예제 #1
    def set_component_state(self, component_name, state_id):
        """Change a component's state on the main graph."""
        if component_name not in self.mapping:
            raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                f"Component '{component_name}' not found in mapping dict.")

        # Map from component to graph node for this component
        component_map = self.mapping[component_name]
        component = self.component_dict[component_name]

        if state_id not in component.states:
            raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                f"State '{state_id}' not found in {component_name} states dict."

        # Dict of {edges: FC} with component node names
        state_edges_component = component.states[state_id]

        component.current_state = state_id

        # Create new dict keyed by graph edges rather than component ones
        state_edges_graph = {}
        for cedge in state_edges_component.keys():
            cstart_node, cend_node, key = cedge

            both_nodes_valid = True
            if cstart_node not in component_map:
                error = invalid.InvalidComponentNode(
                    f"Component '{component.name}', node {cstart_node} not found in mapping dict.",
                    component.name, cstart_node)
                invalid.add_error(error, self.error_set)
                both_nodes_valid = False
            if cend_node not in component_map:
                error = invalid.InvalidComponentNode(
                    f"Component '{component.name}', node {cend_node} not found in mapping dict.",
                    component.name, cend_node)
                invalid.add_error(error, self.error_set)
                both_nodes_valid = False

            if both_nodes_valid:
                new_edge = (component_map[cstart_node],
                            component_name + '.' + key)
                state_edges_graph[new_edge] = state_edges_component[cedge]

        # Set FC on main graph according to new dict
                                                state_edges_graph, 'FC')
예제 #2
    def current_FC(self, *args):
        """Given a component_name or edge_id, return a dict of corresponding FCs.

        Passing in a component_name will yield a dict of all associated edges and FCs, while
        passing in a single edge_ID will simply yield a single value.
        Accepts lists, arguments, or some combination thereof, but **not tuples**.

        if len(args) == 0:
            return {
                edge: self.plumbing_graph.edges[edge]['FC']
                for edge in self.plumbing_graph.edges(keys=True)

        # If passed a list, unpack those list elements into args
        args = utils.flatten(args, unpack_tuples=False)

        if len(args) == 1 and args[0] in list(
            return self.plumbing_graph.edges[args[0]]['FC']

        ret = {}
        for arg in args:
            if arg in self.component_dict:
                for edge in self.plumbing_graph.edges(keys=True):
                    if edge[2].startswith(arg + '.'):
                        ret[edge] = self.plumbing_graph.edges[edge]['FC']
            elif arg in list(self.plumbing_graph.edges(keys=True)):
                ret[arg] = self.plumbing_graph.edges[arg]['FC']
                raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                    f"'{arg}' not found as component name or edge identifier.")

        return ret
예제 #3
    def current_pressures(self, *args):
        """Given one or more nodes, return their current pressure.

        Can accept lists, tuples, series of separate arguments, or any combination of the above.
        If given a single argument, returns a single value. Otherwise, returns a dict of
        {node: pressure}.

        if len(args) == 0:
            return {
                n: self.get_node_body(n).get_pressure()
                for n in self.plumbing_graph.nodes()

        # If passed a list, unpack those list elements into args
        args = utils.flatten(args)

            if len(args) == 1:
                return self.get_node_body(args[0]).get_pressure()
                return {n: self.get_node_body(n).get_pressure() for n in args}
        except KeyError as err:
            raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                f"Node {err.args[0]} not found in graph.")
예제 #4
    def current_state(self, *args):
        """Given one or more component_names, return the state_id of their current states.

        Can accept lists, tuples, series of separate arguments, or any combination of the above.
        If given a single argument, returns a single value. Otherwise, returns a dict of
        {component_name: state}.

        if len(args) == 0:
            return {
                component.name: component.current_state
                for component in self.component_dict.values()

        # If passed a list, unpack those list elements into args
        args = utils.flatten(args)

            if len(args) == 1:
                component_name = args[0]
                return self.component_dict[component_name].current_state
                return {
                    name: self.component_dict[name].current_state
                    for name in args
        except KeyError as err:
            raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                f"Component '{err.args[0]}' not found in component dict.")
예제 #5
    def reverse_orientation(self, component_name):
        """Reverse direction of suitable components, such as check valves."""
        if component_name not in self.component_dict:
            raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                f"Component '{component_name}' not found in component dict.")

        component = self.component_dict[component_name]

        if len(component.component_graph.edges()) != 2:
            raise exceptions.InvalidComponentError(
                "Component must only have two edges to be automatically reversed.\n"
                "Consider adjusting direction manually.")

        # Reverse orientation by switching direction of FCs
        to_switch = [
            e for e in self.plumbing_graph.edges(keys=True)
            if component_name in e[2]
        edge1 = list(to_switch[0])
        edge2 = list(to_switch[1])

        temp = self.plumbing_graph.edges[edge1]['FC']
        self.plumbing_graph.edges[edge1]['FC'] = self.plumbing_graph.edges[
        self.plumbing_graph.edges[edge2]['FC'] = temp
예제 #6
    def remove_component(self, input_component_name):
        """Remove component and associated errors."""
        # Check validity of provided component name
        if input_component_name not in self.component_dict:
            raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                f"Component with name {input_component_name} not found in component dict."

        component = self.component_dict[input_component_name]
        component_name = component.name

        # Remove all edges associated with component
        to_remove = []
        for edge in self.plumbing_graph.edges(keys=True):
            if component_name in edge[2]:

        # Remove unconnected (redundant) nodes
        to_remove = []
        for node in self.plumbing_graph.nodes():
            if not list(self.plumbing_graph.neighbors(node)):

        # Self info housekeeping
        if component_name in self.mapping:
            del self.mapping[component_name]
        del self.component_dict[input_component_name]
        self.time_res = utils.DEFAULT_TIME_RESOLUTION_MICROS
        for name in self.component_dict.keys():
예제 #7
    def set_teq(self, component_name, which_edge):
        """Set teq at each edge in provided dict for one component.

        which_edge is a dict of {edge: teq}. edge is the standard tuple of the form
        (source, target, key), where source and target are nodes, and key is a unique

        if component_name not in self.component_dict:
            raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                f"Component name '{component_name}' not found in component dict."

        component = self.component_dict[component_name]
        which_edge = copy.deepcopy(which_edge)

        for state_id, edge_dict in which_edge.items():
            if state_id not in component.states:
                raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                    f"State '{state_id}' not found in component {component_name}'s states dict."

            for edge, teq in edge_dict.items():
                teq = utils.s_to_micros(teq)
                if teq < utils.TEQ_MIN:
                    raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                        f"Provided teq {utils.micros_to_s(teq)} (component '{component_name}',"
                        f" state '{state_id}', edge {edge}) too low. "
                        f"Minimum teq is {utils.micros_to_s(utils.TEQ_MIN)}s.")
                if edge not in component.states[state_id]:
                    raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                        f"State '{state_id}', edge {edge} not found in component"
                        f" {component_name}'s states dict.")

                component.states[state_id][edge] = utils.teq_to_FC(teq)

        # Update teq changes on main plumbing graph
        if component.current_state in which_edge.keys():
            self.set_component_state(component_name, component.current_state)

예제 #8
    def set_pressure(self, node_name, pressure, fixed=False):
        """Set pressure at given node."""
        if not isinstance(pressure, (int, float)):
            raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                f"Pressure {pressure} must be a number.")
        if pressure < 0:
            raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                f"Negative pressure {pressure} not allowed.")
        if node_name not in self.plumbing_graph:
            raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                f"Node {node_name} not found in graph.")
        if node_name == utils.ATM and pressure != 0:
            raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                f"Pressure for atmosphere node ({utils.ATM}) must be 0.")

        if fixed:
            self.fixed_pressures[node_name] = pressure

        if not fixed and node_name in self.fixed_pressures:
            del self.fixed_pressures[node_name]
예제 #9
    def step(self, timestep=None):
        """ Return node pressures in the engine after timestep has elapsed.

        Step cannot be called on an empty or invalid plumbing engine.


        timestep: int
            timestep is the time, in microseconds, that we allow to elapse before
            returning the new state of node pressures in the graph. If unspecified, it defaults
            to the engine's current automatic time_res. If timestep is lower than the current
            time_res, time_res will be set to timestep and timestep will be used for
            calculations; however timestep must still be greater than MIN_TIME_RES. If not, an error
            will be raised.

        Returns a dict of {node: pressure}, much like current_pressures().
        if not self.plumbing_graph:
            raise exceptions.InvalidEngineError(
                "Step() cannot be called on an empty engine.")
        if not self.is_valid():
            raise exceptions.InvalidEngineError(
                "Step() cannot be called on an invalid engine. Check for errors."

        if timestep is None:
            timestep = self.time_res
        if timestep < utils.MIN_TIME_RES_MICROS:
            raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                f"timestep ({timestep}) too low, must be greater than "
                f"{utils.MIN_TIME_RES_MICROS} us.")
        if timestep < self.time_res:
            self.time_res = timestep
        if int(timestep) != timestep:
            raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                f"timestep ({timestep}) must be integer.")

        new_pressures = {}
        max_time = self.time + timestep
        while self.time < max_time:
            time_res = self.time_res
            if self.time + self.time_res > max_time:
                time_res = max_time - self.time
            for node, data in self.nodes():
                if node in self.fixed_pressures or node == utils.ATM:
                dp = 0
                pressure = data['body'].get_pressure()
                for edge in self.plumbing_graph.out_edges(node, keys=True):
                    neighbor = edge[1]
                    npressure = self.current_pressures(neighbor)
                    if pressure > npressure:
                        fc = self.current_FC(edge)
                        dp -= fc * (pressure - npressure)
                for edge in self.plumbing_graph.in_edges(node, keys=True):
                    neighbor = edge[0]
                    npressure = self.current_pressures(neighbor)
                    if pressure < npressure:
                        fc = self.current_FC(edge)
                        dp += fc * (npressure - pressure)
                new_pressures[node] = pressure + dp * time_res

            for node, pressure in new_pressures.items():
                self.set_pressure(node, pressure)
            self.time += time_res

        return self.current_pressures()
예제 #10
    def add_component(self,
        Add a component to the main plumbing graph according to provided specifications.

        Specifications are similar to load_graph(), but localized to a single component.


        component: PlumbingComponent
            component is the PlumbingComponent to be added.

        mapping: dict
            mapping is a dict of {component_node: main_graph_node} that specifies connectivity
            between the added component and the rest of the graph.

        state_id: string
            state_id is the component's initial state.

        pressures: dict
            pressures is a dict of {main_graph_node: (initial_pressure, fixed)} where fixed
            is a bool indicating whether the pressure must remain fixed or not. The dict doesn't
            have to be exhaustive; if a node isn't specified its pressure will be set to a default
            of 0.

        fail_silently: bool
            fail_silently controls whether errors are raised or written to the error set.

        if not fail_silently and not component.is_valid():
            raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                "Component not valid; all errors must be resolved before loading in."

        if not pressures:
            pressures = {}

        name = component.name
        component_graph = component.component_graph

        # Updating the plumbing engine's records about itself with new component
        self.component_dict[name] = component
        self.mapping[name] = copy.deepcopy(mapping)

        # Adding and connecting new nodes to main graph as necessary
        for start_node, end_node, edge_key in component_graph.edges(keys=True):
            both_nodes_valid = True

            if start_node not in mapping:
                error_msg = f"Component '{name}', node {start_node} not found in mapping dict."
                if fail_silently:
                    error = invalid.InvalidComponentNode(
                        error_msg, name, start_node)
                    invalid.add_error(error, self.error_set)
                    both_nodes_valid = False
                    raise exceptions.BadInputError(error_msg)
            if end_node not in mapping:
                error_msg = f"Component '{name}', node {end_node} not found in mapping dict."
                if fail_silently:
                    error = invalid.InvalidComponentNode(
                        error_msg, name, end_node)
                    invalid.add_error(error, self.error_set)
                    both_nodes_valid = False
                    raise exceptions.BadInputError(error_msg)

            if both_nodes_valid:
                start_map_node = mapping[start_node]
                end_map_node = mapping[end_node]

                self.plumbing_graph.add_edge(start_map_node, end_map_node,
                                             component.name + '.' + edge_key)

                for node in [start_map_node, end_map_node]:
                    if node in self.nodes(
                    ) and 'body' in self.plumbing_graph.nodes[node]:
                    body = node_types.instantiate_node(node)
                    self.plumbing_graph.nodes[node]['body'] = body

        self.set_component_state(component.name, state_id)

        # Assign specified node pressures
        pressures = copy.deepcopy(pressures)
        for node_name, node_pressure in pressures.items():
            except exceptions.BadInputError as err:
                if fail_silently:
                    if err.args[0] == f"Node {node_name} not found in graph.":
                    error = invalid.InvalidNodePressure(err.args[0], node_name)
                    invalid.add_error(error, self.error_set)
예제 #11
    def load_graph(self, components, mapping, initial_pressures,
        Load in a graph to the PlumbingEngine.


        components: dict
            components is a dict of {component_name: PlumbingComponent} where component_name
            is a string that matches the name attribute of its corresponding PlumbingComponent.

        mapping: dict
            mapping is a dict of {component_name: {component_node: main_graph_node}}, which is
            used to specify connectivity between components on the main graph.

        initial_pressures: dict
            initial_pressures is a dict of {main_graph_node: (initial_pressure, fixed)} where fixed
            is a bool indicating whether the pressure must remain fixed or not. The dict doesn't
            have to be exhaustive; if a node isn't specified its pressure will be set to a default
            of 0.

        initial_states: dict
            initial_states is a dict of {component_name: state_name}. Every component must
            have an entry, which will be used to determine its initial state on the main graph.

        Errors from malformed input will be stored in the engine's error_set. The presence of
        errors renders the engine invalid; invalid engines cannot be solved.

        initial_pressures = copy.deepcopy(initial_pressures)
        initial_states = copy.deepcopy(initial_states)

        self.component_dict = copy.deepcopy(components)
        self.mapping = copy.deepcopy(mapping)


        for name, component in self.component_dict.items():
            if not component.is_valid():
                error = invalid.InvalidComponentName(
                    f"Component with name '{name}' is not valid;"
                    " component cannot be loaded in until errors are resolved.",
                invalid.add_error(error, self.error_set)
            name_valid = True
            if name not in self.mapping:
                error = invalid.InvalidComponentName(
                    f"Component with name '{name}' not found in mapping dict.",
                invalid.add_error(error, self.error_set)
                name_valid = False
            if name not in initial_states:
                error = invalid.InvalidComponentName(
                    f"Component '{name}' state not found in initial states dict.",
                invalid.add_error(error, self.error_set)
                name_valid = False
            if not name_valid:

            # Only pass in those pressures that are relevant to the current component
            node_pressures = {}
            for node, pressure in initial_pressures.items():
                if node in self.mapping[name].values():
                    node_pressures[node] = pressure


        # Raise this error (instead of writing to the error set) because there's no intuitive
        # point to remove afterwards. Won't interfere with any engine setup, since it's at the very
        # end of the function call
        for node in initial_pressures.keys():
            if node not in self.plumbing_graph.nodes():
                raise exceptions.BadInputError(
                    f"Node {node} not found in graph.")