def __init__(self, root, filename=None): super().__init__() # Load pre-downloaded dataset filename = "3dshapes.npz" if filename is None else filename path = pathlib.Path(root, filename) with np.load(path) as dataset: # Load data and permute dims NHWC -> NCHW = torch.tensor(dataset["images"]).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) self.factor_sizes = [10, 10, 10, 8, 4, 15] self.targets = torch.cartesian_prod( *[torch.arange(v) for v in self.factor_sizes])
def neighbor_pairs(padding_mask: Tensor, coordinates: Tensor, cell: Tensor, shifts: Tensor, cutoff: float) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Compute pairs of atoms that are neighbors Arguments: padding_mask (:class:`torch.Tensor`): boolean tensor of shape (molecules, atoms) for padding mask. 1 == is padding. coordinates (:class:`torch.Tensor`): tensor of shape (molecules, atoms, 3) for atom coordinates. cell (:class:`torch.Tensor`): tensor of shape (3, 3) of the three vectors defining unit cell: tensor([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], [x3, y3, z3]]) cutoff (float): the cutoff inside which atoms are considered pairs shifts (:class:`torch.Tensor`): tensor of shape (?, 3) storing shifts """ coordinates = coordinates.detach() cell = cell.detach() num_atoms = padding_mask.shape[1] num_mols = padding_mask.shape[0] all_atoms = torch.arange(num_atoms, device=cell.device) # Step 2: center cell # torch.triu_indices is faster than combinations p12_center = torch.triu_indices(num_atoms, num_atoms, 1, device=cell.device) shifts_center = shifts.new_zeros((p12_center.shape[1], 3)) # Step 3: cells with shifts # shape convention (shift index, molecule index, atom index, 3) num_shifts = shifts.shape[0] all_shifts = torch.arange(num_shifts, device=cell.device) prod = torch.cartesian_prod(all_shifts, all_atoms, all_atoms).t() shift_index = prod[0] p12 = prod[1:] shifts_outside = shifts.index_select(0, shift_index) # Step 4: combine results for all cells shifts_all =[shifts_center, shifts_outside]) p12_all =[p12_center, p12], dim=1) shift_values = @ cell # step 5, compute distances, and find all pairs within cutoff selected_coordinates = coordinates.index_select(1, p12_all.view(-1)).view(num_mols, 2, -1, 3) distances = (selected_coordinates[:, 0, ...] - selected_coordinates[:, 1, ...] + shift_values).norm(2, -1) padding_mask = padding_mask.index_select(1, p12_all.view(-1)).view(2, -1).any(0) distances.masked_fill_(padding_mask, math.inf) in_cutoff = (distances <= cutoff).nonzero() molecule_index, pair_index = in_cutoff.unbind(1) molecule_index *= num_atoms atom_index12 = p12_all[:, pair_index] shifts = shifts_all.index_select(0, pair_index) return molecule_index + atom_index12, shifts
def grid_visualize(point_clouds, encoder, decoder, grid_scale, threshold, knn_num, save_dir, batch_idx=0): B, C, N = point_clouds.shape device = point_clouds.device with torch.no_grad(): scale = torch.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, grid_scale) point_grid = torch.stack( [torch.cartesian_prod(scale, scale, scale).transpose(1, 0)] * B, dim=0).to(device) partial_size = 100 test_pred = torch.Tensor([]).to(device) for i in range(int((grid_scale**3) / partial_size)): partial_point_grid = point_grid[:, :, i * partial_size:(i + 1) * partial_size] temp_latent_vector = encoder( knn_point_sampling(point_clouds, partial_point_grid, knn_num)) test_pred =[ test_pred, decoder(partial_point_grid, temp_latent_vector).squeeze(dim=-1) ], dim=2) for b in range(B): test_pred_sample = test_pred[b, :, :] masked_index = (test_pred_sample.squeeze() < threshold).nonzero() pred_pc = torch.gather(point_grid[b, :, :], 1, torch.stack([masked_index.squeeze()] * 3, dim=0)) \ .unsqueeze(dim=0) if pred_pc.size(2) > N: pred_pc, _ = pcu.random_point_sample(pred_pc, N) elif pred_pc.size(2) < N: new_pred_pc = pred_pc while new_pred_pc.size(2) < N: new_pred_pc = [new_pred_pc, pcu.jitter(pred_pc)], dim=2) pred_pc, _ = pcu.random_point_sample(new_pred_pc, N) # pcu.visualize(point_clouds) # pcu.visualize(pred_pc) image_save(pred_pc.detach().cpu(), save_dir, 'grid_visualize', 'prediction', 'predict_pc', batch_idx=batch_idx * B + b, folder_numbering=False)
def __init__(self, check_on_x, check_on_y, check_on_t, check_every): self.using_non_gui_backend = matplotlib.get_backend() == 'agg' xy_tensor = torch.cartesian_prod(check_on_x, check_on_y) self.xx_tensor = torch.squeeze(xy_tensor[:, 0]) self.yy_tensor = torch.squeeze(xy_tensor[:, 1]) self.tt_tensors = [torch.ones(len(xy_tensor)) * t for t in check_on_t] self.xx_array = self.xx_tensor.clone().detach().cpu().numpy() self.yy_array = self.yy_tensor.clone().detach().cpu().numpy() self.t_array = check_on_t.clone().detach().cpu().numpy() self.check_every = check_every self.fig = None self.axs = [] # subplots = [] # color bars
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): # get params stride = int(x.size(-1) * ((self.max_stride_ratio - self.min_stride_ratio) * random() + self.min_stride_ratio)) grid_size = randint(int(stride * 0.3), int(stride * 0.7)) grid_hws = torch.cartesian_prod( torch.arange(randint(0, stride), x.size(1), stride), torch.arange(randint(0, stride), x.size(2), stride) ) for h, w in grid_hws: if torch.rand(1) < self.p: erase = torch.empty_like(x[..., h:h+grid_size, w:w+grid_size], dtype=torch.float32).normal_() x[..., h:h+grid_size, w:w+grid_size] = erase return x
def neighbor_pairs(padding_mask, coordinates, cell, shifts, cutoff): """Compute pairs of atoms that are neighbors Arguments: padding_mask (:class:`torch.Tensor`): boolean tensor of shape (molecules, atoms) for padding mask. 1 == is padding. coordinates (:class:`torch.Tensor`): tensor of shape (molecules, atoms, 3) for atom coordinates. cell (:class:`torch.Tensor`): tensor of shape (3, 3) of the three vectors defining unit cell: tensor([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], [x3, y3, z3]]) cutoff (float): the cutoff inside which atoms are considered pairs shifts (:class:`torch.Tensor`): tensor of shape (?, 3) storing shifts """ # type: (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, float) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor] coordinates = coordinates.detach() cell = cell.detach() num_atoms = padding_mask.shape[1] all_atoms = torch.arange(num_atoms, device=cell.device) # Step 2: center cell p1_center, p2_center = torch.combinations(all_atoms).unbind(-1) shifts_center = shifts.new_zeros(p1_center.shape[0], 3) # Step 3: cells with shifts # shape convention (shift index, molecule index, atom index, 3) num_shifts = shifts.shape[0] all_shifts = torch.arange(num_shifts, device=cell.device) shift_index, p1, p2 = torch.cartesian_prod(all_shifts, all_atoms, all_atoms).unbind(-1) shifts_outide = shifts.index_select(0, shift_index) # Step 4: combine results for all cells shifts_all =[shifts_center, shifts_outide]) p1_all =[p1_center, p1]) p2_all =[p2_center, p2]) shift_values =, cell) # step 5, compute distances, and find all pairs within cutoff distances = (coordinates.index_select(1, p1_all) - coordinates.index_select(1, p2_all) + shift_values).norm(2, -1) padding_mask = (padding_mask.index_select(1, p1_all)) | (padding_mask.index_select(1, p2_all)) distances.masked_fill_(padding_mask, math.inf) in_cutoff = (distances <= cutoff).nonzero() molecule_index, pair_index = in_cutoff.unbind(1) molecule_index *= num_atoms atom_index1 = p1_all[pair_index] atom_index2 = p2_all[pair_index] shifts = shifts_all.index_select(0, pair_index) return molecule_index + atom_index1, molecule_index + atom_index2, shifts
def test_segment_cartesian_product(): rng = np.random.RandomState(42) va = torch.tensor(rng.randn(10, 2)) vb = torch.tensor(rng.randn(8, 2)) sa = torch.tensor(_scopes_from_lengths([3, 7])) sb = torch.tensor(_scopes_from_lengths([2, 6])) result = index.segment_cartesian_product(va, vb, sa, sb) i1 = torch.cartesian_prod(torch.arange(sa[0, 1]), torch.arange(sb[0, 1])) r1 = (va.index_select(0, i1[:, 0]), vb.index_select(0, i1[:, 1])), dim=-1) assert np.allclose(r1.cpu().numpy(), result[:r1.shape[0], :])
def __init__(self, check_on_x, check_on_y, check_every): self.using_non_gui_backend = matplotlib.get_backend() == 'agg' xy_tensor = torch.cartesian_prod(check_on_x, check_on_y) self.xx_tensor = torch.squeeze(xy_tensor[:, 0]) self.yy_tensor = torch.squeeze(xy_tensor[:, 1]) self.xx_array = self.xx_tensor.clone().detach().cpu().numpy() self.yy_array = self.yy_tensor.clone().detach().cpu().numpy() self.check_every = check_every self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 8)) self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(131) self.cb1 = None self.ax2 = self.fig.add_subplot(132) self.ax3 = self.fig.add_subplot(133)
def _build_spherical_perspective(self, fov: float, width: int, height: int) -> Rays: """ Build fish-eye array of rays """ aspect_ratio = width / height # Field of view in radians horizontal_fov = fov * math.pi / 180.0 vertical_fov = horizontal_fov / aspect_ratio # Spherical coordinates phi = torch.linspace(vertical_fov / 2, -vertical_fov / 2, height, dtype=self.float_dtype) # Declination theta = torch.linspace(-horizontal_fov / 2, horizontal_fov / 2, width, dtype=self.float_dtype) # Yaw phi_theta = torch.cartesian_prod(phi, theta) # Source: origin src = self._as_float_tensor([.0, .0, .0]) # Destination dst = [(self.ray_len * torch.sin(phi_theta[:, 1]) * torch.cos(phi_theta[:, 0])).unsqueeze(-1), (self.ray_len * torch.sin(phi_theta[:, 0])).unsqueeze(-1), (-self.ray_len * torch.cos(phi_theta[:, 1]) * torch.cos(phi_theta[:, 0])).unsqueeze(-1)], dim=1) rays = self._allocate_rays(width * height) weight = 1. rays.src = src rays.dst = dst rays.wgt = weight rays.col = self._as_float_tensor(self.ray_col.asarray()) return rays
def _get_pixelwise_anchors( conv_shape, conv_stride_prod, raw_anchors, *, pixel_center=0.5): assert(len(conv_shape) == raw_anchors.shape[1]) ranges = ( ( torch.arange( shape_dim, device=raw_anchors.device, dtype=raw_anchors.dtype) + pixel_center ) * stride_prod_dim for shape_dim, stride_prod_dim in zip(conv_shape, conv_stride_prod)) shifts = torch.cartesian_prod(*ranges).unsqueeze(-2) broadcasted_tensors = torch.broadcast_tensors(shifts, raw_anchors) stacked_tensors = torch.stack(broadcasted_tensors, axis=-2) return stacked_tensors
def sample(self, x, edge_index, edge_weight, labels, idx_train, idx_val, idx_test): # pass sampled_edge_index: torch.Tensor = edge_index sampled_edge_weight: torch.Tensor = edge_weight embedding, _ = self.gcn_model(x, edge_index, edge_weight) embedding = F.softmax(embedding, dim=1) print(embedding.min(), embedding.max()) n = x.shape[0] m = edge_index.shape[-1] size = int(np.sqrt(m // 2)) entropy = torch.distributions.Categorical(probs=embedding).entropy() com_ent = torch.clamp_min(np.log(self.args.num_classes) - entropy, 0) print('com_ent.min(), com_ent.max()', com_ent.min(), com_ent.max()) centroid = torch.multinomial(com_ent, size, replacement=False) borderline = torch.multinomial(entropy, size, replacement=False) non_exist_edge_index = torch.cartesian_prod(centroid, borderline).t() non_exist_edge_index = [non_exist_edge_index, torch.flip(non_exist_edge_index, dims=[0])], dim=1) sampled_edge_index =[edge_index, non_exist_edge_index], dim=1) sampled_edge_weight =[ edge_weight, torch.zeros(non_exist_edge_index.shape[1], dtype=torch.float, device=self.args.device) ]) sampled_edge_index, sampled_edge_weight = torch_sparse.coalesce( sampled_edge_index, sampled_edge_weight, n, n, 'add') mask = sampled_edge_index[0] != sampled_edge_index[1] sampled_edge_index = sampled_edge_index[:, mask] sampled_edge_weight = sampled_edge_weight[mask] return sampled_edge_index, sampled_edge_weight
def test_compute_metric(self): # Dataset factor_sizes = [5] * 5 batch_size = dataset = BaseDataset() = torch.rand(batch_size, 1, 64, 64) dataset.targets = torch.cartesian_prod( *[torch.arange(v) for v in factor_sizes]) dataset.factor_sizes = factor_sizes self.evaluator.dataset = dataset # Model self.evaluator.model = TmpModel() # Compute metric scores_dict = self.evaluator.compute_metric("mig") self.assertIsInstance(scores_dict, dict) self.assertTrue(0 <= scores_dict["discrete_mig"] <= 1)
def product(*inputs, r=1): """Cartesian product of a set. Parameters ---------- inputs : iterable of tensor_like Input sets (tensors are flattened is not vectors) with `n[i]` elements each. r : int, default=1 Repeats. .. warning:: keyword argument only. Returns ------- output : (prod(n)**r, r) tensor Cartesian product """ inputs = [torch.as_tensor(input) for input in inputs] return torch.cartesian_prod(*(inputs * r))
def test_perspective_n_points(self, print_stats=False): if print_stats: print("RUN ON A DENSE GRID") u = torch.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 20) v = torch.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 15) for skip_q in [False, True]: self._testcase_from_2d( torch.cartesian_prod(u, v).cuda(), print_stats, False, skip_q) for num_pts in range(6, 3, -1): for skip_q in [False, True]: if print_stats: print(f"RUN ON {num_pts} points; skip_quadratic: {skip_q}") self.case_with_gaussian_points( num_pts=num_pts, print_stats=print_stats, benchmark=False, skip_q=skip_q, )
def glass_blur(inp, blur_std, rad, trials): inp = gaussian_blur(inp, blur_std) batch_size, _, w, h = inp.shape coords = ch.cartesian_prod(ch.arange(batch_size), rad + ch.arange(w - 2 * rad), rad + ch.arange(h - 2 * rad)).T for _ in range(trials): # should probably be (-rad, rad+1) but this is how it's done in ImageNet-C xy_diffs = ch.randint(-rad, rad, (2, coords.shape[1])) new_coords = coords +[ch.zeros(1, coords.shape[1]), xy_diffs ]).long() # Swap coords and new_coords (b1, x1, y1), (b2, x2, y2) = coords, new_coords cp1, cp2 = inp[b1, :, x1, y1].clone(), inp[b2, :, x2, y2].clone() inp[b2, :, x2, y2] = cp1 inp[b1, :, x1, y1] = cp2 return ch.clamp(gaussian_blur(inp, blur_std), 0, 1)
def eval_step(self, batch, batch_idx, tag): X, y, g, rows = batch y_hat = self.model(X, g) assert (y.size() == y_hat.size()) out_dim = y.size(-1) index_ptr = torch.cartesian_prod(torch.arange(rows.size(0)), torch.arange(g['cent_n_id'].size(0)), torch.arange(out_dim)) label = pd.DataFrame({ 'row_idx': rows[index_ptr[:, 0]].data.cpu().numpy(), 'node_idx': g['cent_n_id'][index_ptr[:, 1]].data.cpu().numpy(), 'feat_idx': index_ptr[:, 2].data.cpu().numpy(), 'val': y[index_ptr.t().chunk(3)].squeeze(dim=0).data.cpu().numpy() }) pred = pd.DataFrame({ 'row_idx': rows[index_ptr[:, 0]].data.cpu().numpy(), 'node_idx': g['cent_n_id'][index_ptr[:, 1]].data.cpu().numpy(), 'feat_idx': index_ptr[:, 2].data.cpu().numpy(), 'val': y_hat[index_ptr.t().chunk(3)].squeeze(dim=0).data.cpu().numpy() }) pred = pred.groupby(['row_idx', 'node_idx', 'feat_idx']).mean() label = label.groupby(['row_idx', 'node_idx', 'feat_idx']).mean() return { 'label': label, 'pred': pred, }
def plot2d_pdf(self, ax, bounds=((-6, 6), (-6, 6)), n_points=1000): bounds_x = bounds[0] bounds_y = bounds[1] x = torch.linspace(*bounds_x, n_points, device=self.device, dtype=torch.float) y = torch.linspace(*bounds_y, n_points, device=self.device, dtype=torch.float) if self.cached_grid is not None: levels = self.cached_grid else: levels = torch.exp( -self.E(torch.cartesian_prod(x, y).view(-1, 2))).view( n_points, n_points).data.cpu().numpy() self.cached_grid = levels levels /= np.sum(levels) ax.contour(x, y, levels.T) ax.set_title(, fontsize=16)
def post_epoch_visualize(self, epoch, split): print('* Visualizing', split) Z = torch.linspace(0.0, 1.0, steps=20) Z = torch.cartesian_prod(Z, Z).view(20, 20, 2) x_gens = [] for row in range(20): if self.flags.z_size == 2: z = Z[row] else: z = torch.rand(20, self.flags.z_size) z = self.model.prepare_batch(z) x_gen = self.model.run_batch([z], visualize=True).detach().cpu() x_gens.append(x_gen) x_full =, dim=0).numpy() if split == 'test': fname = self.flags.log_dir + '/test.png' else: fname = self.flags.log_dir + '/vis_%03d.png' % self.model.get_train_steps() misc.save_comparison_grid(fname, x_full, border_width=0, retain_sequence=True) print('* Visualizations saved to', fname)
def gen_vtx_points(base_lb: Tensor, base_ub: Tensor, extra: Optional[Tensor]) -> Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]: """ Generate the vertices of a hyper-rectangle bounded by LB/UB. :param base_lb/base_ub: batched :return: Batch x N x State, where N is the number of vertices in each abstraction """ # TODO a faster way might be using torch.where() to select from LB/UB points with [0, 2^n-1] indices all_vtxs = [] for lb, ub in zip(base_lb, base_ub): # basically, a cartesian product of LB/UB on each dimension lbub = torch.stack((lb, ub), dim=-1) # Dim x 2 vtxs = torch.cartesian_prod(*list(lbub)) all_vtxs.append(vtxs) all_vtxs = torch.stack(all_vtxs, dim=0) if extra is None: new_extra = None else: new_size = list(extra.size()) new_size.insert(1, all_vtxs.shape[1]) new_extra = extra.unsqueeze(dim=1).expand(*new_size) return all_vtxs, new_extra
def generator_3dspatial_cube(size, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max, random=True): """Return a generator that generates 3D points in a cube. :param size: Number of points to generated when `__next__` is invoked. :type size: int :param start: The starting point of the line segment. :type start: tuple[float, float] :param end: The ending point of the line segment. :type end: tuple[float, float] :param random: - If set to False, then return eqally spaced points range from `start` to `end`. - If set to Rrue then generate points randomly. Defaults to True. :type random: bool """ x_size, y_size, z_size = size x_generator = generator_1dspatial(x_size, x_min, x_max, random) y_generator = generator_1dspatial(y_size, y_min, y_max, random) z_generator = generator_1dspatial(z_size, z_min, z_max, random) while True: x = next(x_generator) y = next(y_generator) z = next(z_generator) xyz = torch.cartesian_prod(x, y, z) xx = torch.squeeze(xyz[:, 0]) yy = torch.squeeze(xyz[:, 1]) zz = torch.squeeze(xyz[:, 2]) yield xx, yy, zz
def main(): # args parser = ArgumentParser() # trainer args parser.add_argument('cfg_path', type=str) parser.add_argument('ear_path', type=str) parser.add_argument('output_path', type=str) parser.add_argument('--device', default='cpu', type=str) parser.add_argument('--nfft', default=256, type=int) parser.add_argument('--sr', default=44100, type=int) parser.add_argument('--view', action='store_true') # parse args = parser.parse_args() # load configs with open(args.cfg_path, 'r') as fp: cfg = json.load(fp) img_size = cfg['ears']['img_size'] img_channels = cfg['ears']['img_channels'] # pick models EarsModelClass = { 'vae_conv': VAECfg, 'vae_resnet': ResNetVAECfg, 'vae_incept': InceptionVAECfg }.get(cfg['ears']['model_type']) LatentModelClass = { 'dnn': DNNCfg }.get(cfg['latent']['model_type']) HrtfModelClass = { 'cvae_dense': CVAECfg, }.get(cfg['hrtf']['model_type']) # load models models = {} for ModelClass, model_type in zip([EarsModelClass, LatentModelClass, HrtfModelClass], ['ears', 'latent', 'hrtf']): model_ckpt_path = cfg[model_type]['model_ckpt_path'] print(f'### Loading model {ModelClass.model_name} from {model_ckpt_path}...') model = ModelClass.load_from_checkpoint(model_ckpt_path) model.eval() models[model_type] = model print('### Models Loaded.') # load and process ear image print(f'### Loading and processing ear picture from {args.ear_path}...') img =, 'r').convert('RGB') transforms = Compose([ Resize(img_size), ToTensor(), Grayscale(img_channels) ]) ear = transforms(img) ear = ear.unsqueeze(0) print('### Done loading and processing.') # calculate elevation range el_range = cfg['el_range'] if el_range: el_range = create_range(el_range) # calculate azimuth range az_range = cfg['az_range'] if az_range: az_range = create_range(az_range) # create c tensor if el_range is not None and az_range is not None: c = torch.cartesian_prod(el_range, az_range) elif el_range is not None: c = el_range.unsqueeze(-1) elif az_range is not None: c = az_range.unsqueeze(-1) # predict datapoints print('### Predicting data...') ear, c =, with torch.no_grad(): # ear to z_ear _, z_ear, *_ = models['ears'](ear) z_ears = z_ear.repeat(c.shape[0], 1) # z_ear + c to z_hrtf x =, c), dim=-1) z_hrtf = models['latent'](x) # z_hrtf to hrtf hrtf = models['hrtf'].cvae.dec(z_hrtf, c) hrtf = hrtf.cpu().numpy() c = c.cpu().numpy() print(f'### Done predicting. Data shape: {hrtf.shape}') # generate figure if args.view: print('### Generating figure...') output_path_resps = os.path.splitext(args.output_path)[0] + '_resps.png' output_path_surf = os.path.splitext(args.output_path)[0] + '_surf.png' f = rfftfreq(args.nfft, d=1. / # make first figure (individual responses) n_cols = 6 n_rows = math.ceil(len(c) / n_cols) figsize = n_cols * 4, n_rows * 2.4 fig, axs = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, figsize=figsize) for i, ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()): if i < len(c): ax.plot(f, hrtf[i]) ax.set_title(f'{c[i]}') else: ax.axis('off') fig.suptitle('PRTFs') fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.98]) fig.savefig(output_path_resps) # make second figure (surface plots) if c.shape[1] > 1: n_planes = len(az_range) az_range = az_range.numpy() else: n_planes = 1 az_range = [0] fig, axs = plt.subplots(n_planes, 1, figsize=(12, 10 * n_planes), squeeze=False) extent = [f[0], f[-1], el_range[-1], el_range[0]] for i, az in enumerate(az_range): if c.shape[1] > 1: curr_hrtf = hrtf[c[:, 1] == az] else: curr_hrtf = hrtf plot_surface(fig, axs[i, 0], curr_hrtf, extent, az) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(output_path_surf) print(f'### Figure stored in {output_path_resps} and {output_path_surf}') # store print(f'### Storing data in {args.output_path}...') sio.savemat(args.output_path, {'synthesized_hrtf': hrtf, 'pos': c}) print('### Done!')
def other_ops(self): a = torch.randn(4) b = torch.randn(4) c = torch.randint(0, 8, (5, ), dtype=torch.int64) e = torch.randn(4, 3) f = torch.randn(4, 4, 4) size = [0, 1] dims = [0, 1] return ( torch.atleast_1d(a), torch.atleast_2d(a), torch.atleast_3d(a), torch.bincount(c), torch.block_diag(a), torch.broadcast_tensors(a), torch.broadcast_to(a, (4)), # torch.broadcast_shapes(a), torch.bucketize(a, b), torch.cartesian_prod(a), torch.cdist(e, e), torch.clone(a), torch.combinations(a), torch.corrcoef(a), # torch.cov(a), torch.cross(e, e), torch.cummax(a, 0), torch.cummin(a, 0), torch.cumprod(a, 0), torch.cumsum(a, 0), torch.diag(a), torch.diag_embed(a), torch.diagflat(a), torch.diagonal(e), torch.diff(a), torch.einsum("iii", f), torch.flatten(a), torch.flip(e, dims), torch.fliplr(e), torch.flipud(e), torch.kron(a, b), torch.rot90(e), torch.gcd(c, c), torch.histc(a), torch.histogram(a), torch.meshgrid(a), torch.lcm(c, c), torch.logcumsumexp(a, 0), torch.ravel(a), torch.renorm(e, 1, 0, 5), torch.repeat_interleave(c), torch.roll(a, 1, 0), torch.searchsorted(a, b), torch.tensordot(e, e), torch.trace(e), torch.tril(e), torch.tril_indices(3, 3), torch.triu(e), torch.triu_indices(3, 3), torch.vander(a), torch.view_as_real(torch.randn(4, dtype=torch.cfloat)), torch.view_as_complex(torch.randn(4, 2)), torch.resolve_conj(a), torch.resolve_neg(a), )
def grid_data(self, positions: torch.Tensor, weights: torch.Tensor = None, method: str = 'nearest') -> torch.Tensor: """Places data from positions onto grid using method='nearest'|'cic' where cic=cloud in cell. Returns gridded data and stores it as class attribute data. Note that for nearest we place the data at the nearest grid point. This corresponds to grid edges at the property cell_edges. For cic then if the particle lies on a grid point it is entirely places in that cell, otherwise it is split over multiple cells. """ dimensions = tuple(self.n) fi = self._float_idx(positions) if weights is None: weights = positions.new_ones(positions.shape[0]) if method == 'nearest': i = (fi + 0.5).type(torch.int64) gd = ((i >= 0) & (i < self.n[None, :])).all(dim=1) if gd.sum() == 0: return positions.new_zeros(dimensions) data = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(i[gd].t(), weights[gd], size=dimensions).to_dense().reshape( dimensions).type( dtype=positions.dtype) elif method == 'cic': dimensions = tuple(self.n + 2) i = fi.floor() offset = fi - i i = i.type(torch.int64) + 1 gd = ((i >= 1) & (i <= self.n[None, :])).all(dim=1) if gd.sum() == 0: return positions.new_zeros(dimensions) weights, i, offset = weights[gd], i[gd], offset[gd] data = weights.new_zeros(dimensions) if len(self.n) == 1: # 1d is easier to handle as a special case indexes = torch.tensor([[0], [1]], device=i.device) else: twidle = torch.tensor([0, 1], device=i.device) indexes = torch.cartesian_prod( *torch.split(twidle.repeat(len(self.n)), 2)) for offsetdims in indexes: thisweights = torch.ones_like(weights) for dimi, offsetdim in enumerate(offsetdims): if offsetdim == 0: thisweights *= (torch.tensor(1.0) - offset[..., dimi]) if offsetdim == 1: thisweights *= offset[..., dimi] data += torch.sparse.FloatTensor((i + offsetdims).t(), thisweights * weights, size=dimensions).to_dense().type( dtype=positions.dtype) for dim in range(len(self.n)): data = data.narrow(dim, 1, data.shape[dim] - 2) else: raise ValueError( f'Method {method} not recognised. Allowed values are nearest|cic') return data
def eval_step(self, batch, batch_idx, tag): inputs, g, rows = batch input_day, input_day_gov, y_gbm, y = inputs forecast_length = y.size()[-1] y_hat, state_gate, gov_gate = self.model(input_day, input_day_gov, g) if self.config.use_gbm: y_hat += y_gbm assert (y.size() == y_hat.size()) if g['type'] == 'subgraph' and 'res_n_id' in g: # if using SAINT sampler cent_n_id = g['cent_n_id'] res_n_id = g['res_n_id'] # Note: we only evaluate predictions on those initial nodes (per random walk) # to avoid duplicated computations y = y[:, res_n_id] y_hat = y_hat[:, res_n_id] cent_n_id = cent_n_id[res_n_id] else: cent_n_id = g['cent_n_id'] if self.config.use_saintdataset: index_ptr = torch.cartesian_prod(torch.arange(rows.size(0)), torch.arange(cent_n_id.size(0)), torch.arange(forecast_length)) label = pd.DataFrame({ 'row_idx': rows[index_ptr[:, 0]].data.cpu().numpy(), 'node_idx': cent_n_id[index_ptr[:, 1]].data.cpu().numpy(), 'forecast_idx': index_ptr[:, 2].data.cpu().numpy(), 'val': y.flatten().data.cpu().numpy() }) pred = pd.DataFrame({ 'row_idx': rows[index_ptr[:, 0]].data.cpu().numpy(), 'node_idx': cent_n_id[index_ptr[:, 1]].data.cpu().numpy(), 'forecast_idx': index_ptr[:, 2].data.cpu().numpy(), 'val': y_hat.flatten().data.cpu().numpy() }) else: index_ptr = torch.cartesian_prod(torch.arange(rows.size(0)), torch.arange(forecast_length)) label = pd.DataFrame({ 'row_idx': rows[index_ptr[:, 0]].data.cpu().numpy(), 'node_idx': cent_n_id[index_ptr[:, 0]].data.cpu().numpy(), 'forecast_idx': index_ptr[:, 1].data.cpu().numpy(), 'val': y.flatten().data.cpu().numpy() }) pred = pd.DataFrame({ 'row_idx': rows[index_ptr[:, 0]].data.cpu().numpy(), 'node_idx': cent_n_id[index_ptr[:, 0]].data.cpu().numpy(), 'forecast_idx': index_ptr[:, 1].data.cpu().numpy(), 'val': y_hat.flatten().data.cpu().numpy() }) pred = pred.groupby(['row_idx', 'node_idx', 'forecast_idx']).mean() label = label.groupby(['row_idx', 'node_idx', 'forecast_idx']).mean() return { 'label': label, 'pred': pred, 'info': [state_gate, gov_gate] # 'atten': atten_context }
def train_and_eval(train_data, val_data, test_data, device='cuda', model_class=MF, model_args: dict = { 'emb_dim': 64, 'learning_rate': 0.05, 'weight_decay': 0.05 }, training_args: dict = { 'batch_size': 1024, 'epochs': 100, 'patience': 20, 'block_batch': [1000, 100] }): # build data_loader. train_loader = utils.data_loader.Block( train_data, u_batch_size=training_args['block_batch'][0], i_batch_size=training_args['block_batch'][1], device=device) val_loader = utils.data_loader.DataLoader( utils.data_loader.Interactions(val_data), batch_size=training_args['batch_size'], shuffle=False, num_workers=0) test_loader = utils.data_loader.DataLoader( utils.data_loader.Interactions(test_data), batch_size=training_args['batch_size'], shuffle=False, num_workers=0) # data shape n_user, n_item = train_data.shape # model and its optimizer. model = MF(n_user, n_item, dim=model_args['emb_dim'], dropout=0).to(device) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=model_args['learning_rate'], weight_decay=0) # loss_criterion criterion = nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum') def complement(u, i, u_all, i_all): mask_u = np.isin(u_all.cpu().numpy(), u.cpu().numpy()) mask_i = np.isin(i_all.cpu().numpy(), i.cpu().numpy()) mask = torch.tensor(1 - mask_u * mask_i).to('cuda') return mask # begin training stopping_args = Stop_args(patience=training_args['patience'], max_epochs=training_args['epochs']) early_stopping = EarlyStopping(model, **stopping_args) for epo in range(early_stopping.max_epochs): training_loss = 0 for u_batch_idx, users in enumerate(train_loader.User_loader): for i_batch_idx, items in enumerate(train_loader.Item_loader): # loss of training set model.train() users_train, items_train, y_train = train_loader.get_batch( users, items) y_hat_obs = model(users_train, items_train) loss_obs = criterion(y_hat_obs, y_train) all_pair = torch.cartesian_prod(users, items) users_all, items_all = all_pair[:, 0], all_pair[:, 1] y_hat_all = model(users_all, items_all) impu_all = torch.zeros((users_all.shape)).to(device) - 1 # mask = complement(users_train, items_train, users_all, items_all) # loss_all = criterion(y_hat_all * mask, impu_all * mask) loss_all = criterion(y_hat_all, impu_all) loss = loss_obs + model_args[ 'imputaion_lambda'] * loss_all + model_args[ 'weight_decay'] * model.l2_norm(users_all, items_all) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() training_loss += loss.item() model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): # train metrics train_pre_ratings = torch.empty(0).to(device) train_ratings = torch.empty(0).to(device) for u_batch_idx, users in enumerate(train_loader.User_loader): for i_batch_idx, items in enumerate(train_loader.Item_loader): users_train, items_train, y_train = train_loader.get_batch( users, items) pre_ratings = model(users_train, items_train) train_pre_ratings = (train_pre_ratings, pre_ratings)) train_ratings =, y_train)) # validation metrics val_pre_ratings = torch.empty(0).to(device) val_ratings = torch.empty(0).to(device) for batch_idx, (users, items, ratings) in enumerate(val_loader): pre_ratings = model(users, items) val_pre_ratings =, pre_ratings)) val_ratings =, ratings)) train_results = utils.metrics.evaluate(train_pre_ratings, train_ratings, ['MSE', 'NLL']) val_results = utils.metrics.evaluate(val_pre_ratings, val_ratings, ['MSE', 'NLL', 'AUC']) print('Epoch: {0:2d} / {1}, Traning: {2}, Validation: {3}'.format( epo, training_args['epochs'], ' '.join([ key + ':' + '%.3f' % train_results[key] for key in train_results ]), ' '.join([ key + ':' + '%.3f' % val_results[key] for key in val_results ]))) if early_stopping.check([val_results['AUC']], epo): break # testing loss print('Loading {}th epoch'.format(early_stopping.best_epoch)) model.load_state_dict(early_stopping.best_state) # validation metrics val_pre_ratings = torch.empty(0).to(device) val_ratings = torch.empty(0).to(device) for batch_idx, (users, items, ratings) in enumerate(val_loader): pre_ratings = model(users, items) val_pre_ratings =, pre_ratings)) val_ratings =, ratings)) # test metrics test_users = torch.empty(0, dtype=torch.int64).to(device) test_items = torch.empty(0, dtype=torch.int64).to(device) test_pre_ratings = torch.empty(0).to(device) test_ratings = torch.empty(0).to(device) for batch_idx, (users, items, ratings) in enumerate(test_loader): pre_ratings = model(users, items) test_users =, users)) test_items =, items)) test_pre_ratings =, pre_ratings)) test_ratings =, ratings)) val_results = utils.metrics.evaluate(val_pre_ratings, val_ratings, ['MSE', 'NLL', 'AUC']) test_results = utils.metrics.evaluate( test_pre_ratings, test_ratings, ['MSE', 'NLL', 'AUC', 'Recall_Precision_NDCG@'], users=test_users, items=test_items) print('-' * 30) print('The performance of validation set: {}'.format(' '.join( [key + ':' + '%.3f' % val_results[key] for key in val_results]))) print('The performance of testing set: {}'.format(' '.join( [key + ':' + '%.3f' % test_results[key] for key in test_results]))) print('-' * 30) return val_results, test_results
import torch import models import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if __name__ == '__main__': filepath = "" ann = models.MathNet(2, 15, 1).cuda() x = torch.cartesian_prod(torch.tensor([1.]), torch.linspace(-10, 10, 100)).cuda() y = torch.unsqueeze(torch.sin(x[:, 0] + torch.div(x[:, 1], math.pi)), dim=1).cuda() ann.load_state_dict(torch.load(filepath)) ann.eval() pred = ann(x) plt.plot(x[:, 1].tolist(), y.tolist()) plt.plot(x[:, 1].tolist(), pred.tolist())
def get_contrastive_pairs(scores: Tensor, labels: Tensor) -> Tensor: positive_scores = scores[mask_to_index_1d(labels == 1)].view(-1) negative_scores = scores[mask_to_index_1d(labels == 0)].view(-1) score_pairs = torch.cartesian_prod(positive_scores, negative_scores) return score_pairs
def compute_shifts(cell, pbc, cutoff): """Compute the shifts of unit cell along the given cell vectors to make it large enough to contain all pairs of neighbor atoms with PBC under consideration Arguments: cell (:class:`torch.Tensor`): tensor of shape (3, 3) of the three vectors defining unit cell: tensor([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], [x3, y3, z3]]) cutoff (float): the cutoff inside which atoms are considered pairs pbc (:class:`torch.Tensor`): boolean vector of size 3 storing if pbc is enabled for that direction. Returns: :class:`torch.Tensor`: long tensor of shifts. the center cell and symmetric cells are not included. """ # type: (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, float) -> torch.Tensor reciprocal_cell = cell.inverse().t() inv_distances = reciprocal_cell.norm(2, -1) num_repeats = torch.ceil(cutoff * inv_distances).to(torch.long) num_repeats = torch.where(pbc, num_repeats, torch.zeros_like(num_repeats)) r1 = torch.arange(1, num_repeats[0] + 1, device=cell.device) r2 = torch.arange(1, num_repeats[1] + 1, device=cell.device) r3 = torch.arange(1, num_repeats[2] + 1, device=cell.device) o = torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.long, device=cell.device) return[ torch.cartesian_prod(r1, r2, r3), torch.cartesian_prod(r1, r2, o), torch.cartesian_prod(r1, r2, -r3), torch.cartesian_prod(r1, o, r3), torch.cartesian_prod(r1, o, o), torch.cartesian_prod(r1, o, -r3), torch.cartesian_prod(r1, -r2, r3), torch.cartesian_prod(r1, -r2, o), torch.cartesian_prod(r1, -r2, -r3), torch.cartesian_prod(o, r2, r3), torch.cartesian_prod(o, r2, o), torch.cartesian_prod(o, r2, -r3), torch.cartesian_prod(o, o, r3), ])
def analyze(point_file_path, max_resolution_file_path): (voxel_grid, voxel_size, offset) = load_voxel_grid(point_file_path) max_num_fitted_models = 10 use_cuboids = True use_spheres = True use_capsules = True loss_type = LossType.BEST_MATCH visualize_intermediate = False use_cuda = False start_time = time.perf_counter() fitted_models = fit.fit_voxel_grid( voxel_grid, max_num_fitted_models=max_num_fitted_models, use_cuboid=use_cuboids, use_sphere=use_spheres, use_capsule=use_capsules, loss_type=loss_type, visualize_intermediate=visualize_intermediate, use_cuda=use_cuda) end_time = time.perf_counter() duration = end_time - start_time """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') draw.draw_voxels(ax, voxel_grid) for m in fitted_models: m.draw(ax) """ (max_voxel_grid, max_voxel_size, max_offset) = load_voxel_grid(max_resolution_file_path) padding0 = math.ceil(max_voxel_grid.shape[0] / 2) padding1 = math.ceil(max_voxel_grid.shape[1] / 2) padding2 = math.ceil(max_voxel_grid.shape[2] / 2) # Add some padding so that any fitted primitives outside of the normal grid # will be taken into account max_voxel_grid = nn.functional.pad( max_voxel_grid, [padding2, padding2, padding1, padding1, padding0, padding0]) for m in fitted_models: m.uniform_scale(voxel_size / max_voxel_size) m.translate( torch.tensor([padding0, padding1, padding2], dtype=torch.float)) max_indices = torch.cartesian_prod( torch.arange(0, max_voxel_grid.shape[0]), torch.arange(0, max_voxel_grid.shape[1]), torch.arange(0, max_voxel_grid.shape[2])) max_indices_float = max_indices.float() covered_by_models = torch.zeros_like(max_voxel_grid, dtype=torch.bool) for m in fitted_models: covered = max_indices[m.exact_containment(max_indices_float)] voxel.batch_set(covered_by_models, covered, True) """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') draw.draw_voxels(ax, covered_by_models) for m in fitted_models: m.draw(ax) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') draw.draw_voxels(ax, max_voxel_grid) for m in fitted_models: m.draw(ax) """ print(fitted_models) overall_jaccard_index = float( (max_voxel_grid & covered_by_models).sum()) / float( (max_voxel_grid | covered_by_models).sum()) print("Overall Jaccard Index: " + str(overall_jaccard_index)) print("Done") return (overall_jaccard_index, duration, int(voxel_grid.sum()))
def get_relative_distances(window_size): indices = torch.cartesian_prod(torch.arange(7), torch.arange(7)) distances = indices[None, :, :] - indices[:, None, :] return distances