예제 #1
 def __init__(self):
     super(NeuralStyleLoss, self).__init__()
     self.style_layers = [
         'conv1_1', 'conv2_1', 'conv3_1', 'conv4_1', 'conv5_1'
     self.content_layers = ['conv3_2']
     self.net = PerceptualNet(self.style_layers + self.content_layers)
     self.norm = ImageNetInputNorm()
예제 #2
 def __init__(self) -> None:
     super(NeuralStyleLoss, self).__init__()
     self.style_layers = [
     self.style_weights = {'conv5_1': 1.0, 'conv4_1': 1.0}
     self.style_hists = {}
     self.content_layers = ['conv3_2']
     self.hists_layers = ['conv5_1']
     self.net = PerceptualNet(self.style_layers + self.content_layers,
     self.norm = ImageNetInputNorm()
예제 #3
 def __init__(self,
              layers: List[str],
              rescale: bool = False,
              loss_fn: Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor],
                                torch.Tensor] = F.mse_loss,
              use_avg_pool: bool = True,
              remove_unused_layers: bool = True):
     super(PerceptualLoss, self).__init__()
     self.m = PerceptualNet(layers,
     self.norm = ImageNetInputNorm()
     self.rescale = rescale
     self.loss_fn = loss_fn
예제 #4
class NeuralStyleLoss(nn.Module):
    Style Transfer loss by Leon Gatys


    set the style and content before performing a forward pass.
    def __init__(self):
        super(NeuralStyleLoss, self).__init__()
        self.style_layers = [
            'conv1_1', 'conv2_1', 'conv3_1', 'conv4_1', 'conv5_1'
        self.content_layers = ['conv3_2']
        self.net = PerceptualNet(self.style_layers + self.content_layers)
        self.norm = ImageNetInputNorm()

    def get_style_content_(self, img, detach):
        _, activations = self.net(self.norm(img), detach=detach)
        style = {
            l: a
            for l, a in activations.items() if l in self.style_layers

        content = {
            l: a
            for l, a in activations.items() if l in self.content_layers

        return style, content

    def set_style(self, style_img, style_ratio, style_layers=None):
        Set the style.

            style_img (3xHxW tensor): an image tensor
            style_ratio (float): a multiplier for the style loss to make it
                greater or smaller than the content loss
            style_layer (list of str, optional): the layers on which to compute
                the style, or `None` to keep them unchanged
        self.ratio = style_ratio

        if style_layers is not None:
            self.style_layers = style_layers
            self.net.set_keep_layers(names=self.style_layers +

        with torch.no_grad():
            activations = self.get_style_content_(style_img[None],

        grams = {
            layer_id: bgram(layer_data)
            for layer_id, layer_data in activations.items()

        self.style_grams = grams

    def set_content(self, content_img, content_layers=None):
        Set the content.

            content_img (3xHxW tensor): an image tensor
            content_layer (str, optional): the layer on which to compute the
                content representation, or `None` to keep it unchanged
        if content_layers is not None:
            self.content_layers = content_layers
            self.net.set_keep_layers(names=self.style_layers +

        with torch.no_grad():
            acts = self.get_style_content_(content_img[None], detach=True)[1]
        self.photo_activations = acts

    def forward(self, input_img):
        Actually compute the loss
        style_acts, content_acts = self.get_style_content_(input_img,

        style_loss = 0
        for j in style_acts:
            this_loss = F.l1_loss(bgram(style_acts[j]),

            style_loss += (1 / len(style_acts)) * this_loss

        content_loss = 0
        for j in content_acts:
            content_loss += F.l1_loss(content_acts[j],

        c_ratio = 1. / (1. + self.ratio)
        s_ratio = self.ratio / (1. + self.ratio)
        return c_ratio * content_loss + s_ratio * style_loss, {
            'content_loss': content_loss.item(),
            'style_loss': style_loss.item()
예제 #5
class NeuralStyleLoss(nn.Module):
    Style Transfer loss by Leon Gatys


    set the style and content before performing a forward pass.
    style_hists: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
    net: PerceptualNet

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super(NeuralStyleLoss, self).__init__()
        self.style_layers = [
        self.style_weights = {'conv5_1': 1.0, 'conv4_1': 1.0}
        self.style_hists = {}
        self.content_layers = ['conv3_2']
        self.hists_layers = ['conv5_1']
        self.net = PerceptualNet(self.style_layers + self.content_layers,
        self.norm = ImageNetInputNorm()

    def get_style_content_(self, img: torch.Tensor,
                           detach: bool) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]:
        activations: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
        _, activations = self.net(self.norm(img), detach=detach)

        grams = {
            layer_id: bgram(layer_data)
            for layer_id, layer_data in activations.items()
            if layer_id in self.style_layers
        act_names = list(activations.keys())
        for i in range(len(act_names)):
            for j in range(i, len(act_names)):
                comb_name = act_names[i] + ':' + act_names[j]
                if comb_name not in self.style_layers:
                small = activations[act_names[i]]
                big = activations[act_names[j]]

                if small.shape[-1] > big.shape[-1]:
                    small, big = big, small

                small = F.interpolate(small,
                comb = torch.cat([big, small], dim=1)
                grams[comb_name] = bgram(comb)

        content = {
            layer: (a - a.mean((2, 3), keepdim=True)) /
            torch.sqrt(a.std((2, 3), keepdim=True) + 1e-8)
            for layer, a in activations.items() if layer in self.content_layers

        hists = {
            layer: a
            for layer, a in activations.items() if layer in self.hists_layers
        return {'grams': grams, 'content': content, 'hists': hists}

    def set_style(self,
                  style_img: torch.Tensor,
                  style_ratio: float,
                  style_layers: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                  style_weights: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None) -> None:
        Set the style.

            style_img (3xHxW tensor): an image tensor
            style_ratio (float): a multiplier for the style loss to make it
                greater or smaller than the content loss
            style_layer (list of str, optional): the layers on which to compute
                the style, or `None` to keep them unchanged
        self.ratio = torch.tensor(style_ratio)

        if style_layers is not None:
            self.style_layers = style_layers
            self.net.set_keep_layers(names=self.style_layers +
        if style_weights is not None:
            self.style_weights = style_weights

        with torch.no_grad():
            out = self.get_style_content_(style_img, detach=True)

        self.style_grams = out['grams']
        self.style_hists = out['hists']

    def set_content(self,
                    content_img: torch.Tensor,
                    content_layers: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
        Set the content.

            content_img (3xHxW tensor): an image tensor
            content_layer (str, optional): the layer on which to compute the
                content representation, or `None` to keep it unchanged
        if content_layers is not None:
            self.content_layers = content_layers
            self.net.set_keep_layers(names=self.style_layers +

        with torch.no_grad():
            acts = self.get_style_content_(content_img, detach=True)['content']
        self.photo_activations = acts

    def forward(
            input_img: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, float]]:
        Actually compute the loss
        out = self.get_style_content_(input_img, detach=False)
        style_grams, content_acts, hists = out['grams'], out['content'], out[

        c_ratio = 1. - self.ratio.squeeze()
        s_ratio = self.ratio.squeeze()
        losses = {}

        style_loss = cast(torch.Tensor, 0.)
        avg = 1 / len(style_grams)
        for j in style_grams:
            this_loss = F.l1_loss(style_grams[j],
                                  reduction='none').sum((1, 2))

            w = self.style_weights.get(j, 1)
            this_loss = avg * w * this_loss
            losses['style:' + j] = (s_ratio * this_loss).mean().item()
            style_loss = style_loss + this_loss
        losses['style_loss'] = (s_ratio * style_loss).mean().item()

        content_loss = cast(torch.Tensor, 0.)
        avg = 1 / len(content_acts)
        for j in content_acts:
            this_loss = F.mse_loss(content_acts[j],
                                   reduction='none').mean((1, 2, 3))
            content_loss = content_loss + avg * this_loss
            losses['content:' + j] = (c_ratio * this_loss).mean().item()
        losses['content_loss'] = (c_ratio * content_loss).mean().item()

        hists_loss = cast(torch.Tensor, 0.)
        losses['hists_loss'] = 0
        if random.randint(0, 20) > 18:
            for layer in hists.keys():
                hists_loss = hists_loss + hist_loss(hists[layer],
            losses['hists_loss'] = hists_loss.mean().item()
        loss = (c_ratio * content_loss + s_ratio *
                (style_loss + hists_loss)).mean()
        losses['loss'] = loss.item()

        return loss, losses
예제 #6
 def __init__(self, l, rescale=False, loss_fn=F.mse_loss):
     super(PerceptualLoss, self).__init__()
     self.m = PerceptualNet(l)
     self.norm = ImageNetInputNorm()
     self.rescale = rescale
     self.loss_fn = loss_fn