예제 #1
    def message(self, x_j: Tensor, edge_attr: OptTensor):
        assert edge_attr is not None

        EPS = 1e-15
        F, M = self.rel_in_channels, self.out_channels
        (E, D), K = edge_attr.size(), self.kernel_size

        if not self.separate_gaussians:
            gaussian = -0.5 * (edge_attr.view(E, 1, D) -
                               self.mu.view(1, K, D)).pow(2)
            gaussian = gaussian / (EPS + self.sigma.view(1, K, D).pow(2))
            gaussian = torch.exp(gaussian.sum(dim=-1))  # [E, K]

            return (x_j.view(E, K, M) * gaussian.view(E, K, 1)).sum(dim=-2)

            gaussian = -0.5 * (edge_attr.view(E, 1, 1, 1, D) -
                               self.mu.view(1, F, M, K, D)).pow(2)
            gaussian = gaussian / (EPS + self.sigma.view(1, F, M, K, D).pow(2))
            gaussian = torch.exp(gaussian.sum(dim=-1))  # [E, F, M, K]

            gaussian = gaussian * self.g.view(1, F, M, K)
            gaussian = gaussian.sum(dim=-1)  # [E, F, M]

            return (x_j.view(E, F, 1) * gaussian).sum(dim=-2)  # [E, M]
예제 #2
    def aggregate(self,
                  inputs: Tensor,
                  index: Tensor,
                  dim_size: Optional[int] = None,
                  symnorm_weight: OptTensor = None) -> Tensor:

        outs = []
        for aggr in self.aggregators:
            if aggr == 'symnorm':
                assert symnorm_weight is not None
                out = scatter(inputs * symnorm_weight.view(-1, 1),
            elif aggr == 'var' or aggr == 'std':
                mean = scatter(inputs, index, 0, None, dim_size, reduce='mean')
                mean_squares = scatter(inputs * inputs,
                out = mean_squares - mean * mean
                if aggr == 'std':
                    out = torch.sqrt(out.relu_() + 1e-5)
                out = scatter(inputs, index, 0, None, dim_size, reduce=aggr)


        return torch.stack(outs, dim=1) if len(outs) > 1 else outs[0]
예제 #3
 def message(self, x_j, norm: OptTensor):
         In addition, tensors passed to propagate() can be mapped to the respective nodes i and j 
         by appending _i or _j to the variable name, .e.g. x_i and x_j. 
         Note that we generally refer to i as the central nodes that aggregates information, 
         and refer to j as the neighboring nodes, since this is the most common notation.
         return x_j if norm is None else norm.view(-1, 1) * x_j
예제 #4
    def message(self, x_j: Tensor, x_i: Tensor, edge_attr: OptTensor,
                index: Tensor, ptr: OptTensor,
                size_i: Optional[int]) -> Tensor:
        x = x_i + x_j

        if edge_attr is not None:
            if edge_attr.dim() == 1:
                edge_attr = edge_attr.view(-1, 1)
            assert self.lin_edge is not None
            edge_attr = self.lin_edge(edge_attr)
            edge_attr = edge_attr.view(-1, self.heads, self.out_channels)
            x += edge_attr

        x = F.leaky_relu(x, self.negative_slope)
        alpha = (x * self.att).sum(dim=-1)
        alpha = softmax(alpha, index, ptr, size_i)
        self._alpha = alpha
        alpha = F.dropout(alpha, p=self.dropout, training=self.training)
        return x_j * alpha.unsqueeze(-1)
예제 #5
    def edge_update(self, alpha_j: Tensor, alpha_i: OptTensor,
                    edge_attr: OptTensor, index: Tensor, ptr: OptTensor,
                    size_i: Optional[int]) -> Tensor:
        # Given edge-level attention coefficients for source and target nodes,
        # we simply need to sum them up to "emulate" concatenation:
        alpha = alpha_j if alpha_i is None else alpha_j + alpha_i

        if edge_attr is not None and self.lin_edge is not None:
            if edge_attr.dim() == 1:
                edge_attr = edge_attr.view(-1, 1)
            edge_attr = self.lin_edge(edge_attr)
            edge_attr = edge_attr.view(-1, self.heads, self.out_channels)
            alpha_edge = (edge_attr * self.att_edge).sum(dim=-1)
            alpha = alpha + alpha_edge

        alpha = F.leaky_relu(alpha, self.negative_slope)
        alpha = softmax(alpha, index, ptr, size_i)
        alpha = F.dropout(alpha, p=self.dropout, training=self.training)
        return alpha
예제 #6
    def message(self, x_i: Tensor, x_j: Tensor,
                edge_attr: OptTensor) -> Tensor:

        h: Tensor = x_i  # Dummy.
        if edge_attr is not None:
            edge_attr = self.edge_encoder(edge_attr)
            edge_attr = edge_attr.view(-1, 1, self.F_in)
            edge_attr = edge_attr.repeat(1, self.towers, 1)
            h = torch.cat([x_i, x_j, edge_attr], dim=-1)
            h = torch.cat([x_i, x_j], dim=-1)

        hs = [nn(h[:, i]) for i, nn in enumerate(self.pre_nns)]
        return torch.stack(hs, dim=1)
예제 #7
 def message(self, x_j: Tensor, edge_weight: OptTensor) -> Tensor:
     return x_j if edge_weight is None else edge_weight.view(-1, 1) * x_j
예제 #8
 def message(self, weight_j: Tensor, edge_weight: OptTensor) -> Tensor:
     if edge_weight is None:
         return weight_j
         return edge_weight.view(-1, 1) * weight_j
예제 #9
    def message(self, x_i: Tensor, x_j: Tensor, edge_type: Tensor,
                edge_attr: OptTensor, index: Tensor, ptr: OptTensor,
                size_i: Optional[int]) -> Tensor:

        if self.num_bases is not None:  # Basis-decomposition =================
            w = torch.matmul(self.att, self.basis.view(self.num_bases, -1))
            w = w.view(self.num_relations, self.in_channels,
                       self.heads * self.out_channels)
        if self.num_blocks is not None:  # Block-diagonal-decomposition =======
            if (x_i.dtype == torch.long and x_j.dtype == torch.long
                    and self.num_blocks is not None):
                raise ValueError('Block-diagonal decomposition not supported '
                                 'for non-continuous input features.')
            w = self.weight
            x_i = x_i.view(-1, 1, w.size(1), w.size(2))
            x_j = x_j.view(-1, 1, w.size(1), w.size(2))
            w = torch.index_select(w, 0, edge_type)
            outi = torch.einsum('abcd,acde->ace', x_i, w)
            outi = outi.contiguous().view(-1, self.heads * self.out_channels)
            outj = torch.einsum('abcd,acde->ace', x_j, w)
            outj = outj.contiguous().view(-1, self.heads * self.out_channels)
        else:  # No regularization/Basis-decomposition ========================
            if self.num_bases is None:
                w = self.weight
            w = torch.index_select(w, 0, edge_type)
            outi = torch.bmm(x_i.unsqueeze(1), w).squeeze(-2)
            outj = torch.bmm(x_j.unsqueeze(1), w).squeeze(-2)

        qi = torch.matmul(outi, self.q)
        kj = torch.matmul(outj, self.k)

        alpha_edge, alpha = 0, torch.tensor([0])
        if edge_attr is not None:
            if edge_attr.dim() == 1:
                edge_attr = edge_attr.view(-1, 1)
            assert self.lin_edge is not None, (
                "Please set 'edge_dim = edge_attr.size(-1)' while calling the "
                "RGATConv layer")
            edge_attributes = self.lin_edge(edge_attr).view(
                -1, self.heads * self.out_channels)
            if edge_attributes.size(0) != edge_attr.size(0):
                edge_attributes = torch.index_select(edge_attributes, 0,
            alpha_edge = torch.matmul(edge_attributes, self.e)

        if self.attention_mode == "additive-self-attention":
            if edge_attr is not None:
                alpha = torch.add(qi, kj) + alpha_edge
                alpha = torch.add(qi, kj)
            alpha = F.leaky_relu(alpha, self.negative_slope)
        elif self.attention_mode == "multiplicative-self-attention":
            if edge_attr is not None:
                alpha = (qi * kj) * alpha_edge
                alpha = qi * kj

        if self.attention_mechanism == "within-relation":
            across_out = torch.zeros_like(alpha)
            for r in range(self.num_relations):
                mask = edge_type == r
                across_out[mask] = softmax(alpha[mask], index[mask])
            alpha = across_out
        elif self.attention_mechanism == "across-relation":
            alpha = softmax(alpha, index, ptr, size_i)

        self._alpha = alpha

        if self.mod == "additive":
            if self.attention_mode == "additive-self-attention":
                ones = torch.ones_like(alpha)
                h = (outj.view(-1, self.heads, self.out_channels) *
                     ones.view(-1, self.heads, 1))
                h = torch.mul(self.w, h)

                return (outj.view(-1, self.heads, self.out_channels) *
                        alpha.view(-1, self.heads, 1) + h)
            elif self.attention_mode == "multiplicative-self-attention":
                ones = torch.ones_like(alpha)
                h = (outj.view(-1, self.heads, 1, self.out_channels) *
                     ones.view(-1, self.heads, self.dim, 1))
                h = torch.mul(self.w, h)

                return (outj.view(-1, self.heads, 1, self.out_channels) *
                        alpha.view(-1, self.heads, self.dim, 1) + h)

        elif self.mod == "scaled":
            if self.attention_mode == "additive-self-attention":
                ones = alpha.new_ones(index.size())
                degree = scatter_add(ones, index,
                degree = torch.matmul(degree, self.l1) + self.b1
                degree = self.activation(degree)
                degree = torch.matmul(degree, self.l2) + self.b2

                return torch.mul(
                    outj.view(-1, self.heads, self.out_channels) *
                    alpha.view(-1, self.heads, 1),
                    degree.view(-1, 1, self.out_channels))
            elif self.attention_mode == "multiplicative-self-attention":
                ones = alpha.new_ones(index.size())
                degree = scatter_add(ones, index,
                degree = torch.matmul(degree, self.l1) + self.b1
                degree = self.activation(degree)
                degree = torch.matmul(degree, self.l2) + self.b2

                return torch.mul(
                    outj.view(-1, self.heads, 1, self.out_channels) *
                    alpha.view(-1, self.heads, self.dim, 1),
                    degree.view(-1, 1, 1, self.out_channels))

        elif self.mod == "f-additive":
            alpha = torch.where(alpha > 0, alpha + 1, alpha)

        elif self.mod == "f-scaled":
            ones = alpha.new_ones(index.size())
            degree = scatter_add(ones, index,
            alpha = alpha * degree

        elif self.training and self.dropout > 0:
            alpha = F.dropout(alpha, p=self.dropout, training=True)

            alpha = alpha  # original

        if self.attention_mode == "additive-self-attention":
            return alpha.view(-1, self.heads, 1) * outj.view(
                -1, self.heads, self.out_channels)
            return (alpha.view(-1, self.heads, self.dim, 1) *
                    outj.view(-1, self.heads, 1, self.out_channels))
예제 #10
 def message(self, a_j: Tensor, b_i: Tensor,
             edge_weight: OptTensor) -> Tensor:
     out = a_j - b_i
     return out if edge_weight is None else out * edge_weight.view(-1, 1)
예제 #11
 def message(self, x_j: Tensor, edge_weight: OptTensor) -> Tensor:
     assert edge_weight is not None
     return edge_weight.view(-1, 1) * x_j
예제 #12
 def message(self, x_j: Tensor, norm: OptTensor) -> Tensor:
     return norm.view(-1, 1) * x_j if norm is not None else x_j