예제 #1
def compute_loss(y, gt_map):
    # 1. segmentation loss
    target_labels = torch.argmax(gt_map[:, MapOrdering.SEG_WORD:MapOrdering.SEG_BACKGROUND + 1], dim=1)
    loss_seg = F.cross_entropy(y[:, MapOrdering.SEG_WORD:MapOrdering.SEG_BACKGROUND + 1], target_labels)

    # 2. geometry loss
    # distances to all sides of aabb
    t = torch.minimum(y[:, MapOrdering.GEO_TOP], gt_map[:, MapOrdering.GEO_TOP])
    b = torch.minimum(y[:, MapOrdering.GEO_BOTTOM], gt_map[:, MapOrdering.GEO_BOTTOM])
    l = torch.minimum(y[:, MapOrdering.GEO_LEFT], gt_map[:, MapOrdering.GEO_LEFT])
    r = torch.minimum(y[:, MapOrdering.GEO_RIGHT], gt_map[:, MapOrdering.GEO_RIGHT])

    # area of predicted aabb
    y_width = y[:, MapOrdering.GEO_LEFT, ...] + y[:, MapOrdering.GEO_RIGHT, ...]
    y_height = y[:, MapOrdering.GEO_TOP, ...] + y[:, MapOrdering.GEO_BOTTOM, ...]
    area1 = y_width * y_height

    # area of gt aabb
    gt_width = gt_map[:, MapOrdering.GEO_LEFT, ...] + gt_map[:, MapOrdering.GEO_RIGHT, ...]
    gt_height = gt_map[:, MapOrdering.GEO_TOP, ...] + gt_map[:, MapOrdering.GEO_BOTTOM, ...]
    area2 = gt_width * gt_height

    # compute intersection over union
    intersection = (r + l) * (b + t)
    union = area1 + area2 - intersection
    eps = 0.01  # avoid division by 0
    iou = intersection / (union + eps)
    iou = iou[gt_map[:, MapOrdering.SEG_WORD] > 0]
    loss_aabb = -torch.log(torch.mean(iou))

    # total loss is simply the sum of both losses
    loss = loss_seg + loss_aabb
    return loss
예제 #2
    def small_IoU(box_i, box_j):

        device = box_i.device
        dtype = box_i.dtype

        pw_a = box_i[2] - box_i[0]
        ph_a = box_i[3] - box_i[1]
        area_p = (pw_a * ph_a)

        bw_a = box_j[2] - box_j[0]
        bh_a = box_j[3] - box_j[1]
        area_b = (bw_a * bh_a)

        area_u = area_p + area_b

        x_val = torch.minimum(box_i[2], box_j[2]) - torch.maximum(
            box_i[0], box_j[0])
        x_val_zero = torch.zeros(x_val.shape, device=device, dtype=dtype)
        y_val = torch.minimum(box_i[3], box_j[3]) - torch.maximum(
            box_i[1], box_j[1])
        y_val_zero = torch.zeros(y_val.shape, device=device, dtype=dtype)

        area_i = torch.maximum(x_val, x_val_zero) * torch.maximum(
            y_val, y_val_zero)
        area_u -= area_i

        return area_i / area_u
def compute_iou(pred, gt):
    """ Calculates IoU (Jaccard index) of two sets of bboxes:
            IOU = pred ∩ gt / (area(pred) + area(gt) - pred ∩ gt)
            Coordinates of bboxes are supposed to be in the following form: [x1, y1, x2, y2]
            pred (torch.tensor): predicted bboxes
            gt (torch.tensor): ground truth bboxes
        Return value:
            iou (torch.tensor): intersection over union
    def get_box_area(box):
        return (box[:, 2] - box[:, 0] + 1.) * (box[:, 3] - box[:, 1] + 1.)

    #_gt = torch.tile(gt, (pred.shape[0], 1))
    _gt = gt.repeat(pred.shape[0], 1)
    _pred = torch.repeat_interleave(pred, gt.shape[0], dim=0)

    ixmin = torch.maximum(_gt[:, 0], _pred[:, 0])
    iymin = torch.maximum(_gt[:, 1], _pred[:, 1])
    ixmax = torch.minimum(_gt[:, 2], _pred[:, 2])
    iymax = torch.minimum(_gt[:, 3], _pred[:, 3])

    width = torch.maximum(ixmax - ixmin + 1., torch.tensor(0))
    height = torch.maximum(iymax - iymin + 1., torch.tensor(0))

    intersection_area = width * height
    union_area = get_box_area(_gt) + get_box_area(_pred) - intersection_area
    iou = (intersection_area / union_area).reshape(pred.shape[0], gt.shape[0])
    return iou
예제 #4
def find_active_constraints(x, lb, ub, rtol=1e-10):
    """Determine which constraints are active in a given point.
    The threshold is computed using `rtol` and the absolute value of the
    closest bound.
    active : ndarray of int with shape of x
        Each component shows whether the corresponding constraint is active:
             *  0 - a constraint is not active.
             * -1 - a lower bound is active.
             *  1 - a upper bound is active.
    active = torch.zeros_like(x, dtype=torch.long)

    if rtol == 0:
        active[x <= lb] = -1
        active[x >= ub] = 1
        return active

    lower_dist = x - lb
    upper_dist = ub - x
    lower_threshold = rtol * lb.abs().clamp(1, None)
    upper_threshold = rtol * ub.abs().clamp(1, None)

    lower_active = (lb.isfinite() &
                    (lower_dist <= torch.minimum(upper_dist, lower_threshold)))
    active[lower_active] = -1

    upper_active = (ub.isfinite() &
                    (upper_dist <= torch.minimum(lower_dist, upper_threshold)))
    active[upper_active] = 1

    return active
예제 #5
def rbox_loss(pred_geometry_map: Tensor,
              target_geometry_map: Tensor,
              train_ignore_mask: Tensor,
              train_boundary_mask: Tensor,
              angle_lambda: int = 10) -> Tensor:
    pred_top, pred_right, pred_bottom, pred_left, pred_angle = torch.split(
        pred_geometry_map, split_size_or_sections=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], dim=2)
    target_top, target_right, target_bottom, target_left, target_angle = torch.split(
        target_geometry_map, split_size_or_sections=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], dim=2)
    pred_area = (pred_top + pred_bottom) * (pred_left + pred_right)
    target_area = (target_top + target_bottom) * (target_left + target_right)
    h_inter = torch.minimum(pred_right, target_right) + torch.minimum(
        pred_left, target_left)
    w_inter = torch.minimum(pred_top, target_top) + torch.minimum(
        pred_bottom, target_bottom)
    intersection = h_inter * w_inter
    union = pred_area + target_area - intersection
    box_loss = -torch.log((intersection + 1e-6) / (union + 1e-6))
    angle_loss = 1 - torch.cos(pred_angle - target_angle)
    rbox_loss = box_loss + angle_lambda * angle_loss
    train_mask = torch.unsqueeze(train_ignore_mask * train_boundary_mask,
    rbox_loss = torch.mean(
        torch.sum(rbox_loss * target_geometry_map * train_mask))
    return rbox_loss
예제 #6
def bbox_iou(bboxes1, bboxes2):
    eps = 0.001
    EPS = 1.0e+20

    x1, y1 = bboxes1[..., 0], bboxes1[..., 1]
    w1, h1 = bboxes1[..., 2], bboxes1[..., 3]
    x2, y2 = bboxes2[..., 0], bboxes2[..., 1]
    w2, h2 = bboxes2[..., 2], bboxes2[..., 3]

    xmin1 = x1 - (w1 * 0.5)
    xmax1 = x1 + (w1 * 0.5)
    ymin1 = y1 - (h1 * 0.5)
    ymax1 = y1 + (h1 * 0.5)
    xmin2 = x2 - (w2 * 0.5)
    xmax2 = x2 + (w2 * 0.5)
    ymin2 = y2 - (h2 * 0.5)
    ymax2 = y2 + (h2 * 0.5)

    xmini = torch.maximum(xmin1, xmin2)
    ymini = torch.maximum(ymin1, ymin2)
    xmaxi = torch.minimum(xmax1, xmax2)
    ymaxi = torch.minimum(ymax1, ymax2)

    wi = torch.clamp(xmaxi - xmini, min=0.0)
    hi = torch.clamp(ymaxi - ymini, min=0.0)

    area1 = torch.clamp(w1 * h1, max=EPS)
    area2 = torch.clamp(w2 * h2, max=EPS)
    areai = torch.clamp(wi * hi, max=EPS)
    areau = area1 + area2 - areai
    iou = areai / (areau + eps)

    return iou
예제 #7
파일: c2b.py 프로젝트: mrsalehi/C2B
    def multiplex(self, subframes: torch.Tensor):
        Assuming that the number of subframes is divisible by the number of pixles in a neighborhood (n_pixels), bucket 1 is active in the following cases: 
        * pixel 1 of each neighborhood in the first S / n_pixels 
        * pixel 2 of each neighborhood in the second S / n_pixels
        * pixel 3 of each neighborhood in the third S / n_pixels
        * last pixel of each neighborhood in the last S / n_pixels
        subframes: intensities of subframes of a frame as a numpy array with shape (S, H, W)
        nbhd_size: tuple of width and height of the neighborhood (For now W must be divisible by the width of the nbhd 
        and H must be divisible by the height of the neighborhood)
        # S, height, width = raw_subframes.shape

        # scheme_ = torch.tile(self.scheme, (height // self.nbhd_height, width // self.nbhd_width)).to(raw_subframes.device) # shape: (n_pixels, height, width)
        # scheme_ = scheme_.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, S // n_pixels, 1, 1).view(S, height, width)  # shape: (S, height, width)
        c2b_frame_bucket0 = torch.minimum(torch.sum(subframes * self.scheme_.unsqueeze(1), dim=1), self.max_intensity.to(self.device))
        c2b_frame_bucket1 = torch.minimum(torch.sum(subframes * (1 - self.scheme_.unsqueeze(1)), dim=1), self.max_intensity.to(self.device))

        if self.noise_std is not None:
            c2b_frame_bucket0 += torch.randn_like(c2b_frame_bucket0) * self.noise_std
            c2b_frame_bucket1 += torch.randn_like(c2b_frame_bucket1) * self.noise_std
        return c2b_frame_bucket0, c2b_frame_bucket1
예제 #8
def non_maximum_suppress(confidences, coordinates, over_thres=.4):
    """ Params
        TODO: wrapping the non_maximum_suppress and channel nms as an integral module of the neural network
        TODO: Considering is it possible to archive different overlap threshold on rbc cells and platelet.
        confidences:    {Tensor: (n_posi_m,)},
        coordinates:    {Tensor: (n_posi_m, x-y-w-h)},
        class_scores:   {Tensor: (n_posi_m, n_class)},
        over_thresh:    float
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = coordinates.permute(1, 0)
    areas = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)
    order = confidences.argsort()
    pick = []
    while len(order):
        pick.append(idx := order[-1])

        xx1 = torch.maximum(x1[order[:-1]], x1[idx])
        yy1 = torch.maximum(y1[order[:-1]], y1[idx])
        xx2 = torch.minimum(x2[order[:-1]], x2[idx])
        yy2 = torch.minimum(y2[order[:-1]], y2[idx])

        # inter: w * h
        inter = torch.clamp(xx2 - xx1, min=0.) * torch.clamp(yy2 - yy1, min=0.)
        over = inter / (areas[idx] + areas[order[:-1]] - inter)
        order = order[:-1][over < over_thres]
    return pick
예제 #9
        def compute_crop_pad_image_location(
            bbox_tight: "torch.Tensor", image: "torch.Tensor"
        ) -> Tuple["torch.Tensor", "torch.Tensor", "torch.Tensor",
            Get the valid image coordinates for the context region in target or search region in full image

            :param bbox_tight: Coordinates of bounding box [x1, y1, x2, y2].
            :param image: Frame to be cropped and padded.
            :return: x-coordinate of the bounding box center.

            # Center of the bounding box
            # bbox_center_x = bbox_tight.get_center_x()
            # bbox_center_y = bbox_tight.get_center_y()
            bbox_center_x = get_center_x_f(bbox_tight)
            bbox_center_y = get_center_y_f(bbox_tight)

            image_height = image.shape[0]
            image_width = image.shape[1]

            # Padded output width and height
            # output_width = bbox_tight.compute_output_width()
            # output_height = bbox_tight.compute_output_height()
            output_width = compute_output_width_f(bbox_tight)
            output_height = compute_output_height_f(bbox_tight)

            roi_left = torch.maximum(
                bbox_center_x - (output_width / 2.0))
            roi_bottom = torch.maximum(
                bbox_center_y - (output_height / 2.0))

            # New ROI width
            # -------------
            # 1. left_half should not go out of bound on the left side of the
            # image
            # 2. right_half should not go out of bound on the right side of the
            # image
            left_half = torch.minimum(output_width / 2.0, bbox_center_x)
            right_half = torch.minimum(output_width / 2.0,
                                       image_width - bbox_center_x)
            roi_width = torch.maximum(
                torch.tensor(1.0).to(self.device), left_half + right_half)

            # New ROI height
            # Similar logic applied that is applied for 'New ROI width'
            top_half = torch.minimum(output_height / 2.0, bbox_center_y)
            bottom_half = torch.minimum(output_height / 2.0,
                                        image_height - bbox_center_y)
            roi_height = torch.maximum(
                torch.tensor(1.0).to(self.device), top_half + bottom_half)

            # Padded image location in the original image
            # objPadImageLocation = BoundingBox(roi_left, roi_bottom, roi_left + roi_width, roi_bottom + roi_height)
            # return objPadImageLocation
            return roi_left, roi_bottom, roi_left + roi_width, roi_bottom + roi_height
예제 #10
 def forward(self, x):
     start, end = self._logits(x)
     _, start_idx = start.max(dim=1)
     _, end_idx = end.max(dim=1)
     _, ctxs_len = (x[:, 0] == self.info.sep_token).max(dim=1)
     start_idx = torch.minimum(start_idx, ctxs_len)
     end_idx = torch.minimum(end_idx, ctxs_len)
     return start_idx, end_idx
예제 #11
def limiter(cr):
    return torch.maximum(
        torch.tensor([0.0], device=cr.device),
            torch.minimum(torch.tensor([1.0], device=cr.device), 2 * cr),
            torch.minimum(torch.tensor([2.0], device=cr.device), cr),
예제 #12
    def layout_bbox(self, final_pred, batch_size, num_bboxes, num_classes,
                    output_height, output_width):
        # 5, 188, 20
        final_pred = torch.reshape(final_pred,
                                   [batch_size, num_bboxes, 4 + num_classes])
        #print('Final pred:',final_pred.shape)
        return self.rectangle_render(final_pred)
        0 / 0
        final_pred = torch.reshape(final_pred,
                                   [batch_size, 4 + num_classes, num_bboxes])
        print('Final pred requires grad:', final_pred.requires_grad)
        bbox_reg = final_pred[:, :4, :]
        cls_prob = final_pred[:, 4:, :]

        print('bbox requires grad:', bbox_reg.requires_grad)
        bbox_reg = torch.reshape(bbox_reg, [batch_size, num_bboxes, 4])

        x_c = bbox_reg[:, :, 0] * output_width
        y_c = bbox_reg[:, :, 1] * output_height
        w = bbox_reg[:, :, 2] * output_width
        h = bbox_reg[:, :, 3] * output_height

        x1 = x_c - 0.5 * w
        x2 = x_c + 0.5 * w
        y1 = y_c - 0.5 * h
        y2 = y_c + 0.5 * h

        xt = torch.reshape(
            torch.range(start=0, end=output_width, dtype=torch.float32),
            [1, 1, 1, -1])
        xt = torch.reshape(
            torch.tile(xt, [batch_size, num_bboxes, output_height, 1]),
            [batch_size, num_bboxes, -1])

        yt = torch.reshape(
            torch.range(start=0, end=output_height, dtype=torch.float32),
            [1, 1, 1, -1])
        yt = torch.reshape(
            torch.tile(yt, [batch_size, num_bboxes, 1, output_width]),
            [batch_size, num_bboxes, -1])

        x1_diff = torch.reshape(
            xt - x1, [batch_size, num_bboxes, output_height, output_width, 1])
        y1_diff = torch.reshape(
            yt - y1, [batch_size, num_bboxes, output_height, output_width, 1])
        x2_diff = torch.reshape(
            x2 - xt, [batch_size, num_bboxes, output_height, output_width, 1])
        y2_diff = torch.reshape(
            y2 - yt, [batch_size, num_bboxes, output_height, output_width, 1])

        x1_line = self.relu(1.0 - torch.abs(x1_diff)) * torch.minimum(
            self.relu(y1_diff), 1.0) * torch.minimum(self.relu(y2_diff), 1.0)

        0 / 0
예제 #13
def hinge_adv_loss(real_fake_logits_real, real_fake_logits_fake, device):
    the hinge version of the adversarial loss
    :param real_fake_logits_real: ``Tensor([1, 5, 5])``
    :param real_fake_logits_fake: ``Tensor([1, 5, 5])``
    :param device: torch device
    :return: ``float``, discriminator loss
    threshold = torch.Tensor([0.0]).to(device)
    real_loss = -1 * torch.mean(torch.minimum(threshold, -1 + real_fake_logits_real))
    fake_loss = -1 * torch.mean(torch.minimum(threshold, -1 - real_fake_logits_fake))
    return real_loss + fake_loss
예제 #14
def bbox_overlaps_ciou(bboxes1, bboxes2):
    bboxes1 = convert_box(bboxes1)
    bboxes2 = convert_box(bboxes2)
    rows = bboxes1.shape[0]
    cols = bboxes2.shape[0]
    cious = torch.zeros((rows, cols))
    if rows * cols == 0:
        return cious
    exchange = False
    if bboxes1.shape[0] > bboxes2.shape[0]:
        bboxes1, bboxes2 = bboxes2, bboxes1
        cious = torch.zeros((cols, rows))
        exchange = True

    w1 = bboxes1[:, 2] - bboxes1[:, 0]
    h1 = bboxes1[:, 3] - bboxes1[:, 1]
    w2 = bboxes2[:, 2] - bboxes2[:, 0]
    h2 = bboxes2[:, 3] - bboxes2[:, 1]

    area1 = w1 * h1
    area2 = w2 * h2

    center_x1 = (bboxes1[:, 2] + bboxes1[:, 0]) / 2
    center_y1 = (bboxes1[:, 3] + bboxes1[:, 1]) / 2
    center_x2 = (bboxes2[:, 2] + bboxes2[:, 0]) / 2
    center_y2 = (bboxes2[:, 3] + bboxes2[:, 1]) / 2
    inter_max_xy = torch.minimum(bboxes1[:, 2:], bboxes2[:, 2:])
    inter_min_xy = torch.maximum(bboxes1[:, :2], bboxes2[:, :2])
    out_max_xy = torch.maximum(bboxes1[:, 2:], bboxes2[:, 2:])
    out_min_xy = torch.minimum(bboxes1[:, :2], bboxes2[:, :2])

    inter = torch.clamp((inter_max_xy - inter_min_xy), min=0)
    inter_area = inter[:, 0] * inter[:, 1]
    inter_diag = (center_x2 - center_x1)**2 + (center_y2 - center_y1)**2
    outer = torch.clamp((out_max_xy - out_min_xy), min=0)
    outer_diag = (outer[:, 0]**2) + (outer[:, 1]**2)
    union = area1 + area2 - inter_area
    u = (inter_diag) / outer_diag
    iou = inter_area / union
    with torch.no_grad():
        arctan = torch.atan(w2 / h2) - torch.atan(w1 / h1)
        v = (4 / (math.pi**2)) * torch.pow(
            (torch.atan(w2 / h2) - torch.atan(w1 / h1)), 2)
        S = 1 - iou
        alpha = v / (S + v)
        w_temp = 2 * w1
    ar = (8 / (math.pi**2)) * arctan * ((w1 - w_temp) * h1)
    cious = iou - (u + alpha * ar)
    cious = torch.clamp(cious, min=-1.0, max=1.0)
    if exchange:
        cious = cious.T
    return cious
예제 #15
 def forward(self, discriminator_prediction_real: torch.Tensor,
             discriminator_prediction_fake: torch.Tensor,
             **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor:
     Forward pass.
     :param discriminator_prediction_real: (torch.Tensor) Raw discriminator prediction for real samples
     :param discriminator_prediction_fake: (torch.Tensor) Raw discriminator predictions for fake samples
     :return: (torch.Tensor) Hinge discriminator GAN loss
     return - torch.minimum(torch.tensor(0., dtype=torch.float, device=discriminator_prediction_real.device),
                            discriminator_prediction_real - 1.).mean() \
            - torch.minimum(torch.tensor(0., dtype=torch.float, device=discriminator_prediction_fake.device),
                            - discriminator_prediction_fake - 1.).mean()
예제 #16
    def forward(ctx, X, rank: int = 100):

        U, S, V = torch.svd(X, compute_uv=True, some=False)

        S = torch.diag(S[0:(rank - 1)])
        U = torch.matmul(U[:, 0:(rank - 1)], S)
        V = torch.transpose(V, 0, 1)[0:(rank - 1), :]

        x, y = X.shape

        Unew = U[:, 0]
        Vnew = V[0, :]

        __U = torch.where(torch.less(torch.min(V[0, :]), torch.min(-V[0, :])),
                          -(Unew.view(x, 1)), Unew.view(x, 1))
        __V = torch.where(torch.less(torch.min(V[0, :]), torch.min(-V[0, :])),
                          -(Vnew.view(1, y)), Vnew.view(1, y))
        if rank > 2:
            for i in range(1, rank - 1):
                Unew = Unew.view(x, 1)
                Vnew = Vnew.view(1, y)
                __U = torch.where(
                    torch.less(torch.min(V[0, :]), torch.min(-V[0, :])),
                    torch.cat((__U, -Unew), dim=1),
                    torch.cat((__U, Unew), dim=1))
                __V = torch.where(
                    torch.less(torch.min(V[0, :]), torch.min(-V[0, :])),
                    torch.cat((__V, -Vnew), dim=0),
                    torch.cat((__V, Vnew), dim=0))

        if rank == 2:
            A = torch.cat((U, -U), dim=1)
            Un = torch.transpose(-(torch.sum(U, dim=1)), 0, -1).view(x, 1)
            A = torch.cat((U, Un), dim=1)

        B = torch.cat((V, torch.zeros((1, y))), dim=0)

        if rank >= 3:
            b, _ = torch.min(V, dim=0)
            B = torch.subtract(B, torch.minimum(torch.tensor(0.), b))
            B = torch.subtract(B, torch.minimum(torch.tensor(0.), V))
        x = torch.tensor(x)
        y = torch.tensor(y)
        normalize = torch.sqrt(torch.multiply(x, y).type(torch.FloatTensor))
        norm = torch.norm(A)

        return torch.multiply(torch.div(A, norm),
                              normalize), torch.div(torch.multiply(B, norm),
예제 #17
    def _train(self, BATCH):
        q1 = self.critic(BATCH.obs, begin_mask=BATCH.begin_mask)  # [T, B, A]
        q2 = self.critic2(BATCH.obs, begin_mask=BATCH.begin_mask)  # [T, B, A]
        q1_eval = (q1 * BATCH.action).sum(-1, keepdim=True)  # [T, B, 1]
        q2_eval = (q2 * BATCH.action).sum(-1, keepdim=True)  # [T, B, 1]

        q1_log_probs = (q1 / (self.alpha + th.finfo().eps)).log_softmax(-1)  # [T, B, A]
        q1_entropy = -(q1_log_probs.exp() * q1_log_probs).sum(-1, keepdim=True).mean()  # 1

        q1_target = self.critic.t(BATCH.obs_, begin_mask=BATCH.begin_mask)  # [T, B, A]
        q2_target = self.critic2.t(BATCH.obs_, begin_mask=BATCH.begin_mask)  # [T, B, A]
        q1_target_max = q1_target.max(-1, keepdim=True)[0]  # [T, B, 1]
        q1_target_log_probs = (q1_target / (self.alpha + th.finfo().eps)).log_softmax(-1)  # [T, B, A]
        q1_target_entropy = -(q1_target_log_probs.exp() * q1_target_log_probs).sum(-1, keepdim=True)  # [T, B, 1]

        q2_target_max = q2_target.max(-1, keepdim=True)[0]  # [T, B, 1]
        # q2_target_log_probs = q2_target.log_softmax(-1)
        # q2_target_log_max = q2_target_log_probs.max(1, keepdim=True)[0]

        q_target = th.minimum(q1_target_max, q2_target_max) + self.alpha * q1_target_entropy  # [T, B, 1]
        dc_r = n_step_return(BATCH.reward,
                             BATCH.begin_mask).detach()  # [T, B, 1]
        td_error1 = q1_eval - dc_r  # [T, B, 1]
        td_error2 = q2_eval - dc_r  # [T, B, 1]
        q1_loss = (td_error1.square() * BATCH.get('isw', 1.0)).mean()  # 1
        q2_loss = (td_error2.square() * BATCH.get('isw', 1.0)).mean()  # 1
        loss = 0.5 * (q1_loss + q2_loss)
        summaries = {
            'LEARNING_RATE/critic_lr': self.critic_oplr.lr,
            'LOSS/loss': loss,
            'Statistics/log_alpha': self.log_alpha,
            'Statistics/alpha': self.alpha,
            'Statistics/q1_entropy': q1_entropy,
            'Statistics/q_min': th.minimum(q1, q2).mean(),
            'Statistics/q_mean': q1.mean(),
            'Statistics/q_max': th.maximum(q1, q2).mean()
        if self.auto_adaption:
            alpha_loss = -(self.alpha * (self.target_entropy - q1_entropy).detach()).mean()
                'LOSS/alpha_loss': alpha_loss,
                'LEARNING_RATE/alpha_lr': self.alpha_oplr.lr
        return (td_error1 + td_error2) / 2, summaries
예제 #18
        def calculate_iou(best_pred, preds, areas):
            # Remove bboxes with IOU >= Thresh
            max_min_x = torch.maximum(best_pred[1], preds[1:, 1])
            max_min_y = torch.maximum(best_pred[2], preds[1:, 2])

            min_max_x = torch.minimum(best_pred[3], preds[1:, 3])
            min_max_y = torch.minimum(best_pred[4], preds[1:, 4])

            intersection_x = min_max_x - max_min_x
            intersection_y = min_max_y - max_min_y
            intersection_area = intersection_x * intersection_y

            iou = intersection_area / (areas[0] + areas[1:] -
            return iou
예제 #19
 def reduce_relu(self, nodes):
     w = torch.exp(self.w)
     R = torch.clamp(self.R, 0.000001, 0.999999)
     msg = w * nodes.mailbox['m'] + self.b
     fsum = torch.sum(torch.maximum(msg, R * msg), dim=1)
     out_h = (torch.minimum(fsum, fsum / R) - self.b) / w
     return {'sum_sigma_h': out_h}
예제 #20
파일: math_ops.py 프로젝트: malfet/pytorch
 def comparison_ops(self):
     a = torch.randn(4)
     b = torch.randn(4)
     return (
         torch.allclose(a, b),
         torch.eq(a, b),
         torch.equal(a, b),
         torch.ge(a, b),
         torch.greater_equal(a, b),
         torch.gt(a, b),
         torch.greater(a, b),
         torch.isclose(a, b),
         torch.isin(a, b),
         torch.kthvalue(a, 1),
         torch.le(a, b),
         torch.less_equal(a, b),
         torch.lt(a, b),
         torch.less(a, b),
         torch.maximum(a, b),
         torch.minimum(a, b),
         torch.fmax(a, b),
         torch.fmin(a, b),
         torch.ne(a, b),
         torch.not_equal(a, b),
         torch.topk(a, 1),
예제 #21
    def orthogonalized_raised_cosines(cls,

        range_locs = torch.log(torch.tensor([0, last_time_peak]) + b)
        delta = (range_locs[1] - range_locs[0]) / (n - 1)
        locs = torch.linspace(range_locs[0], range_locs[1], n)

        last_time = torch.exp(range_locs[1] + 2 * delta / a) - b
        t = torch.arange(0, last_time, dt)
        support = torch.tensor([t[0], t[-1] + dt])

        pi_torch = torch.tensor([pi])
        raised_cosines = torch.minimum(
            a * (torch.log(t[:, None] + b) - locs[None, :]) * pi / delta / 2,
        raised_cosines = (
            1 + torch.cos(torch.maximum(-pi_torch, raised_cosines))) / 2
        raised_cosines = raised_cosines / torch.sqrt(
            torch.sum(raised_cosines**2, 0))
        u, s, v = torch.linalg.svd(raised_cosines)
        basis = u[:, :n]

        return cls(basis=basis, support=support, weight=weight)
예제 #22
 def _get_slate_size(self, state: rlt.FeatureData) -> torch.Tensor:
     """Get the actual size (ignore all padded items) of each slate by summing item masks."""
     mask = self._get_item_mask(state)
     return torch.minimum(
         mask.sum(1, keepdim=True),
         torch.tensor([self.slate_size], device=mask.device),
예제 #23
    def step(self, closure=None):
        """Performs a single optimization step.

            closure (callable, optional): A closure that reevaluates the model and returns the loss.
        loss = None
        if closure is not None:
            with torch.enable_grad():
                loss = closure()

        device = self.param_groups[0]['params'][0].device
        one_tensor = torch.tensor(1.0, device=device)  # because torch.where doesn't handle scalars correctly

        for group in self.param_groups:
            weight_decay = group['weight_decay']
            momentum = group['momentum']
            dampening = group['dampening']
            nesterov = group['nesterov']
            trust_coeff = group['trust_coeff']
            eps = group['eps']

            for p in group['params']:
                if p.grad is None:
                grad = p.grad

                # apply LARS LR adaptation, LARC clipping, weight decay
                # ref: https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex/blob/master/apex/parallel/LARC.py
                if weight_decay != 0 or group['always_adapt']:
                    w_norm = p.norm(2.0)
                    g_norm = grad.norm(2.0)
                    trust_ratio = trust_coeff * w_norm / (g_norm + w_norm * weight_decay + eps)
                    # FIXME nested where required since logical and/or not working in PT XLA
                    trust_ratio = torch.where(
                        w_norm > 0,
                        torch.where(g_norm > 0, trust_ratio, one_tensor),
                    if group['trust_clip']:
                        trust_ratio = torch.minimum(trust_ratio / group['lr'], one_tensor)
                    grad.add(p, alpha=weight_decay)

                # apply SGD update https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/1.7/torch/optim/sgd.py#L100
                if momentum != 0:
                    param_state = self.state[p]
                    if 'momentum_buffer' not in param_state:
                        buf = param_state['momentum_buffer'] = torch.clone(grad).detach()
                        buf = param_state['momentum_buffer']
                        buf.mul_(momentum).add_(grad, alpha=1. - dampening)
                    if nesterov:
                        grad = grad.add(buf, alpha=momentum)
                        grad = buf

                p.add_(grad, alpha=-group['lr'])

        return loss
예제 #24
 def boundaries_detection(self, inputs):
     y_fwd, y_bwd, seq_len_y, *_ = self.forward(inputs)
     seq_mask = compute_mask(y_fwd,
     return torch.minimum(y_fwd * seq_mask, y_bwd * seq_mask), seq_len_y
예제 #25
    def cdf_tail(self,
                 z: torch.Tensor,
                 left_tail: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor:
        Computes the quantile level alpha_tilde such that
        = q^{-1}(z) if z is in the tail region
        = qk_x_l or qk_x_r if z is in the non-tail region
            Observation, shape = (*batch_shape,)
            If True, compute alpha_tilde for the left tail
            Otherwise, compute alpha_tilde for the right tail
            Corresponding quantile level, shape = (*batch_shape,)

        if left_tail:
            tail_a, tail_b, qk_x = self.tail_al, self.tail_bl, self.qk_x_l
            tail_a, tail_b, qk_x = self.tail_ar, self.tail_br, 1 - self.qk_x_r

        log_alpha_tilde = torch.minimum((z - tail_b) / tail_a, torch.log(qk_x))
        alpha_tilde = torch.exp(log_alpha_tilde)
        return alpha_tilde if left_tail else 1 - alpha_tilde
예제 #26
    def quantile_spline(
        alpha: torch.Tensor,
        dim: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> torch.Tensor:
        # Refer to the description in quantile_internal

        qk_y = self.qk_y
        sk_x, delta_sk_x, delta_sk_y = (

        if dim is not None:
            qk_y = qk_y.unsqueeze(dim=0 if dim == 0 else -1)
            sk_x = sk_x.unsqueeze(dim=dim)
            delta_sk_x = delta_sk_x.unsqueeze(dim=dim)
            delta_sk_y = delta_sk_y.unsqueeze(dim=dim)

        if dim is None or dim == 0:
            alpha = alpha.unsqueeze(dim=-1)

        alpha = alpha.unsqueeze(dim=-1)

        spline_val = (alpha - sk_x) / delta_sk_x
        spline_val = torch.maximum(
            torch.minimum(spline_val, torch.ones_like(spline_val)),

        return qk_y + torch.sum(spline_val * delta_sk_y, dim=-1)
예제 #27
파일: SNCrec.py 프로젝트: larsme/SNC
    def streaming_perception(self,

        if self.training:
            w_pow_d, w_pow_e = self.prepare_weights()
            w_pow_d, w_pow_e = self.weights

        if cd is None:
            cd = (d > 0).float()
        outs1 = self.inner_model.streaming_perception(d, cd, ece, ce, x, rgb,

        mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()

        cd = cd * torch.pow(
            torch.minimum(outs1['d'], d) / (d + self.eps), w_pow_d)
        e1 = outs1['e']
        ce1 = torch.pow(outs1['ce'], w_pow_e)
        return self.inner_model.streaming_perception(d, cd, e1 * ce1, ce1, x,
                                                     rgb, **args)
예제 #28
파일: ppo.py 프로젝트: ugo-nama-kun/testbed
    def _policy_update(self, advantage):
        for epoch in range(self._iteration_op_policy):
            loss = torch.zeros(1)
            len_data = 0
            for n, traj in enumerate(self._data_buffer):
                len_data += len(traj)
                # per-batch normalization
                advantage_ = (advantage[n, :] - torch.mean(
                    advantage[n, :])) / torch.std(advantage[n, :])
                for t, experience in enumerate(traj):
                    log_p = self._policy_network.log_prob(
                    log_p_old = self._policy_old.log_prob(
                    ratio = torch.exp(log_p - log_p_old)
                    tmp = torch.minimum(
                                   max=1 + self._eps_policy_clip,
                                   min=1 - self._eps_policy_clip))
                    loss += -tmp * advantage_[t]
            loss /= len_data
                f"policy loss {epoch + 1}/{self._iteration_op_policy}: {len_data * loss.detach()}"

        # copy old policy
예제 #29
def sample_cdf(z_vals, weights, det=False):
    bins = 0.5 * (z_vals[..., 1:] + z_vals[..., :-1])
    weights = weights + 1e-5
    pdf = weights / torch.sum(weights, -1, keepdim=True)
    cdf = torch.cumsum(pdf, -1)
    cdf = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(cdf[..., :1]), cdf], -1)

    if det:
        u = torch.linspace(0., 1., config.N_samples)
        u = torch.broadcast_to(u, list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [config.N_samples])
        u = torch.rand(cdf.shape[0], config.N_samples)
    u = u.cuda(cdf.device)

    idxs = torch.searchsorted(cdf, u, right=True)
    below = torch.maximum(torch.zeros_like(idxs), idxs - 1).long()
    above = torch.minimum(torch.ones_like(idxs) * (cdf.shape[-1] - 1),

    # idxs_g = torch.stack([below, above], -1)
    cdf_below = torch.gather(cdf, dim=1, index=below)
    cdf_above = torch.gather(cdf, dim=1, index=above)

    bin_below = torch.gather(bins, dim=1, index=below)
    bin_above = torch.gather(bins, dim=1, index=above)

    denom = cdf_above - cdf_below
    denom = torch.clamp(denom, 1e-5, 99999)
    t = (u - cdf_below) / denom
    samples = bin_below + t * (bin_above - bin_below)
    return samples
예제 #30
 def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
     b, device = x.shape[0], x.device
     D = np.cumprod(x.shape[1:])[-1]
     shape = x.shape
     t = torch.randint(1, self.T - self.tao, (b, ), device=device).long()
     # print(t.device, self.sqrt_cumprod_alpha.device, self.betas.device)
     alpha_n = extract(self.sqrt_cumprod_alpha, t, shape)
     beta_np1 = 1. - (
         extract(self.sqrt_cumprod_alpha, t + self.tao, shape) / alpha_n)**2
     delta_n = torch.sqrt(1. - alpha_n**2)
     noise = torch.randn_like(x)
     xn = alpha_n * x + delta_n * noise
     denoise_par = self.get_denoise_par(alpha_n, *args, **kwargs)
     epsilon_theta = self.denoise_fn(xn, *denoise_par)
     beta_n = torch.minimum(delta_n**2, beta_np1) * reshape(
         self.sigma_phi(xn), delta_n.shape)
     Cn = 0.25 * torch.log(
         delta_n**2 / beta_n) + 0.5 * (beta_n / delta_n**2 - 1.)
     # print(delta_n.shape, beta_n.shape, noise.shape, epsilon_theta.shape, beta_np1.shape, self.sigma_phi(xn).shape)
     term1 = 0.5 / (delta_n**2 - beta_n) * (
         delta_n * noise - beta_n / delta_n * epsilon_theta)**2
     # print(Cn.shape, term1.shape)
     loss1 = torch.mean(Cn.squeeze())
     # loss2 = torch.mean(torch.sum(term1, dim=[-i for i in range(1, len(shape))]))
     loss2 = torch.mean(term1)
     # return torch.mean(Cn.squeeze() + torch.sum(term1, dim=[-i for i in range(1, len(shape))]))
     return loss1, loss2