예제 #1
def calculate_fid(input_1, input_2, **kwargs):
    feat_layer_name = get_kwarg('feature_layer_fid', kwargs)
    feat_extractor = create_feature_extractor(
        get_kwarg('feature_extractor', kwargs), [feat_layer_name], **kwargs)
    metric = fid_inputs_to_metric(input_1, input_2, feat_extractor,
                                  feat_layer_name, **kwargs)
    return metric
예제 #2
 def estimate_implementation_exactness(cuda, batch_size=8, rng_seed=2020):
     model_tf = TestInception.get_inception_tf()
     model_pt = create_feature_extractor(
         ['2048', 'logits_unbiased'],
     ds = prepare_input_from_id('cifar10-train',
     rng = np.random.RandomState(rng_seed)
     batch_pt = torch.cat([
         for i in rng.choice(len(ds), batch_size, replace=False)
     f1_pt, f2_pt = TestInception.forward_pt(model_pt, batch_pt, cuda)
     f1_tf, f2_tf = TestInception.forward_tf(model_tf, batch_pt)
     return {
         '2048': {
             'pt': [f1_pt],
             'tf': [f1_tf]
         'logits_unbiased': {
             'pt': [f2_pt],
             'tf': [f2_tf]
예제 #3
def calculate_isc(input_id, **kwargs):
    feature_extractor = get_kwarg('feature_extractor', kwargs)
    feat_layer_name = get_kwarg('feature_layer_isc', kwargs)
    feat_extractor = create_feature_extractor(feature_extractor,
                                              [feat_layer_name], **kwargs)
    metric = isc_input_id_to_metric(input_id, feat_extractor, feat_layer_name,
    return metric
예제 #4
def calculate_kid(**kwargs):
    feature_extractor = get_kwarg('feature_extractor', kwargs)
    feat_layer_name = get_kwarg('feature_layer_kid', kwargs)
    feat_extractor = create_feature_extractor(feature_extractor,
                                              [feat_layer_name], **kwargs)
    featuresdict_1 = extract_featuresdict_from_input_id_cached(
        1, feat_extractor, **kwargs)
    featuresdict_2 = extract_featuresdict_from_input_id_cached(
        2, feat_extractor, **kwargs)
    metric = kid_featuresdict_to_metric(featuresdict_1, featuresdict_2,
                                        feat_layer_name, **kwargs)
    return metric
예제 #5
def calculate_kid(input_1, input_2, **kwargs):
    feat_layer_name = get_kwarg('feature_layer_kid', kwargs)
    feat_extractor = create_feature_extractor(
        get_kwarg('feature_extractor', kwargs), [feat_layer_name], **kwargs)

    cacheable_input1_name = get_input_cacheable_name(
        input_1, get_kwarg('cache_input1_name', kwargs))
    cacheable_input2_name = get_input_cacheable_name(
        input_2, get_kwarg('cache_input2_name', kwargs))

    featuresdict_1 = extract_featuresdict_from_input_cached(
        input_1, cacheable_input1_name, feat_extractor, **kwargs)
    featuresdict_2 = extract_featuresdict_from_input_cached(
        input_2, cacheable_input2_name, feat_extractor, **kwargs)

    metric = kid_featuresdict_to_metric(featuresdict_1, featuresdict_2,
                                        feat_layer_name, **kwargs)
    return metric
예제 #6
def calculate_metrics(**kwargs):
    Calculates metrics for the given inputs. Keyword arguments:

    .. _ISC: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1606.03498.pdf
    .. _FID: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.08500.pdf
    .. _KID: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1801.01401.pdf
    .. _PPL: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.04948.pdf


        input1 (str or torch.utils.data.Dataset or GenerativeModelBase):
            First input, which can be either of the following values:

            - Name of a registered input. See :ref:`registry <Registry>` for the complete list of preregistered
              inputs, and :meth:`register_dataset` for registering a new input. The following options refine the
              behavior wrt dataset location and downloading:
            - Path to a directory with samples. The following options refine the behavior wrt directory
              traversal and samples filtering:
              :paramref:`~calculate_metrics.samples_find_ext`, and
            - Path to a generative model in the :obj:`ONNX<torch:torch.onnx>` or `PTH` (:obj:`JIT<torch:torch.jit>`)
              format. This option also requires the following kwargs:
              :paramref:`~calculate_metrics.input1_model_z_size`, and
            - Instance of :class:`~torch:torch.utils.data.Dataset` encapsulating a fixed set of samples.
            - Instance of :class:`GenerativeModelBase`, implementing the generative model.

            Default: `None`.

        input2 (str or torch.utils.data.Dataset or GenerativeModelBase):
            Second input, which can be either of the following values:

            - Name of a registered input. See :ref:`registry <Registry>` for the complete list of preregistered
              inputs, and :meth:`register_dataset` for registering a new input. The following options refine the
              behavior wrt dataset location and downloading:
            - Path to a directory with samples. The following options refine the behavior wrt directory
              traversal and samples filtering:
              :paramref:`~calculate_metrics.samples_find_ext`, and
            - Path to a generative model in the :obj:`ONNX<torch:torch.onnx>` or `PTH` (:obj:`JIT<torch:torch.jit>`)
              format. This option also requires the following kwargs:
              :paramref:`~calculate_metrics.input2_model_z_size`, and
            - Instance of :class:`~torch:torch.utils.data.Dataset` encapsulating a fixed set of samples.
            - Instance of :class:`GenerativeModelBase`, implementing the generative model.

            Default: `None`.

        cuda (bool): Sets executor device to GPU. Default: `True`.

        batch_size (int): Batch size used to process images; the larger the more memory is used on the executor device
            (see :paramref:`~calculate_metrics.cuda`). Default: `64`.

        isc (bool): Calculate ISC_ (Inception Score). Default: `False`.

        fid (bool): Calculate FID_ (Frechet Inception Distance). Default: `False`.

        kid (bool): Calculate KID_ (Kernel Inception Distance). Default: `False`.

        ppl (bool): Calculate PPL_ (Perceptual Path Length). Default: `False`.

        feature_extractor (str): Name of the feature extractor (see :ref:`registry <Registry>`). Default:

        feature_layer_isc (str): Name of the feature layer to use with ISC metric. Default: `logits_unbiased`.

        feature_layer_fid (str): Name of the feature layer to use with FID metric. Default: `"2048"`.

        feature_layer_kid (str): Name of the feature layer to use with KID metric. Default: `"2048"`.

        feature_extractor_weights_path (str): Path to feature extractor weights (downloaded if `None`). Default: `None`.

        isc_splits (int): Number of splits in ISC. Default: `10`.

        kid_subsets (int): Number of subsets in KID. Default: `100`.

        kid_subset_size (int): Subset size in KID. Default: `1000`.

        kid_degree (int): Degree of polynomial kernel in KID. Default: `3`.

        kid_gamma (float): Polynomial kernel gamma in KID (automatic if `None`). Default: `None`.

        kid_coef0 (float): Polynomial kernel coef0 in KID. Default: `1.0`.

        ppl_epsilon (float): Interpolation step size in PPL. Default: `1e-4`.

        ppl_reduction (str): Reduction type to apply to the per-sample output values. Default: `mean`.

        ppl_sample_similarity (str): Name of the sample similarity to use in PPL metric computation (see :ref:`registry
            <Registry>`). Default: `lpips-vgg16`.

        ppl_sample_similarity_resize (int): Force samples to this size when computing similarity, unless set to `None`.
            Default: `64`.

        ppl_sample_similarity_dtype (str): Check samples are of compatible dtype when computing similarity, unless set
            to `None`. Default: `uint8`.

        ppl_discard_percentile_lower (int): Removes the lower percentile of samples before reduction. Default: `1`.

        ppl_discard_percentile_higher (int): Removes the higher percentile of samples before reduction. Default: `99`.

        ppl_z_interp_mode (str): Noise interpolation mode in PPL (see :ref:`registry <Registry>`). Default: `lerp`.

        samples_shuffle (bool): Perform random samples shuffling before computing splits. Default: `True`.

        samples_find_deep (bool): Find all samples in paths recursively. Default: `False`.

        samples_find_ext (str): List of comma-separated extensions (no blanks) to look for when traversing input path.
            Default: `png,jpg,jpeg`.

        samples_ext_lossy (str): List of comma-separated extensions (no blanks) to warn about lossy compression.
            Default: `jpg,jpeg`.

        datasets_root (str): Path to built-in torchvision datasets root. Default: `$ENV_TORCH_HOME/fidelity_datasets`.

        datasets_download (bool): Download torchvision datasets to :paramref:`~calculate_metrics.dataset_root`.
            Default: `True`.

        cache_root (str): Path to file cache for features and statistics. Default: `$ENV_TORCH_HOME/fidelity_cache`.

        cache (bool): Use file cache for features and statistics. Default: `True`.

        input1_cache_name (str): Assigns a cache entry to input1 (when not a registered input) and forces caching of
            features on it. Default: `None`.

        input1_model_z_type (str): Type of noise, only required when the input is a path to a generator model (see
            :ref:`registry <Registry>`). Default: `normal`.

        input1_model_z_size (int): Dimensionality of noise (only required when the input is a path to a generator
            model). Default: `None`.

        input1_model_num_classes (int): Number of classes for conditional (0 for unconditional) generation (only
            required when the input is a path to a generator model). Default: `0`.

        input1_model_num_samples (int): Number of samples to draw (only required when the input is a generator model).
            This option affects the following metrics: ISC, FID, KID. Default: `None`.

        input2_cache_name (str): Assigns a cache entry to input2 (when not a registered input) and forces caching of
            features on it. Default: `None`.

        input2_model_z_type (str): Type of noise, only required when the input is a path to a generator model (see
            :ref:`registry <Registry>`). Default: `normal`.

        input2_model_z_size (int): Dimensionality of noise (only required when the input is a path to a generator
            model). Default: `None`.

        input2_model_num_classes (int): Number of classes for conditional (0 for unconditional) generation (only
            required when the input is a path to a generator model). Default: `0`.

        input2_model_num_samples (int): Number of samples to draw (only required when the input is a generator model).
            This option affects the following metrics: FID, KID. Default: `None`.

        rng_seed (int): Random numbers generator seed for all operations involving randomness. Default: `2020`.

        save_cpu_ram (bool): Use less CPU RAM at the cost of speed. May not lead to improvement with every metric.
            Default: `False`.

        verbose (bool): Output progress information to STDERR. Default: `True`.


        : Dictionary of metrics with a subset of the following keys:

            - :const:`torch_fidelity.KEY_METRIC_ISC_MEAN`
            - :const:`torch_fidelity.KEY_METRIC_ISC_STD`
            - :const:`torch_fidelity.KEY_METRIC_FID`
            - :const:`torch_fidelity.KEY_METRIC_KID_MEAN`
            - :const:`torch_fidelity.KEY_METRIC_KID_STD`
            - :const:`torch_fidelity.KEY_METRIC_PPL_MEAN`
            - :const:`torch_fidelity.KEY_METRIC_PPL_STD`
            - :const:`torch_fidelity.KEY_METRIC_PPL_RAW`

    verbose = get_kwarg('verbose', kwargs)
    input1, input2 = get_kwarg('input1', kwargs), get_kwarg('input2', kwargs)

    have_isc = get_kwarg('isc', kwargs)
    have_fid = get_kwarg('fid', kwargs)
    have_kid = get_kwarg('kid', kwargs)
    have_ppl = get_kwarg('ppl', kwargs)

    need_input1 = have_isc or have_fid or have_kid or have_ppl
    need_input2 = have_fid or have_kid

        have_isc or have_fid or have_kid or have_ppl,
        'At least one of "isc", "fid", "kid", "ppl" metrics must be specified')
        input1 is not None or not need_input1,
        'First input is required for "isc", "fid", "kid", and "ppl" metrics')
    vassert(input2 is not None or not need_input2,
            'Second input is required for "fid" and "kid" metrics')

    metrics = {}

    if have_isc or have_fid or have_kid:
        feature_extractor = get_kwarg('feature_extractor', kwargs)
        feature_layer_isc, feature_layer_fid, feature_layer_kid = (None, ) * 3
        feature_layers = set()
        if have_isc:
            feature_layer_isc = get_kwarg('feature_layer_isc', kwargs)
        if have_fid:
            feature_layer_fid = get_kwarg('feature_layer_fid', kwargs)
        if have_kid:
            feature_layer_kid = get_kwarg('feature_layer_kid', kwargs)

        feat_extractor = create_feature_extractor(feature_extractor,

        # isc: input - featuresdict(cached) - metric
        # fid: input - featuresdict(cached) - statistics(cached) - metric
        # kid: input - featuresdict(cached) - metric

        if (not have_isc) and have_fid and (not have_kid):
            # shortcut for a case when statistics are cached and features are not required on at least one input
            metric_fid = fid_inputs_to_metric(feat_extractor, **kwargs)
            vprint(verbose, f'Extracting features from input1')
            featuresdict_1 = extract_featuresdict_from_input_id_cached(
                1, feat_extractor, **kwargs)
            featuresdict_2 = None
            if input2 is not None:
                vprint(verbose, f'Extracting features from input2')
                featuresdict_2 = extract_featuresdict_from_input_id_cached(
                    2, feat_extractor, **kwargs)

            if have_isc:
                metric_isc = isc_featuresdict_to_metric(
                    featuresdict_1, feature_layer_isc, **kwargs)

            if have_fid:
                cacheable_input1_name = get_cacheable_input_name(1, **kwargs)
                cacheable_input2_name = get_cacheable_input_name(2, **kwargs)
                fid_stats_1 = fid_featuresdict_to_statistics_cached(
                    featuresdict_1, cacheable_input1_name, feat_extractor,
                    feature_layer_fid, **kwargs)
                fid_stats_2 = fid_featuresdict_to_statistics_cached(
                    featuresdict_2, cacheable_input2_name, feat_extractor,
                    feature_layer_fid, **kwargs)
                metric_fid = fid_statistics_to_metric(
                    fid_stats_1, fid_stats_2, get_kwarg('verbose', kwargs))

            if have_kid:
                metric_kid = kid_featuresdict_to_metric(
                    featuresdict_1, featuresdict_2, feature_layer_kid,

    if have_ppl:
        metric_ppl = calculate_ppl(1, **kwargs)

    return metrics
예제 #7
    def estimate_implementation_exactness(self, cuda):
        model_pt = create_feature_extractor('inception-v3-compat', ['2048'],
        conv_pt = model_pt.Conv2d_1a_3x3.conv

        batch_size = 1
        # keep_filters = 16  # anything less makes the backends diverge and causes much different results
        # conv_pt.weight.data = conv_pt.weight[0:keep_filters]
        # conv_pt.out_channels = keep_filters

        ds = prepare_input_from_id('cifar10-train',
        rng = np.random.RandomState(2020)
        x_pt = torch.cat([
            for i in rng.choice(len(ds), batch_size, replace=False)
        if cuda:
            x_pt = x_pt.cuda()
        x_pt = x_pt.float()
        x_pt = interpolate_bilinear_2d_like_tensorflow1x(x_pt,
                                                         size=(299, 299),
        x_pt = (x_pt - 128) / 128

        out_tf = self.forward_tf(conv_pt, x_pt)
        out_pt_builtin = self.forward_pt(conv_pt, x_pt)
        out_pt_manualchw = self.forward_pt_manualchw(conv_pt, x_pt)
        out_pt_manualhwc = self.forward_pt_manualhwc(conv_pt, x_pt)

        err_abs_tf_pt_builtin = (out_tf - out_pt_builtin).abs()
        err_abs_tf_pt_manualchw = (out_tf - out_pt_manualchw).abs()
        err_abs_tf_pt_manualhwc = (out_tf - out_pt_manualhwc).abs()
        err_abs_pt_builtin_manualchw = (out_pt_builtin -
        err_abs_pt_builtin_manualhwc = (out_pt_builtin -

        suffix = f'convolution_{"gpu" if cuda else "cpu"}'

        self.save(out_tf, f'{suffix}_conv_tf.png')
        self.save(out_pt_builtin, f'{suffix}_conv_pt_builtin.png')
        self.save(err_abs_tf_pt_builtin, f'{suffix}_err_abs_tf_pt_builtin.png')

        flipping_pixel_err_abs = err_abs_tf_pt_builtin[0, 0, -1, -1].item()

        err_abs = err_abs_tf_pt_builtin.max().item()
        print(f'{suffix}_max_pixelwise_err_abs={err_abs}', file=sys.stderr)

        err_rel = err_abs / out_tf.abs().max().clamp_min(1e-9).item()
        print(f'{suffix}_max_pixelwise_err_rel={err_rel}', file=sys.stderr)

        return err_rel
예제 #8
def calculate_metrics(input_1, input_2=None, **kwargs):
    have_isc, have_fid, have_kid = get_kwarg('isc', kwargs), get_kwarg('fid', kwargs), get_kwarg('kid', kwargs)
    assert have_isc or have_fid or have_kid, 'At least one of "isc", "fid", "kid" metrics must be specified'
    assert (not have_fid) and (not have_kid) or input_2 is not None, \
        'Both inputs are required for "fid" and "kid" metrics'
    verbose = get_kwarg('verbose', kwargs)

    feature_layer_isc, feature_layer_fid, feature_layer_kid = (None,) * 3
    feature_layers = set()
    if have_isc:
        feature_layer_isc = get_kwarg('feature_layer_isc', kwargs)
    if have_fid:
        feature_layer_fid = get_kwarg('feature_layer_fid', kwargs)
    if have_kid:
        feature_layer_kid = get_kwarg('feature_layer_kid', kwargs)

    feat_extractor = create_feature_extractor(
        get_kwarg('feature_extractor', kwargs), list(feature_layers), **kwargs

    # isc: input - featuresdict(cached) - metric
    # fid: input - featuresdict(cached) - statistics(cached) - metric
    # kid: input - featuresdict(cached) - metric

    metrics = {}

    if (not have_isc) and have_fid and (not have_kid):
        # shortcut for a case when statistics are cached and features are not required on at least one input
        metric_fid = fid_inputs_to_metric(input_1, input_2, feat_extractor, feature_layer_fid, **kwargs)
        return metrics

    cacheable_input1_name = get_input_cacheable_name(input_1, get_kwarg('cache_input1_name', kwargs))
    cacheable_input2_name = get_input_cacheable_name(input_2, get_kwarg('cache_input2_name', kwargs))

    if verbose:
        print(f'Extracting features from input_1', file=sys.stderr)
    featuresdict_1 = extract_featuresdict_from_input_cached(input_1, cacheable_input1_name, feat_extractor, **kwargs)
    featuresdict_2 = None
    if input_2 is not None:
        if verbose:
            print(f'Extracting features from input_2', file=sys.stderr)
        featuresdict_2 = extract_featuresdict_from_input_cached(
            input_2, cacheable_input2_name, feat_extractor, **kwargs

    if have_isc:
        metric_isc = isc_featuresdict_to_metric(featuresdict_1, feature_layer_isc, **kwargs)

    if have_fid:
        fid_stats_1 = fid_featuresdict_to_statistics_cached(
            featuresdict_1, cacheable_input1_name, feat_extractor, feature_layer_fid, **kwargs
        fid_stats_2 = fid_featuresdict_to_statistics_cached(
            featuresdict_2, cacheable_input2_name, feat_extractor, feature_layer_fid, **kwargs
        metric_fid = fid_statistics_to_metric(fid_stats_1, fid_stats_2, get_kwarg('verbose', kwargs))

    if have_kid:
        metric_kid = kid_featuresdict_to_metric(featuresdict_1, featuresdict_2, feature_layer_kid, **kwargs)

    return metrics
예제 #9
def calculate_metrics(input_1, input_2=None, **kwargs):
    Calculate metrics for the given inputs.
        input_1: str or torch.util.data.Dataset
            First positional input, can be either a Dataset instance, or a string containing a path to a directory
            of images, or one of the registered input sources (see registry.py).
        input_2: str or torch.util.data.Dataset
            Second positional input (not used in unary metrics, such as "isc"), can be either a Dataset instance, or a
            string containing a path to a directory of images, or one of the registered input sources (see registry.py).
        cuda: bool (default: True)
            Sets executor device to GPU.
        batch_size: int (default: 64)
            Batch size used to process images; the larger the more memory is used on the executor device (see "cuda"
        isc: bool (default: False)
            Calculate ISC (Inception Score).
        fid: bool (default: False)
            Calculate FID (Frechet Inception Distance).
        kid: bool (default: False)
            Calculate KID (Kernel Inception Distance).
        feature_extractor: str (default: inception-v3-compat)
            Name of the feature extractor (see registry.py).
        feature_layer_isc: str (default: logits_unbiased)
            Name of the feature layer to use with ISC metric.
        feature_layer_fid: str (default: 2048)
            Name of the feature layer to use with FID metric.
        feature_layer_kid: str (default: 2048)
            Name of the feature layer to use with KID metric.
        feature_extractor_weights_path: str (default: None)
            Path to feature extractor weights (downloaded if None).
        isc_splits: int (default: 10)
            Number of splits in ISC.
        kid_subsets: int (default: 100)
            Number of subsets in KID.
        kid_subset_size: int (default: 1000)
            Subset size in KID.
        kid_degree: int (default: 3)
            Degree of polynomial kernel in KID.
        kid_gamma: float (default: None)
            Polynomial kernel gamma in KID (automatic if None).
        kid_coef0: float (default: 1)
            Polynomial kernel coef0 in KID.
        samples_shuffle: bool (default: True)
            Perform random samples shuffling before computing splits.
        samples_find_deep: bool (default: False)
            Find all samples in paths recursively.
        samples_find_ext: str (default: png,jpg,jpeg)
            List of extensions to look for when traversing input path.
        samples_ext_lossy: str (default: jpg,jpeg)
            List of extensions to warn about lossy compression.
        datasets_root: str (default: None)
            Path to built-in torchvision datasets root. Defaults to $ENV_TORCH_HOME/fidelity_datasets.
        datasets_download: bool (default: True)
            Download torchvision datasets to dataset_root.
        cache_root: str (default: None)
            Path to file cache for features and statistics. Defaults to $ENV_TORCH_HOME/fidelity_cache.
        cache: bool (default: True)
            Use file cache for features and statistics.
        cache_input1_name: str (default: None)
            Assigns a cache entry to input1 (if a path) and forces caching of features on it if not None.
        cache_input2_name: str (default: None)
            Assigns a cache entry to input2 (if a path) and forces caching of features on it if not None.
        rng_seed: int (default: 2020)
            Random numbers generator seed for all operations involving randomness.
        save_cpu_ram: bool (default: False)
            Use less CPU RAM at the cost of speed.
        verbose: bool (default: True)
            Output progress information to STDERR.

    Return: a dictionary of metrics.

    have_isc, have_fid, have_kid = get_kwarg('isc', kwargs), get_kwarg('fid', kwargs), get_kwarg('kid', kwargs)
    vassert(have_isc or have_fid or have_kid, 'At least one of "isc", "fid", "kid" metrics must be specified')
        (not have_fid) and (not have_kid) or input_2 is not None, 'Both inputs are required for "fid" and "kid" metrics'
    verbose = get_kwarg('verbose', kwargs)

    feature_layer_isc, feature_layer_fid, feature_layer_kid = (None,) * 3
    feature_layers = set()
    if have_isc:
        feature_layer_isc = get_kwarg('feature_layer_isc', kwargs)
    if have_fid:
        feature_layer_fid = get_kwarg('feature_layer_fid', kwargs)
    if have_kid:
        feature_layer_kid = get_kwarg('feature_layer_kid', kwargs)

    feat_extractor = create_feature_extractor(
        get_kwarg('feature_extractor', kwargs), list(feature_layers), **kwargs

    # isc: input - featuresdict(cached) - metric
    # fid: input - featuresdict(cached) - statistics(cached) - metric
    # kid: input - featuresdict(cached) - metric

    metrics = {}

    if (not have_isc) and have_fid and (not have_kid):
        # shortcut for a case when statistics are cached and features are not required on at least one input
        metric_fid = fid_inputs_to_metric(input_1, input_2, feat_extractor, feature_layer_fid, **kwargs)
        return metrics

    cacheable_input1_name = get_input_cacheable_name(input_1, get_kwarg('cache_input1_name', kwargs))

    vprint(verbose, f'Extracting features from input_1')
    featuresdict_1 = extract_featuresdict_from_input_cached(input_1, cacheable_input1_name, feat_extractor, **kwargs)
    featuresdict_2 = None
    if input_2 is not None:
        cacheable_input2_name = get_input_cacheable_name(input_2, get_kwarg('cache_input2_name', kwargs))
        vprint(verbose, f'Extracting features from input_2')
        featuresdict_2 = extract_featuresdict_from_input_cached(
            input_2, cacheable_input2_name, feat_extractor, **kwargs

    if have_isc:
        metric_isc = isc_featuresdict_to_metric(featuresdict_1, feature_layer_isc, **kwargs)

    if have_fid:
        fid_stats_1 = fid_featuresdict_to_statistics_cached(
            featuresdict_1, cacheable_input1_name, feat_extractor, feature_layer_fid, **kwargs
        fid_stats_2 = fid_featuresdict_to_statistics_cached(
            featuresdict_2, cacheable_input2_name, feat_extractor, feature_layer_fid, **kwargs
        metric_fid = fid_statistics_to_metric(fid_stats_1, fid_stats_2, get_kwarg('verbose', kwargs))

    if have_kid:
        metric_kid = kid_featuresdict_to_metric(featuresdict_1, featuresdict_2, feature_layer_kid, **kwargs)

    return metrics