예제 #1
def linear_inference_rule(n: Node, module_instance, symbols, constraints, counter):
    Input and output sizes should be the same except for the last dimension
    If the input is Dyn, then so should the output
    assert isinstance(n.args[0], Node)
    linear_output, counter = gen_tvar(counter)
    symbols[n] = linear_output
    linear_input = symbols[n.args[0]]

    input_dyn = BinConstraintT(linear_input, Dyn, op_eq)
    output_dyn = BinConstraintT(linear_output, Dyn, op_eq)

    c1 = Conj([input_dyn, output_dyn])

    c2 = []
    for i in range(1, MAX_TENSOR_RANK + 1):
        new_dims_rhs_1, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)
        new_dims_rhs_2, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)

        nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(new_dims_rhs_1 + new_dims_rhs_2)

        c_tensor_i = Conj([BinConstraintT(linear_input, TensorType(new_dims_rhs_1), op_eq),
                           BinConstraintT(linear_output, TensorType(new_dims_rhs_2), op_eq)] +
                          add_linear_constraints(new_dims_rhs_1, new_dims_rhs_2, module_instance) +

    return [Disj([c1, Disj(c2)])], counter
def gen_consistency_constraints(constraint: Constraint, counter: int):
        constraint: Consistency constraint on tensors
        counter: for variable tracking

    Returns: Equality and consistency constraints on dimensions


    all_constraints = []

    for i in range(1, MAX_TENSOR_RANK + 1):
        new_dims_rhs_1, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)
        new_dims_rhs_2, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)

        nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(new_dims_rhs_1 + new_dims_rhs_2)

        c_tensor_i = Conj([
            BinConstraintT(constraint.lhs, TensorType(new_dims_rhs_1), op_eq),
            BinConstraintT(constraint.rhs, TensorType(new_dims_rhs_2), op_eq)
        ] + [
            BinConstraintD(d1, d2, op_consistency)
            for d1, d2 in zip(new_dims_rhs_1, new_dims_rhs_2)
        ] + nat_constraints)


    return all_constraints, counter
예제 #3
def bmm_inference_rule(n: Node, symbols, constraints, counter):
    Constraints that match the input to a size 3 tensor
    and switch the dimensions according to the rules
    of batch multiplication
    assert isinstance(n.args[0], Node)
    assert isinstance(n.args[1], Node)

    bmm_output, counter = gen_tvar(counter)
    symbols[n] = bmm_output

    bmm_input1 = symbols[n.args[0]]
    bmm_input2 = symbols[n.args[1]]

    dims_input1, counter = gen_tensor_dims(3, counter)
    dims_input2, counter = gen_tensor_dims(3, counter)

    inputs_dyn = Conj([
        BinConstraintT(bmm_input1, Dyn, op_eq),
        BinConstraintT(bmm_input2, Dyn, op_eq),
        BinConstraintT(bmm_output, Dyn, op_eq)

    input1_dyn = Conj([
        BinConstraintT(bmm_input1, Dyn, op_eq),
        BinConstraintT(bmm_input2, TensorType(dims_input2), op_eq),
                       TensorType([dims_input2[0], Dyn, dims_input2[2]]),

    input2_dyn = Conj([
        BinConstraintT(bmm_input2, Dyn, op_eq),
        BinConstraintT(bmm_input1, TensorType(dims_input1), op_eq),
                       TensorType([dims_input1[0], dims_input1[1], Dyn]),

    consistency_constraints = [
        BinConstraintD(dims_input1[0], dims_input2[0], op_consistency)

    batch_size, counter = gen_dvar(counter)

    inputs_are_tensors = Conj([
        BinConstraintT(bmm_input1, TensorType(dims_input1), op_eq),
        BinConstraintT(bmm_input2, TensorType(dims_input2), op_eq),
            TensorType([batch_size, dims_input1[1], dims_input2[2]]), op_eq),
        DGreatestUpperBound(batch_size, dims_input1[0], dims_input2[0])

    return [Disj([inputs_dyn, input1_dyn, input2_dyn,
                  inputs_are_tensors])], counter
예제 #4
def layer_norm_inference_rule(n: Node, module_instance, symbols, constraints, counter):
    Input and output shapes should be equal.
    Input should be consistent with the normalized_shape
    assert isinstance(n.args[0], Node)
    output, counter = gen_tvar(counter)
    symbols[n] = output
    input = symbols[n.args[0]]

    input_dyn = BinConstraintT(input, Dyn, op_eq)
    output_dyn = BinConstraintT(output, Dyn, op_eq)

    c1 = Conj([input_dyn, output_dyn])

    c2 = []
    for i in range(1, MAX_TENSOR_RANK + 1):
        new_dims_rhs, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)
        nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(new_dims_rhs)

        c_tensor_i = Conj([BinConstraintT(input, TensorType(new_dims_rhs), op_eq),
                           BinConstraintT(output, TensorType(new_dims_rhs), op_eq)] +
                          add_layer_norm_constraints(new_dims_rhs, list(module_instance.normalized_shape)) +

    return [Disj([c1, Disj(c2)])], counter
예제 #5
def cumsum_inference_rule(n: Node, symbols, constraints, counter):
    Input and output shapes should be equal
    We should verify that the index is valid
    assert isinstance(n.args[0], Node)
    arg_1 = n.args[1] if len(n.args) > 1 else n.kwargs["dim"]
    assert isinstance(arg_1, int)

    output, counter = gen_tvar(counter)
    symbols[n] = output
    input = symbols[n.args[0]]

    input_dyn = BinConstraintT(input, Dyn, op_eq)
    output_dyn = BinConstraintT(output, Dyn, op_eq)
    c1 = Conj([input_dyn, output_dyn])
    c2 = []
    for i in range(1, MAX_TENSOR_RANK + 1):
        new_dims, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)

        nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(new_dims)

        c_tensor_i = Conj([BinConstraintT(input, TensorType(new_dims), op_eq),
                           BinConstraintT(output, TensorType(new_dims), op_eq)] +
                          [range_check(arg_1, i)] + nat_constraints)

    dyn_or_tensor = Disj([c1, Disj(c2)])
    return [dyn_or_tensor], counter
def generate_calc_conv(constraint, counter):
    d, counter = gen_tensor_dims(4, counter)
    conv_result = TensorType([d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]])

    # the convolution result is a tensor of size 4
    c1 = BinConstraintT(constraint.conv_result, conv_result, op_eq)

    # the second dimension of the output is equal to the output channels
    c2 = Conj([
        BinConstraintD(d[1], constraint.c_out, op_eq),
        BinConstraintD(d[1], Dyn, op_neq)

    # the input corresponds to the output in the first dimension of the convolution
    c3 = BinConstraintD(constraint.matching_constraint[0], d[0], op_eq)

    c4, c5 = calc_last_two_dims(constraint, d)

    leq_constraints = Conj([
        BinConstraintD(0, d[0], op_leq),
        BinConstraintD(0, d[1], op_leq),
        BinConstraintD(0, d[2], op_leq),
        BinConstraintD(0, d[3], op_leq)

    return Conj([c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, leq_constraints]), counter
예제 #7
def conv2d_inference_rule(n: Node, module_instance, symbols, constraints, counter):
    assert isinstance(n.args[0], Node)

    my_conv, counter = gen_tvar(counter)
    symbols[n] = my_conv
    input_var = symbols[n.args[0]]

    # dim vars
    [d1, d2, d3, d4], counter = gen_tensor_dims(MAX_TENSOR_RANK, counter)

    # c1 = Matching(input_var, TensorType([d1, d2, d3, d4]))
    c1 = BinConstraintT(input_var, TensorType([d1, d2, d3, d4]), op_matching)

    # c2 = DConsistency(module_instance.in_channels, d2)
    c2 = BinConstraintD(module_instance.in_channels, d2, op_consistency)

    c3 = CalcConv(my_conv, input_var,
                  module_instance.dilation, [d1, d2, d3, d4])

    nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints([d1, d2, d3, d4])

    return [c1, c2, c3, *nat_constraints], counter
예제 #8
def embedding_inference_rule(n: Node, module_instance, symbols, constraints, counter):
    The output shape differs from the input shape in the last dimension
    assert isinstance(n.args[0], Node)

    embedding_dim = module_instance.embedding_dim  # number

    embedding_output, counter = gen_tvar(counter)
    symbols[n] = embedding_output
    embedding_input = symbols[n.args[0]]

    input_dyn = BinConstraintT(embedding_input, Dyn, op_eq)
    output_dyn = BinConstraintT(embedding_output, Dyn, op_eq)

    c1 = Conj([input_dyn, output_dyn])
    c2 = []

    for i in range(1, MAX_TENSOR_RANK):
        new_dims, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)
        nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(new_dims)

        # we consider all tensor sizes and append embedding_dim to the end of the output dimension in all cases
        c_tensor_i = Conj([BinConstraintT(embedding_input, TensorType(new_dims), op_eq),
                           BinConstraintT(embedding_output, TensorType(new_dims + [embedding_dim]), op_eq)] +

    return [Disj([c1, Disj(c2)])], counter
예제 #9
def index_select_inference_rule(n: Node, symbols, constraints, counter):
    We constrain the second argument to a vector or Dyn.
    The output replaces the input with the shape of the vector
    at the position given by the index (first argument)
    # print(n.args)
    assert isinstance(n.args[0], Node)
    assert isinstance(n.args[1], int)
    assert isinstance(n.args[2], Node)

    index_select, counter = gen_tvar(counter)
    symbols[n] = index_select

    dims, counter = gen_tensor_dims(1, counter)

    # equality constraint
    is_size_1 = BinConstraintT(symbols[n.args[2]], TensorType(dims), op_eq)
    is_dyn = BinConstraintT(symbols[n.args[2]], Dyn, op_eq)

    c2 = Conj([is_size_1, Disj([IndexSelect(i + 1, symbols[n.args[0]], dims[0], n.args[1], index_select)
                                for i in range(MAX_TENSOR_RANK)])])
    c3 = Conj([is_dyn, Disj([IndexSelect(i + 1, symbols[n.args[0]], Dyn, n.args[1], index_select)
                             for i in range(MAX_TENSOR_RANK)])])

    return [Disj([c2, c3])], counter
예제 #10
def expand_inference_rule(n: Node, symbols, constraints, counter):
    We generate the exact constraints as we do for tensor additions but we constraint
    the rank of this expression to be equal to len(n.args[1:]) so that only
    those cases get considered for the output
    assert isinstance(n.args[0], Node)

    # define the output for expand
    expand, counter = gen_tvar(counter)
    symbols[n] = expand

    # since we do not have two nodes here, we will construct an argument variable
    e1 = symbols[n.args[0]]
    e2, counter = gen_tvar(counter)

    e2_nat_constraints = []
    for arg in n.args[1:]:
        assert isinstance(arg, Node) or isinstance(arg, int)
        if isinstance(arg, Node):
            assert isinstance(symbols[arg], DVar)
            e2_nat_constraints.append(BinConstraintD(0, symbols[arg], op_leq))

    e2_constraint = BinConstraintT(e2, TensorType([arg if isinstance(arg, int) else symbols[arg] for arg in n.args[1:]]), op_eq)

    constraints, counter = gen_broadcasting_constraints(e1, e2, symbols, counter, expand)

    # constraint the output size
    dims, counter = gen_tensor_dims(len(n.args[1:]), counter)
    nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(dims)
    c = [BinConstraintT(expand, TensorType(dims), op_eq), *nat_constraints, e2_constraint, *e2_nat_constraints]
    constraints += c

    return constraints, counter
def transform_get_item(constraint, counter):
    generate an equality of the form:
    t = [a1, ..., an]
    then generate constraints that check if the given index is valid
    given this particular tensor size.
    If the index is valid, generate a constraint to get the item
    Note that we already handled the Dyn input case in the previous
        constraint: GetItem which assumes we are getting an item from a tensor (not Dyn)
        counter: variable tracking
    Returns: simplified constraints for GetItem

    dims, counter = gen_tensor_dims(constraint.tensor_size, counter)
    nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(dims)

    is_valid_index = valid_index(constraint.index, dims)

    all_constraints = [
        BinConstraintT(constraint.input_var, TensorType(dims), op_eq),
        *nat_constraints, is_valid_index

    # if the index is valid, we generate a constraint for getting an item
    # otherwise this clause will have been UNSAT due to the wrong index
    if is_valid_index == T():
            BinConstraintD(constraint.res, dims[constraint.index], op_eq))

    return Conj(all_constraints), counter
예제 #12
def gen_embedding_rules(n: Node, symbols, embedding_dim, counter):

    embedding_output, counter = gen_tvar(counter)
    symbols[n] = embedding_output
    embedding_input = symbols[n.args[0]]

    input_dyn = BinConstraintT(embedding_input, Dyn, op_eq)
    output_dyn = BinConstraintT(embedding_output, Dyn, op_eq)

    c1 = Conj([input_dyn, output_dyn])
    c2 = []

    for i in range(1, MAX_TENSOR_RANK):
        new_dims, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)
        nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(new_dims)

        # we consider all tensor sizes and append embedding_dim to the end of the output dimension in all cases
        c_tensor_i = Conj([
            BinConstraintT(embedding_input, TensorType(new_dims), op_eq),
                           TensorType(new_dims + [embedding_dim]), op_eq)
        ] + nat_constraints)

    return [Disj([c1, Disj(c2)])], counter
def transform_get_item_tensor(constraint, counter):
    When the index is a tuple, then the output will be a tensor
    TODO: we have to check if this is the case for all HF models

    The cases we are covrering here are a tuple with one of:
     - slice with default argument
     - None

     None appends 1 to the input tensor dimensions
     so each occurrence of 'None' increases the rank by 1

     slice with default arguments does not change the rank
    assert isinstance(constraint.index_tuple, tuple)

    # generate a result tensor of the expected size
    dims, counter = gen_tensor_dims(constraint.tensor_size, counter)
    nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(dims)

    # generate a place-holder list of the right rank
    # where "slice" does not contribute to the rank and "None" does
    none_c = constraint.index_tuple.count(None)
    resulting_tensor_dims = (none_c + len(dims)) * [None]

    dim_index = 0
    for i in range(len(constraint.index_tuple)):

        # append 1 to the right location of the resulting tensor
        if constraint.index_tuple[i] is None:
            resulting_tensor_dims[i] = 1

        elif constraint.index_tuple[i] == slice(None, None, None):

            raise NotImplementedError('Method not yet implemented')

    # append the remaining dimensions to the right location
    dim_index = 0
    for i in range(len(resulting_tensor_dims)):
        if resulting_tensor_dims[i] is None:
            resulting_tensor_dims[i] = dims[dim_index]
            dim_index += 1

    # check if the index is valid
    is_valid_index = valid_index_tensor(constraint.index_tuple, dims)

    # check if the resulting tensor is within bounds
    if len(resulting_tensor_dims) > 4:
        return F(), counter

        constraints = [
            BinConstraintT(constraint.input_var, TensorType(dims), op_eq),
            BinConstraintT(constraint.res, TensorType(resulting_tensor_dims),
                           op_eq), *nat_constraints, is_valid_index
        return Conj(constraints), counter
예제 #14
def generate_flatten_constraints(start_dim, end_dim, input, flattened, n, counter):
    d, counter = gen_tensor_dims(n, counter)
    c1 = BinConstraintT(input, TensorType(d), op_eq)
    start_dim = n if start_dim == -1 else abs(start_dim)
    end_dim = n + end_dim + 1 if end_dim < 0 else end_dim + 1
    c2 = CalcProduct(start_dim, end_dim, flattened, d)
    nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(d)
    return Conj([c1, c2, *nat_constraints]), counter
예제 #15
def torch_linear_inference_rule(n: Node, symbols, constraints, counter):
    assert isinstance(n.args[0], Node)
    weight_dims, counter = gen_tensor_dims(2, counter)
    equality_constraint = BinConstraintT(n.args[1], TensorType(weight_dims),
    constraints, counter = linear_constraints(n, weight_dims[0],
                                              weight_dims[1], symbols, counter)
    return [equality_constraint] + constraints, counter
def apply_padding(e1_var: TVar, e11: BinConstraintT, e2: BinConstraintT,
                  e12: BinConstraintT, d2: List[DVar], d11: List[DVar],
                  d12: List[DVar], counter: int):
    We are considering the possibility where one input has less dimensions than
    another input, so we apply padding to the broadcasted results

        e1_var: Variable representing the first input where padding will be
        e11: constraint of the form e11 = Tensortype[d1, ..., dn]
        e2:  constraint of the form e2 = Tensortype[d1, ..., dn]
        e12: constraint of the form e11 = Tensortype[d1, ..., dn]
        d2: Tensor variables for the second input
        d11: Tensor variables for the broadcasted first input
        d12: Tensor variables for the broadcasted second input
        counter: variable tracking

    Returns: A new constraint whose goal is to apply padding to the broadcasted result


    res = []

    # pad the shorter input with None so we can pass it to the broadcasting helper function
    for i in range(1, len(d2)):

        d1, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)

        nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(d1 + d2 + d11 + d12)

        e1 = BinConstraintT(e1_var, TensorType(d1), op_eq)

        simulate_padding = [None] * (len(d2) - i)

        assert len(simulate_padding + d1) == len(d2)

        broadcast_padding = []

        # for every padding size, we also consider broadcasting
        for j in range((len(d2) - i)):
                broadcast_dim(simulate_padding, d2, d11, d12, j, True))

        # we consider the possibilities for broadcasting for every dimension. Since we already
        # padded d1, we do not consider it while broadcasting
        all_broadcasting_possibilities = generate_all_broadcasting_possibilities_no_padding(
            d1, d2[(len(d2) - i):], d11[(len(d2) - i):], d12[(len(d2) - i):])
        # combine all constraints into a conjunction
        c = Conj([
            e1, e11, e2, e12, *broadcast_padding,
            all_broadcasting_possibilities, *nat_constraints

    return Disj(res), counter
예제 #17
def embedding_inference_rule_functional(n: Node, symbols, constraints,
    assert isinstance(n.args[0], Node)

    embedding_dim_weights = symbols[n.args[1]]

    # will treat this as a static shape. So we will not use matching.
    weight_dims, counter = gen_tensor_dims(2, counter)
    equality_constraint = BinConstraintT(embedding_dim_weights,
                                         TensorType(weight_dims), op_eq)
    embedding_dim = weight_dims[1]
    constraints, counter = gen_embedding_rules(n, symbols, embedding_dim,
    return [equality_constraint] + constraints, counter
def gen_greatest_upper_bound(constraint: TGreatestUpperBound, counter: int):
        constraint: Greatest upper bound on tensors
        counter: variable tracking

    Returns: A set of equality constraints and DGreatestUpperBound constraints


    all_constraints = []

    for i in range(1, MAX_TENSOR_RANK + 1):
        c = []
        dims1, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)
        c1tensor = TensorType(dims1)

        dims2, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)
        c2tensor = TensorType(dims2)

        dims3, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)
        c3tensor = TensorType(dims3)

        c += [BinConstraintT(constraint.rhs1, c1tensor, op_eq),
              BinConstraintT(constraint.rhs2, c2tensor, op_eq),
              BinConstraintT(constraint.res, c3tensor, op_eq)] + \
            gen_nat_constraints(dims1 + dims2 + dims3)

        assert len(c3tensor.__args__) == len(c1tensor.__args__) == len(
        for i in range(len(c3tensor.__args__)):
                DGreatestUpperBound(c3tensor.__args__[i], c1tensor.__args__[i],

    return all_constraints, counter
예제 #19
def linear_constraints(n: Node, in_features, out_features, symbols, counter):
    linear_output, counter = gen_tvar(counter)
    symbols[n] = linear_output
    linear_input = symbols[n.args[0]]

    input_dyn = BinConstraintT(linear_input, Dyn, op_eq)
    output_dyn = BinConstraintT(linear_output, Dyn, op_eq)

    c1 = Conj([input_dyn, output_dyn])

    c2 = []
    for i in range(1, MAX_TENSOR_RANK + 1):
        new_dims_rhs_1, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)
        new_dims_rhs_2, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)

        nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(new_dims_rhs_1 + new_dims_rhs_2)

        c_tensor_i = Conj([
            BinConstraintT(linear_input, TensorType(new_dims_rhs_1), op_eq),
            BinConstraintT(linear_output, TensorType(new_dims_rhs_2), op_eq)
        ] + add_linear_constraints(new_dims_rhs_1, new_dims_rhs_2, in_features,
                                   out_features) + nat_constraints)
    return [Disj([c1, Disj(c2)])], counter
예제 #20
def maxpool_inference_rule(n: Node, module_instance, symbols, constraints, counter):
    assert isinstance(n.args[0], Node)
    maxpool, counter = gen_tvar(counter)
    symbols[n] = maxpool
    input_var = symbols[n.args[0]]

    # dim vars
    [d1, d2, d3, d4], counter = gen_tensor_dims(MAX_TENSOR_RANK, counter)

    c1 = BinConstraintT(input_var, TensorType([d1, d2, d3, d4]), op_matching)

    c2 = CalcMaxPool(maxpool, input_var, module_instance.kernel_size, module_instance.padding,
                     module_instance.stride, module_instance.dilation, [d1, d2, d3, d4])

    nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints([d1, d2, d3, d4])

    return [c1, c2, *nat_constraints], counter
def gen_lists_of_dims(num_tensors: int, dim_size: int, counter: int):
    Generate lists of DVar to represent tensor dimensions
        num_tensors: the required number of tensors
        dim_size: the number of dimensions for each tensor
        counter: variable tracking

    Returns: A list of a list of tensor dimensions

    res = []

    for _ in range(num_tensors):
        dims, counter = gen_tensor_dims(dim_size, counter)

    return res, counter
예제 #22
def transform_transpose(constraint, counter):
    Similar to a sequence of two index-selects
    dims, counter = gen_tensor_dims(constraint.tensor_size, counter)
    is_valid_index1 = valid_index(constraint.index1, dims)
    is_valid_index2 = valid_index(constraint.index2, dims)
    new_dims = copy.deepcopy(dims)
    nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(dims)

    if is_valid_index1 == T() and is_valid_index2 == T():
        new_dims[constraint.index1] = dims[constraint.index2]
        new_dims[constraint.index2] = dims[constraint.index1]

    transformed_constraint = Conj([
        BinConstraintT(constraint.input_var, TensorType(dims), op_eq),
        *nat_constraints, is_valid_index1, is_valid_index2,
        BinConstraintT(constraint.output, TensorType(new_dims), op_eq)
    return transformed_constraint, counter
예제 #23
def torch_dim_inference_rule(n: Node, symbols, constraints, counter):
    assert isinstance(n.args[0], Node)
    my_dim, counter = gen_dvar(counter)
    symbols[n] = my_dim
    input = symbols[n.args[0]]

    input_dyn = BinConstraintT(input, Dyn, op_eq)
    output_dyn = BinConstraintD(my_dim, Dyn, op_eq)

    c1 = []

    for i in range(1, MAX_TENSOR_RANK + 1):
        new_dims_rhs_1, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)

        c_tensor_i = Conj([
            BinConstraintT(input, TensorType(new_dims_rhs_1), op_eq),
            BinConstraintD(my_dim, i, op_eq)

    return [Disj([Conj([input_dyn, output_dyn]), Disj(c1)])], counter
예제 #24
def gen_layer_norm_constraints(n: Node, normalized_shape, symbols, counter):
    output, counter = gen_tvar(counter)
    symbols[n] = output
    input = symbols[n.args[0]]

    input_dyn = BinConstraintT(input, Dyn, op_eq)
    output_dyn = BinConstraintT(output, Dyn, op_eq)

    c1 = Conj([input_dyn, output_dyn])

    c2 = []
    for i in range(1, MAX_TENSOR_RANK + 1):
        new_dims_rhs, counter = gen_tensor_dims(i, counter)
        nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(new_dims_rhs)

        c_tensor_i = Conj([
            BinConstraintT(input, TensorType(new_dims_rhs), op_eq),
            BinConstraintT(output, TensorType(new_dims_rhs), op_eq)
        ] + add_layer_norm_constraints(new_dims_rhs, list(normalized_shape)) +
    return [Disj([c1, Disj(c2)])], counter
def generate_calc_maxpool(constraint, counter):
    Transform maxpool constraints
    d, counter = gen_tensor_dims(4, counter)
    maxpool_result = TensorType([d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]])

    # the maxpool result is a tensor of size 4
    c1 = BinConstraintT(constraint.maxpool_result, maxpool_result, op_eq)

    # the input corresponds to the output in the first and second dimension of maxpool
    c2 = BinConstraintD(constraint.matching_constraint[1], d[1], op_eq)
    c3 = BinConstraintD(constraint.matching_constraint[0], d[0], op_eq)
    c4, c5 = calc_last_two_dims(constraint, d)

    leq_constraints = Conj([
        BinConstraintD(0, d[0], op_leq),
        BinConstraintD(0, d[1], op_leq),
        BinConstraintD(0, d[2], op_leq),
        BinConstraintD(0, d[3], op_leq)

    return Conj([c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, leq_constraints]), counter
예제 #26
def transform_index_select(constraint, counter):
    The constraints consider the given tensor size, checks if the index is valid
    and if so, generates a constraint for replacing the input dimension
    with the required dimension
    dims, counter = gen_tensor_dims(constraint.tensor_size, counter)
    is_valid_index = valid_index(constraint.index, dims)
    nat_constraints = gen_nat_constraints(dims)

    # if the index is valid then replace the input dimension with the new dimension
    # otherwise the dimension will not be replaced and the clause will contain False
    if is_valid_index == T():
        new_dims = copy.deepcopy((dims))
        new_dims[constraint.index] = constraint.dim_replace

    transformed_constraint = Conj([
        BinConstraintT(constraint.input_var, TensorType(dims), op_eq),
        *nat_constraints, is_valid_index,
        BinConstraintT(constraint.output, TensorType(new_dims), op_eq)

    # print(constraints)
    return transformed_constraint, counter
def generate_reshape(constraint, counter):
    Transform reshape constraints
    d, counter = gen_tensor_dims(4, counter)

    d1 = d[0]
    d2 = d[1]
    d3 = d[2]
    d4 = d[3]

    target = constraint.target.__args__

    is_fully_static = all([d != Dyn for d in target])

    # dynamic tensor
    c1_dyn = BinConstraintT(constraint.src, Dyn, op_eq)
    c2_tensor1 = BinConstraintT(constraint.src, TensorType([d1]), op_eq)
    c2_tensor2 = BinConstraintT(constraint.src, TensorType([d1, d2]), op_eq)
    c2_tensor3 = BinConstraintT(constraint.src, TensorType([d1, d2, d3]),
    c2_tensor4 = BinConstraintT(constraint.src, TensorType([d1, d2, d3, d4]),

    d1_eq_dyn = BinConstraintD(d1, Dyn, op_eq)
    d1_neq_dyn = BinConstraintD(d1, Dyn, op_neq)

    d2_eq_dyn = BinConstraintD(d2, Dyn, op_eq)
    d2_neq_dyn = BinConstraintD(d2, Dyn, op_neq)

    d3_eq_dyn = BinConstraintD(d3, Dyn, op_eq)
    d3_neq_dyn = BinConstraintD(d3, Dyn, op_neq)

    d4_eq_dyn = BinConstraintD(d3, Dyn, op_eq)
    d4_neq_dyn = BinConstraintD(d3, Dyn, op_neq)

    nat_d1 = BinConstraintD(0, d1, op_leq)
    nat_d2 = BinConstraintD(0, d2, op_leq)
    nat_d3 = BinConstraintD(0, d3, op_leq)
    nat_d4 = BinConstraintD(0, d4, op_leq)

    if is_fully_static:
        # size 1 tensor
        c3_tensor1 = Disj([
                   BinConstraintD(d1, Prod(target), op_eq)]))
        all_tensor_1 = Conj([c2_tensor1, c3_tensor1])

        # size 2 tensor
        all_tensor_2 = Conj(
             gen_all_reshape_possibilities([d1, d2], target)])

        # size 3 tensor
        all_tensor_3 = Conj(
             gen_all_reshape_possibilities([d1, d2, d3], target)])

        # size 4 tensor
        all_tensor_4 = Conj([
            gen_all_reshape_possibilities([d1, d2, d3, d4], target)

        return Conj([
                c1_dyn, all_tensor_1, all_tensor_2, all_tensor_3, all_tensor_4
            ]), nat_d1, nat_d2, nat_d3, nat_d4
        ]), counter

    # then there must be exactly one occurrence of dyn
        new_target = []

        for n in target:
            if n != Dyn:

        # tensor 1
        c3_tensor1 = Disj([
                   is_dim_div_by_target(new_target, d1)]))
        all_tensor_1 = Conj([c2_tensor1, c3_tensor1])

        # tensor 2
        c21 = Disj([d1_eq_dyn, d2_eq_dyn])
        c22 = Conj([
            d1_neq_dyn, d2_neq_dyn,
            is_dim_div_by_target(new_target, Prod([d1, d2]))
        all_tensor_2 = Conj([c2_tensor2, Disj([c21, c22])])

        # tensor 3
        c31 = Disj([d1_eq_dyn, d2_eq_dyn, d3_eq_dyn])
        c32 = Conj([
            d1_neq_dyn, d2_neq_dyn, d3_neq_dyn,
            is_dim_div_by_target(new_target, Prod([d1, d2, d3]))
        all_tensor_3 = Conj([c2_tensor3, Disj([c31, c32])])

        # tensor 4
        c41 = Disj([d1_eq_dyn, d2_eq_dyn, d3_eq_dyn, d4_eq_dyn])
        c42 = Conj([
            d1_neq_dyn, d2_neq_dyn, d3_neq_dyn, d4_neq_dyn,
            is_dim_div_by_target(new_target, Prod([d1, d2, d3, d4]))
        all_tensor_4 = Conj([c2_tensor4, Disj([c41, c42])])

        return Conj([
                c1_dyn, all_tensor_1, all_tensor_2, all_tensor_3, all_tensor_4
            ]), nat_d1, nat_d2, nat_d3, nat_d4
        ]), counter
예제 #28
def neq_inference_rule(n: Node, symbols, constraints, counter):
    Translates to inconsistent in gradual types.
    To prove inequality, we should prove that
    tensors are either different sizes or
    disagree on at least one dimension

    This is a WIP (works when the condition
    is false. We are working on making this operation work
    when the condition is true as well)
    assert isinstance(n.args[0], Node)
    assert isinstance(n.args[1], tuple)

    # implementing for size 3 and 4
    if len(n.args[1]) == 3:

        assert isinstance(n.args[1][0], Node) or isinstance(n.args[1][0], int)
        assert isinstance(n.args[1][1], Node) or isinstance(n.args[1][1], int)
        assert isinstance(n.args[1][2], Node) or isinstance(n.args[1][2], int)

        lhs = symbols[n.args[0]]

        b, counter = gen_tensor_dims(4, counter)
        input_is_size3 = BinConstraintT(lhs, TensorType([b[0], b[1], b[2]]), op_eq)

        d1 = n.args[1][0] if isinstance(n.args[1][0], int) else symbols[n.args[1][0]]
        d2 = n.args[1][1] if isinstance(n.args[1][1], int) else symbols[n.args[1][1]]
        d3 = n.args[1][2] if isinstance(n.args[1][2], int) else symbols[n.args[1][2]]

        # dimensions not equal
        my_ne, counter = gen_bvar(counter)
        neq_1 = BinConstraintD(d1, b[0], op_neq)
        neq_2 = BinConstraintD(d2, b[1], op_neq)
        neq_3 = BinConstraintD(d3, b[2], op_neq)

        # dimensions inconsistent
        dims_inconsistent1 = Conj([BinConstraintD(d1, Dyn, op_neq), BinConstraintD(b[0], Dyn, op_neq), neq_1])
        dims_inconsistent2 = Conj([BinConstraintD(d2, Dyn, op_neq), BinConstraintD(b[1], Dyn, op_neq), neq_2])
        dims_inconsistent3 = Conj([BinConstraintD(d3, Dyn, op_neq), BinConstraintD(b[2], Dyn, op_neq), neq_3])

        dims_inconsistent = Disj([dims_inconsistent1, dims_inconsistent2, dims_inconsistent3])

        # we are covering size 3 and 4 only for now
        ne_constraint = Conj([input_is_size3, dims_inconsistent])

        my_ne, counter = gen_bvar(counter)
        equality_constraint = BinConstraintD(my_ne, ne_constraint, op_eq)

    elif len(n.args[1]) == 4:

        assert isinstance(n.args[1][0], Node) or isinstance(n.args[1][0], int)
        assert isinstance(n.args[1][1], Node) or isinstance(n.args[1][1], int)
        assert isinstance(n.args[1][2], Node) or isinstance(n.args[1][2], int)
        assert isinstance(n.args[1][3], Node) or isinstance(n.args[1][3], int)

        lhs = symbols[n.args[0]]

        b1, counter = gen_dvar(counter)
        b2, counter = gen_dvar(counter)
        b3, counter = gen_dvar(counter)
        b4, counter = gen_dvar(counter)

        input_is_size4 = BinConstraintT(lhs, TensorType([b1, b2, b3, b4]), op_eq)

        d1 = n.args[1][0] if isinstance(n.args[1][0], int) else symbols[n.args[1][0]]
        d2 = n.args[1][1] if isinstance(n.args[1][1], int) else symbols[n.args[1][1]]
        d3 = n.args[1][2] if isinstance(n.args[1][2], int) else symbols[n.args[1][2]]
        d4 = n.args[1][3] if isinstance(n.args[1][3], int) else symbols[n.args[1][3]]

        # dimensions not equal
        my_ne, counter = gen_bvar(counter)
        neq_1 = BinConstraintD(d1, b1, op_neq)
        neq_2 = BinConstraintD(d2, b2, op_neq)
        neq_3 = BinConstraintD(d3, b3, op_neq)
        neq_4 = BinConstraintD(d4, b4, op_neq)

        # dimensions to inconsistent
        dims_inconsistent1 = Conj([BinConstraintD(d1, Dyn, op_neq), BinConstraintD(b1, Dyn, op_neq), neq_1])
        dims_inconsistent2 = Conj([BinConstraintD(d2, Dyn, op_neq), BinConstraintD(b2, Dyn, op_neq), neq_2])
        dims_inconsistent3 = Conj([BinConstraintD(d3, Dyn, op_neq), BinConstraintD(b3, Dyn, op_neq), neq_3])
        dims_inconsistent4 = Conj([BinConstraintD(d4, Dyn, op_neq), BinConstraintD(b3, Dyn, op_neq), neq_4])

        dims_inconsistent = Disj([dims_inconsistent1, dims_inconsistent2, dims_inconsistent3, dims_inconsistent4])

        ne_constraint = Conj([input_is_size4, dims_inconsistent])

        my_ne, counter = gen_bvar(counter)

        equality_constraint = BinConstraintD(my_ne, ne_constraint, op_eq)

        raise NotImplementedError('Method not yet implemented')

    return [equality_constraint], counter