom-right corner of the BoundingBox,
        and the corner itself - which should not be inside.
        # inside
        r,c = self.last_row,self.last_col
        x,y = self.just_in_right_x,self.just_in_bottom_y

        # not inside
        r,c = self.last_row+1,self.last_col+1
        x,y = self.right,self.bottom

    ### matrix2sheet() tests
    def test_matrix2sheet_left_top(self):
        Check that Sheet's (0,0) is the top-left of the matrix.

        Check that just outside the top-left in matrix coordinates
        comes back to Sheet coordinates that are outside the
        x,y = self.ct.matrix2sheet(0,0)
        self.assertEqual((x,y), (self.left,self.top))

        x,y = self.ct.matrix2sheet(self.just_out_left_idx,self.just_out_top_idx)

    def test_matrix2sheet_right_bottom(self):
        Check that Sheet's (right,bottom) is the bottom-right in
        matrix coordinates i.e. [rbound,cbound]

        Check that just outside the bottom-right in matrix coordinates
        comes back to Sheet coordinates that are outside the
        x,y = self.ct.matrix2sheet(self.rbound,self.cbound)
        self.assertEqual((x,y), (self.right,self.bottom))

        x,y = self.ct.matrix2sheet(self.just_out_right_idx,self.just_out_bottom_idx)

    def test_matrix2sheet_center(self):
        Check that the center in Sheet coordinates corresponds to
        the center in continuous matrix coordinates.
        x_center = self.left+(self.right-self.left)/2.0
        y_center = self.bottom+(self.top-self.bottom)/2.0
        center_float_row = self.rbound/2.0
        center_float_col = self.cbound/2.0
        x,y = self.ct.matrix2sheet(center_float_row,center_float_col)

    ### matrixidx2sheet() tests
    def test_matrixidx2sheet_left_top(self):
        The top-left matrix cell [0,0] should be given back in Sheet
        coordinates at the center of that cell.

        The cell [-1,-1] outside this corner should come back out of
        the BoundingBox
        # inside
        r,c = 0,0
        x,y = self.left+self.half_unit,self.top-self.half_unit

        test_x, test_y = self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c)
        self.assertEqual((test_x,test_y), (x,y))

        # outside
        r,c = -1,-1
        test_x, test_y = self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c)

    def test_matrixidx2sheet_left_bottom(self):
        The bottom-left matrix cell [0,rbound] should be given back
        in Sheet coordinates at the center of that cell.

        The cell [last_row+1,-1] outside this corner should come back out of
        the BoundingBox.
        # inside
        r,c = self.last_row,0
        x,y = self.left+self.half_unit,self.bottom+self.half_unit
        self.assertEqual(self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c), (x,y))

        # outside
        r,c = self.last_row+1,-1
        test_x, test_y = self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c)

    def test_matrixidx2sheet_right_top(self):
        The top-right matrix cell [cbound,0] should be given back
        in Sheet coordinates at the center of that cell.

        The cell [-1,last_col+1] outside this corner should come back out of
        the BoundingBox.
        # inside
        r,c = 0,self.last_col
        x,y = self.right-self.half_unit,self.top-self.half_unit
        self.assertEqual(self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c), (x,y))

        # outside
        r,c = -1,self.last_col+1
        test_x, test_y = self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c)

    def test_matrixidx2sheet_right_bottom(self):
        The bottom-right matrix cell [cbound,rbound] should be given back
        in Sheet coordinates at the center of that cell.

        The cell [last_row+1,last_col+1] outside this corner should come back out of
        the BoundingBox.
        r,c = self.last_row,self.last_col
        x,y = self.right-self.half_unit,self.bottom+self.half_unit
        self.assertEqual(self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c), (x,y))

        # outside
        r,c = self.last_row+1,self.last_col+1
        test_x, test_y = self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c)

    def test_matrixidx2sheet_center(self):
        The row and col *index* of the center unit in the matrix should come
        back as the Sheet coordinates of the center of that center unit.
        r,c = self.center_unit_idx
        x_center = self.left+(self.right-self.left)/2.0
        y_center = self.bottom+(self.top-self.bottom)/2.0
        x,y = x_center+self.half_unit, y_center-self.half_unit
        self.assertEqual(self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(r,c), (x,y))

    def test_matrixidx2sheet_sheet2matrixidx(self):
        Check that sheet2matrixidx() is the inverse of matrix2sheetidx().
        # top-right corner
        x,y = self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(float(0),float(self.last_col))
        top_row,right_col = self.ct.sheet2matrixidx(x,y)

        # bottom-left corner
        x,y = self.ct.matrixidx2sheet(float(self.last_row),float(0))
        bottom_row,left_col = self.ct.sheet2matrixidx(x,y)