def explain_pagerank(model, node_idx, x, edge_index, target, include_edges=None): data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index) g = to_networkx(data) pagerank = nx.pagerank(g, personalization={node_idx: 1}) node_attr = np.zeros(x.shape[0]) for node, value in pagerank.items(): node_attr[node] = value edge_mask = node_attr_to_edge(edge_index, node_attr) return edge_mask
def to_molecule(data): ATOM_MAP = [ 'C', 'O', 'Cl', 'H', 'N', 'F', 'Br', 'S', 'P', 'I', 'Na', 'K', 'Li', 'Ca' ] g = to_networkx(data, node_attrs=['x']) for u, data in g.nodes(data=True): data['name'] = ATOM_MAP[data['x'].index(1.0)] del data['x'] return g
def test_to_networkx(): x = torch.Tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) pos = torch.Tensor([[0, 0], [1, 1]]) row = torch.tensor([0, 1, 0]) col = torch.tensor([1, 0, 0]) edge_attr = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3]) G = to_networkx(torch.stack([row, col], dim=0), x, edge_attr, pos) assert G.nodes[0]['x'].tolist() == [1, 2] assert G.nodes[1]['x'].tolist() == [3, 4] assert G.nodes[0]['pos'].tolist() == [0, 0] assert G.nodes[1]['pos'].tolist() == [1, 1] assert networkx.to_numpy_matrix(G).tolist() == [[3, 1], [2, 0]] edge_attr = torch.Tensor([[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]) G = to_networkx(torch.stack([row, col], dim=0), edge_attr=edge_attr) assert G[0][0]['weight'].tolist() == [3, 3] assert G[0][1]['weight'].tolist() == [1, 1] assert G[1][0]['weight'].tolist() == [2, 2]
def visualization(self, data: Data, edge_mask: Tensor, top_k: int, plot_utils: PlotUtils, words: Optional[list] = None, node_idx: int = None, vis_name: Optional[str] = None): if vis_name is None: vis_name = f"filename.png" data ='cpu') edge_mask ='cpu') if self.explain_graph: graph = to_networkx(data) if words is None: plot_utils.plot_soft_edge_mask(graph, edge_mask, top_k=top_k, un_directed=True, words=words, figname=vis_name) else: plot_utils.plot_soft_edge_mask(graph, edge_mask, top_k=top_k, un_directed=True, x=x, figname=vis_name) else: assert node_idx is not None, "visualization method doesn't get the target node index" x, edge_index, y, subset, kwargs = \ self.get_subgraph(node_idx=node_idx, x=data.x, edge_index=data.edge_index, y=data.y) new_node_idx = torch.where(subset == node_idx)[0] new_data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index) graph = to_networkx(new_data) plot_utils.plot_soft_edge_mask(graph, edge_mask, top_k=top_k, un_directed=True, y=y, node_idx=new_node_idx, figname=vis_name)
def test_networkx_vice_versa_convert(): import networkx as nx G = nx.complete_graph(5) assert G.is_directed() is False data = from_networkx(G) assert data.is_directed() is False G = to_networkx(data) assert G.is_directed() is True G = nx.to_undirected(G) assert G.is_directed() is False
def draw_pyg_graph(G, name='Lobster', path='./visualization/train_pyggraph/'): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.set_title(name, fontsize=10) nx_graph = to_networkx(G) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) save_name = path + name + '.png' nx.draw(nx_graph) plt.savefig(save_name, format="PNG") plt.close()
def explain_distance(model, node_idx, x, edge_index, target, include_edges=None): data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index) g = to_networkx(data) length = nx.shortest_path_length(g, target=node_idx) def get_attr(node): if node in length: return 1 / (length[node] + 1) return 0 edge_sources = edge_index[1].cpu().numpy() return np.array([get_attr(node) for node in edge_sources])
def NC_mc_l_shapley(coalition: list, data: Data, local_raduis: int, value_func: str, node_idx: int = -1, subgraph_building_method='zero_filling', sample_num=1000) -> float: """ monte carlo approximation of l_shapley where the target node is kept in both subgraph """ graph = to_networkx(data) num_nodes = graph.number_of_nodes() subgraph_build_func = get_graph_build_func(subgraph_building_method) local_region = copy.copy(coalition) for k in range(local_raduis - 1): k_neiborhoood = [] for node in local_region: k_neiborhoood += list(graph.neighbors(node)) local_region += k_neiborhoood local_region = list(set(local_region)) coalition_placeholder = num_nodes set_exclude_masks = [] set_include_masks = [] for example_idx in range(sample_num): subset_nodes_from = [ node for node in local_region if node not in coalition ] random_nodes_permutation = np.array(subset_nodes_from + [coalition_placeholder]) random_nodes_permutation = np.random.permutation( random_nodes_permutation) split_idx = np.where( random_nodes_permutation == coalition_placeholder)[0][0] selected_nodes = random_nodes_permutation[:split_idx] set_exclude_mask = np.ones(num_nodes) set_exclude_mask[local_region] = 0.0 set_exclude_mask[selected_nodes] = 1.0 if node_idx != -1: set_exclude_mask[node_idx] = 1.0 set_include_mask = set_exclude_mask.copy() set_include_mask[coalition] = 1.0 # include the node_idx set_exclude_masks.append(set_exclude_mask) set_include_masks.append(set_include_mask) exclude_mask = np.stack(set_exclude_masks, axis=0) include_mask = np.stack(set_include_masks, axis=0) marginal_contributions = \ marginal_contribution(data, exclude_mask, include_mask, value_func, subgraph_build_func) mc_l_shapley_value = (marginal_contributions).mean().item() return mc_l_shapley_value
def draw_graphs(glist, aids=False): for i, g in enumerate(glist): plt.clf() G = to_networkx(g).to_undirected() if aids: label_list = aids_labels(g) labels = {} for j, node in enumerate(G.nodes()): labels[node] = label_list[j] nx.draw(G, labels=labels) else: nx.draw(G) plt.savefig("graph{}.png".format(i))
def test_to_networkx(): x = torch.Tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) pos = torch.Tensor([[0, 0], [1, 1]]) edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) edge_attr = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3]) data = Data(x=x, pos=pos, edge_index=edge_index, weight=edge_attr) G = to_networkx(data, node_attrs=['x', 'pos'], edge_attrs=['weight']) assert G.nodes[0]['x'] == [1, 2] assert G.nodes[1]['x'] == [3, 4] assert G.nodes[0]['pos'] == [0, 0] assert G.nodes[1]['pos'] == [1, 1] assert nx.to_numpy_matrix(G).tolist() == [[3, 1], [2, 0]]
def l_shapley(coalition: list, data: Data, local_raduis: int, value_func: str, subgraph_building_method='zero_filling'): """ shapley value where players are local neighbor nodes """ graph = to_networkx(data) num_nodes = graph.number_of_nodes() subgraph_build_func = get_graph_build_func(subgraph_building_method) local_region = copy.copy(coalition) for k in range(local_raduis - 1): k_neiborhoood = [] for node in local_region: k_neiborhoood += list(graph.neighbors(node)) local_region += k_neiborhoood local_region = list(set(local_region)) set_exclude_masks = [] set_include_masks = [] nodes_around = [node for node in local_region if node not in coalition] num_nodes_around = len(nodes_around) for subset_len in range(0, num_nodes_around + 1): node_exclude_subsets = combinations(nodes_around, subset_len) for node_exclude_subset in node_exclude_subsets: set_exclude_mask = np.ones(num_nodes) set_exclude_mask[local_region] = 0.0 if node_exclude_subset: set_exclude_mask[list(node_exclude_subset)] = 1.0 set_include_mask = set_exclude_mask.copy() set_include_mask[coalition] = 1.0 set_exclude_masks.append(set_exclude_mask) set_include_masks.append(set_include_mask) exclude_mask = np.stack(set_exclude_masks, axis=0) include_mask = np.stack(set_include_masks, axis=0) num_players = len(nodes_around) + 1 num_player_in_set = num_players - 1 + len(coalition) - ( 1 - exclude_mask).sum(axis=1) p = num_players S = num_player_in_set coeffs = torch.tensor(1.0 / comb(p, S) / (p - S + 1e-6)) marginal_contributions = \ marginal_contribution(data, exclude_mask, include_mask, value_func, subgraph_build_func) l_shapley_value = (marginal_contributions.squeeze().cpu() * coeffs).sum().item() return l_shapley_value
def rdmol_to_data(mol: Mol): assert mol.GetNumConformers() == 1 N = mol.GetNumAtoms() pos = torch.tensor(mol.GetConformer(0).GetPositions(), dtype=torch.float) atomic_number = [] aromatic = [] sp = [] sp2 = [] sp3 = [] num_hs = [] for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): atomic_number.append(atom.GetAtomicNum()) aromatic.append(1 if atom.GetIsAromatic() else 0) hybridization = atom.GetHybridization() sp.append(1 if hybridization == HybridizationType.SP else 0) sp2.append(1 if hybridization == HybridizationType.SP2 else 0) sp3.append(1 if hybridization == HybridizationType.SP3 else 0) z = torch.tensor(atomic_number, dtype=torch.long) row, col, edge_type = [], [], [] for bond in mol.GetBonds(): start, end = bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx() row += [start, end] col += [end, start] edge_type += 2 * [BOND_TYPES[bond.GetBondType()]] edge_index = torch.tensor([row, col], dtype=torch.long) edge_type = torch.tensor(edge_type) perm = (edge_index[0] * N + edge_index[1]).argsort() edge_index = edge_index[:, perm] edge_type = edge_type[perm] row, col = edge_index hs = (z == 1).to(torch.float) num_hs = scatter(hs[row], col, dim_size=N).tolist() smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol) data = Data(node_type=z, pos=pos, edge_index=edge_index, edge_type=edge_type, rdmol=copy.deepcopy(mol), smiles=smiles) data.nx = to_networkx(data, to_undirected=True) return data
def test_from_networkx(): x = torch.randn(2, 8) pos = torch.randn(2, 3) edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) edge_attr = torch.randn(edge_index.size(1)) perm = torch.tensor([0, 2, 1]) data = Data(x=x, pos=pos, edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=edge_attr) G = to_networkx(data, node_attrs=['x', 'pos'], edge_attrs=['edge_attr']) data = from_networkx(G) assert len(data) == 4 assert data.x.tolist() == x.tolist() assert data.pos.tolist() == pos.tolist() assert data.edge_index.tolist() == edge_index[:, perm].tolist() assert data.edge_attr.tolist() == edge_attr[perm].tolist()
def gen_mst_len_dataset(size: int, min_num_node: int, max_num_node: int)-> TSPDataset: dataset = TSPDataset(size=size, min_num_node=min_num_node, max_num_node=max_num_node, transform=Distance(cat=False)) datalist = [] for graph in dataset: ng = to_networkx(graph, edge_attrs=["edge_attr"], to_undirected=True) ng_mst = mst.minimum_spanning_tree(ng, "edge_attr") mst_len = sum([edge_value["edge_attr"] for edge_value in ng_mst.edges.values()]) graph.mst_len = torch.tensor([mst_len], dtype=torch.float) datalist.append(graph) dataset.__data_list__ = datalist, dataset.slices = dataset.collate(datalist) return dataset
def to_networkx_featured(data): g = to_networkx(data, to_undirected=True, remove_self_loops=True) features = {i: fea.argmax() + 1 for i, fea in enumerate(data.x)} nx.set_node_attributes(g, values=features, name='feature') largest_cc = max(nx.connected_components(g), key=len) largest_cc = g.subgraph(largest_cc) # change node index mapping = {old: new for new, old in enumerate(largest_cc.nodes)} largest_cc = nx.relabel_nodes(largest_cc, mapping) # option 1: remove the checking condition, and remove isolated nodes # option 2: for every graph, add a new node, with node feature as 0 # and connect all nodes to this single virtual node return largest_cc # get the largest connected component
def get_subgraph(self, node_idx: int, x: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, y: Optional[Tensor] = None, **kwargs)\ -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, List, Dict]: r""" extract the subgraph of target node Args: node_idx (:obj:`int`): The node index x (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Node feature matrix with shape :obj:`[num_nodes, dim_node_feature]` edge_index (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Graph connectivity in COO format with shape :obj:`[2, num_edges]` y (:obj:`torch.Tensor`, :obj:`None`): Node label matrix with shape :obj:`[num_nodes]` (default :obj:`None`) kwargs(:obj:`Dict`, :obj:`None`): Additional parameters :rtype: (:class:`torch.Tensor`, :class:`torch.Tensor`, :class:`torch.Tensor`, :obj:`List`, :class:`Dict`) """ num_nodes, num_edges = x.size(0), edge_index.size(1) graph = to_networkx(data=Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index), to_undirected=True) subset, edge_index, _, edge_mask = k_hop_subgraph_with_default_whole_graph( edge_index, node_idx, self.num_hops, relabel_nodes=True, num_nodes=num_nodes, flow=self.__flow__()) mapping = {int(v): k for k, v in enumerate(subset)} subgraph = graph.subgraph(subset.tolist()) nx.relabel_nodes(subgraph, mapping) x = x[subset] for key, item in kwargs.items(): if torch.is_tensor(item) and item.size(0) == num_nodes: item = item[subset] elif torch.is_tensor(item) and item.size(0) == num_edges: item = item[edge_mask] kwargs[key] = item if y is not None: y = y[subset] return x, edge_index, y, subset, kwargs
def _edge_removal(graph): actions = set() _, num_edges = graph.edge_index.size() edges = graph.edge_index.t().numpy().tolist() for i in range(num_edges//2): tmp = to_networkx(graph, to_undirected=True) tmp.remove_edge(*edges[i]) tmp = from_networkx(tmp) a = graph.clone() a.edge_index = tmp.edge_index actions.add(a) return actions
def test_from_networkx(): x = torch.Tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) pos = torch.Tensor([[0, 0], [1, 1]]) edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) edge_attr = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3]) data = Data(x=x, pos=pos, edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=edge_attr) G = to_networkx(data, node_attrs=['x', 'pos'], edge_attrs=['edge_attr']) data = from_networkx(G) assert len(data) == 4 assert data.x.tolist() == x.tolist() assert data.pos.tolist() == pos.tolist() edge_index, edge_attr = coalesce(data.edge_index, data.edge_attr, 2, 2) assert edge_index.tolist() == [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]] assert edge_attr.tolist() == [3, 1, 2]
def __init__(self, X: torch.Tensor, edge_index: torch.Tensor, num_hops: int, n_rollout: int = 10, min_atoms: int = 3, c_puct: float = 10.0, expand_atoms: int = 14, high2low: bool = False, node_idx: int = None, score_func: Callable = None): """ graph is a networkX graph """ self.X = X self.edge_index = edge_index self.num_hops = num_hops = Data(x=self.X, edge_index=self.edge_index) self.graph = to_networkx(, to_undirected=True) = Batch.from_data_list([]) self.num_nodes = self.graph.number_of_nodes() self.score_func = score_func self.n_rollout = n_rollout self.min_atoms = min_atoms self.c_puct = c_puct self.expand_atoms = expand_atoms self.high2low = high2low # extract the sub-graph and change the node indices. if node_idx is not None: self.ori_node_idx = node_idx self.ori_graph = copy.copy(self.graph) x, edge_index, subset, edge_mask, kwargs = \ self.__subgraph__(node_idx, self.X, self.edge_index, self.num_hops) = Batch.from_data_list( [Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index)]) self.graph = self.ori_graph.subgraph(subset.tolist()) mapping = {int(v): k for k, v in enumerate(subset)} self.graph = nx.relabel_nodes(self.graph, mapping) self.node_idx = torch.where(subset == self.ori_node_idx)[0] self.num_nodes = self.graph.number_of_nodes() self.subset = subset self.root_coalition = sorted([node for node in range(self.num_nodes)]) self.MCTSNodeClass = partial(MCTSNode,, ori_graph=self.graph, c_puct=self.c_puct) self.root = self.MCTSNodeClass(self.root_coalition) self.state_map = {str(self.root.coalition): self.root}
def _data_to_nx(data, out=None, aux=None): data ='cpu') out ='cpu') if out is not None else out aux ='cpu') if aux is not None else aux G = to_networkx(data, node_attrs=None, edge_attrs=None) pos = {node: p for node, p in zip(G.nodes, np.array(data.x))} nx.set_node_attributes(G, pos, name='pos') image = np.array(, dtype=np.float64).transpose(2, 1, 0) # chose colors from white to target_color color = 1 - data.target_color colors = th.stack([color[0]] * len(pos)) target = data.y if out is None else out colors = 1 - target.unsqueeze(1) * colors center = data.square_center.squeeze() if aux is None else aux.squeeze() return image, G, center, colors
def main(): global graph args = get_args() random = np.random.RandomState(0) for k in range(1, 11, 2): print(f"=========== K-hop neighborhood sizes for k={k} ===========") for p in np.arange(0.1, 1.1, 0.1): dataset = get_dataset(args.dataset) tg_dataset_prune(tg_dataset=[], method="random", p=p, random=random, complement=False) graph = to_networkx( var = get_k_hop_neighborhood_size_variance_for(k) print(f"({p}, {var})")
def load_dataset(name): """ Load real-world datasets, available in PyTorch Geometric. Used as a helper for DiskDataSource. """ task = "graph" if name == "enzymes": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/ENZYMES", name="ENZYMES") elif name == "proteins": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/PROTEINS", name="PROTEINS") elif name == "cox2": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/cox2", name="COX2") elif name == "aids": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/AIDS", name="AIDS") elif name == "reddit-binary": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/REDDIT-BINARY", name="REDDIT-BINARY") elif name == "imdb-binary": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/IMDB-BINARY", name="IMDB-BINARY") elif name == "firstmm_db": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/FIRSTMM_DB", name="FIRSTMM_DB") elif name == "dblp": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/DBLP_v1", name="DBLP_v1") elif name == "ppi": dataset = PPI(root="/tmp/PPI") elif name == "qm9": dataset = QM9(root="/tmp/QM9") elif name == "atlas": dataset = [g for g in nx.graph_atlas_g()[1:] if nx.is_connected(g)] if task == "graph": train_len = int(0.8 * len(dataset)) train, test = [], [] dataset = list(dataset) random.shuffle(dataset) has_name = hasattr(dataset[0], "name") for i, graph in tqdm(enumerate(dataset)): if not type(graph) == nx.Graph: if has_name: del graph = pyg_utils.to_networkx(graph).to_undirected() if i < train_len: train.append(graph) else: test.append(graph) return train, test, task
def visualize_subgraph(self, edge_index, edge_mask, num_nodes, threshold=None, **kwargs): assert edge_mask.size(0) == edge_index.size(1) if threshold is not None: edge_mask = (edge_mask >= threshold).to(torch.float) print(edge_mask) data = Data(edge_index=edge_index, att=edge_mask).to('cpu') data.num_nodes = num_nodes G = to_networkx(data, edge_attrs=['att']) # kwargs['with_labels'] = kwargs.get('with_labels') or True kwargs['font_size'] = kwargs.get('font_size') or 10 node_size = kwargs.get('node_size') or 800 # kwargs['cmap'] = kwargs.get('cmap') or 'cool' SCALE = 2 pos = nx.rescale_layout_dict(nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G), scale=SCALE) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlim((-SCALE - 0.1, SCALE + 0.1)) ax.set_ylim((-SCALE - 0.1, SCALE + 0.1)) for source, target, data in G.to_undirected().edges(data=True): ax.annotate( '', xy=pos[target], xycoords='data', xytext=pos[source], textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict( arrowstyle="-", alpha=max(data['att'], 0.1), shrinkA=sqrt(node_size) / 2.0, shrinkB=sqrt(node_size) / 2.0, connectionstyle="arc3,rad=0.00", )) nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, **kwargs) return ax, G
def save_results(base_path, queue, args, quantitative=False): output_dir = base_path + f"/meg_output/{args['sample']}" embedding_dir = output_dir + "/embeddings" gexf_dir = output_dir + "/gexf_data" if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) os.makedirs(embedding_dir) os.makedirs(gexf_dir) for i, molecule in enumerate(queue): + f"/{i}", molecule.pop('encoding')) pyg = molecule.pop('pyg') if quantitative: g = to_networkx(pyg, to_undirected=True) nx.write_gexf(g, f"{gexf_dir}/{i}.{molecule['prediction']['class']}.gexf") with open(output_dir + "/data.json", "w") as outf: json.dump(queue, outf, indent=2)
def positional_encoding(pg_graph, pos_enc_dim=20): """ Graph positional encoding v/ Laplacian eigenvectors (adapted from """ g = dgl.DGLGraph() g.from_networkx(nx_graph=to_networkx(pg_graph)) n = g.number_of_nodes() # Laplacian A = g.adjacency_matrix_scipy(return_edge_ids=False).astype(float) N = sp.diags(dgl.backend.asnumpy(g.in_degrees()).clip(1)**-0.5, dtype=float) L = sp.eye(n) - N * A * N # Eigenvectors EigVal, EigVec = np.linalg.eig(L.toarray()) idx = EigVal.argsort() # increasing order EigVal, EigVec = EigVal[idx], np.real(EigVec[:, idx]) pg_graph.x = torch.from_numpy(EigVec[:, 1:pos_enc_dim + 1]).float() return pg_graph
def test_to_networkx(): x = torch.Tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) pos = torch.Tensor([[0, 0], [1, 1]]) edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) edge_attr = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3]) data = Data(x=x, pos=pos, edge_index=edge_index, weight=edge_attr) for remove_self_loops in [True, False]: G = to_networkx(data, node_attrs=['x', 'pos'], edge_attrs=['weight'], remove_self_loops=remove_self_loops) assert G.nodes[0]['x'] == [1, 2] assert G.nodes[1]['x'] == [3, 4] assert G.nodes[0]['pos'] == [0, 0] assert G.nodes[1]['pos'] == [1, 1] if remove_self_loops: assert nx.to_numpy_matrix(G).tolist() == [[0, 1], [2, 0]] else: assert nx.to_numpy_matrix(G).tolist() == [[3, 1], [2, 0]]
def plot_edge3d(R, ix, raw_input, features, x, y, z): r_node = R['node'].clone() r_edge = R['edge'].clone() r_node[torch.isnan(r_node)] = 0 r_edge[torch.isnan(r_edge)] = 0 edge_shade = torch.norm(r_edge, dim=1) edge_alpha = (edge_shade - edge_shade.min()) / edge_shade.max() edge_alpha = edge_alpha.detach().cpu().numpy() node_shade = np.linalg.norm(r_node.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=1) x_idx = features.index(x) y_idx = features.index(y) z_idx = features.index(z) raw_input.edge_alpha = edge_alpha raw_input.node_shade = node_shade pos = np.array( list( zip(raw_input.x[:, x_idx].detach().numpy(), raw_input.x[:, y_idx].detach().numpy(), raw_input.x[:, z_idx].detach().numpy()))) raw_input.pos = pos G = to_networkx(raw_input, node_attrs=["pos", "node_shade"]) if R[ix]['label'][:, 1] > 0: title_str = "Edge and Node Relevance in 3d Space for Higgs boson Signal\n\n" else: title_str = "Edge and Node Relevance in 3d Space for background\n\n" title_str += "prediction:{}".format( R[ix]["pred"].detach().cpu().numpy().round(4)[0]) network_plot_3D(G, 45, raw_input.y.detach(), edge_alpha, title_str, zlabel=z)
def get_subgraph(self, node_idx, x, edge_index, y, **kwargs): num_nodes, num_edges = x.size(0), edge_index.size(1) graph = to_networkx(data=Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index), to_undirected=True) subset, edge_index, _, edge_mask = k_hop_subgraph_with_default_whole_graph( node_idx, self.num_hops, edge_index, relabel_nodes=True, num_nodes=num_nodes, flow=self.__flow__()) mapping = {int(v): k for k, v in enumerate(subset)} subgraph = graph.subgraph(subset.tolist()) nx.relabel_nodes(subgraph, mapping) x = x[subset] for key, item in kwargs.items(): if torch.is_tensor(item) and item.size(0) == num_nodes: item = item[subset] elif torch.is_tensor(item) and item.size(0) == num_edges: item = item[edge_mask] kwargs[key] = item y = y[subset] return x, edge_index, y, subset, kwargs
def get_subgraph_list(data, n): """ Gets all subgroups of size n. Parameters ---------- G : networkx graph Returns ------- k_paths : list of k-paths """ G = to_networkx(data, to_undirected=True, remove_self_loops=True) N = G.number_of_nodes() indices = list(range(N)) subgraphs = [] for node_set in combinations(indices, n): G_sub = G.subgraph(node_set) if is_connected(G_sub): subgraphs.append(node_set) return subgraphs
def test_from_networkx_group_attrs(): x = torch.randn(2, 2) x1 = torch.randn(2, 4) x2 = torch.randn(2, 8) edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) edge_attr1 = torch.randn(edge_index.size(1)) edge_attr2 = torch.randn(edge_index.size(1)) perm = torch.tensor([0, 2, 1]) data = Data(x=x, x1=x1, x2=x2, edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr1=edge_attr1, edge_attr2=edge_attr2) G = to_networkx(data, node_attrs=['x', 'x1', 'x2'], edge_attrs=['edge_attr1', 'edge_attr2']) data = from_networkx(G, group_node_attrs=['x', 'x2'], group_edge_attrs=all) assert len(data) == 7 assert data.x.tolist() ==[x, x2], dim=-1).tolist() assert data.x1.tolist() == x1.tolist() assert data.x2.tolist() == x2.tolist() assert data.edge_index.tolist() == edge_index[:, perm].tolist() assert data.edge_attr1.tolist() == edge_attr1[perm].tolist() assert data.edge_attr2.tolist() == edge_attr2[perm].tolist() assert data.edge_attr.tolist() == torch.stack([edge_attr1, edge_attr2], dim=-1)[perm].tolist()