def get_local_speed(states: States, gravity: float) -> States: """Calculate local speeds on the two sides of cell faces. Arguments --------- states : gravity : float Gravity in m / s^2. Returns ------- states : The same object as the input. Changed inplace. Returning it just for coding style. """ # faces normal to x-direction sqrt_gh_plus = nplike.sqrt(gravity * sqrt_gh_minus = nplike.sqrt(gravity * states.face.x.minus.h) # for convenience zero = nplike.array(0.) = nplike.maximum( nplike.maximum( + sqrt_gh_plus, states.face.x.minus.u + sqrt_gh_minus), zero) states.face.x.minus.a = nplike.minimum( nplike.minimum( - sqrt_gh_plus, states.face.x.minus.u - sqrt_gh_minus), zero) # faces normal to y-direction sqrt_gh_plus = nplike.sqrt(gravity * sqrt_gh_minus = nplike.sqrt(gravity * states.face.y.minus.h) = nplike.maximum( nplike.maximum( + sqrt_gh_plus, states.face.y.minus.v + sqrt_gh_minus), zero) states.face.y.minus.a = nplike.minimum( nplike.minimum( - sqrt_gh_plus, states.face.y.minus.v - sqrt_gh_minus), zero) return states
def minmod_slope_x_one_comp(q: nplike.ndarray, dx: float, ngh: int, theta: float, tol: float): """Minmod slope in x direction for only one conservative quantity (Legate version). Arguments --------- q : nplike.ndarray (ny+2*ngh, nx+2*ngh) array of a conservative quantity. dx : float Cell size in x-direction. Assume an uniform grid. ngh : int Number of ghost cell layers outside each boundary. theta: float Parameter to controll oscillation and dispassion. 1 <= theta <= 2. tol : float To control how small can be treat as zero. Returns ------- slpx : nplike.ndarray (ny, nx+2) array of the slopes in x-direction, including one ghost layer at west and east. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name cells = slice(ngh, -ngh) # non-ghost cells, length ny or nx i = slice(ngh - 1, q.shape[1] - ngh + 1) # i = one ghost outside each bound; length nx+2 ip1 = slice(ngh, q.shape[1] - ngh + 2) # i + 1; length nx+2 im1 = slice(ngh - 2, q.shape[1] - ngh) # i - 1; length nx+2 denominator = q[cells, ip1] - q[cells, i] # q_{j, i+1} - q_{j, i} for all j # legate currently has no `logical_and`, so we use element-wise multiplication zero_locs = (denominator > -tol).astype(int) * (denominator < tol).astype(int) with nplike.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): slpx = nplike.where(zero_locs.astype(bool), 0., (q[cells, i] - q[cells, im1]) / denominator) slpx = nplike.maximum( nplike.minimum(nplike.minimum(theta * slpx, (1. + slpx) / 2.), theta), 0.) slpx *= denominator slpx /= dx return slpx
def minmod_slope_y_one_comp(q: nplike.ndarray, dy: float, ngh: int, theta: float, tol: float): """Minmod slope in x direction for only one conservative quantity. Arguments --------- q : nplike.ndarray (ny+2*ngh, nx+2*ngh) array of a conservative quantity. dy : float Cell size in y-direction. Assume an uniform grid. ngh : int Number of ghost cell layers outside each boundary. theta: float Parameter to controll oscillation and dispassion. 1 <= theta <= 2. tol : float To control how small can be treat as zero. Returns ------- slpy : nplike.ndarray (ny+2, nx) array of the slopes in y-direction, including one ghost layer at west and east. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name cells = slice(ngh, -ngh) # non-ghost cells, length ny or nx j = slice(ngh - 1, q.shape[0] - ngh + 1) # j = one ghost outside each bound; length ny+2 jp1 = slice(ngh, q.shape[0] - ngh + 2) # j + 1; length ny+2 jm1 = slice(ngh - 2, q.shape[0] - ngh) # j - 1; length ny+2 denominator = q[jp1, cells] - q[j, cells] # q_{j+1, i} - q_{j, i} for all i zeros = nplike.nonzero( nplike.logical_and(denominator > -tol, denominator < tol)) with nplike.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): slpy = (q[j, cells] - q[jm1, cells]) / denominator slpy[zeros] = 0. # where q_{j+1, i} - q_{j, i} = 0 slpy = nplike.maximum( nplike.minimum(nplike.minimum(theta * slpy, (1. + slpy) / 2.), nplike.array(theta)), nplike.array(0.)) slpy *= denominator slpy /= dy return slpy
def create_ic(comm, ic_config, grid, topo, dtype): """Create initial conditions. When the x_cntr and y_cntr have different resolutions from the x and y in the NetCDF file, an bi-cubic spline interpolation will take place. Arguments --------- comm : mpi4py.MPI.Comm The communicator. ic_config : torchswe.utils.config.ICConfig grid : topo : dtype : str; either "float32" or "float64" Returns ------- """ # special case: constant I.C. if ic_config.values is not None: return _WHUHVModel(nx=grid.x.n, ny=grid.y.n, dtype=dtype, w=_nplike.maximum( topo.cntr, _nplike.array(ic_config.values[0])), hu=_nplike.full(topo.cntr.shape, ic_config.values[1], dtype=topo.dtype), hv=_nplike.full(topo.cntr.shape, ic_config.values[2], dtype=topo.dtype)) # otherwise, read data from a NetCDF file icdata, _ = _ncread( ic_config.file, ic_config.keys, [grid.x.cntr[0], grid.x.cntr[-1], grid.y.cntr[0], grid.y.cntr[-1]], parallel=True, comm=comm) # see if we need to do interpolation try: interp = not (_nplike.allclose(grid.x.cntr, icdata["x"]) and _nplike.allclose(grid.y.cntr, icdata["y"])) except ValueError: # assume thie excpetion means a shape mismatch interp = True # unfortunately, we need to do interpolation in such a situation if interp: _logger.warning("Grids do not match. Doing spline interpolation.") w = _nplike.array( _interpolate(icdata["x"], icdata["y"], icdata[ic_config.keys[0]].T, grid.x.cntr, grid.y.cntr).T) hu = _nplike.array( _interpolate(icdata["x"], icdata["y"], icdata[ic_config.keys[1]].T, grid.x.cntr, grid.y.cntr).T) hv = _nplike.array( _interpolate(icdata["x"], icdata["y"], icdata[ic_config.keys[2]].T, grid.x.cntr, grid.y.cntr).T) else: w = icdata[ic_config.keys[0]] hu = icdata[ic_config.keys[1]] hv = icdata[ic_config.keys[2]] # make sure the w can not be smaller than topopgraphy elevation w = _nplike.maximum(w, topo.cntr) return _WHUHVModel(nx=grid.x.n, ny=grid.y.n, dtype=dtype, w=w, hu=hu, hv=hv)
def get_uv(h, hu, hv): # pylint: disable=invalid-name h4 = nplike.power(h, 4) coeff = h * sqrt2 / nplike.sqrt( h4 + nplike.maximum(h4, nplike.array(epsilon))) return coeff * hu, coeff * hv
def fvm(states: States, grid: Gridlines, topo: Topography, config: Config, runtime: DummyDict): """Get the right-hand-side of a time-marching step with finite volume method. Arguments --------- states : grid : topo : config : torchswe.utils.config.Config runtime : torchswe.utils.dummy.DummyDict Returns: -------- states : The same object as the input. Updated in-place. Returning it just for coding style. max_dt : float A scalar indicating the maximum safe time-step size. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name # calculate source term contributed from topography gradients states = topography_gradient(states, topo, config.params.gravity) # calculate slopes of piecewise linear approximation states = minmod_slope(states, grid, config.params.theta, runtime.tol) # interpolate to get discontinuous conservative quantities at cell faces states = get_discontinuous_cnsrv_q(states, grid) # fix non-physical negative depth states = correct_negative_depth(states, topo) # get non-conservative variables at cell faces states = decompose_variables(states, topo, runtime.epsilon) # get local speed at cell faces states = get_local_speed(states, config.params.gravity) # get discontinuous PDE flux at cell faces states = get_discontinuous_flux(states, topo, config.params.gravity) # get common/continuous numerical flux at cell faces states = central_scheme(states, runtime.tol) # get final right hand side states.rhs.w = \ (states.face.x.num_flux.w[:, :-1] - states.face.x.num_flux.w[:, 1:]) / + \ (states.face.y.num_flux.w[:-1, :] - states.face.y.num_flux.w[1:, :]) / + \ states.src.w = \ ([:, :-1] -[:, 1:]) / + \ ([:-1, :] -[1:, :]) / + \ states.rhs.hv = \ (states.face.x.num_flux.hv[:, :-1] - states.face.x.num_flux.hv[:, 1:]) / + \ (states.face.y.num_flux.hv[:-1, :] - states.face.y.num_flux.hv[1:, :]) / + \ states.src.hv # remove rounding errors states.rhs = remove_rounding_errors(states.rhs, runtime.tol) # obtain the maximum safe dt amax = nplike.max(nplike.maximum(, -states.face.x.minus.a)) bmax = nplike.max(nplike.maximum(, -states.face.y.minus.a)) max_dt = min(0.25*, 0.25* return states, max_dt
def inflow_bc_velocity(conserv_q): depth = nplike.maximum(conserv_q[w_idx] - topo_cache[bcslc], 0.) delta = (const * depth - conserv_q[anchor]) * 2 conserv_q[slc] = conserv_q[anchor] + seq * delta return conserv_q
def create_ic(ic_config, gridlines, topo, dtype): """Create initial conditions. When the x_cntr and y_cntr have different resolutions from the x and y in the NetCDF file, an bi-cubic spline interpolation will take place. Arguments --------- ic_config : torchswe.utils.config.ICConfig gridlines : topo : dtype : str; either "float32" or "float64" Returns ------- """ # special case: constant I.C. if ic_config.values is not None: return WHUHVModel(gridlines.x.n, gridlines.y.n, dtype, w=nplike.maximum(topo.cntr, nplike.array(ic_config.values[0])), hu=nplike.full(topo.cntr.shape, ic_config.values[1], dtype=topo.dtype), hv=nplike.full(topo.cntr.shape, ic_config.values[2], dtype=topo.dtype)) # otherwise, read data from a NetCDF file icdata, _ = read_cf(ic_config.file, ic_config.keys) # see if we need to do interpolation try: interp = not ( nplike.allclose(gridlines.x.cntr, nplike.array(icdata["x"])) and nplike.allclose(gridlines.y.cntr, nplike.array(icdata["y"]))) except ValueError: # assume thie excpetion means a shape mismatch interp = True # unfortunately, we need to do interpolation in such a situation if interp: interpolator = RectBivariateSpline(icdata["x"], icdata["y"], icdata[ic_config.keys[0]][:].T) w = interpolator(gridlines.x.cntr, gridlines.y.cntr).T # get an interpolator for conserv_q_ic[1], use the default 3rd order spline interpolator = RectBivariateSpline(icdata["x"], icdata["y"], icdata[ic_config.keys[1]][:].T) hu = interpolator(gridlines.x.cntr, gridlines.y.cntr).T # get an interpolator for conserv_q_ic[2], use the default 3rd order spline interpolator = RectBivariateSpline(icdata["x"], icdata["y"], icdata[ic_config.keys[2]][:].T) hv = interpolator(gridlines.x.cntr, gridlines.y.cntr).T else: w = nplike.array(icdata[ic_config.keys[0]][:].copy()) hu = nplike.array(icdata[ic_config.keys[1]][:].copy()) hv = nplike.array(icdata[ic_config.keys[2]][:].copy()) # make sure the w can not be smaller than topopgraphy elevation w = nplike.maximum(w, topo.cntr) return WHUHVModel(gridlines.x.n, gridlines.y.n, dtype, w=w, hu=hu, hv=hv)