예제 #1
def connect_riots():
    global potential_targnodes, riots, dont_send


    for position, connection in riots.iteritems():
        # make sure the main thread isn't killed before we initialize our sockets

    logging.debug("riots: %s\n", riots)
    print "graphviz:\n", tv.prep_graphviz(str(riots))

    # write info about riots to file for easier gdb debuggingthings
    # I am going straight to hell for this.
    ip_info_file = open("./ip_port.info", "w")
    ip_info_file.write(json.dumps(dict({(v[0],v[1][0]) for k,v in riots.iteritems()})))

    if (shutdown_riots > 0):

    if (plain_mode):
        while (not dont_send):
            orignode = random.choice(riots.keys())

            if (len(potential_targnodes[orignode]) > 0):
                targnode = random.choice(potential_targnodes[orignode])
                targnode_ip = riots[targnode][1][0]
                print "orignode:", orignode, "targnode:", targnode, "targnode_ip", targnode_ip

                msg_queues[orignode].put("send_data %s\n" % targnode_ip)
                dont_send = True

    # after experiment_duration, this function will exit and kill all the threads it generated.
예제 #2
def count_successes(log_file_location):
    print "counting successful route discoveries and transmissions..."
    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)

    logfile = open(log_file_location)
    route_discoveries = []
    transmissions = []
    curr_ip = ""
    curr_discovery = {}
    line_number = 0

    for line in logfile:
        line_number += 1

        # reached original topology info; convert it to graphviz-readable format and print
        if ("riots:" in line):
            print tv.prep_graphviz(line)

        node_log_start = re.search(".* {Dummy-.*: (.*), \(., .\)}", line) # TODO match more thoroughly

        if (node_log_start):
            curr_ip = node_log_start.groups()[0]
            #print line
            #print curr_ip

        elif ("[demo]   sending packet" in line):
            # save old discovery (if not empty), record new one
            if (curr_discovery):
            curr_discovery = {}

            curr_discovery["orignode"] = curr_ip
            curr_discovery["targnode"] = re.search("{(.*)}\[demo\]   sending packet of (.*) bytes towards (.*)...", line).groups()[2]
            curr_discovery["seqnums"] = []
            curr_discovery["success"] = 0
            curr_discovery["rreq_arrived"] = 0
            #print curr_discovery

        ##this seems to be generally correct, but a bug in aodv/desvirt through which neighbors receive packets from their 2 hop neighbors confuses it (and aodv)

        # look for (successful) discoveries
        elif ("originating RREQ" in line):
            info = re.search("\[aodvv2\] originating RREQ with SeqNum (.*) towards (.*); updating RREQ table...", line).groups()
            seqnum = info[0]
            targnode = info[1]

            #print line_number, ":", line
            #print "1", curr_discovery

            if (curr_discovery and targnode != curr_discovery.get("targnode")):
                print "ERROR: IP conflict: ", targnode, ", ", curr_discovery.get("targnode"), "in line ", line_number
                return # double tap!


        # requested route is direct neighbor
        elif ("[ndp] found NC entry. Returning dest addr." in line):
            curr_discovery = {}

            #print line_number, ":", line
            #print "3", curr_discovery

        # delete logged attempt if no discovery has taken place because the route was already known
        elif ("found dest " in line):
            #print line_number, ":", line
            targnode = re.search(".*found dest (.*) in routing table", line).groups()[0]

            # a route towards dest already exists; the discovery has been successful before it even started.
            # thus, we can remove it from the discovery list, since there was nothing to discover.
            if (curr_discovery.get("targnode") == targnode and curr_discovery.get("seqnums") == []):
                #print "hbzd", curr_discovery
                curr_discovery = {}

        elif ("This is my RREP" in line):
            info = re.search(".* (.*):  This is my RREP \(SeqNum: (.*)\). We are done here, thanks (.*)!", line).groups()
            #print line

            orignode = info[0]
            targnode = info[2]
            seqnum = info[1]

            discovery = [disc for disc in route_discoveries if disc["orignode"] == orignode and disc["targnode"] == targnode and seqnum in disc["seqnums"]]
            if (curr_discovery["orignode"] == orignode and curr_discovery["targnode"] == targnode and seqnum in curr_discovery["seqnums"]):
                # RREP in time! wohooo! (oder? TODO verify)

            if (len(discovery) > 1):
                print "huch"
                print discovery
                discovery[0]["success"] = 1

        # look for (successful) transmissions
        # found initiation of new transmission
        if ("[demo]   sending packet" in line):
            [timestamp, targnode] = re.search("{(.*)}\[demo\]   sending packet of 15 bytes towards (.*)...", line).groups()
            transmission = { "timestamp": timestamp, "orignode": curr_ip, "targnode": targnode, "success": 0}

        # found packet that arrived (-> successful transmission)
        if ("[demo]   UDP packet received" in line):
            orignode = re.search(".*\[demo\].*UDP packet received from (.*):.*", line).groups()[0]
            print line_number, ":", line
            #print transmissions
            print "orignode: ", orignode, "\ncurr_ip: ", curr_ip
            print [t for t in transmissions if t["orignode"] == orignode and t["targnode"] == curr_ip]

            suitable_transmissions = [t for t in transmissions if t["orignode"] == orignode and t["targnode"] == curr_ip and t["success"] == 0]
            #print suitable_transmissions
            # doesn't matter which one exactly we mark as successful, just pick one.
            suitable_transmissions[-1]["success"] = 1

    print "route_discoveries \n", pp.pprint(route_discoveries)
    #print "transmissions\n", pp.pprint(transmissions)

    successful_discoveries = [d for d in route_discoveries if d["success"] == 1]
    in_timeout_discoveries = [d for d in route_discoveries if len(d["seqnums"]) <3 and d["success"] == 1]
    successful_transmissions = [t for t in transmissions if t["success"] == 1]

    discovery_summary = {}
    discovery_summary["success"] = len (successful_discoveries)
    discovery_summary["fail"] = len(route_discoveries) - discovery_summary["success"]

    transmission_summary = {}
    transmission_summary["success"] = len(successful_transmissions)
    transmission_summary["fail"] = len(transmissions) - transmission_summary["success"]

    return {"discoveries" : discovery_summary, "transmissions" : transmission_summary,
    "discoveries within timeout" : len(in_timeout_discoveries), "rrep_fail": 0}

def main():
    pcap_file_str = ""

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='evaluate traffic generated by auto_test')
    parser.add_argument('-p','--pcap', type=str, help='pcap file to evaluate')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', type=str, help='aodv_test log file to evaluate')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    if (args.pcap):
        print "evaluating pcap..."
        pcap_file_str = args.pcap

        xml_file_location  = pcap_to_xml(pcap_file_str)

    if (args.log):
        print "evaluating log..."

    #print pktbb_packets

if __name__ == "__main__":
예제 #3
def count_successes(log_file_location):
    print "counting successful route discoveries and transmissions..."
    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)

    logfile = open(log_file_location)
    route_discoveries = []
    transmissions = []
    curr_ip = ""
    curr_discovery = {"orignode": "", "targnode": ""}
    line_number = 0
    num_success_transm = 0

    for line in logfile:
        line_number += 1

        # reached original topology info; convert it to graphviz-readable format and print
        if ("riots:" in line):
            print "xoxo"
            info = line.split("riots: ")[1]
            print info
            print "graphviz:\n", tv.prep_graphviz(info)

        node_log_start = re.search(".* {Dummy-.*: (.*), \(.*\)\}",
                                   line)  # TODO match more thoroughly

        if (node_log_start):
            curr_ip = node_log_start.groups()[0]
            #print "setting current IP to:", curr_ip

        elif ("getting next hop for"
              in line):  # TODO gegen getting next hop for
            # save old discovery (if not empty), record new one
            #if (curr_discovery):
            #    route_discoveries.append(curr_discovery)
            info = re.search(
                "\[aodvv2\] aodv_get_next_hop\(\) (.*): getting next hop for (.*)",
            orignode = info[0]
            targnode = info[1]
            if (orignode != curr_ip):
                print "ERROR: current IP ", curr_ip, "differs from orignode ", orignode

            #print curr_discovery

            # only add new discovery if it is not a Route Discovery Retry
            if (not (curr_discovery["orignode"] == orignode
                     and curr_discovery["targnode"] == targnode)):
                curr_discovery = {}

                curr_discovery["orignode"] = orignode
                curr_discovery["targnode"] = targnode
                curr_discovery["seqnums"] = []
                curr_discovery["success"] = 0
                curr_discovery["rreq_arrived"] = 0

                #print "new discovery: ", curr_discovery

        # look for (successful) discoveries
        elif ("originating RREQ" in line):
            info = re.search(
                "\[aodvv2\] originating RREQ with SeqNum (.*) towards (.*); updating RREQ table...",
            seqnum = info[0]
            targnode = info[1]

            #print line_number, ":", line
            #print curr_discovery

            if (curr_discovery and targnode != curr_discovery.get("targnode")):
                print "ERROR: IP conflict between targnode of discovery: ", targnode, " and expected targnode: ", curr_discovery.get(
                    "targnode"), "in line ", line_number
                return  # double tap!


            # TODO do this more elegantly
            # this is the first time this discovery is started -> add it to list of started discoveries
            if (len(curr_discovery["seqnums"]) == 1):

        # requested route is direct neighbor
        elif ("[ndp] found NC entry. Returning dest addr." in line):
            curr_discovery["success"] = 1

            #print line_number, ":", line
            #print "3", curr_discovery

        # delete logged attempt if no discovery has taken place because the route was already known
        elif ("found dest " in line):
            #print line_number, ":", line
            targnode = re.search(".*found dest (.*) in routing table",

            # a route towards dest already exists; the discovery has been successful before it even started.
            # thus, we can remove it from the discovery list, since there was nothing to discover.
            if (curr_discovery.get("targnode") == targnode
                    and curr_discovery.get("seqnums") == []):
                #print "hbzd", curr_discovery
                curr_discovery["success"] = 1

        elif ("This is my RREP" in line):
            info = re.search(
                ".* (.*):  This is my RREP \(SeqNum: (.*)\). We are done here, thanks (.*)!",

            orignode = info[0]
            targnode = info[2]
            seqnum = info[1]

            # mark success in route_discoveries
            discovery = [
                disc for disc in route_discoveries if
                disc["orignode"] == orignode and disc["targnode"] == targnode
            ]  # and seqnum in disc["seqnums"]]
            if (len(discovery) > 1):
                print "WARNING: More than 1 suitable discovery found for line: \n", line

            discovery[0]["success"] = 1

        # look for (successful) transmissions
        # found initiation of new transmission
        if ("[demo]   sending packet" in line):
            [timestamp, targnode] = re.search(
                "{(.*)}\[demo\]   sending packet of 15 bytes towards (.*)...",
            transmission = {}
            transmission = {
                "timestamp": timestamp,
                "orignode": curr_ip,
                "targnode": targnode,
                "success": 0

        if ("[demo]   UDP packet received" in line):
            orignode = re.search(
                ".*\[demo\].*UDP packet received from (.*):.*",
            print "orignode", orignode
            print "targnode", curr_ip
            print "matching transmissions", [
                t for t in transmissions
                if t["orignode"] == orignode and t["targnode"] == curr_ip
            #print transmissions
            print "\n"

            # found packet that arrived (-> successful transmission)
        if ("[demo]   UDP packet received" in line):
            num_success_transm += 1

            orignode = re.search(
                ".*\[demo\].*UDP packet received from (.*):.*",
            # problem: packet comes from next hop, not originating node! -> embed info in message?
            print line_number, ":", line
            print re.search(".*\[demo\].*UDP packet received from (.*):.*", line).groups()
            #print transmissions
            print "orignode: ", orignode, "targnode: ", targnode ,"\ncurr_ip: ", curr_ip
            #print "transmissions:", transmissions
            print "matching transmissions", [t for t in transmissions if t["orignode"] == orignode and t["targnode"] == curr_ip]

            suitable_transmissions = [t for t in transmissions if t["orignode"] == orignode and t["targnode"] == curr_ip and t["success"] == 0]
            #print suitable_transmissions
            # doesn't matter which one exactly we mark as successful, just pick one.
            # TODO: herausfinden, warum es success: ... lines ohne suitable transmission gibt. doppelt gesendet?
            if (len(suitable_transmissions) > 1):
                suitable_transmissions[-1]["success"] = 1

    #print "route_discoveries \n", pp.pprint(route_discoveries)
    print "transmissions\n", pp.pprint(transmissions)
    print "successful transmissions: ", num_success_transm

    successful_discoveries = [
        d for d in route_discoveries if d["success"] == 1
    in_timeout_discoveries = [
        d for d in route_discoveries
        if len(d["seqnums"]) < 3 and d["success"] == 1
    successful_transmissions = [t for t in transmissions if t["success"] == 1]

    discovery_summary = {}
    discovery_summary["success"] = len(successful_discoveries)
    discovery_summary["fail"] = len(
        route_discoveries) - discovery_summary["success"]

    transmission_summary = {}
        "success"] = num_success_transm  #len(successful_transmissions)
    transmission_summary["fail"] = len(
        transmissions) - transmission_summary["success"]

    return {
        "discoveries": discovery_summary,
        "transmissions": transmission_summary,
        "discoveries within timeout": len(in_timeout_discoveries),
        "rrep_fail": 0
예제 #4
def count_successes(log_file_location):
    print "counting successful route discoveries and transmissions..."
    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)

    logfile = open(log_file_location)
    route_discoveries = []
    transmissions = []
    curr_ip = ""
    curr_discovery = {"orignode": "", "targnode": ""}
    line_number = 0
    num_success_transm = 0

    for line in logfile:
        line_number += 1

        # reached original topology info; convert it to graphviz-readable format and print
        if ("riots:" in line):
            print "xoxo"
            info = line.split("riots: ")[1]
            print info
            print "graphviz:\n", tv.prep_graphviz(info)

        node_log_start = re.search(".* {Dummy-.*: (.*), \(.*\)\}", line) # TODO match more thoroughly

        if (node_log_start):
            curr_ip = node_log_start.groups()[0]
            #print "setting current IP to:", curr_ip

        elif ("getting next hop for" in line): # TODO gegen getting next hop for
            # save old discovery (if not empty), record new one
            #if (curr_discovery):
            #    route_discoveries.append(curr_discovery)
            info = re.search("\[aodvv2\] aodv_get_next_hop\(\) (.*): getting next hop for (.*)", line).groups()
            orignode = info[0]
            targnode = info[1]
            if (orignode != curr_ip):
                print "ERROR: current IP ", curr_ip, "differs from orignode ", orignode

            #print curr_discovery

            # only add new discovery if it is not a Route Discovery Retry
            if (not (curr_discovery["orignode"] == orignode and curr_discovery["targnode"] == targnode)):
                curr_discovery = {}

                curr_discovery["orignode"] = orignode
                curr_discovery["targnode"] = targnode
                curr_discovery["seqnums"] = []
                curr_discovery["success"] = 0
                curr_discovery["rreq_arrived"] = 0

                #print "new discovery: ", curr_discovery

        # look for (successful) discoveries
        elif ("originating RREQ" in line):
            info = re.search("\[aodvv2\] originating RREQ with SeqNum (.*) towards (.*); updating RREQ table...", line).groups()
            seqnum = info[0]
            targnode = info[1]

            #print line_number, ":", line
            #print curr_discovery

            if (curr_discovery and targnode != curr_discovery.get("targnode")):
                print "ERROR: IP conflict between targnode of discovery: ", targnode, " and expected targnode: ", curr_discovery.get("targnode"), "in line ", line_number
                return # double tap!


            # TODO do this more elegantly
            # this is the first time this discovery is started -> add it to list of started discoveries
            if (len(curr_discovery["seqnums"]) == 1):

        # requested route is direct neighbor
        elif ("[ndp] found NC entry. Returning dest addr." in line):
            curr_discovery["success"] = 1

            #print line_number, ":", line
            #print "3", curr_discovery

        # delete logged attempt if no discovery has taken place because the route was already known
        elif ("found dest " in line):
            #print line_number, ":", line
            targnode = re.search(".*found dest (.*) in routing table", line).groups()[0]

            # a route towards dest already exists; the discovery has been successful before it even started.
            # thus, we can remove it from the discovery list, since there was nothing to discover.
            if (curr_discovery.get("targnode") == targnode and curr_discovery.get("seqnums") == []):
                #print "hbzd", curr_discovery
                curr_discovery["success"] = 1

        elif ("This is my RREP" in line):
            info = re.search(".* (.*):  This is my RREP \(SeqNum: (.*)\). We are done here, thanks (.*)!", line).groups()

            orignode = info[0]
            targnode = info[2]
            seqnum = info[1]

            # mark success in route_discoveries
            discovery = [disc for disc in route_discoveries if disc["orignode"] == orignode and disc["targnode"] == targnode] # and seqnum in disc["seqnums"]]
            if (len(discovery) > 1):
                print "WARNING: More than 1 suitable discovery found for line: \n", line

            discovery[0]["success"] = 1

        # look for (successful) transmissions
        # found initiation of new transmission
        if ("[demo]   sending packet" in line):
            [timestamp, targnode] = re.search("{(.*)}\[demo\]   sending packet of 15 bytes towards (.*)...", line).groups()
            transmission = {}
            transmission = {"timestamp": timestamp, "orignode": curr_ip, "targnode": targnode, "success": 0}

        if ("[demo]   UDP packet received" in line):
            orignode = re.search(".*\[demo\].*UDP packet received from (.*):.*", line).groups()[0]
            print "orignode", orignode
            print "targnode", curr_ip
            print "matching transmissions", [t for t in transmissions if t["orignode"] == orignode and t["targnode"] == curr_ip]
            #print transmissions
            print "\n"

                # found packet that arrived (-> successful transmission)
        if ("[demo]   UDP packet received" in line):
            num_success_transm += 1

            orignode = re.search(".*\[demo\].*UDP packet received from (.*):.*", line).groups()[0]
            # problem: packet comes from next hop, not originating node! -> embed info in message?

            print line_number, ":", line
            print re.search(".*\[demo\].*UDP packet received from (.*):.*", line).groups()
            #print transmissions
            print "orignode: ", orignode, "targnode: ", targnode ,"\ncurr_ip: ", curr_ip
            #print "transmissions:", transmissions
            print "matching transmissions", [t for t in transmissions if t["orignode"] == orignode and t["targnode"] == curr_ip]

            suitable_transmissions = [t for t in transmissions if t["orignode"] == orignode and t["targnode"] == curr_ip and t["success"] == 0]
            #print suitable_transmissions
            # doesn't matter which one exactly we mark as successful, just pick one.
            # TODO: herausfinden, warum es success: ... lines ohne suitable transmission gibt. doppelt gesendet?
            if (len(suitable_transmissions) > 1):
                suitable_transmissions[-1]["success"] = 1

    #print "route_discoveries \n", pp.pprint(route_discoveries)
    print "transmissions\n", pp.pprint(transmissions)
    print "successful transmissions: ", num_success_transm

    successful_discoveries = [d for d in route_discoveries if d["success"] == 1]
    in_timeout_discoveries = [d for d in route_discoveries if len(d["seqnums"]) <3 and d["success"] == 1]
    successful_transmissions = [t for t in transmissions if t["success"] == 1]

    discovery_summary = {}
    discovery_summary["success"] = len (successful_discoveries)
    discovery_summary["fail"] = len(route_discoveries) - discovery_summary["success"]

    transmission_summary = {}
    transmission_summary["success"] = num_success_transm #len(successful_transmissions)
    transmission_summary["fail"] = len(transmissions) - transmission_summary["success"]

    return {"discoveries" : discovery_summary, "transmissions" : transmission_summary,
    "discoveries within timeout" : len(in_timeout_discoveries), "rrep_fail": 0}