def gauss_smoothen_image(cfg, img, sigma_rel):
    fsz = cfg.pc_gauss_kernel_size
    kernel = gauss_kernel_1d(fsz, sigma_rel)
    in_channels = img.shape[-1]
    k1 = torch.repeat(kernel.reshape(1, fsz, 1, 1), (1, 1, in_channels, 1))
    k2 = torch.repeat(kernel.reshape((fsz, 1, 1, 1)), (1, 1, in_channels, 1))

    img_tmp = img
    img_tmp = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(img_tmp, k1, [1, 1, 1, 1], padding="SAME")
    img_tmp = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(img_tmp, k2, [1, 1, 1, 1], padding="SAME")
    return img_tmp
예제 #2
def feature_distance(img1, img2, device):
    if (features_model is None):
        model = models.vgg19(pretrained=True).to(device=device)
        layer = model.features

    if (img1.shape[1] == 1):
        img1 = torch.repeat(img1, 3, axis=1)
    if (img2.shape[1] == 1):
        img2 = torch.repeat(img2, 3, axis=1)

    img1_feature_vector = layer(img1_tensor)
    img2_feature_vector = layer(img2_tensor)

    return ((img1_feature_vector - img2_feature_vector)**2).mean()
예제 #3
def batch_global_rigid_transformation(Rs,
    Computes absolute joint locations given pose.
    rotate_base: if True, rotates the global rotation by 90 deg in x axis.
    if False, this is the original SMPL coordinate.
      Rs: N x 24 x 3 x 3 rotation vector of K joints
      Js: N x 24 x 3, joint locations before posing
      parent: 24 holding the parent id for each index
      new_J : `Tensor`: N x 24 x 3 location of absolute joints
      A     : `Tensor`: N x 24 4 x 4 relative joint transformations for LBS.
    if rotate_base:
        print('Flipping the SMPL coordinate frame!!!!')
        rot_x = torch.Tensor([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]])
        rot_x = torch.reshape(torch.repeat(rot_x, [N, 1]),
                              [N, 3, 3])  # In tf it was tile
        root_rotation = torch.matmul(Rs[:, 0, :, :], rot_x)
        root_rotation = Rs[:, 0, :, :]

    # Now Js is N x 24 x 3 x 1
    Js = Js.unsqueeze(-1)
    N = Rs.shape[0]

    def make_A(R, t):
        # Rs is N x 3 x 3, ts is N x 3 x 1
        R_homo = torch.nn.functional.pad(R, (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
        t_homo =[t, torch.ones([N, 1, 1]).to(device=Rs.device)], 1)
        return[R_homo, t_homo], 2)

    A0 = make_A(root_rotation, Js[:, 0])
    results = [A0]
    for i in range(1, parent.shape[0]):
        j_here = Js[:, i] - Js[:, parent[i]]
        A_here = make_A(Rs[:, i], j_here)
        res_here = torch.matmul(results[parent[i]], A_here)

    # 10 x 24 x 4 x 4
    results = torch.stack(results, dim=1)

    new_J = results[:, :, :3, 3]

    # --- Compute relative A: Skinning is based on
    # how much the bone moved (not the final location of the bone)
    # but (final_bone - init_bone)
    # ---
    Js_w0 =[Js, torch.zeros([N, 35, 1, 1]).to(device=Rs.device)], 2)
    init_bone = torch.matmul(results, Js_w0)
    # Append empty 4 x 3:
    init_bone = torch.nn.functional.pad(init_bone, (3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
    A = results - init_bone

    return new_J, A
예제 #4
 def torch_place(arr, mask, vals):
     n = mask.sum()
     vals = vals.flatten()
     if vals.numel() < n:
         reps = torch.ceil(n / vals.numel())
         vals = torch.repeat(vals, reps)
         arr[mask] = vals[:n]
예제 #5
    def forward(self, input, labels, step=0, alpha=-1):
        for i in range(step, -1, -1):
            index = self.n_layer - i - 1
            label_embeddings = label_emb(labels)  # N x K
            label_embeddings = torch.repeat(1, 1, input.size(2), input.size(3))
            input =[input, label_embeddings], dim=1)
            if i == step:
                out = self.from_rgb[index](input)

            if i == 0:
                out_std = torch.sqrt(out.var(0, unbiased=False) + 1e-8)
                mean_std = out_std.mean()
                mean_std = mean_std.expand(out.size(0), 1, 4, 4)
                out =[out, mean_std], 1)

            out = self.progression[index](out)

            if i > 0:
                if i == step and 0 <= alpha < 1:
                    skip_rgb = F.avg_pool2d(input, 2)
                    skip_rgb = self.from_rgb[index + 1](skip_rgb)

                    out = (1 - alpha) * skip_rgb + alpha * out

        out = out.squeeze(2).squeeze(2)
        # print(input.size(), out.size(), step)
        out = self.linear(out)

        return out
예제 #6
    def with_denormalize(self, policy):
        assert (torch.max(policy) <= 1) or (torch.min(policy) >=
                                            -1), "denormalized"
        if len(policy.shape) == 2:
            assert (policy.shape[1] == self.output_size
                    ), "action error, shape is {} and not {}".format(
                        policy.shape[1], self.output_size)
            upper = torch.repeat(self.upper_bounds.reshape(1, -1),
            lower = torch.repeat(self.lower_bounds.reshape(1, -1),
            upper = self.upper_bounds
            lower = self.lower_bounds

        policy = 0.5 * (policy + 1) * (upper - lower) + lower
        return policy
예제 #7
def tfm_padtrim_signal(sig, width, pad_mode="zeros"):
    '''Pad signal to specified width, using specified pad mode'''
    c, x = sig.shape
    if (x == width): return sig
    elif (x > width): return sig[:, :width]
    elif pad_mode.lower() == "zeros":
        padding = torch.zeros((c, width - x))
        return, padding), 1)
    elif pad_mode.lower() == "repeat":
        repeats = width // x + 1
        return torch.repeat(1, repeats)[:, :width]
        raise ValueError(
            f"pad_mode {pad_mode} not currently supported, only 'zeros', or 'repeat'"
예제 #8
    def get_instance_seg_v1_net(self, point_cloud, one_hot_vec):
        @author: Qiao
        notice:tensorflow是 NHWC  pytorch为 NCHW 需要调整

            point_cloud: TF tensor in shape (B,4,N)
                frustum point clouds with XYZ and intensity in point channels
                XYZs are in frustum coordinate
            one_hot_vec: TF tensor in shape (B,3)
                length-3 vectors indicating predicted object type
            end_points: dict
            logits: TF tensor in shape (B,2,N), scores for bkg/clutter and object
            end_points: dict
        batch_size = point_cloud.get_shape()[0].value
        num_point = point_cloud.get_shape()[2].value

        # net = tf.expand_dims(point_cloud, 2)
        net = torch.unsqueeze(point_cloud, 3)

        net = self.get_instance_seg_1(net)
        net = self.get_instance_seg_2(net)
        point_feat = self.get_instance_seg_3(net)
        net = self.get_instance_seg_4(point_feat)
        net = self.get_instance_seg_5(net)
        global_feat = self.get_instance_seg_pool_1(net)

        # 把通道数拼起来 pytorch中为第二个
        global_feat =[global_feat, torch.unsqueeze(torch.unsqueeze(one_hot_vec, 1), 1)], 1)

        global_feat_expand = torch.repeat(global_feat, [1, num_point, 1, 1])

        concat_feat =[point_feat, global_feat_expand],3)

        net = self.get_instance_seg_6(concat_feat)
        net = self.get_instance_seg_7(net)
        net = self.get_instance_seg_8(net)
        net = self.get_instance_seg_9(net)
        net = self.get_instance_seg_dp_1(net)
        logits = self.get_instance_seg_10(net)

        logits = torch.squeeze(logits, 2) # BxCxN
        return logits
예제 #9
def tfm_padtrim_signal(sig, width, pad_mode="zeros"):
    '''Pad signal to specified width, using specified pad mode'''
    c, x = sig.shape
    pad_m = pad_mode.lower()
    if (x == width): return sig
    elif (x > width): return sig[:, :width]
    elif pad_m in ["zeros", "zeros-after"]:
        zeros_front = random.randint(0, width - x) if pad_m == "zeros" else 0
        pad_front = torch.zeros((c, zeros_front))
        pad_back = torch.zeros((c, width - x - zeros_front))
        return, sig, pad_back), 1)
    elif pad_m == "repeat":
        repeats = width // x + 1
        return torch.repeat(1, repeats)[:, :width]
        raise ValueError(
            f"pad_mode {pad_m} not currently supported, only 'zeros', 'zeros-after', or 'repeat'"
예제 #10
파일: 프로젝트: gauenk/cl_gen
    def forward(self, pic_set):
        hyperparams = self.hyperparams
        simh = []
        simpics = []

        N = len(pic_set)
        BS = pic_set[0].shape[0]

        # forward pass
        pic_set =, dim=0)
        h, aux = self.encoder_c(pic_set)
        if self._share_enc:
            h = h.reshape(N, BS, -1)
            h_mean = torch.mean(h, dim=0)
            h = torch.repeat(h, N, dim=0)

        input_i = [h, aux]
        dec_pics = self.decoder(input_i)

        # reshaping
        pic_set = pic_set.reshape(N, BS, -1)
        dec_pics = dec_pics.reshape(N, BS, -1)
        # h = h.reshape(N,BS,-1)

        # compute loss for each step
        loss_pairs = 0
        for i in range(N):
            if i == 2: break
            i_noisy = i
            i_dec = (i + 1) % N
            pic_pair = []
            loss_pairs += self.compute_img_loss(pic_pair, proj=False)
        loss_pairs = loss_pairs / len(pic_set)

        # compute losses
        # dec_pics = [dec_pic for dec_pic in dec_pics]
        # loss_x = self.compute_img_loss(dec_pics,proj=False)
        # h = [h_i for h_i in h]
        # loss_h = self.compute_enc_loss(h,proj=False)
        # loss = loss_pairs + hyperparams.x * loss_x + hyperparams.h * loss_h
        loss = loss_pairs
        return loss
    def parse(self, det, tag, adjust=True, refine=True):
        ans = self.match_torch(**self.top_k_torch(det, tag))

        if adjust:
            ans = self.adjust_torch(ans, det)

        scores = [i[:, 2].mean() for i in ans[0]]

        if refine:
            # for each image
            for i in range(len(ans)):
                # for each detected person
                for j in range(len(ans[i])):
                    det_ = det[i]
                    tag_ = tag[i]
                    ans_ = ans[i][j]
                    if not self.tag_per_joint:
                        tag_ = torch.repeat(tag_, (self.num_joints, 1, 1, 1))
                    ans[i][j] = self.refine_torch(det_, tag_, ans_)
            # after this refinement step, there may be multiple detections with almost identical keypoints...
            # an attempt to aggregate them is done afterwards in SimpleHigherHRNet

        return ans, scores
예제 #12
def batch_global_rigid_transformation(Rs, Js, parent, rotate_base = False, betas_logscale=None, opts=None):
    Computes absolute joint locations given pose.

    rotate_base: if True, rotates the global rotation by 90 deg in x axis.
    if False, this is the original SMPL coordinate.

      Rs: N x 24 x 3 x 3 rotation vector of K joints
      Js: N x 24 x 3, joint locations before posing
      parent: 24 holding the parent id for each index

      new_J : `Tensor`: N x 24 x 3 location of absolute joints
      A     : `Tensor`: N x 24 4 x 4 relative joint transformations for LBS.
    if rotate_base:
        print('Flipping the SMPL coordinate frame!!!!')
        rot_x = torch.Tensor([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]])
        rot_x = torch.reshape(torch.repeat(rot_x, [N, 1]), [N, 3, 3]) # In tf it was tile
        root_rotation = torch.matmul(Rs[:, 0, :, :], rot_x)
        root_rotation = Rs[:, 0, :, :]

    # Now Js is N x 24 x 3 x 1
    Js = Js.unsqueeze(-1)
    N = Rs.shape[0]

    Js_orig = Js.clone()

    scaling_factors = torch.ones(N, parent.shape[0], 3).to(Rs.device)
    if betas_logscale is not None:
        leg_joints = list(range(7,11)) + list(range(11,15)) + list(range(17,21)) + list(range(21,25))
        tail_joints = list(range(25, 32))
        ear_joints = [33, 34]

        beta_scale_mask = torch.zeros(35, 3, 6).to(betas_logscale.device)
        beta_scale_mask[leg_joints, [2], [0]] = 1.0 # Leg lengthening
        beta_scale_mask[leg_joints, [0], [1]] = 1.0 # Leg fatness
        beta_scale_mask[leg_joints, [1], [1]] = 1.0 # Leg fatness
        beta_scale_mask[tail_joints, [0], [2]] = 1.0 # Tail lengthening
        beta_scale_mask[tail_joints, [1], [3]] = 1.0 # Tail fatness
        beta_scale_mask[tail_joints, [2], [3]] = 1.0 # Tail fatness
        beta_scale_mask[ear_joints, [1], [4]] = 1.0 # Ear y
        beta_scale_mask[ear_joints, [2], [5]] = 1.0 # Ear z

        beta_scale_mask = torch.transpose(
            beta_scale_mask.reshape(35*3, 6), 0, 1)

        betas_scale = torch.exp(betas_logscale @ beta_scale_mask)
        scaling_factors = betas_scale.reshape(-1, 35, 3)

    scale_factors_3x3 = torch.diag_embed(scaling_factors, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)

    def make_A(R, t):
        # Rs is N x 3 x 3, ts is N x 3 x 1
        R_homo = torch.nn.functional.pad(R, (0,0,0,1,0,0))
        t_homo =[t, torch.ones([N, 1, 1]).to(Rs.device)], 1)
        return[R_homo, t_homo], 2)
    A0 = make_A(root_rotation, Js[:, 0])
    results = [A0]
    for i in range(1, parent.shape[0]):
        j_here = Js[:, i] - Js[:, parent[i]]

        s_par_inv = torch.inverse(scale_factors_3x3[:, parent[i]])
        rot = Rs[:, i]
        s = scale_factors_3x3[:, i]
        rot_new = s_par_inv @ rot @ s

        A_here = make_A(rot_new, j_here)
        res_here = torch.matmul(
            results[parent[i]], A_here)

    # 10 x 24 x 4 x 4
    results = torch.stack(results, dim=1)

    # scale updates
    new_J = results[:, :, :3, 3]

    # --- Compute relative A: Skinning is based on
    # how much the bone moved (not the final location of the bone)
    # but (final_bone - init_bone)
    # ---
    Js_w0 =[Js_orig, torch.zeros([N, 35, 1, 1]).to(Rs.device)], 2)
    init_bone = torch.matmul(results, Js_w0)
    # Append empty 4 x 3:
    init_bone = torch.nn.functional.pad(init_bone, (3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0))
    A = results - init_bone

    return new_J, A
예제 #13
def batch_global_rigid_transformation(Rs,
    Computes absolute joint locations given pose.
    rotate_base: if True, rotates the global rotation by 90 deg in x axis.
    if False, this is the original SMPL coordinate.
      Rs: N x 24 x 3 x 3 rotation vector of K joints
      Js: N x 24 x 3, joint locations before posing
      parent: 24 holding the parent id for each index
      new_J : `Tensor`: N x 24 x 3 location of absolute joints
      A     : `Tensor`: N x 24 4 x 4 relative joint transformations for LBS.

    # Now Js is N x 24 x 3 x 1
    Js = Js.unsqueeze(-1)
    N = Rs.shape[0]

    if rotate_base:
        print('Flipping the SMPL coordinate frame!!!!')
        rot_x = torch.Tensor([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]])
        rot_x = torch.reshape(torch.repeat(rot_x, [N, 1]),
                              [N, 3, 3])  # In tf it was tile
        root_rotation = torch.matmul(Rs[:, 0, :, :], rot_x)
        root_rotation = Rs[:, 0, :, :]

    Js_orig = Js.clone()

    scaling_factors = torch.ones(N, parent.shape[0], 3).to(device)
    if betas_extra is not None:
        scaling_factors = betas_extra.reshape(-1, 35, 3)
        # debug_only
        # scaling_factors[:, 25:32, 0] = 0.2
        # scaling_factors[:, 7, 2] = 2.0

    scale_factors_3x3 = torch.diag_embed(scaling_factors, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)

    def make_A(R, t):
        # Rs is N x 3 x 3, ts is N x 3 x 1
        R_homo = torch.nn.functional.pad(R, (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
        t_homo =[t, torch.ones([N, 1, 1]).to(device)], 1)
        return[R_homo, t_homo], 2)

    A0 = make_A(root_rotation, Js[:, 0])
    results = [A0]
    for i in range(1, parent.shape[0]):
        j_here = Js[:, i] - Js[:, parent[i]]

        s_par_inv = torch.inverse(scale_factors_3x3[:, parent[i]])
        rot = Rs[:, i]
        s = scale_factors_3x3[:, i]

        rot_new = s_par_inv @ rot @ s

        A_here = make_A(rot_new, j_here)
        res_here = torch.matmul(results[parent[i]], A_here)


    # 10 x 24 x 4 x 4
    results = torch.stack(results, dim=1)

    # scale updates
    new_J = results[:, :, :3, 3]

    # --- Compute relative A: Skinning is based on
    # how much the bone moved (not the final location of the bone)
    # but (final_bone - init_bone)
    # ---
    Js_w0 =[Js_orig, torch.zeros([N, 35, 1, 1]).to(device)], 2)
    init_bone = torch.matmul(results, Js_w0)
    # Append empty 4 x 3:
    init_bone = torch.nn.functional.pad(init_bone, (3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
    A = results - init_bone

    return new_J, A
예제 #14
def repeat(*args, **kwargs):
    return torch.repeat(*args, **kwargs)