예제 #1
    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        dev = grad_output.device
        if ctx.batched: # Batched Gradient
            vols, tfs, lfs = ctx.saved_tensors
            # Volume Grad Shape (BS, W, H, D)
            volume_grad = torch.zeros(ctx.bs, *ctx.vr.volume.shape, dtype=torch.float32, device=dev)
            # TF Grad Shape (BS, W, C)
            tf_grad = torch.zeros(ctx.bs, *ctx.vr.tf_tex.shape, ctx.vr.tf_tex.n, dtype=torch.float32, device=dev)
            for i, vol, tf, lf in zip(range(ctx.bs), vols, tfs, lfs):
                ctx.vr.compute_entry_exit(ctx.sampling_rate, ctx.jitter)

                volume_grad[i] = torch.nan_to_num(ctx.vr.volume.grad.to_torch(device=dev))
                tf_grad[i] = torch.nan_to_num(ctx.vr.tf_tex.grad.to_torch(device=dev))
            return None, volume_grad, tf_grad, None, None, None, None

        else: # Non-batched, single item

            return None, \
                torch.nan_to_num(ctx.vr.volume.grad.to_torch(device=dev)), \
                torch.nan_to_num(ctx.vr.tf_tex.grad.to_torch(device=dev)), \
                None, None, None, None
예제 #2
    def decode(self, z):
        x_dcg = torch.nan_to_num(self.dec_dcg1(z), self.eps)
        x_ecg = torch.nan_to_num(self.dec_ecg1(z), self.eps)
        x_dcg = self.actv(x_dcg)
        x_ecg = self.actv(x_ecg)
        x_dcg = self.bn_dec_dcg1(x_dcg)
        x_ecg = self.bn_dec_ecg1(x_ecg)
        x_dcg = torch.nan_to_num(self.dec_dcg2(x_dcg), self.eps)
        x_ecg = torch.nan_to_num(self.dec_ecg2(x_ecg), self.eps)
        x_dcg = self.actv(x_dcg)
        x_ecg = self.actv(x_ecg)
        x_dcg = self.bn_dec_dcg2(x_dcg)
        x_ecg = self.bn_dec_ecg2(x_ecg)
        x_dcg = torch.nan_to_num(self.dec_dcg3(x_dcg), self.eps)
        x_ecg = torch.nan_to_num(self.dec_ecg3(x_ecg), self.eps)
        x_dcg = self.actv(x_dcg)
        x_ecg = self.actv(x_ecg)
        x_dcg = self.bn_dec_dcg3(x_dcg)
        x_ecg = self.bn_dec_ecg3(x_ecg)
        x_dcg = torch.nan_to_num(self.dec_dcg4(x_dcg), self.eps)
        x_ecg = torch.nan_to_num(self.dec_ecg4(x_ecg), self.eps)
        x_dcg = self.actv(x_dcg)
        x_ecg = self.actv(x_ecg)
        x_dcg = self.bn_dec_dcg4(x_dcg)
        x_ecg = self.bn_dec_ecg4(x_ecg)
        x_dcg = torch.nan_to_num(self.dec_dcg5(x_dcg), self.eps)
        x_ecg = torch.nan_to_num(self.dec_ecg5(x_ecg), self.eps)

        re_dcg = torch.sigmoid(x_dcg)
        re_ecg = torch.sigmoid(x_ecg)

        return re_dcg, re_ecg
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, a, b, validate_args=None):
     self.a, self.b = broadcast_all(a, b)
     if isinstance(a, Number) and isinstance(b, Number):
         batch_shape = torch.Size()
         batch_shape = self.a.size()
     super(TruncatedStandardNormal, self).__init__(
         batch_shape, validate_args=validate_args)
     if self.a.dtype != self.b.dtype:
         raise ValueError('Truncation bounds types are different')
     if any((self.a >= self.b).view(-1, ).tolist()):
         raise ValueError('Incorrect truncation range')
     eps = torch.finfo(self.a.dtype).eps
     self._dtype_min_gt_0 = eps
     self._dtype_max_lt_1 = 1 - eps
     self._little_phi_a = self._little_phi(self.a)
     self._little_phi_b = self._little_phi(self.b)
     self._big_phi_a = self._big_phi(self.a)
     self._big_phi_b = self._big_phi(self.b)
     self._Z = (self._big_phi_b - self._big_phi_a).clamp_min(eps)
     self._log_Z = self._Z.log()
     little_phi_coeff_a = torch.nan_to_num(self.a, nan=math.nan)
     little_phi_coeff_b = torch.nan_to_num(self.b, nan=math.nan)
     self._lpbb_m_lpaa_d_Z = (self._little_phi_b * little_phi_coeff_b -
                              self._little_phi_a * little_phi_coeff_a) / self._Z
     self._mean = -(self._little_phi_b - self._little_phi_a) / self._Z
     self._variance = 1 - self._lpbb_m_lpaa_d_Z - \
                      ((self._little_phi_b - self._little_phi_a) / self._Z) ** 2
     self._entropy = CONST_LOG_SQRT_2PI_E + self._log_Z - 0.5 * self._lpbb_m_lpaa_d_Z
예제 #4
 def test_nan_to_num(self):
     mode = FakeTensorMode(inner=None)
     with enable_torch_dispatch_mode(mode):
         for dtype in [torch.float16, torch.float32]:
             x = torch.rand([4], dtype=dtype)
             y = torch.nan_to_num(x, nan=None)
             z = torch.nan_to_num(x, 0.0)
             self.assertEqual(dtype, y.dtype)
             self.assertEqual(dtype, z.dtype)
예제 #5
 def test_sharded_tensor_nan_to_num(self):
     specs = _chunk_sharding_specs_list_for_test([0, 1], seed=10)
     for spec in specs:
         tensor = torch.rand(16, 12).cuda(self.rank)
         tensor[:, :2] = float('nan')
         tensor[:, 4:5] = float('inf')
         tensor[:, 10:] = -float('inf')
         st = _shard_tensor(tensor, spec)
         st_expected = _shard_tensor(torch.nan_to_num(tensor), spec)
         st = torch.nan_to_num(st)
         self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(st, st_expected))
예제 #6
 def compute(self):
     if self.another_macro_f1:
         macro_prec = torch.mean(
             torch.nan_to_num(self.tp_sum / self.preds_sum, posinf=0.))
         macro_recall = torch.mean(
             torch.nan_to_num(self.tp_sum / self.target_sum, posinf=0.))
         return 2 * (macro_prec * macro_recall) / (macro_prec +
                                                   macro_recall + 1e-10)
         label_f1 = 2 * self.tp_sum / (self.preds_sum + self.target_sum +
         return torch.mean(label_f1)
예제 #7
    def encode(self, x):
        x = torch.nan_to_num(self.enc1(x), nan=self.eps)
        x = self.actv(x)
        x = self.bn_enc1(x)
        x = torch.nan_to_num(self.enc2(x), nan=self.eps)
        x = self.actv(x)
        x = self.bn_enc2(x)
        x = torch.nan_to_num(self.enc3(x), nan=self.eps)
        x = self.actv(x)
        x = self.bn_enc3(x)

        mu = self.fc_mu(x)
        logvar = self.fc_logvar(x)

        return mu, logvar
예제 #8
def read_exr(filename):
	Read color data from EXR image file. Set negative values and nans to 0.

	:param filename: string describing file path
	:return: RGB image in float32 format (with 1xCxHxW layout)
    exrfile = exr.InputFile(filename)
    header = exrfile.header()

    dw = header['dataWindow']
    isize = (dw.max.y - dw.min.y + 1, dw.max.x - dw.min.x + 1)

    channelData = dict()

    # Convert all channels in the image to numpy arrays
    for c in header['channels']:
        if c != 'A':
            C = exrfile.channel(c, Imath.PixelType(Imath.PixelType.FLOAT))
            C = np.frombuffer(C, dtype=np.float32)
            C = np.reshape(C, isize)

            channelData[c] = C

    colorChannels = ['R', 'G', 'B']
    img_np = np.concatenate(
        [channelData[c][..., np.newaxis] for c in colorChannels], axis=2)

    img_torch = torch.max(torch.nan_to_num(torch.from_numpy(
        np.array(img_np))), torch.tensor(
            [0.0])).cuda()  # added maximum to avoid negative values in images

    return img_torch.permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0)
def visualise_posterior(model, X_test, Y_test, Y_test_pred, mixture=True, title=None, new_fig=False):

    ''' Visualising posterior predictive (a single distribution) '''

    if new_fig:
    #f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 8))
    if mixture:
        sample_means, sample_stds = get_posterior_predictive_means_stds(Y_test_pred)

        sample_stds = torch.nan_to_num(sample_stds, nan=1e-5)
        lower, upper = get_posterior_predictive_uncertainty_intervals(sample_means, sample_stds)
        pred_mean = sample_means.mean(dim=0)
        lower, upper = Y_test_pred.confidence_region()
        pred_mean = Y_test_pred.mean.numpy()

    plt.plot(X_test.numpy(), pred_mean, 'b-', label='Mean')
    plt.scatter(model.covar_module.inducing_points.detach(), [-2.5]*model.num_inducing, c='r', marker='x', label='Inducing')
    plt.fill_between(X_test.detach().numpy(), lower, upper, alpha=0.5, label=r'$\pm$2\sigma', color='g')
    plt.scatter(model.train_x.numpy(), model.train_y.numpy(), c='k', marker='x', alpha=0.7, label='Train')
    plt.plot(X_test, Y_test, color='b', linestyle='dashed', alpha=0.7, labeL='True')
    #ax.set_ylim([-3, 3])
예제 #10
    def forward(self, x):
        """ Forward pass. """
        window = self.window
        x = expand_dims(x)

        padding = [(w // 2, w - w // 2 - 1) for w in window]
        num = F.pad(x, (0, 0, *padding[1], *padding[0], 0, 0, 0, 0))
        num = F.conv3d(num, self.kernels[0])**2

        num = F.pad(num, (*padding[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
        num = F.conv3d(num, self.kernels[1])

        denum = F.pad(x, (*padding[2], *padding[1], *padding[0], 0, 0, 0, 0))
        denum = F.conv3d(denum**2, self.kernels[2])

        normilizing = torch.ones(x.shape[:-1],
        normilizing = F.pad(normilizing,
                            (*padding[1], *padding[0], 0, 0, 0, 0))
        normilizing = F.conv2d(normilizing, self.kernels[3])

        denum *= normilizing.view(*normilizing.shape, 1)
        result = torch.nan_to_num(num / denum, nan=self.fill_value)

        return squueze(result, self.ndim)
예제 #11
            def local_norm(img, kernel_size=31, cutoff_percent=80):
                Performs local normalization of a given image relative to the neighborhood
                of size (kernel_size, kernel_size)  using a global cutoffself.

                # Arguments:
                    - img: tensor with the image of shape (height, width)
                    - kernel_size: size of the averaging kernel or tuple of (kernel_height,
                        kernel_width). Should be odd ints.
                    - cutoff_percentile: int between 0 and 100. Global percentile cut-off,
                        preventing over-amplification of noise.

                # Returns:
                    - norm_img: image of the same size as the input img, with values locally
                kernel_size = hp.misc.ensure_list(kernel_size)
                if len(kernel_size) == 1:
                    kernel_size = (kernel_size[0], kernel_size[0])

                norm = ttf.gaussian_blur(img.unsqueeze(0), kernel_size, [k/3 for k in kernel_size]).squeeze(0)
                cutoff = torch.max(norm) * np.power(cutoff_percent/100, 3)
                norm_img = img / torch.maximum(norm, cutoff)
                norm_img = torch.nan_to_num(norm_img)

                img = (img-torch.min(img))/(torch.max(img)-torch.min(img))
                norm_img = (norm_img-torch.min(norm_img))/(torch.max(norm_img)-torch.min(norm_img))
                return (img+norm_img)/2
예제 #12
    def forward(self, v: TorchscriptPreprocessingInput) -> torch.Tensor:
        if torch.jit.isinstance(v, List[torch.Tensor]):
            v = torch.stack(v)

        if not torch.jit.isinstance(v, torch.Tensor):
            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported input: {v}")

        v = torch.nan_to_num(v, nan=self.computed_fill_value)
        v = v.long()

        outputs: List[torch.Tensor] = []
        for v_i in v:
            components = h3_to_components(v_i)
            header: List[int] = [
            cells_padding: List[int] = [self.h3_padding_value] * (
                self.max_h3_resolution - len(components.cells))
            output = torch.tensor(header + components.cells + cells_padding,

        return torch.stack(outputs)
예제 #13
    def _calc_loss(self, samples: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
                   clip_range: float) -> torch.Tensor:
        """## PPO Loss"""
        # Sampled observations are fed into the model to get $\pi_\theta(a_t|s_t)$ and $V^{\pi_\theta}(s_t)$;
        pi_val, value = self.model(samples['obs'], False)
        pi = Categorical(logits=pi_val)

        # #### Policy
        log_pi = pi.log_prob(samples['actions'])
        # *this is different from rewards* $r_t$.
        ratio = torch.exp(log_pi - samples['log_pis'])
        # The ratio is clipped to be close to 1.
        # Using the normalized advantage
        #  $\bar{A_t} = \frac{\hat{A_t} - \mu(\hat{A_t})}{\sigma(\hat{A_t})}$
        #  introduces a bias to the policy gradient estimator,
        #  but it reduces variance a lot.
        clipped_ratio = ratio.clamp(min=1.0 - clip_range, max=1.0 + clip_range)
        # advantages are normalized
        policy_reward = torch.min(ratio * samples['advantages'],
                                  clipped_ratio * samples['advantages'])
        policy_reward = policy_reward.mean()

        # #### Entropy Bonus
        entropy_bonus = pi.entropy()
        entropy_bonus = entropy_bonus.mean()
        # add regularization to logits to revive previously-seen impossible moves
        max_logit = pi_val.max().item()
        prob_reg = -(torch.nan_to_num(pi_val - max_logit, neginf=0)**
                     2).mean() * self.cur_prob_reg_weight

        # #### Value
        # Clipping makes sure the value function $V_\theta$ doesn't deviate
        #  significantly from $V_{\theta_{OLD}}$.
        clipped_value = samples['values'][:, :2] + (
            value[:, :2] - samples['values'][:, :2]).clamp(min=-clip_range,
        vf_loss = torch.max((value[:, :2] - samples['returns'])**2,
                            (clipped_value - samples['returns'])**2)
        vf_loss[:, 1] *= self.cur_target_prob_weight
        vf_loss_score = 0.5 * vf_loss[:, 0].mean()
        vf_loss = 0.5 * vf_loss.sum(-1).mean()

        # we want to maximize $\mathcal{L}^{CLIP+VF+EB}(\theta)$
        # so we take the negative of it as the loss
        loss = -(policy_reward - self.c.vf_weight * vf_loss + \
                self.cur_entropy_weight * (entropy_bonus + prob_reg))

        # for monitoring
        approx_kl_divergence = .5 * ((samples['log_pis'] - log_pi)**2).mean()
        clip_fraction = (abs(
            (ratio - 1.0)) > clip_range).to(torch.float).mean()
            'policy_reward': policy_reward,
            'vf_loss': vf_loss**0.5,
            'vf_loss_1': vf_loss_score**0.5,
            'entropy_bonus': entropy_bonus,
            'kl_div': approx_kl_divergence,
            'clip_fraction': clip_fraction
        return loss
예제 #14
def calculate_equalization_scale(input_obs: _InputEqualizationObserver,
                                 weight_obs: _WeightEqualizationObserver) -> torch.Tensor:
    r""" Calculates the equalization scale and sets the equalization_scale value
    in the observers.

        input_obs: Observer that tracks the ranges for the input columns
        weight_obs: Observer that tracks the ranges for the weight columns

    (min_inputs, max_inputs) = input_obs.get_input_minmax()
    (min_weights, max_weights) = weight_obs.get_weight_col_minmax()

    if not (check_min_max_valid(min_inputs, max_inputs) and check_min_max_valid(min_weights, max_weights)):
            "Must run observer before calling calculate_equalization_scale. " +
            "Returning default equalization scale torch.tensor(1)."
        return torch.tensor(1)

    if not (min_inputs.shape == min_weights.shape):
        raise ValueError(
            "Input and Weight must have the same column dimension. " +
            f"Found {min_inputs.shape} and {min_weights.shape} shapes instead."

    equalization_scale = torch.sqrt((max_weights - min_weights) / (max_inputs - min_inputs))
    # Replace all 'inf', 'nan', 0's with 1s to prevent errors
    equalization_scale[equalization_scale == 0.] = 1
    equalization_scale = torch.nan_to_num(equalization_scale, nan=1, posinf=1, neginf=1)
    return equalization_scale
예제 #15
    def forward(self, input_im, target_im, mask, num_ch):
        if num_ch > 1:
            mask = torch.cat([mask for _ in range(num_ch)], dim=1)
        neg_mask = torch.logical_not(mask)

        diff = torch.abs(input_im - target_im)

        diff_in = diff[mask]
        loss_in = torch.sum(diff_in) / torch.numel(diff)
        loss_in = torch.nan_to_num(loss_in)

        diff_out = diff[neg_mask]
        loss_out = torch.sum(diff_out) / torch.numel(diff)
        loss_out = torch.nan_to_num(loss_out)

        return loss_in, loss_out
예제 #16
def _ce_compute(confidences: Tensor, accuracies: Tensor, bin_boundaries: Tensor, norm: str = "l1", debias: bool = True) -> Tensor:

    conf_bin = torch.zeros_like(bin_boundaries)
    acc_bin = torch.zeros_like(bin_boundaries)
    prop_bin = torch.zeros_like(bin_boundaries)
    for i, (bin_lower, bin_upper) in enumerate(zip(bin_boundaries[:-1], bin_boundaries[1:])):
        # Calculated confidence and accuracy in each bin
        in_bin = confidences.gt(bin_lower.item()) * confidences.le(bin_upper.item())
        prop_in_bin = in_bin.float().mean()
        if prop_in_bin.item() > 0:
            acc_bin[i] = accuracies[in_bin].float().mean()
            conf_bin[i] = confidences[in_bin].mean()
            prop_bin[i] = prop_in_bin

    if norm == "l1":
        ce = torch.sum(torch.abs(acc_bin - conf_bin) * prop_bin)
    elif norm == "max":
        ce = torch.max(torch.abs(acc_bin - conf_bin))
    elif norm == "l2":
        ce = torch.sum(torch.pow(acc_bin - conf_bin, 2) * prop_bin)
        if debias:
            # the order here (acc_bin - 1 ) vs (1 - acc_bin) is flipped from
            # the equation in Verified Uncertainty Prediction (Kumar et al 2019)/
            debias_bins = (acc_bin * (acc_bin - 1) * prop_bin) / (prop_bin * accuracies.size()[0] - 1)
            ce += torch.sum(torch.nan_to_num(debias_bins))  # replace nans with zeros if nothing appeared in a bin
        ce = torch.sqrt(ce) if ce > 0 else torch.tensor(0)
        raise ValueError(f"Norm {norm} is not supported. Please select from l1, l2, or max. ")
    return ce
예제 #17
def make_base(tt, w, tau, model_coh: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
    Calculates the basis for the linear least squares problem

    tt : ndarry 
        2D-time points
    w : float
        System response
    tau : ndarray
        1D decay times
    model_coh : bool        
        If true, appends a gaussian and its first two 
        dervitates to model coherent behavior at time-zero.


    k = 1 / (tau[None, None, ...])

    t = (tt)[..., None]
    scaled_tt = tt / w
    if False:
        A = torch.exp(-k * tt)
        nw = w[:, None]
        A = 0.5 * torch.erfc(-t / nw + nw * k / (2.0))
        A *= torch.exp(k * (nw * nw * k / (4.0) - t))

    if model_coh:
        exp_half = torch.exp(0.5)
        scaled_tt = tt / w
        coh = torch.exp(-0.5 * scaled_tt * scaled_tt)
        coh = coh[:, :, None].repeat((1, 1, 3))
        coh[..., 1] *= (-scaled_tt * exp_half)
        coh[..., 2] *= (scaled_tt - 1)
        A = torch.cat((A, coh), dim=-1)

    #if torch.isnan(A).any():
    #    print(A)
    torch.nan_to_num(A, out=A)
    return A
예제 #18
    def _calc_norm(self, f, a, b, avg=False):
        Calculates the normalising term, Z.
        # if is allowed to be 0
        inftest1 = (a==0).any()
        inftest2 = (b==0).any()
        if inftest1:
            print(f"a is 0; avg = {avg}")
        if inftest2:
            print(f"b is 0; avg = {avg}")

        # if any of a is zero, then add EPS
        i_0 = 1/a[...,0] * t.exp(a[...,0] * f[...,0] + b[...,0])
        i_1 = 1/a[...,1:-1] * t.exp(b[...,1:-1]) * (
            t.exp(a[...,1:-1] * f[...,1:]) - t.exp(a[...,1:-1] * f[...,:-1])
        i_2 = 1/a[...,-1] * t.exp(a[...,-1] * f[...,-1] + b[...,-1])

        inftest0 = t.isinf(i_0).any()
        inftest1 = t.isinf(i_1).any()
        inftest2 = t.isinf(i_2).any()
        if inftest0:
            print(f"i0 is inf; avg = {avg}")
            i_0 = t.nan_to_num(i_0)
        if inftest1:
            print(f"i1 is inf; avg = {avg}")
            i_1 = t.nan_to_num(i_1)
        if inftest2:
            print(f"i2 is inf; avg = {avg}")
            i_2 = t.nan_to_num(i_2)

        if avg:
            self.i_0_avg = i_0
            self.i_1_avg = i_1
            self.i_2_avg = i_2
            self.Z_avg = i_0 + i_1.sum(-1) - i_2
            self.i_0 = i_0
            self.i_1 = i_1
            self.i_2 = i_2
            self.Z = i_0 + i_1.sum(-1) - i_2

        nantest = t.isnan(self.Z).any()
        if nantest:
            print("Z has inf")
예제 #19
    def forward(self, v: TorchscriptPreprocessingInput) -> torch.Tensor:
        if not torch.jit.isinstance(v, torch.Tensor):
            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported input: {v}")

        v = torch.nan_to_num(v, nan=self.computed_fill_value)

        v = v.to(dtype=torch.float32)
        return self.numeric_transformer.transform_inference(v)
 def compute(self):
     target = torch.cat(self.target, dim=0).cpu().long().numpy()
     preds = torch.nan_to_num(torch.cat(self.preds, dim=0).float().cpu()).numpy()
     if len(preds.shape) > 1:
         preds = 1 - preds[:, 0]
         target = (target != 0).astype(int)
     if len(np.unique(target)) == 1:
         return torch.tensor(0, device=self.preds[0].device)
     return torch.tensor(roc_auc_score(target, preds), device=self.preds[0].device)
예제 #21
 def create_stft(self, sample):
     # Create spectrogram
     spec = self.amp_to_db(
     for i in range(spec.shape[0]):
         spec[i] -= spec[i].min(1, keepdim=True)[0]
         spec[i] /= spec[i].max(1, keepdim=True)[0]
     spec = torch.nan_to_num(spec, nan=0.0)
     return spec
예제 #22
 def f1(x):
   x = torch.DoubleTensor(x).cuda()
   x[:, 0] = torch.abs(x[:, 0])
   i1 = 1/(np.pi*self.sigma0**2) * torch.exp(-torch.norm(x, p=2, dim=1)**2 / (2*self.sigma0**2))
   g = self.compute_set(x, eps, k1, log_k2, return_mean=False)
   r = x[:, 0] * norm1
   integral = i1 * (r * np.exp(1/(dim-2) * log_k) * (g * 1.))**(dim-2)
   integral = torch.nan_to_num(integral)
   return np.double(integral.detach().cpu().numpy())
예제 #23
 def update(self, preds, target):
     assert preds.shape == target.shape
     binary_topk_preds = select_topk(preds, self.top_k)
     target = target.to(dtype=torch.int)
     num_relevant = torch.sum(binary_topk_preds & target, dim=-1)
     top_ks = torch.tensor([self.top_k] * preds.shape[0]).to(preds.device)
     self.score += torch.nan_to_num(num_relevant /
                                    torch.min(top_ks, target.sum(dim=-1)),
     self.num_sample += len(preds)
예제 #24
파일: VAEMC.py 프로젝트: mselair/AISC
    def _format(self, x):
        x[x == 0] = np.nan
        x2 = self.normalize(x, 2)
        x3 = self.normalize(x, 3)

        #x2[xbl] = 0
        #x3[xbl] = 0
        x = torch.cat((x2, x3), dim=1)
        x = torch.nan_to_num(x, nan=0)
        return x
예제 #25
 def forward(self):
     # compare inplace
     if self.op == "nan_to_num":
         if self.replace_inf:
             output = torch.nan_to_num(self.input, nan=1.0)
             output = torch.nan_to_num(self.input,
         if self.replace_inf:
             output = torch.nan_to_num_(self.input, nan=1.0)
             output = torch.nan_to_num_(self.input,
     return output
예제 #26
파일: data.py 프로젝트: ravih18/AD-DL
 def __call__(self, image):
     if torch.isnan(image).any().item():
         if not self.nan_detected:
                 "NaN values were found in your images and will be removed."
             self.nan_detected = True
         return torch.nan_to_num(image)
         return image
예제 #27
  def score_goals(self, sampled_ags, info):

    # sampled_ags is np.array of shape NUM_ENVS x NUM_SAMPLED_GOALS (both arbitrary)
    num_envs, num_sampled_ags = sampled_ags.shape[:2]
    scores = self.success_predictor(info.states).reshape(num_envs, num_sampled_ags)  # these are predicted success %
    scores = self.torch(scores)

    # entropy to achieve goals
    entropy = -scores * torch.log(scores) -(1-scores)*torch.log(1-scores)

    return torch.nan_to_num(entropy)
예제 #28
def read_parent_by_id(id: int, expr_root: str = None, args = None) -> dict:
    based on the id, find the directory of the parent and parse its relevant data for wt inheritance.

        id: one of the parent ids saved on the individual after traced mating
        expr_root: this should match args.save_path

        A dictionary describing the parent

    if main_config.distributed_cloud:
        task = get_task_by_network_id(id, run_code=args.code)
        if task is None:
            logger.warning("Could not find expected parent id")
        spec = pickle_load_from_str(task.pkl_data)

        results = pickle_load_from_str(task.result_pkl_data)

        genome = micro_encoding.decode(spec["genome"])
        flops = results["flops"]
        acc = results["valid_acc"]

        wt_path = download_blob(results["wt_blob_name"])

        # parent is a dict
        arch_path = os.path.join(expr_root, "arch_{}".format(id))

        path = os.path.join(arch_path, "log.txt")
        wt_path = os.path.join(arch_path, "weights.pt")

        with open(path, "r") as f:
            s = f.read()

        genome = eval(s.split("\n")[1][15:])
        flops = float(s.split("\n")[3][8:-2])
        acc = float(s.split("\n")[4][11:])

    error = 100 - acc
    weights = torch.load(wt_path)

    has_nan = False
    for k, v in weights.items():
        if torch.any(torch.isnan(v.cpu())):
            has_nan = True

        weights[k] = torch.nan_to_num(v.cpu())
    if has_nan:
        logger.warning("Nan values detected when trying to load weights for parent with id %i" % id)

    parent = {"genome": genome, "flops": flops, "error": error, "weights": weights}
    return parent
예제 #29
def Hb(p: Tensor):
    Binary entropy.

        p: Tensor of probabilities.

    Returns: Binary entropy for each probability.
    epsilon = np.finfo(float).eps
    p = torch.clamp(p, min=epsilon, max=1 - epsilon)
    return -torch.nan_to_num(p * torch.log2(p) + (1 - p) * torch.log2(1 - p))
예제 #30
    def test_nan_to_num(self, device, dtype):
        for contiguous in [False, True]:
            x = make_tensor((64, 64), low=0., high=100., dtype=dtype, device=device)

            if dtype.is_floating_point:
                # Add extremal values.
                extremals = [float('nan'), float('inf'), -float('inf')]
                for idx, extremal in zip(torch.randint(0, 63, (3,)), extremals):
                    x[idx, :] = extremal

            if not contiguous:
                x = x.T

            # With args
            nan = random.random()
            posinf = random.random() * 5
            neginf = random.random() * 10

            self.compare_with_numpy(lambda x: x.nan_to_num(nan=nan, posinf=posinf),
                                    lambda x: np.nan_to_num(x, nan=nan, posinf=posinf),
            self.compare_with_numpy(lambda x: x.nan_to_num(posinf=posinf, neginf=neginf),
                                    lambda x: np.nan_to_num(x, posinf=posinf, neginf=neginf),

            # Out Variant
            out = torch.empty_like(x)
            result = torch.nan_to_num(x)
            torch.nan_to_num(x, out=out)
            self.assertEqual(result, out)

            result = torch.nan_to_num(x, nan=nan, posinf=posinf, neginf=neginf)
            torch.nan_to_num(x, out=out, nan=nan, posinf=posinf, neginf=neginf)
            self.assertEqual(result, out)